0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

0-TESTO COMPLETO.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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Sezione III: Attività per progetti<br />

Behavioral evaluations<br />

The aim of the behavioral testing will be to assess whether decreased<br />

Reelin expression, in combination with gender, and with pre-/post-natal<br />

exposure to different dosages of MeHg is associated with significant alterations<br />

in social motivations and interactions consistent with an autism-like<br />

phenotype.<br />

Analysis of ultrasonic vocalizations in response to separation from the lactating<br />

mother will be used as an index of social motivation and provide a very<br />

sensitive insight on early neurobehavioral alterations. In particular, the analysis<br />

of ultrasonic vocalizations in response to separation from the lactating<br />

mother is an index of social motivation and provides a very sensitive insight<br />

on early emotional alterations [see Cagiano et al. 1986; Santucci et al. 1993], it<br />

represents a behaviourally interesting model of early communication deficits<br />

in autism. It is worth noting that a similar approach has been already used in<br />

a mouse model of language deficit, i.e. mice with a single copy disruption of<br />

the FoxP2 gene, a gene coding for a transcription factor which has been associated<br />

with language impairment in humans. FoxP2 heterozygous mice show<br />

significant alterations in ultrasound vocalization in response to maternal separation<br />

[Shu et al. 2005]. Interestingly, and relevant to our study and previous<br />

data in rl/+ mice, cerebellar abnormalities have been observed in the Foxp2<br />

mutant, and in particular, heterozygous mice show abnormally-placed PCs.<br />

Analyses of ultrasonic vocalizations will be conducted in pups following separation<br />

from the lactating mother. The quality and quantity of the ultrasonic<br />

production will be evaluated at P7 and P11 in at least 4 pups per group. The<br />

pup will be positioned below a Bat detector [Noldus mini-3 bat detector, London<br />

UK] set to 50 kHz in a soundproof chamber maintained at 21-22°. Six<br />

minutes of recording will commence after the pup has habituated to the<br />

chamber for 30 sec. The Noldus Ultravox software program automatically<br />

records and counts the ultrasonic vocalisation events.<br />

Social Interactions. Qualitative and quantitative impairments in social<br />

interaction and the cognitive inflexibility and the upset at changes in routine<br />

and habit are the first defining feature of autism [Crawley 2007]. Analysis of<br />

appropriate social interactions, of the tendency to spend time with another<br />

conspecific, the preference for social novelty are used as an index of sociability<br />

and provide a very sensitive insight into the social deficits in different animal<br />

models of autism. At P21 mice will be tested for social interaction. In this<br />

test the mice of the different groups will be in the center compartment of a<br />

three-chambered Noldus Phenotyper 3000 arena and scored for measures of<br />

nose-to-nose sniffing, anogenital sniffing, following, crawling over/under,<br />

social grooming, self-grooming, exploratory activity.<br />

Assessment of potential mechanisms for determining autistic phenotype<br />

in our three-factor model<br />

At the end of the second year, the data collected will allow to pin point<br />

interactions among environmental (Hg exposure), genetic (reelin haploinsufficiency),<br />

and hormonal (sex) factors in inducing autism-like behaviour and<br />

590 2009

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