Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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A comparison of the pharmacological effects between carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine<br />

Microfluorometry – Microfluorometric measurements of intracellular<br />

[Na + ] and [Ca 2+ ] will be performed in cells loaded with the sodium-sensitive<br />

indicator sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate (SBFI) and fura-2<br />

(K 5<br />

salt), through the patch pipette. Fluorescence will be excited in fura-2<br />

and SBFI-loaded neurons via a water immersion objective by epi-illumination<br />

with light provided by a 75 W Xenon lamp bandpass, alternatively<br />

filtered at 340 and 380 nm wavelength. Emission light will be monitored<br />

using a 500 nm barrier filter and detected by a CCD camera. Each fluorescence<br />

value will be obtained from pairs of 340 and 380 nm images and analyzed<br />

off-line. Ratio images will be calculated from pairs of 340 and 380 nm<br />

images corrected for background fluorescence, measured from image<br />

regions free of dye fluorescence.<br />

The levels of free intracellular calcium and sodium will be measured in<br />

neocortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons, in basal conditions, following<br />

membrane depolarization and stimulation of specific glutamate receptors.<br />

An increase of the intracellular ionic concentrations will be also obtained by<br />

exposing the slices to brief episodes of ipoxia/ischemia. Specifically, we will follow<br />

the amplitude and kinetics of calcium and sodium rise in response to local<br />

application of glutamate agonists, in response to trains of afferent stimuli, and<br />

during an episode of energy deprivation. Once we have standardized the<br />

results obtained with these procedures, we will re-examine the sodium and calcium<br />

dynamics in the presence of AMPA, mGluR and GABA receptor antagonists.<br />

The results obtained will be then compared with those recorded in the<br />

presence of Oxcarbazepine and Carbamazepine.<br />

Extracellular recordings – For extracellular recordings test pulses will be<br />

delivered through a bipolar nichrome electrode positioned in the stratum<br />

radiatum of the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Evoked extracellular potentials<br />

will be recorded with glass microelectrodes (2-4MΩ), filled with 3M NaCl.<br />

Responses are amplified (Neurolog NL 104, Digitimer Ltd, Welwyn Garden<br />

City, U.K.), digitized (sample rate, 33.33 kHz), and stored for later analysis<br />

using pCLAMP 6 software facilities (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA, USA).<br />

In vitro OGD will be obtained by superfusing the slices with D-glucosedeficient<br />

aCSF equilibrated with a 95% N 2<br />

/5% CO 2<br />

gas mixture. At the end<br />

of the ischemic period, the slice will be again superfused with normal<br />

(glucose-containing) oxygenated aCSF. The time course of fEPSPs amplitude,<br />

before and during different time durations of OGD and after reperfusion<br />

in normal oxygenated aCSF will be assessed. Our aim is to evaluate<br />

whether Oxcarbazepine and Carbamazepine could partially or fully protect<br />

synaptic transmission from an irreversible ischemic insult obtained with the<br />

Oxygen-Glucose deprivation model given for a defined time course in control<br />

experiments.<br />

Drug application – Drugs will be applied by switching the standard aCSF<br />

to one containing a known concentration of the drug(s). Full exchange of the<br />

solution in the recording chamber occurs over about 1 minute. Drugs will be<br />

applied beginning 30 min after the establishment of a stable baseline response.<br />

A drug-naive hippocampal or neocortical slice will be used in each experiment.<br />

2006 619

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