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Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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Seminari e convegni<br />

26-7 Seminario, Dr. Marko Wilke, “ Using fMRI to study the language<br />

system in children: acquisition, data processing and<br />

analysis issues ”.<br />

* 12-9 Tavola rotonda, “ Arbitri stranieri per la ricerca biomedica italiana<br />

”.<br />

13-9 Simposio, Prof. Carlo Caltagirone e Dr. Ugo Nocentini, “ Indici<br />

clinici, compromissione cognitiva e correlati di Risonanza<br />

Magnetica in pazienti con Sclerosi Multipla ”.<br />

21-9 Seminario, CO.IN. (Cooperative Integrate Onlus), “ Build for<br />

all. Appalti pubblici per un’Europa accessibile ”.<br />

30-9 Incontro, <strong>Fondazione</strong> <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Lucia</strong> IRCCS, Presentazione del<br />

volume “ Attività Scientifica – Anno 2005 ”.<br />

30-9 Incontro informativo per i volontari AISM (Associazione Italiana<br />

Sclerosi Multipla).<br />

2-10 Seminario, Prof. Dinesh K. Pai, “ Multisensory simulation of<br />

contact ”.<br />

* 2-10 Seminario, Prof. Zafar I Bashir, “ Synaptic plasticity and learning<br />

and memory in perirhinal cortex ”.<br />

* 5-10 Seminario, Prof.ssa Liliana Minichiello, “ Transcriptional targets<br />

for Neurotrophin signaling: C/EBPs and bHLH”.<br />

19, 22-10 Meeting, IWBF (International Wheelchair Basketball Federation)<br />

Europe, “ Commission ”.<br />

20-10 Seminario, Dr. Adrian M. Owen, “ When thoughts become<br />

actions: detecting awareness in the vegetative state ”.<br />

* 20-10 Seminario, Prof. Andrea Sgoifo, “ Social stress in rodents:<br />

autonomic neural, neuroendocrine and cardiovascular implications<br />

”.<br />

21, 22-10 Seminario, ENS Provinciale di Roma (Ente Nazionale Sordomuti),<br />

“Sentire il mercato ”.<br />

27-10 Seminario, Prof. Ezio Giacobini, “ Immunizzazione contro la<br />

malattia di Alzheimer: una soluzione ”.<br />

* 27-10 Seminario, Dr. Constance Hammond, “ Mechanisms of high<br />

frequency stimulation in mammalian subthalamic nucleus ”.<br />

30-10 Congresso elettivo AISM (Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla).<br />

3-11 Seminario, Dr. Alberto Mazzoni, “ Dynamics of spontaneous<br />

bursts and onset of movements in the leech ”.<br />

3, 4-11 Seminario, Prof. Carlo Caltagirone, “ Depressione e patologie<br />

neurologiche ”.<br />

2006 279

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