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Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia

Solo testo.pdf - Fondazione Santa Lucia


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Servizio di documentazione e biblioteca<br />

Mensile;<br />

Chiamato anche: American journal of PM & R.;<br />

Già: American journal of physical medicine;<br />

73(1994)-82(2003);<br />

Continua in versione online dal 2004–<br />

The American journal of psychiatry / American Psychiatric Association. – Vol. 78<br />

(1921)– . Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.<br />

ISNN: 0002-953X<br />

Mensile;<br />

Già: American journal of insanity;<br />

153(1996)-163(2006);<br />

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine: an official journal of<br />

the American Thoracic Society. Vol. 149 (1994)– . – New York: American Thoracic<br />

Society<br />

ISSN: 1073-449X<br />

Quindicinale;<br />

Già: American review of respiratory disease;<br />

161(2000)-172(2005);<br />

American journal on mental retardation / American Association on Mental<br />

Retardation. – Vol. 92 (1987)– . – Washington, DC: American Association on Mental<br />

Retardation<br />

ISSN: 0895-8017.<br />

Bimestrale;<br />

Chiamato anche: AJMR;<br />

Già: American journal of mental deficiency;<br />

99(1995)-108(2003);<br />

Lac. 1997;<br />

Continua in versione online dal 2004–<br />

Annals of neurology: official journal of the American Neurological Association and<br />

the Child Neurology Society. – Vol. 1 (1977)– . – New York: Wiley-Liss.<br />

ISSN: 0364-5134.<br />

Mensile;<br />

37(1995)-54(2003);<br />

Continua in versione online dal 2004–<br />

Annual review of immunology (Online). – Vol. 1 (1983)– . – Palo Alto: Annual<br />

Reviews Inc<br />

ISSN: 0732-0582<br />

Annuale;<br />

14 (1996)–<br />

Annual review of neuroscience. – Vol. 1 (1978)– . – Palo Alto: Annual Reviews Inc<br />

ISSN: 0147-006X.<br />

Annuale;<br />

17(1994)-26(2003);<br />

Continua in versione online dal 2004–<br />

2006 109

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