THE Liquor Book

The averag-e liquor store neg-lects almost entirely one of the most profitable branches of the business—the famih' trade. The liquor store that is satisfied with the trade that naturally comes to it overlooks a very fruitful and profitable field. If a man is satisfied to sit quietly on his particular corner and take what trade comes to him, it is safe to say that he will never amount to much in the business, comparatively speaking

The averag-e liquor store neg-lects almost entirely one of the most profitable branches of the business—the famih' trade.
The liquor store that is satisfied with the trade that naturally comes to it overlooks a very fruitful and profitable
field. If a man is satisfied to sit quietly on his particular corner and take what trade comes to him, it is safe to say that he will never amount to much in the business, comparatively speaking


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