ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ... ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

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4 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. AOUNALLAH, S., Sur la signification du martelage des mots castello ou ciuitate et Aurelia sur deux inscriptions du pagus Fortunalis et de Thugga. 175 (2010) 287–294 AOUNALLAH, S. – MAURIN, L., Pagus et civitas Siviritani. Une nouvelle “commune double” dans la pertica de Carthage. 167 (2008) 227–250 APOSTOLAKOU, S. – MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ, A., Dos nuevos epigramas funerarios de Lat∆ prÚw Kãmara, Creta. 150 (2004) 43–47 APPEL, W., Zur Frage der interpretatio Homeri bei den späteren Dichtern. 101 (1994) 49–52 –, Postscriptum zum Grabmal des U. v. Wilamowitz. 103 (1994) 18 –, Grabinschrift für Athenokles (zu IOSPE I 2 687). 137 (2001) 179–182 APTHORP, M. J., Iliad 14.306c Discovered in the Syriac Palimpsest. 109 (1995) 174–176 –, New Evidence from the Syriac Palimpsest on the Numerus Versuum of the Iliad. 110 (1996) 103–114 –, Iliad 18.200–201: Genuine or Interpolated? 111 (1996) 141–148 –, Double News from Antinoopolis on Phoenix’s Parricidal Thoughts (Iliad 9.458–61). 122 (1998) 182–188 –, New Light from Mount Sinai on the Text of the Iliad. 127 (1999) 141–148 –, Homer’s Winged Words and the Papyri: Some Questions of Authenticity. 128 (1999) 15–22 –, Did Athene Help Tydeus to Win the Cadmean Games (Iliad 5.808)? 131 (2000) 1–9 –, Iliad 5.808 (Again), 5.57 and the D Scholia. 136 (2001) 105–109 –, Iliad 4.337 and the Papyri: an Update. 137 (2001) 220 ARBABZADAH, M., A Note on the Bilingual Curse Tablet from Barchín del Hoyo (Spain). 169 (2009) 193–195 –, A Note on Jewish and Christian Funerary Formulae (addendum to McKechnie, ZPE 169). 175 (2010) 165–166 –, A Lexicographical Note on a Curse Tablet from Antioch. 179 (2011) 199–200 –, The Disappearing Man: λακίνει/Λακινει⟨ν⟩ in a Greek Curse Tablet. 180 (2012) 253–255 ARENA, R., Tra linguistica ed epigrafia. 103 (1994) 155–158 ARGENTIERI, L., Epigramma e libro. Morfologia delle raccolte epigrammatiche premeleagree. 121 (1998) 1–20 ARJAVA, A., Die römische Vormundschaft und das Volljährigkeitsalter in Ägypten. 126 (1999) 202–204 ARMONI, Ch., Drei ptolemäische Papyri der Heidelberger Sammlung. 132 (2000) 225–239 –, Bemerkungen zu Urkunden. 136 (2001) 169–173 –, Kornlieferung an Soldaten. Bemerkungen zu BGU XVIII.1 2747 (86 v. Chr.). 136 (2001) 174–176 –, Katå forån épost°llv soi marg≈min. Ein frühbyzantinischer (?) Privatbrief. 137 (2001) 231–236 –, Hebdomekontaruroi in numerierten Hipparchien: SB XXII 15213. 137 (2001) 237–239 –, Bemerkungen zu verschiedenen Papyri. 144 (2003) 173–176 –, Zur Bedeutung von metãbolow in den Papyri und Ostraka. 145 (2003) 213–218 –, P. Med. I 2 32 und der ägyptische Aufstand in der Thebais. 149 (2004) 162–164 –, PSI Com. 11: Ein seltenes Exemplar einer Exomosie. 154 (2005) 214–216 –, Lesungs- und Interpretationsvorschläge zu dokumentarischen Papyri. 160 (2007) 227–231 –, Bemerkungen zu dokumentarischen Papyri. 171 (2009) 171–174 ARMONI, Ch. – HAGEDORN, D., Ein Ostrakon aus Elephantine in Witzenhausen. 145 (2003) 219– 223 ARMONI, Ch. – KRUSE, Th., Papyri editae in memoriam Wm. Brashear II. 140 (2002) 165–176 ARNAOUTOGLOU, I., The Date of IG II 2 1273. 104 (1994) 103–106 –, érxeranistÆw and its Meaning in Inscriptions. 104 (1994) 107–110 ARNOTT, W. G., A New Look at P. Berol. 11771 (Pack 2 1641). 102 (1994) 61–70 (Corrigenda dazu: 104 (1994) 22) –, Further Notes on Menander’s Perikeiromene. 109 (1995) 11–30 –, Notes on Menander’s Misoumenos. 110 (1996) 27–39 –, Notes on Menander’s Kolax, Koneiazomenai, Leukadia, Misoumenos and Perinthia. 111 (1996) 21–25 –, Two Notes on Menander. 115 (1997) 73–74 –, First Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi. 116 (1997) 1–10 –, Further Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi (vv. 110–322). 117 (1997) 21–34 –, Final Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi (vv. 343–423 with frs. 1, 2 and 7). 118 (1997) 95–103 –, First Notes on Menander’s Samia. 121 (1998) 35–44 –, Second Notes on Menander’s Samia (Acts II–V). 122 (1998) 7–20 –, Misoumenos 152–59 Sandbach (552–59 Arnott). 122 (1998) 20 –, Notes on Menander’s Phasma. 123 (1998) 35–48 –, Menander’s Fabula Incerta. 123 (1998) 49–58 –, A Note on fr. com. adesp. 1147 Kassel–Austin. 123 (1998) 59–60 –, Notes on P. Antinoopolis 15 (fr. com. adesp. 1084 Kassel–Austin). 125 (1999) 61–64 –, Further Notes on fr. com. adesp. 1147 Kassel–Austin. 125 (1999) 65–66 –, Notes on Some Comic Papyri. 126 (1999) 77–80 –, The Length of Menander’s Samia. 128 (1999) 45–48 –, Notes on P. Antinoopolis 55 (fr. com. adesp. 1096 Kassel–Austin). 128 (1999) 49–53 –, Some Orthographical Problems in the Papyri of Later Greek Comedy I: po(i)e›n (along with Compounds and Congeners). 134 (2001) 43–51 –, Some Orthographical Problems in the Papyri of Later Greek Comedy II: -ei or -h(i) as the Ending of the Second Person Singular Middle and Passive in the Present and Other Tenses of Verbs in -v. 135 (2001) 36–40 ARNUSH, M., The Archonship of Sarpadon at Delphi. 105 (1995) 95–104 ARONEN, J., Dragon Cults and nÊmfh drãkaina in IGUR 974. 111 (1996) 125–132 ARRINGTON, N. T., The Form(s) and Date(s) of a Classical War Monument: Re-evaluating IG I 3 1163 and the Case for Delion. 181 (2012) 61–75 ARWEILER, A., Zu Text und Überlieferung einer gekürzten Fassung von Macrobius Saturnalia I,12,2–I,15,20. 131 (2000) 45–57 ARZT-GRABNER, P., Drei Brieffragmente aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung. 139 (2002) 149–154 ASHTON, R. H. J., The Attalid Poll-Tax. 104 (1994) 57–60 AST, R., Tziper, not Q. Iper. 137 (2001) 229–230 –, Papyri editae in memoriam Wm. Brashear I. 139 (2002) 177–186 –, Corrections to Papyri in the Jena Collection. 148 (2004) 235–238 –, Notes on Documents. 153 (2005) 159–162 –, BGU XVII 2685: An Eleven-Year Lease? 156 (2006) 194 –, Notes on BGU XIX. 157 (2006) 162–164

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. 5 –, Two Receipts of Artemidora. 163 (2007) 183–187 AST, R. – GONIS, N., P. Worp 27 and the Consul ‘Iulius’ Maximus. 171 (2009) 213–215 ATALLAH, N., Une inscription grecque de la région de ‘Ajloun-Rasun. 121 (1998) 145–148 AUSTIN, C., Notes on the “Pride of Halicarnassus”. 126 (1999) 92 –, Paralipomena Posidippea. 136 (2001) 22 –, Postscript. 139 (2002) 33 –, Varia Menandrea. 175 (2010) 9–14 AUSTIN, C. – STIGKA, E., Not Comedy, but Epigram: ‘Mr. Perfect’ in fr. com. adesp. *1036. 161 (2007) 13–16 AUSTIN, C. – TCHERNETSKA, N. – HANDLEY, E. W. – HORVÁTH, L., New Readings in the Fragment of Hyperides’ Against Timandros from the Archimedes Palimpsest. 162 (2007) 1–4 AVNER, U. – ROLL, I., Tetrarchic Milestones Found Near Yahel in the Southern Aravah. 165 (2008) 267–286 AVRAM, A. – JONES, C. P., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis. 178 (2011) 126–134 AWIANOWICZ, B., A Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion. 168 (2009) 196–198 –, A New Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion. 178 (2011) 237–239 AYÁN VILA, X. – LÓPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA, P., Una estela funeraria inédita de Taragoña (Rianxo, A Coruña). 161 (2007) 283–287 AYBEK, S. – DREYER, B., Neues vom proconsul Asiae Sempronius Senecio aus Apollonia am Rhyndakos. 173 (2010) 119–123 –, Gewichte und Agoranomoi aus Metropolis. 182 (2012) 205–214 AZZARELLO, G., ¶mchfow in Divisionstabellen? 135 (2001) 169–171 –, P. Rain. Unterricht 162 + P. Rain. Unterricht kopt. 322. 135 (2001) 172–174 –, Le perdute tetradi di P. Laur. IV 146. 140 (2002) 206 –, Osservazioni e proposte di lettura a P. Oxy. XXXI 2551 recto, col. II e verso, col. I. 153 (2005) 149–154 –, P. Oxy. XVI 2039 e la nascita della domus gloriosa degli Apioni. 155 (2006) 207–228 –, Tornano i conti … (Ri)edizione di UC Inv. 31914: O.Crum 480 (= Mertens–Pack 3 2309.5) e due frammenti inediti di divisioni. 166 (2008) 159–170 AZZARELLO, G. – GONIS, N., P.Stras. VIII 800: Lettera ad un Pronoetes della Domus Divina. 171 (2009) 211–212 BABIĆ, M. – FERJANČIĆ, S. – PELCER, O., New Inscriptions from Pannonia and Dalmatia. 169 (2009) 245–248 BADOUD, N., Une famille de bronziers originaire de Tyr. 172 (2010) 125–143 BAGNALL, R. S., The People of P. Mich. Inv. 5806. 105 (1995) 253–255 –, A Mandate from the Great Oasis. 116 (1997) 149–151 –, A New Arsinoite Strategos? 119 (1997) 202 –, Greek, Aramaic, and Coptic Gravestones from the Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III at Dahshur. 171 (2009) 131–170 BAGNALL, R. S. – CHOAT, M. – GARDNER, I., O. Douch I 40. 147 (2004) 205–207 BAGNALL, R. S. – DICKEY, E., SB XIV 11273: No Vocative. 146 (2004) 170–172 BAGNALL, R. S. – RUFFINI, G. R., Civic Life in Fourth-Century Trimithis. Two Ostraka From the 2004 Excavations. 149 (2004) 143–152 BAGNALL, R. S. – THANHEISER, U. – WORP, K. A., Tiphagion. 122 (1998) 173–181 BAGNALL, R. S. – WORP, K. A., Three Notes on Byzantine Documents. 101 (1994) 96–98 –, The Consulate of BGU XVII 2676. 142 (2003) 188 –, Dating the Coptic Legal Documents from Aphrodite. 148 (2004) 247–252 BAILEY, D. M. – RÖMER, C. E., An Egyptian Seal of Severus Alexander. 160 (2007) 139–140 BAIN, D., The Opening Line of Menander, Dis exapaton. 101 (1994) 27–28 –, kinhtiçn/binhtiçn in P. Köln 203 A14. 101 (1994) 29–30 –, fantazom°nh in PGM VII 888 – a Possible Parallel. 101 (1994) 31–32 –, ?Bo.tiades ı prvktÒw: An Abusive Graffito from Thorikos. 104 (1994) 33–35. Addendum dazu: 108 (1995) 58 –, Some Unpublished Cyranidean Material in Marc. Gr. 512 (678): Three Addenda to Meschini. 104 (1994) 36–42 (Corrigendum dazu: 106 (1995) 30) –, Two Submerged Items of Greek Sexual Vocabulary from Aphrodisias. 117 (1997) 81–84 –, The Name Dri(l)lÒmuw (OClaud. II.293.10). 125 (1999) 91–92 –, A List of Bird-Names (P. Amst. 1.13). 128 (1999) 76–78 –, Subuilicus, suppromus, subcustos, subBallio (Plaut. Pseud. 607). 134 (2001) 70 BAKER, R., Epiphanius, On Weights and Measures §14: Hadrian’s Journey to the East and the Rebuilding of Jerusalem. 182 (2012) 157–167 BAKKER, N., A New Solution for the ‘Lille Stesichorus’ vv. 235–52. 181 (2012) 4–7 BAKOLA, E., Old Comedy Disguised as Satyr Play: A New Reading of Cratinus’ Dionysalexandros (P. Oxy. 663). 154 (2005) 46–58 BALDWIN BOWSKY, M. W., Eight Inscriptions from Roman Crete. 108 (1995) 263–280 (Corrigendum dazu: 110 (1996) 188) –, An Atticizing Stele from Western Crete. 118 (1997) 197–206 BAPLU, N. – HUYS, M., P.Bouriant 1, fol. I–V: Re-edition and Commentary of the Syllabic Word-lists. 169 (2009) 29–57 BARBERA, R., M. Licinius Moschus negotians perticarius (CIL VI 9672 = 25081). 126 (1999) 255–261 –, Caius Gavius Tertul[---] Peregrinus: un cavaliere inesistente? (CIL VI 1612, ex collezione Casali). 139 (2002) 283–287 BÂRCĂ, V. – CIONGRADI, C. – TIMOFAN, A., Eine neue Erwähnung des kastellum Starva in einer Inschrift aus Alburnus maior. Studium zu epigraphisch bezeugten kastella und vici im dakischen Goldbergwerksgebiet. 165 (2008) 249–266 BARCHIESI, A., Simonide e Orazio sulla morte di Achille. 107 (1995) 33–38 BARDANI, V. – TRACY, St., A New List of Athenian Ephebes and a New Archon of Athens. 163 (2007) 75–80 BARJA DE QUIROGA, P. L. – CARRIL, V. R., Vicarius en un nuevo altar a Edouius de Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra). 177 (2011) 298–302 BARKER, D., Epitaph of Proklos. 157 (2006) 105–106 (Addendum dazu: 158 (2006) 164) –, A Christian Hymn? P. Macquarie inv. 346. 159 (2007) 281–282 (Corrigendum dazu: 160 (2007) 134) BARNES, T. D., Damascus or Demessus? 151 (2005) 266–268 –, The Persian Sack of Antioch in 253. 169 (2009) 294–296 BARRENECHEA, F., A Fragment of Old Comedy: P. Columbia inv. 430. 158 (2006) 49–54 del BARRIO VEGA, M. L., Remarques sur une inscription de Sparte (MS 6747). 141 (2002) 134–136 del BARRIO VEGA, M. L. – ALONSO DÉNIZ, A., Trois remarques à propos de la stèle de Pallantion, SEG XI 1084. 144 (2003) 141–146 BARTELS, J., Lateinische Grabinschriften aus Philippi: Corrigenda. 157 (2006) 199–212 –, Was tat der praefectus saltus? Städtischer Grundbesitz und seine Verwaltung in der römischen Kolonie Oescus. 167 (2008) 276–282 –, Augustus in Amathus (Zypern). 181 (2012) 91–94 BARTOL, K., Between Loyalty and Treachery. P. Oxy. 2327 fr. 1 + 2 (a) col. I = Simonides 21 West 2 – Some Reconsiderations. 126 (1999) 26–28 BASSINO, P., Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi: nuovi spunti per una riconsiderazione delle testimonianze papiracee. 180 (2012) 38–42

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff. 5<br />

–, Two Receipts of Artemidora. 163 (2007) 183–187<br />

AST, R. – GONIS, N., P. Worp 27 and the Consul ‘Iulius’ Maximus. 171 (2009) 213–215<br />

ATALLAH, N., Une inscription grecque de la région de ‘Ajloun-Rasun. 121 (1998) 145–148<br />

AUSTIN, C., Notes on the “Pride of Halicarnassus”. 126 (1999) 92<br />

–, Paralipomena Posidippea. 136 (2001) 22<br />

–, Postscript. 139 (2002) 33<br />

–, Varia Menandrea. 175 (2010) 9–14<br />

AUSTIN, C. – STIGKA, E., Not Comedy, but Epigram: ‘Mr. Perfect’ in fr. com. adesp. *1036. 161 (2007) 13–16<br />

AUSTIN, C. – TCHERNETSKA, N. – HANDLEY, E. W. – HORVÁTH, L., New Readings in the Fragment of Hyperides’ Against Timandros from the<br />

Archimedes Palimpsest. 162 (2007) 1–4<br />

AVNER, U. – ROLL, I., Tetrarchic Milestones Found Near Yahel in the Southern Aravah. 165 (2008) 267–286<br />

AVRAM, A. – JONES, C. P., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis. 178 (2011) 126–134<br />

AWIANOWICZ, B., A Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion. 168 (2009) 196–198<br />

–, A New Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion. 178 (2011) 237–239<br />

AYÁN VILA, X. – LÓPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA, P., Una estela funeraria inédita de Taragoña (Rianxo, A Coruña). 161 (2007) 283–287<br />

AYBEK, S. – DREYER, B., Neues vom proconsul Asiae Sempronius Senecio aus Apollonia am Rhyndakos. 173 (2010) 119–123<br />

–, Gewichte und Agoranomoi aus Metropolis. 182 (2012) 205–214<br />

AZZARELLO, G., ¶mchfow in Divisionstabellen? 135 (2001) 169–171<br />

–, P. Rain. Unterricht 162 + P. Rain. Unterricht kopt. 322. 135 (2001) 172–174<br />

–, Le perdute tetradi di P. Laur. IV 146. 140 (2002) 206<br />

–, Osservazioni e proposte di lettura a P. Oxy. XXXI 2551 recto, col. II e verso, col. I. 153 (2005) 149–154<br />

–, P. Oxy. XVI 2039 e la nascita della domus gloriosa degli Apioni. 155 (2006) 207–228<br />

–, Tornano i conti … (Ri)edizione di UC Inv. 31914: O.Crum 480 (= Mertens–Pack 3 2309.5) e due frammenti inediti di divisioni. 166 (2008) 159–170<br />

AZZARELLO, G. – GONIS, N., P.Stras. VIII 800: Lettera ad un Pronoetes della Domus Divina. 171 (2009) 211–212<br />

BABIĆ, M. – FERJANČIĆ, S. – PELCER, O., New Inscriptions from Pannonia and Dalmatia. 169 (2009) 245–248<br />

BADOUD, N., Une famille de bronziers originaire de Tyr. 172 (2010) 125–143<br />

BAGNALL, R. S., The People of P. Mich. Inv. 5806. 105 (1995) 253–255<br />

–, A Mandate from the Great Oasis. 116 (1997) 149–151<br />

–, A New Arsinoite Strategos? 119 (1997) 202<br />

–, Greek, Aramaic, and Coptic Gravestones from the Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III at Dahshur. 171 (2009) 131–170<br />

BAGNALL, R. S. – CHOAT, M. – GARDNER, I., O. Douch I 40. 147 (2004) 205–207<br />

BAGNALL, R. S. – DICKEY, E., SB XIV 11273: No Vocative. 146 (2004) 170–172<br />

BAGNALL, R. S. – RUFFINI, G. R., Civic Life in Fourth-Century Trimithis. Two Ostraka From the 2004 Excavations. 149 (2004) 143–152<br />

BAGNALL, R. S. – THANHEISER, U. – WORP, K. A., Tiphagion. 122 (1998) 173–181<br />

BAGNALL, R. S. – WORP, K. A., Three Notes on Byzantine Documents. 101 (1994) 96–98<br />

–, The Consulate of BGU XVII 2676. 142 (2003) 188<br />

–, Dating the Coptic Legal Documents from Aphrodite. 148 (2004) 247–252<br />

BAILEY, D. M. – RÖMER, C. E., An Egyptian Seal of Severus Alexander. 160 (2007) 139–140<br />

BAIN, D., The Opening Line of Menander, Dis exapaton. 101 (1994) 27–28<br />

–, kinhtiçn/binhtiçn in P. Köln 203 A14. 101 (1994) 29–30<br />

–, fantazom°nh in PGM VII 888 – a Possible Parallel. 101 (1994) 31–32<br />

–, ?Bo.tiades ı prvktÒw: An Abusive Graffito from Thorikos. 104 (1994) 33–35. Addendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 108 (1995) 58<br />

–, Some Unpublished Cyranidean Material in Marc. Gr. 512 (678): Three Addenda to Meschini. 104 (1994) 36–42 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 106 (1995) 30)<br />

–, Two Submerged Items of Greek Sexual Vocabulary from Aphrodisias. 117 (1997) 81–84<br />

–, The Name Dri(l)lÒmuw (OClaud. II.293.10). 125 (1999) 91–92<br />

–, A List of Bird-Names (P. Amst. 1.13). 128 (1999) 76–78<br />

–, Subuilicus, suppromus, subcustos, subBallio (Plaut. Pseud. 607). 134 (2001) 70<br />

BAKER, R., Epiphanius, On Weights and Measures §14: Hadrian’s Journey to the East and the Rebuilding of Jerusalem. 182 (2012) 157–167<br />

BAKKER, N., A New Solution for the ‘Lille Stesichorus’ vv. 235–52. 181 (2012) 4–7<br />

BAKOLA, E., Old Comedy Disguised as Satyr Play: A New Reading of Cratinus’ Dionysalexandros (P. Oxy. 663). 154 (2005) 46–58<br />

BALDWIN BOWSKY, M. W., Eight Inscriptions from Roman Crete. 108 (1995) 263–280 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 110 (1996) 188)<br />

–, An Atticizing Stele from Western Crete. 118 (1997) 197–206<br />

BAPLU, N. – HUYS, M., P.Bouriant 1, fol. I–V: Re-edition and Commentary of the Syllabic Word-lists. 169 (2009) 29–57<br />

BARBERA, R., M. Licinius Moschus negotians perticarius (CIL VI 9672 = 25081). 126 (1999) 255–261<br />

–, Caius Gavius Tertul[---] Peregrinus: un cavaliere inesistente? (CIL VI 1612, ex collezione Casali). 139 (2002) 283–287<br />

BÂRCĂ, V. – CIONGRADI, C. – TIMOFAN, A., Eine neue Erwähnung des kastellum Starva in einer Inschrift aus Alburnus maior. Studium <strong>zu</strong><br />

epigraphisch bezeugten kastella und vici im dakischen Goldbergwerksgebiet. 165 (2008) 249–266<br />

BARCHIESI, A., Simonide e Orazio sulla morte di Achille. 107 (1995) 33–38<br />

BARDANI, V. – TRACY, St., A New List of Athenian Ephebes and a New Archon of Athens. 163 (2007) 75–80<br />

BARJA DE QUIROGA, P. L. – CARRIL, V. R., Vicarius en un nuevo altar a Edouius de Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra). 177 (2011) 298–302<br />

BARKER, D., Epitaph of Proklos. 157 (2006) 105–106 (Addendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 158 (2006) 164)<br />

–, A Christian Hymn? P. Macquarie inv. 346. 159 (2007) 281–282 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 160 (2007) 134)<br />

BARNES, T. D., Damascus or Demessus? 151 (2005) 266–268<br />

–, The Persian Sack of Antioch in 253. 169 (2009) 294–296<br />

BARRENECHEA, F., A Fragment of Old Comedy: P. Columbia inv. 430. 158 (2006) 49–54<br />

del BARRIO VEGA, M. L., Remarques sur une inscription de Sparte (MS 6747). 141 (2002) 134–136<br />

del BARRIO VEGA, M. L. – ALONSO DÉNIZ, A., Trois remarques à propos de la stèle de Pallantion, SEG XI 1084. 144 (2003) 141–146<br />

BARTELS, J., Lateinische Grabinschriften aus Philippi: Corrigenda. 157 (2006) 199–212<br />

–, Was tat der praefectus saltus? Städtischer Grundbesitz und seine Verwaltung in der römischen Kolonie Oescus. 167 (2008) 276–282<br />

–, Augustus in Amathus (Zypern). 181 (2012) 91–94<br />

BARTOL, K., Between Loyalty and Treachery. P. Oxy. 2327 fr. 1 + 2 (a) col. I = Simonides 21 West 2 – Some Reconsiderations. 126 (1999) 26–28<br />

BASSINO, P., Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi: nuovi spunti per una riconsiderazione delle testimonianze papiracee. 180 (2012) 38–42

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