ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...


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4 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff.<br />

AOUNALLAH, S., Sur la signification du martelage des mots castello ou ciuitate et Aurelia sur deux inscriptions du pagus Fortunalis et de Thugga. 175<br />

(2010) 287–294<br />

AOUNALLAH, S. – MAURIN, L., Pagus et civitas Siviritani. Une nouvelle “commune double” dans la pertica de Carthage. 167 (2008) 227–250<br />

APOSTOLAKOU, S. – MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ, A., Dos nuevos epigramas funerarios de Lat∆ prÚw Kãmara, Creta. 150 (2004) 43–47<br />

APPEL, W., Zur Frage der interpretatio Homeri bei den späteren Dichtern. 101 (1994) 49–52<br />

–, Postscriptum <strong>zu</strong>m Grabmal des U. v. Wilamowitz. 103 (1994) 18<br />

–, Grabinschrift <strong>für</strong> Athenokles (<strong>zu</strong> IOSPE I 2 687). 137 (2001) 179–182<br />

APTHORP, M. J., Iliad 14.306c Discovered in the Syriac Palimpsest. 109 (1995) 174–176<br />

–, New Evidence from the Syriac Palimpsest on the Numerus Versuum of the Iliad. 110 (1996) 103–114<br />

–, Iliad 18.200–201: Genuine or Interpolated? 111 (1996) 141–148<br />

–, Double News from Antinoopolis on Phoenix’s Parricidal Thoughts (Iliad 9.458–61). 122 (1998) 182–188<br />

–, New Light from Mount Sinai on the Text of the Iliad. 127 (1999) 141–148<br />

–, Homer’s Winged Words and the Papyri: Some Questions of Authenticity. 128 (1999) 15–22<br />

–, Did Athene Help Tydeus to Win the Cadmean Games (Iliad 5.808)? 131 (2000) 1–9<br />

–, Iliad 5.808 (Again), 5.57 and the D Scholia. 136 (2001) 105–109<br />

–, Iliad 4.337 and the Papyri: an Update. 137 (2001) 220<br />

ARBABZADAH, M., A Note on the Bilingual Curse Tablet from Barchín del Hoyo (Spain). 169 (2009) 193–195<br />

–, A Note on Jewish and Christian Funerary Formulae (addendum to McKechnie, <strong>ZPE</strong> 169). 175 (2010) 165–166<br />

–, A Lexicographical Note on a Curse Tablet from Antioch. 179 (2011) 199–200<br />

–, The Disappearing Man: λακίνει/Λακινει⟨ν⟩ in a Greek Curse Tablet. 180 (2012) 253–255<br />

ARENA, R., Tra linguistica ed epigrafia. 103 (1994) 155–158<br />

ARGENTIERI, L., Epigramma e libro. Morfologia delle raccolte epigrammatiche premeleagree. 121 (1998) 1–20<br />

ARJAVA, A., Die römische Vormundschaft und das Volljährigkeitsalter in Ägypten. 126 (1999) 202–204<br />

ARMONI, Ch., Drei ptolemäische Papyri der Heidelberger Sammlung. 132 (2000) 225–239<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Urkunden. 136 (2001) 169–173<br />

–, Kornlieferung an Soldaten. Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> BGU XVIII.1 2747 (86 v. Chr.). 136 (2001) 174–176<br />

–, Katå forån épost°llv soi marg≈min. Ein frühbyzantinischer (?) Privatbrief. 137 (2001) 231–236<br />

–, Hebdomekontaruroi in numerierten Hipparchien: SB XXII 15213. 137 (2001) 237–239<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> verschiedenen Papyri. 144 (2003) 173–176<br />

–, Zur Bedeutung von metãbolow in den Papyri und Ostraka. 145 (2003) 213–218<br />

–, P. Med. I 2 32 und der ägyptische Aufstand in der Thebais. 149 (2004) 162–164<br />

–, PSI Com. 11: Ein seltenes Exemplar einer Exomosie. 154 (2005) 214–216<br />

–, Lesungs- und Interpretationsvorschläge <strong>zu</strong> dokumentarischen Papyri. 160 (2007) 227–231<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> dokumentarischen Papyri. 171 (2009) 171–174<br />

ARMONI, Ch. – HAGEDORN, D., Ein Ostrakon aus Elephantine in Witzenhausen. 145 (2003) 219– 223<br />

ARMONI, Ch. – KRUSE, Th., Papyri editae in memoriam Wm. Brashear II. 140 (2002) 165–176<br />

ARNAOUTOGLOU, I., The Date of IG II 2 1273. 104 (1994) 103–106<br />

–, érxeranistÆw and its Meaning in Inscriptions. 104 (1994) 107–110<br />

ARNOTT, W. G., A New Look at P. Berol. 11771 (Pack 2 1641). 102 (1994) 61–70 (Corrigenda da<strong>zu</strong>: 104 (1994) 22)<br />

–, Further Notes on Menander’s Perikeiromene. 109 (1995) 11–30<br />

–, Notes on Menander’s Misoumenos. 110 (1996) 27–39<br />

–, Notes on Menander’s Kolax, Koneiazomenai, Leukadia, Misoumenos and Perinthia. 111 (1996) 21–25<br />

–, Two Notes on Menander. 115 (1997) 73–74<br />

–, First Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi. 116 (1997) 1–10<br />

–, Further Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi (vv. 110–322). 117 (1997) 21–34<br />

–, Final Notes on Menander’s Sikyonioi (vv. 343–423 with frs. 1, 2 and 7). 118 (1997) 95–103<br />

–, First Notes on Menander’s Samia. 121 (1998) 35–44<br />

–, Second Notes on Menander’s Samia (Acts II–V). 122 (1998) 7–20<br />

–, Misoumenos 152–59 Sandbach (552–59 Arnott). 122 (1998) 20<br />

–, Notes on Menander’s Phasma. 123 (1998) 35–48<br />

–, Menander’s Fabula Incerta. 123 (1998) 49–58<br />

–, A Note on fr. com. adesp. 1147 Kassel–Austin. 123 (1998) 59–60<br />

–, Notes on P. Antinoopolis 15 (fr. com. adesp. 1084 Kassel–Austin). 125 (1999) 61–64<br />

–, Further Notes on fr. com. adesp. 1147 Kassel–Austin. 125 (1999) 65–66<br />

–, Notes on Some Comic Papyri. 126 (1999) 77–80<br />

–, The Length of Menander’s Samia. 128 (1999) 45–48<br />

–, Notes on P. Antinoopolis 55 (fr. com. adesp. 1096 Kassel–Austin). 128 (1999) 49–53<br />

–, Some Orthographical Problems in the Papyri of Later Greek Comedy I: po(i)e›n (along with Compounds and Congeners). 134 (2001) 43–51<br />

–, Some Orthographical Problems in the Papyri of Later Greek Comedy II: -ei or -h(i) as the Ending of the Second Person Singular Middle and Passive in<br />

the Present and Other Tenses of Verbs in -v. 135 (2001) 36–40<br />

ARNUSH, M., The Archonship of Sarpadon at Delphi. 105 (1995) 95–104<br />

ARONEN, J., Dragon Cults and nÊmfh drãkaina in IGUR 974. 111 (1996) 125–132<br />

ARRINGTON, N. T., The Form(s) and Date(s) of a Classical War Monument: Re-evaluating IG I 3 1163 and the Case for Delion. 181 (2012) 61–75<br />

ARWEILER, A., Zu Text und Überlieferung einer gekürzten Fassung von Macrobius Saturnalia I,12,2–I,15,20. 131 (2000) 45–57<br />

ARZT-GRABNER, P., Drei Brieffragmente aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung. 139 (2002) 149–154<br />

ASHTON, R. H. J., The Attalid Poll-Tax. 104 (1994) 57–60<br />

AST, R., Tziper, not Q. Iper. 137 (2001) 229–230<br />

–, Papyri editae in memoriam Wm. Brashear I. 139 (2002) 177–186<br />

–, Corrections to Papyri in the Jena Collection. 148 (2004) 235–238<br />

–, Notes on Documents. 153 (2005) 159–162<br />

–, BGU XVII 2685: An Eleven-Year Lease? 156 (2006) 194<br />

–, Notes on BGU XIX. 157 (2006) 162–164

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