ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...


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Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff. 39<br />

–, Nouvelles notes d’anthroponymie grecque. XII. La liste de Léontopolis SEG 40, 1568 et son onomastique. XIII. Les noms SkÊbalow et *Skubãlh,<br />

Scybale. XIV. De KopreÊw à Kopr¤a et Saint Coprès: noms copronymes. 112 (1996) 143–150<br />

–, Nouvelles notes d’anthroponymie grecque. XV. Les quatre hétaïres d’Euphronios. XVI. Madame Gorgonis et les inscriptions de bon augure. XVII.<br />

Femmes et hommes portant des noms de forme neutre. XVIII. Anhtroponymes grecs tirés de noms de nombre. XIX. Deux monstres onomastiques<br />

Akanthropos et Arbloson. XX. Battarus et Battara(s). XXI. ÑArmãtion et Sunvr¤w. XXII. Noms de femme grecs connus par la tradition latine. XXIII.<br />

Femmes d’un thiase athénien. XXIV. Trois femmes en Attique. 119 (1997) 57–75<br />

–, Quelques noms macédoniens dans le traité IG I 2 , 71 = IG I 3 , 89. 123 (1998) 117–120<br />

MASTROCINQUE, A., La dea Semaia in un’iscrizione greca di Roma. 120 (1998) 109–110<br />

–, Studi sulle gemme gnostiche. 120 (1998) 111–122<br />

–, Studi sulle gemme gnostiche. 122 (1998) 105–118<br />

–, Studi sulle gemme gnostiche. 130 (2000) 131–138<br />

–, Amuleto per l’utero dal territorio di Gela. 152 (2005) 168–170<br />

–, Le apparizioni del dio Bes nella tarda antichità. A proposito dell’iscrizione di Gornea. 153 (2005) 243–248<br />

–, La Preghiera di Manasse in un’iscrizione di Hierapolis di Frigia. 164 (2008) 256–258<br />

MASTRONARDE, D., A Ptolemaic Scrap of Euripides’ Phoenissae: P. Tebt. Suppl. 1245. 160 (2007) 29–31<br />

–, P. Tebt. Suppl. 1018 (Hes. Catal. fr. 33(a), 16–20). 172 (2010) 192–194<br />

MATEI, I. – CHIRIAC, C. – MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA, L., Ein neues Militärdiplom aus Moesien. 150 (2004) 265–269<br />

MATHIEU, N. – RÉMY, B. – BRISSAUD, L. – PRISSET, J.-L., Un service officiel des eaux (cura aquarum) à Vienne? Le témoignage d’un tuyau de<br />

plomb découvert à Saint-Romain-en-Gal (Rhône). 179 (2011) 239–243<br />

MATIJEVIĆ, K., Ein Altar <strong>für</strong> Apollo und Aesculapius aus Dormagen/Durnomagus, Kreis Neuss. Zur Ergän<strong>zu</strong>ng von AE 1977, 564. 159 (2007) 301–<br />

302<br />

–, Neue Inschriften aus Tholey/Gallia Belgica und Umgebung. 175 (2010) 258–264<br />

MATSAS, D. – DIMITROVA, N., New Samothracian Inscriptions Found Outside the Sanctuary of the Great Gods. 155 (2006) 127–136<br />

MATTHAIOS, S., „Der eifrig gehende Hephaistos“. Zu einer Worterklärung des Bodl. MS. Gr. class. f. 41 (P) <strong>zu</strong> Ilias A 600. 148 (2004) 121–125<br />

MATTHAIOS, S. – LUNDON, J., Nominal Accidents by Question and Answer: Two Fragments of a T°xnh GrammatikÆ, One New. 154 (2005) 97–116<br />

MATTHAIOU, A. P., Inschriften von Milet VI 3, 1020. A Note. 165 (2008) 84–86<br />

MATTINGLY, H., What Are the Right Dating Criteria for Fifth-Century Attic Texts? 126 (1999) 117–122<br />

–, Two Fifth-Century Attic Epigraphic Texts Revisited. 162 (2007) 107–110<br />

MAURIN, L. – AOUNALLAH, S., Pagus et civitas Siviritani. Une nouvelle “commune double” dans la pertica de Carthage. 167 (2008) 227–250<br />

MAURIN, L. – FRANCE, J., Une liste comptable sur plomb découverte à Bordeaux. 170 (2009) 247–264<br />

MAURIZI, L., Autorappresentazione senatoria nell’Agora di Atene e un nuovo proconsul Achaiae. 173 (2010) 253–265<br />

MAYER, K., Alcibiades the Deserter: P. Oxy. III 411 Col. IV. 98. 123 (1998) 232–234<br />

MAYER, K. – HARRIMAN, M. – MURPHY, S. – PIANKA, R., A New Inscription from Ilium. 113 (1996) 255–256<br />

MAYER, P., Krieg aus Versehen? Zur Funktion und Aussage der Telephos-Geschichte im neuen Archilochos (P. Oxy. 4708, fr. 1). 157 (2006) 15–18<br />

MAYERSON, Ph., A Note on Roga in <strong>ZPE</strong> 94 (1992) and <strong>ZPE</strong> 100 (1994). 105 (1995) 260<br />

–, An Additional Note on ÑRouzikÒn (Ar. rizq). 107 (1995) 279–281<br />

–, The Word linokalãmh (Flax) vis à vis émorg¤w. 121 (1998) 223–225<br />

–, spãtion/spãyion – a Wineskin. 121 (1998) 226–228<br />

–, The Sack (Sãkkow) is the Artaba Writ Large. 122 (1998) 189–194<br />

–, Measures (metrhta¤) and Donkeyloads of Oil in P. Wisc. II.80. 127 (1999) 189–192<br />

–, The Meaning and Function of lhnÒw and Related Features in the Production of Wine. 131 (2000) 161–165<br />

–, The Knidion Jar in Egypt: Popular, Made in Egypt, and of Unknown Capacity. 131 (2000) 165–167<br />

–, The Value of the Maximian Cotyla in P. Oxy. L 3595 and PSI XII 1252. 131 (2000) 167–169<br />

–, The Monochoron and Dichoron: Standard Measures for Wine Based on the Oxyrhynchition. 131 (2000) 169–172<br />

–, A Note on P. Col. X 280.14: ken≈mata m°trƒ ofinik“ kotul«n dekaenn°a. 132 (2000) 255–256<br />

–, The Relationship of P. Oxy. XVII 2153 to P. Oxy. L 3595–3597. 132 (2000) 257–258<br />

–, Jar Stoppers and the Sealing of Winejars. 136 (2001) 217–220<br />

–, The Brief Life of an Innovation: the Tri-Keramia System Based Upon the Maximian Cotyla. 136 (2001) 221–224<br />

–, Pliny’s pateta (fo›nij pathtÒw) in Egypt, Palestine, and Arabia. 136 (2001) 225–228<br />

–, The Enigmatic Knidion: A Wine Measure in Late Roman/Byzantine Egypt ? 141 (2002) 205–209<br />

–, Three Pharaonic Crops in Ptolemaic Egypt: ˆlura (Emmer Wheat) and Maslins of kriyÒpuron and ÙlurÒkriyon. 141 (2002) 210–213<br />

–, P. Mich. Inv. 1884 in a Broader Context. 141 (2002) 213–214<br />

–, Pitch (p¤ssa) for Egyptian Winejars an Imported Commodity. 147 (2004) 210–204<br />

MAZZA, R., P. Oxy. XVI 1911 e i conti annuali dei pronoetai. 122 (1998) 161–172<br />

McGING, B. C., The Ephesian Customs Law and the Third Mithradatic War. 109 (1995) 283–288<br />

McKECHNIE, P., An Errant Husband and a Rare Idiom (P. Oxy. 744). 127 (1999) 157–161<br />

–, Flavia Sophe in Context. 135 (2001) 117–124<br />

–, A Syrian (?) Villager Remembered in Byzacium. 169 (2009) 177–179<br />

McNAMEE, K. – JACOVIDES, M. L., Annotations to the Speech of the Muses (Plato Republic 546B–C). 144 (2003) 31–50<br />

McLEOD, D., Contract for the Sale of a Slave. 180 (2012) 256–262<br />

MÉA, C., Le salariarius: un contractuel de l’armée romaine. 181 (2012) 207–213<br />

MEADOWS, A., Fouilles d’Amyzon 6 Reconsidered: The Ptolemies at Amyzon. 166 (2008) 115–120<br />

MEADOWS, A. R. – MA, J. T. – DEROW, P. S., RC 38 (Amyzon) Reconsidered. 109 (1995) 71–80<br />

MECKLER, M., Two Papyri and Events in the Life of Caracalla. 105 (1995) 257–259<br />

MEDDA, E., Notes on the Text of Lysias, Against Hippotherses (P. Oxy. 1606). 129 (2000) 21–28<br />

–, Further Notes on P. Oxy. 1606 (Lysias, Against Hippotherses and other Speeches). 135 (2001) 23–31<br />

MEDNIKAROVA, I., The Use of Y in Latin Funerary Inscriptions. 136 (2001) 267–276<br />

–, The Accusative of the Name of the Deceased in Latin and Greek Epitaphs. 143 (2003) 117–134<br />

MEIER, M., Die Erdbeben der Jahre 542 und 554 in der byzantinischen Überlieferung. Quellenkritische Überlegungen <strong>zu</strong>r Geschichte des 6. Jahrhunderts<br />

n. Chr. 130 (2000) 286–295<br />

–, Das Ende des Konsulats im Jahr 541/42 und seine Gründe. Kritische Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r Vorstellung eines ‚Zeitalters Justinians‘. 138 (2002) 277–299<br />

–, Die Inszenierung einer Katastrophe: Justinian und der Nika-Aufstand. 142 (2003) 273–300

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