ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ... ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

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34 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. –, I simposi del tiranno: sui frr. 70–72 V. di Alceo. 139 (2002) 3–18 LEPELLEY, Cl., Une inscription d’Heraclea Sintica (Macédoine) récemment découverte, révélant un rescrit de l’empereur Galère restituant ses droits à la cité. 146 (2004) 221–231 LERNER, J. D., The Aï Khanoum Philosophical Papyrus. 142 (2003) 45–51 LE ROUX, P., Armées, rhétorique et politique dans l’Empire gallo-romain. À propos de l’inscription d’Augsbourg. 115 (1997) 281–290 –, Peregrini incolae. 154 (2005) 261–266 LEROUXEL, F., Des prêts sans intérêt? Le taux d’intérêt dans le nome oxyrhynchite avant 79 après J.C. 181 (2012) 161–172 LETTA, C., Il “naufragio” di Caracalla in Cassio Dione, nell’Historia Augusta e nei commentari degli arvali. 103 (1994) 188–190 –, Nolet della lex Irnitana e [- - -]nset della lex Villonensis: una proposta di soluzione. 128 (1999) 306–308 LEWIS, J. P., Hapax Legomenon? A New Reading of Inscriptiones Latinae Jugoslaviae 3, 2119. 179 (2011) 244–246 LEWIS, N., Three Textual Notes on the New Monumentum Ephesenum. 107 (1995) 248 –, Judah’s Bigamy. 116 (1997) 152 –, The New Evidence on the Privileges of the Gerousiasts of Ephesos. 131 (2000) 99–100 LIAPIS, V., Epicharmus, Asclepiades of Tragilus, and the Rhesus: Lessons from a Lexicographical Entry. 143 (2003) 19–22 LIBERMAN, G., À propos du fragment 58 Lobel–Page, Voigt de Sappho. 108 (1995) 45–46 LIDDEL, P., The Places of Publication of Athenian State Decrees from the 5th Century BC to the 3rd Century AD. 143 (2003) 79–93 LIEB, H. – FREI-STOLBA, R., Un diplôme civil: le fragment de Carnuntum (AE, 1999, 1250). 143 (2003) 243–254 LIESKER, W. H. M. – SIJPESTEIJN, P. J., Bruchstücke antiker Geometrie. 113 (1996) 183–186 LINDERSKI, J., Caelum arsit and obsidione liberare: Latin Idiom and the Exploits of the Eighth Augustan Legion at the Time of Commodus. 142 (2003) 241–255 –, The Paintress Calypso and Other Painters in Pliny. 145 (2003) 83–96 (Addenda und Corrigenda dazu: 148 (2004) 126) –, The Menander Inscription from Pompei and the Expression primus scripsit. 159 (2007) 45–55 LIPKA, M., Anmerkungen zur Hekatompedon-Inschrift: Eine Revision. 122 (1998) 79–80 LITINAS, N., Corrigenda Varia. 117 (1997) 210–212 –, P. Lond. inv. 1270: A Petition to an Official and a Private Letter. 119 (1997) 173–176 –, P. Lond. III 1274c: Sale of a Calf. 120 (1998) 157–158 –, P. Lond. III 1128: Sale of a Donkey. 124 (1998) 195–204 (Corrigendum dazu: 128 (1999) 164) –, A Corrigendum to P. Lond. inv. 1228. 136 (2001) 182 –, Aristophanes on a Bank Receipt (?). 141 (2002) 103–105 –, Sitologi Documents Concerning Private Transactions in the Oxyrhynchite Nome. 160 (2007) 183–202 –, P. Mich. inv. 1971: A Sale of an Animal. 160 (2007) 202–204 –, P. Mich. inv. 1622 (= SB XVI 12589) + inv. 1580. 163 (2007) 191–194 –, MP 3 2195.01: A Chreia of Olympias? 172 (2010) 197–198 LITINAS, N. – CALDWELL, R., P.Mich. invs. 4157a + 4170a: Petition and Exegetical Text on Matthew. 183 (2012) 227–233 LIU, J., The Era of Patavium Again. 162 (2007) 281–289 LIVREA, E., Callimaco e gli anelli dei Cabiri. 101 (1994) 33–37 –, Stellungnahme. 103 (1994) 154 –, Un frammento di Dionisio e Nonno. 106 (1995) 56 –, Parerga Cercidea I. P. Oxy. 1082 ed il ‘frammento della tartaruga’. 108 (1995) 47–54 –, Sul Dioniso di Euforione, Nonno e Dionisio. 108 (1995) 55–57 –, Parerga Cercidea II. P. Oxy. 1082 fragmenta minora. 112 (1996) 47–55 –, La slogatura di Eudocia in un’iscrizione paflagone. 113 (1996) 71–76 –, A. P. 9.400: iscrizione funeraria di Ipazia? 117 (1997) 99–102 –, Callimachus senex, Cercidas senex ed i loro critici. 119 (1997) 37–42 –, I due Taziani in un’iscrizione di Afrodisia. 119 (1997) 43–49 –, L’imperatrice Eudocia santa? 119 (1997) 50–54 –, Callimaco e gli iperborei a Delo. 120 (1998) 23–27 –, Callimaco: tre nuovi frammenti? 120 (1998) 28–34 –, Nuovi frammenti della Telegonia. 122 (1998) 1–5 –, Sull’iscrizione teosofica di Enoanda. 122 (1998) 90–96 –, Un nuovo frammento di Filita di Cos. 125 (1999) 67–68 –, Chi e’ l’autore di P. Oxy. 4352? 125 (1999) 69–73 –, Una reminiscenza eschilea in Sinesio di Cirene. 126 (1999) 93–94 –, I cavalli di S. Marco ed i Lithica orphici. 126 (1999) 95–97 –, Due aporie callimachee. 137 (2001) 19–21 –, Una crux dioscorea. 137 (2001) 22–23 –, Poema epico-storico attribuito a Soterico di Oasi. 138 (2002) 17–30 –, Il Philoctetes di Euforione. 139 (2002) 35–39 –, Callimachi Iambus V. 144 (2003) 51–58 –, Un epigramma di Posidippo e il Cyclops di Filosseno di Citera. 146 (2004) 41–46 –, Callimachi Iambus III. 146 (2004) 47–52 –, Posidippo, Ep. 57 e 15 A.–B. 147 (2004) 35–38 –, Dorothei Laudes] Domini Jesu (P. Bodmer XXXII). 147 (2004) 39–43 –, La tomba di Simonide da Callimaco a S. Saba. 156 (2006) 53–57 –, Un’eco callimachea in Giovenale. 156 (2006) 58–59 –, Simonides, fr. 22 West 2 = 9 Gentili–Prato 2 . 158 (2006) 13–14 –, Sapphica. 164 (2008) 1–7 –, Eraclito nel papiro di Derveni. 164 (2008) 8–9 –, Il sudore di Saffo. 179 (2011) 39–40 –, Elementi orfici in un threnos pindarico. 179 (2011) 51–53 –, Il Giambo IX di Callimaco. 179 (2011) 84–88 –, Ancora sull’epodo coloniense di Archiloco. 182 (2012) 31–38

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. 35 –, Simonidea. 182 (2012) 45–53 LLEWELYN, S. R., The efiw (tØn) ofik¤an Formula and the Delivery of Letters to Third Persons or to Their Property. 101 (1994) 71–78 –, The Function of the shmas¤a-Texts, P. Oxy. XXXIV 2719 and SB XVI 12550. 104 (1994) 230–232 –, SD, a Christian Isopsephism? 109 (1995) 125–127 –, P. Harris I 62 and the Pursuit of Fugitive Slaves. 118 (1997) 245–250 LLOYD-JONES, H., Notes on the New Simonides. 101 (1994) 1–3 –, Again the Tattoo Elegy. 101 (1994) 4–7 –, Alcaeus fr. 130 b, 1–2 Voigt. 108 (1995) 35–37 –, Lykaon and Kyknos. 108 (1995) 38–44 –, The Pride of Halicarnassus. 124 (1998) 1–14 (Corrigenda and Addenda: 127 (1999) 63–65) –, Lykaon and Kyknos (ZPE 108, 1995, 38–44). 134 (2001) 22 –, Notes on P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309. 137 (2001) 6 –, Two More Notes on P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309 (Poseidippos). 139 (2002) 33 –, Posidippus fr. 31 Austin–Bastianini (P. Mil. Vogl. 309, col. V 20–5). 144 (2003) 62 LOBÜSCHER, Th. – ECK, W., Ein neuer Stadtplan der Colonia Ulpia Traiana Dacica Sarmizegetusa. 137 (2001) 263–269 LOFTUS, A., A New Fragment of the Theramenes Papyrus (P. Mich. 5796b). 133 (2000) 11–20 LOHMANN, H. – SCHAEFER, H., Wo lag das Herakleion der Salaminioi §p‹ Porym“? 133 (2000) 91–102 LOMIENTO, L., Ancora su Cercida: frr. 2, 7, 10 Lom. e i Fragmenta minora. 117 (1997) 57–64 LOOMIS, W. T., Pay Differentials and Class Warfare in Lysias’ Against Theozotides: Two Obols or Two Drachmas. 107 (1995) 230–236 LÓPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA, P. – AYÁN VILA, X., Una estela funeraria inédita de Taragoña (Rianxo, A Coruña). 161 (2007) 283–287 LÓPEZ CRUCES, J. L., Cercidas, P. Oxy. 1082, col. xi. 140 (2002) 30–32 –, Heracles on Oeta (TrGF Adesp. 653 Kn.–Sn.): Two Supplements. 166 (2008) 23–26 LÓPEZ CRUCES, J. L. – CAMPOS DAROCA, J., The Metre of Cercidas. 102 (1994) 81–94 (Corrigendum dazu: 104 (1994) 22) LÓPEZ GARCÍA, A., Esiodo, Fr. 193. Riesame di PSI II 131 e nuovi acquisti testuali (PLit.Palau Rib. 21). 107 (1995) 53–56 –, Tucidide I 101,1–2; 102,3. Un frammento di P. Oxy. XLIX 3450 a Barcellona. 109 (1995) 110–112 –, Papyri Matritenses: note di lettura. 110 (1996) 133–134 –, PLit.Palau Rib. 18: Martyrium Pauli, I 18–22. 110 (1996) 132 (Corrigenda dazu: 112 (1996) 202) –, Un frammento di Callimaco, Inno IV (In Delum), 199–206. 134 (2001) 53–54 LÓPEZ GARCÍA, A. – PINTAUDI, R., Menander, Epitrepontes 662–666; 688–691 (S) in un papiro Laurenziano (PL III/310 A). 124 (1998) 15–16 LÓPEZ-MELERO, R., Restituere y contribuere (?) en las disposiciones de la tábula de El Bierzo. 138 (2002) 185–223 LÓPEZ-RUIZ, C. – KALDELLIS, A., A New Reading of the Stele of Andron (IG II/III 2 10665): Only One Son Died, Not Two. 176 (2011) 57–59 LŐRINCZ, B., Neue Militärdiplome aus Pannonien. 111 (1996) 259–268 –, Register zu Lieferung 6 der Römischen Inschriften Ungarns (= RIU). 148 (2004) 291–312 LŐRINCZ, B. – ALFÖLDY, G., Ein neues Militärdiplomfragment und ein neuer Statthalter der Provinz Pannonia superior. 139 (2002) 211–218 –, Die cohors I Batavorum miliaria civium Romanorum pia fidelis im pannonischen Solva (Esztergom). 145 (2003) 259–262 LŐRINCZ, B. – KOVÁCS, P., Neue lateinische Inschriften aus Komitat Komárom-Esztergom I. 174 (2010) 277–287 –, Altäre aus dem Auxiliarlager Solva. Neue römische Inschriften aus Komitat Komárom-Esztergom II. 179 (2011) 247–270 LŐRINCZ, B. – PETÉNYI, S., Zwei neue Militärdiplome aus Pannonien. 101 (1994) 197–204 LŐRINCZ, B. – SZÁMADÓ, E., Ein Meilenstein der Senatskaiser Pupienus und Balbinus aus Pannonien. 101 (1994) 205–207 LORIOT, X. – DEMOUGIN, S., D’une Chersonèse à l’autre. 151 (2005) 225–234 LORUSSO, V., Nuovi frammenti di Galeno (IN HP. EPID. VI COMM. VII; IN PLAT. TIM. COMM.). 152 (2005) 43–56 LOTT, J. B., An Augustan Sculpture of August Justice. 113 (1996) 263–270 LOUGOVAYA, J., A Note on IG I 3 1260. 144 (2003) 109–110 –, Isocrates, ad Demonicum 13–15. 164 (2008) 29–31 –, Age of the Trierarchs in the Decree of Themistokles. 166 (2008) 113–114 –, Isopsephisms in P.Jena II 15a–b. 176 (2011) 200–204 LOVENJAK, M., Die neuen Meilensteine von Celje (Celeia, Noricum) aus den Jahren 161, 214 und 218 n. Chr. 146 (2004) 205–210 LOZANO, F., Thea Livia in Athens: Redating IG II 2 3242. 148 (2004) 177–180 LUCAS, G., À propos d’Éreiknion, cité Perrhèbe. 105 (1995) 105–130 –, Notule à propos de “ÉAde›a Stad[m]e¤[ou]”. 128 (1999) 94 LUCIANI, F., CIL V 2041: un’iscrizione di Bellunum riveduta e corretta. 181 (2012) 218–220 LUISELLI, R., Papiri greci riutilizzati per la manifattura di un cartonnage di legatura. 142 (2003) 147–162 LUISELLI, R. – ANDORLINI, I., Una ripresa di Diotogene Pitagorico, Sulla regalità, in PBingen 3 (encomio per Augusto?). 136 (2001) 155–166 LUISIER, Ph., Les années de l’indiction dans les inscriptions des Kellia. 159 (2007) 217–222 LUJAN, E. R. – BERENGUER-SANCHEZ, J. A., La nueva inscripción falisca de Cavios Frenaios. 149 (2004) 213–222 LUNDON, J., Lexeis from the Scholia Minora in Homerum. 124 (1998) 25–52 –, PDuk inv. 971 verso + PKöln I 22: Homer, Iliad 1.528–559. 141 (2002) 63–70 –, Homer, Iliad 1.127–138 from the Duke Papyrus Collection. 141 (2002) 71–73 –, Il “sogno funesto” di Agamennone in un frammento papiraceo della Duke University? 143 (2003) 6–10 –, A New Fragment of Euripides’ Helen (1429–33). 145 (2003) 19–21 –, A New Fragment of Plutarch (De cohibenda ira 452F). 147 (2004) 45–50 –, PSI inv. 320 verso: Fragment einer Rede? 159 (2007) 56–60 –, Die fehlende Silbe im neuen Kölner Sappho-Papyrus. 160 (2007) 1–3 –, PSI XV 1464 e P.Oxy. LXXI 4821. Due frammenti di uno stesso commentario omerico da Ossirinco. 178 (2011) 1–20 LUNDON, J. – ANDORLINI, I., Frammenti di Omero, Odissea XI 210–29 (PDuk inv. 60 + PPisaLit 23). 133 (2000) 1–6 LUNDON, J. – GONIS, N., Scholia Minora to Iliad I 595–604, II 4–10. 136 (2001) 111–115 LUNDON, J. – MATTHAIOS, S., Nominal Accidents by Question and Answer: Two Fragments of a T°xnh GrammatikÆ, One New. 154 (2005) 97–116 LUNDON, J. – MESSERI, G., A Passage of Isocrates on the Back of a Protocol (PVindob G 39977). 132 (2000) 125–131 LUPPE, W., Die Hypothesis zum ersten ‚Hippolytus‘ (P. Mich. inv. 6222a). 102 (1994) 23–39 –, sunyane›n pr°pei. Zu P. Oxy. 3317. 102 (1994) 40–42 –, Eine verderbte Stelle im ‚Telephos‘-Prolog. 103 (1994) 10 –, kat°pine klvgmÒn. Kratinos, ‚Plutoi‘ Fr. 171 K./A. 106 (1995) 3–4

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff. 35<br />

–, Simonidea. 182 (2012) 45–53<br />

LLEWELYN, S. R., The efiw (tØn) ofik¤an Formula and the Delivery of Letters to Third Persons or to Their Property. 101 (1994) 71–78<br />

–, The Function of the shmas¤a-Texts, P. Oxy. XXXIV 2719 and SB XVI 12550. 104 (1994) 230–232<br />

–, SD, a Christian Isopsephism? 109 (1995) 125–127<br />

–, P. Harris I 62 and the Pursuit of Fugitive Slaves. 118 (1997) 245–250<br />

LLOYD-JONES, H., Notes on the New Simonides. 101 (1994) 1–3<br />

–, Again the Tattoo Elegy. 101 (1994) 4–7<br />

–, Alcaeus fr. 130 b, 1–2 Voigt. 108 (1995) 35–37<br />

–, Lykaon and Kyknos. 108 (1995) 38–44<br />

–, The Pride of Halicarnassus. 124 (1998) 1–14 (Corrigenda and Addenda: 127 (1999) 63–65)<br />

–, Lykaon and Kyknos (<strong>ZPE</strong> 108, 1995, 38–44). 134 (2001) 22<br />

–, Notes on P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309. 137 (2001) 6<br />

–, Two More Notes on P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309 (Poseidippos). 139 (2002) 33<br />

–, Posidippus fr. 31 Austin–Bastianini (P. Mil. Vogl. 309, col. V 20–5). 144 (2003) 62<br />

LOBÜSCHER, Th. – ECK, W., Ein neuer Stadtplan der Colonia Ulpia Traiana Dacica Sarmizegetusa. 137 (2001) 263–269<br />

LOFTUS, A., A New Fragment of the Theramenes Papyrus (P. Mich. 5796b). 133 (2000) 11–20<br />

LOHMANN, H. – SCHAEFER, H., Wo lag das Herakleion der Salaminioi §p‹ Porym“? 133 (2000) 91–102<br />

LOMIENTO, L., Ancora su Cercida: frr. 2, 7, 10 Lom. e i Fragmenta minora. 117 (1997) 57–64<br />

LOOMIS, W. T., Pay Differentials and Class Warfare in Lysias’ Against Theozotides: Two Obols or Two Drachmas. 107 (1995) 230–236<br />

LÓPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA, P. – AYÁN VILA, X., Una estela funeraria inédita de Taragoña (Rianxo, A Coruña). 161 (2007) 283–287<br />

LÓPEZ CRUCES, J. L., Cercidas, P. Oxy. 1082, col. xi. 140 (2002) 30–32<br />

–, Heracles on Oeta (TrGF Adesp. 653 Kn.–Sn.): Two Supplements. 166 (2008) 23–26<br />

LÓPEZ CRUCES, J. L. – CAMPOS DAROCA, J., The Metre of Cercidas. 102 (1994) 81–94 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 104 (1994) 22)<br />

LÓPEZ GARCÍA, A., Esiodo, Fr. 193. Riesame di PSI II 131 e nuovi acquisti testuali (PLit.Palau Rib. 21). 107 (1995) 53–56<br />

–, Tucidide I 101,1–2; 102,3. Un frammento di P. Oxy. XLIX 3450 a Barcellona. 109 (1995) 110–112<br />

–, Papyri Matritenses: note di lettura. 110 (1996) 133–134<br />

–, PLit.Palau Rib. 18: Martyrium Pauli, I 18–22. 110 (1996) 132 (Corrigenda da<strong>zu</strong>: 112 (1996) 202)<br />

–, Un frammento di Callimaco, Inno IV (In Delum), 199–206. 134 (2001) 53–54<br />

LÓPEZ GARCÍA, A. – PINTAUDI, R., Menander, Epitrepontes 662–666; 688–691 (S) in un papiro Laurenziano (PL III/310 A). 124 (1998) 15–16<br />

LÓPEZ-MELERO, R., Restituere y contribuere (?) en las disposiciones de la tábula de El Bierzo. 138 (2002) 185–223<br />

LÓPEZ-RUIZ, C. – KALDELLIS, A., A New Reading of the Stele of Andron (IG II/III 2 10665): Only One Son Died, Not Two. 176 (2011) 57–59<br />

LŐRINCZ, B., Neue Militärdiplome aus Pannonien. 111 (1996) 259–268<br />

–, Register <strong>zu</strong> Lieferung 6 der Römischen Inschriften Ungarns (= RIU). 148 (2004) 291–312<br />

LŐRINCZ, B. – ALFÖLDY, G., Ein neues Militärdiplomfragment und ein neuer Statthalter der Provinz Pannonia superior. 139 (2002) 211–218<br />

–, Die cohors I Batavorum miliaria civium Romanorum pia fidelis im pannonischen Solva (Esztergom). 145 (2003) 259–262<br />

LŐRINCZ, B. – KOVÁCS, P., Neue lateinische Inschriften aus Komitat Komárom-Esztergom I. 174 (2010) 277–287<br />

–, Altäre aus dem Auxiliarlager Solva. Neue römische Inschriften aus Komitat Komárom-Esztergom II. 179 (2011) 247–270<br />

LŐRINCZ, B. – PETÉNYI, S., Zwei neue Militärdiplome aus Pannonien. 101 (1994) 197–204<br />

LŐRINCZ, B. – SZÁMADÓ, E., Ein Meilenstein der Senatskaiser Pupienus und Balbinus aus Pannonien. 101 (1994) 205–207<br />

LORIOT, X. – DEMOUGIN, S., D’une Chersonèse à l’autre. 151 (2005) 225–234<br />

LORUSSO, V., Nuovi frammenti di Galeno (IN HP. EPID. VI COMM. VII; IN PLAT. TIM. COMM.). 152 (2005) 43–56<br />

LOTT, J. B., An Augustan Sculpture of August Justice. 113 (1996) 263–270<br />

LOUGOVAYA, J., A Note on IG I 3 1260. 144 (2003) 109–110<br />

–, Isocrates, ad Demonicum 13–15. 164 (2008) 29–31<br />

–, Age of the Trierarchs in the Decree of Themistokles. 166 (2008) 113–114<br />

–, Isopsephisms in P.Jena II 15a–b. 176 (2011) 200–204<br />

LOVENJAK, M., Die neuen Meilensteine von Celje (Celeia, Noricum) aus den Jahren 161, 214 und 218 n. Chr. 146 (2004) 205–210<br />

LOZANO, F., Thea Livia in Athens: Redating IG II 2 3242. 148 (2004) 177–180<br />

LUCAS, G., À propos d’Éreiknion, cité Perrhèbe. 105 (1995) 105–130<br />

–, Notule à propos de “ÉAde›a Stad[m]e¤[ou]”. 128 (1999) 94<br />

LUCIANI, F., CIL V 2041: un’iscrizione di Bellunum riveduta e corretta. 181 (2012) 218–220<br />

LUISELLI, R., Papiri greci riutilizzati per la manifattura di un cartonnage di legatura. 142 (2003) 147–162<br />

LUISELLI, R. – ANDORLINI, I., Una ripresa di Diotogene Pitagorico, Sulla regalità, in PBingen 3 (encomio per Augusto?). 136 (2001) 155–166<br />

LUISIER, Ph., Les années de l’indiction dans les inscriptions des Kellia. 159 (2007) 217–222<br />

LUJAN, E. R. – BERENGUER-SANCHEZ, J. A., La nueva inscripción falisca de Cavios Frenaios. 149 (2004) 213–222<br />

LUNDON, J., Lexeis from the Scholia Minora in Homerum. 124 (1998) 25–52<br />

–, PDuk inv. 971 verso + PKöln I 22: Homer, Iliad 1.528–559. 141 (2002) 63–70<br />

–, Homer, Iliad 1.127–138 from the Duke Papyrus Collection. 141 (2002) 71–73<br />

–, Il “sogno funesto” di Agamennone in un frammento papiraceo della Duke University? 143 (2003) 6–10<br />

–, A New Fragment of Euripides’ Helen (1429–33). 145 (2003) 19–21<br />

–, A New Fragment of Plutarch (De cohibenda ira 452F). 147 (2004) 45–50<br />

–, PSI inv. 320 verso: Fragment einer Rede? 159 (2007) 56–60<br />

–, Die fehlende Silbe im neuen Kölner Sappho-Papyrus. 160 (2007) 1–3<br />

–, PSI XV 1464 e P.Oxy. LXXI 4821. Due frammenti di uno stesso commentario omerico da Ossirinco. 178 (2011) 1–20<br />

LUNDON, J. – ANDORLINI, I., Frammenti di Omero, Odissea XI 210–29 (PDuk inv. 60 + PPisaLit 23). 133 (2000) 1–6<br />

LUNDON, J. – GONIS, N., Scholia Minora to Iliad I 595–604, II 4–10. 136 (2001) 111–115<br />

LUNDON, J. – MATTHAIOS, S., Nominal Accidents by Question and Answer: Two Fragments of a T°xnh GrammatikÆ, One New. 154 (2005) 97–116<br />

LUNDON, J. – MESSERI, G., A Passage of Isocrates on the Back of a Protocol (PVindob G 39977). 132 (2000) 125–131<br />

LUPPE, W., Die Hypothesis <strong>zu</strong>m ersten ‚Hippolytus‘ (P. Mich. inv. 6222a). 102 (1994) 23–39<br />

–, sunyane›n pr°pei. Zu P. Oxy. 3317. 102 (1994) 40–42<br />

–, Eine verderbte Stelle im ‚Telephos‘-Prolog. 103 (1994) 10<br />

–, kat°pine klvgmÒn. Kratinos, ‚Plutoi‘ Fr. 171 K./A. 106 (1995) 3–4

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