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28 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. –, Philodemus and the Poems of Diagoras. 136 (2001) 33–38 –, Sumerian Asses and Iambic Poetry. 136 (2001) 39–40 –, Sophron, fr. 171, and Theocritus 15. 140 (2002) 1–2 –, Word-order and §klogÆ in Sophron and Demetrius, On Poems 2, cols. 55–60. 141 (2002) 75–82 HORSLEY, G. H. R. – KEARSLEY, R. A., Another Boundary Stone between Tymbrianassos and Sagalassos in Pisidia. 121 (1998) 123–129 van der HORST, P. W., Papyrus Egerton 5: Christian or Jewish? 121 (1998) 173–182 van der HORST, P. W. – MUSSIES, G., A Greek Christian Epitaph in Utrecht. 110 (1996) 285–289 HORSTER, M., Statthalter von Thrakien unter Commodus. 147 (2004) 247–258 HORSTKOTTE, H., Systematische Aspekte der munera publica in der römischen Kaiserzeit. 111 (1996) 233–255 –, SB 7523 und der Veteranenstatus Mitte des 2. Jh.s n. Chr. 111 (1996) 256–258 –, Xenokritai beim Praefectus Aegypti (P. Oxy. 3016). 112 (1996) 192–196 –, Die 1804 Konventseingaben in P. Yale 61. 114 (1996) 189–193 –, Vom Honoratiorenzirkel zur Strafanstalt? Rekrutierungsvorschriften für die spätrömische Kurie. 125 (1999) 243–248 –, Die principales des spätrömischen Dekurionenrates. 130 (2000) 272–278 HORSTKOTTE, H. – YAKOBSON, A., “Yes, quaestor.” A Republican Politician Versus the Power of the Clerks. 116 (1997) 247–248 HORVÁTH, L., Die Leidensgeschichte des Heiligen Pamun. Bemerkungen zu P.Oxy. 4759. 165 (2008) 209–211 –, Dating Hyperides’ Against Diondas. 166 (2008) 27–34 –, Hyperides’ Against Diondas (Addenda). 166 (2008) 35–36 HORVÁTH, L. – TCHERNETSKA, N. – HANDLEY, E. W. – AUSTIN, C., New Readings in the Fragment of Hyperides’ Against Timandros from the Archimedes Palimpsest. 162 (2007) 1–4 HÖSCHELE, R. – KONSTAN, D., Posidippus col. IV 30–35 = 25 Austin–Bastianini. 156 (2006) 99–102 HOUSTON, G. W., Onesimus the Librarian. 114 (1996) 205–208 del HOYO, J., Duratón, municipio romano. A propósito de un fragmento inédito de ley municipal. 108 (1995) 140–144 HOYOS, D., Polybius and the Papyrus: the Persuasiveness of P. Rylands III 491. 134 (2001) 71–79 de HOZ, Mª P., Henoteísmo y magia en una inscripción de Hispania. 118 (1997) 227–230 –, Literacy in Rural Anatolia: the Testimony of the Confession Inscriptions. 155 (2006) 139–144 –, Inscripciones griegas de oriente introducidas en España por el comercio de antigüedades. 155 (2006) 145–149 –, A New Set of simulacra gentium Identified by Greek Inscriptions in the so-called “House of Terpsichore” in Valentia (Spain). 163 (2007) 131–146 HUANG, R. – POWERS, J. – DIMITROVA, N. – SMILGIES, D.-M. – BILDERBACK, D. H. – CLINTON, K. – THORNE, R. E., X-ray Fluorescence Recovers Writing from Ancient Inscriptions. 152 (2005) 221–227 HÜBNER, U. – WEISS, P., Eine neu entdeckte griechische Grabinschrift aus aṭ-Ṭurra in Nordjordanien. 161 (2007) 177–180 HUGHES, D. D., A ‘Heroizing’ Gravestone from Thera. 133 (2000) 122 HUMPHREYS, S. C., Notes on Attic Prosopography. 160 (2007) 65–75 –, Some Problematical Attic ‘Lists’ with Tribe and Deme Headings. 172 (2010) 75–84 –, A Paranoiac Sycophant? The Curse Tablet NM 14470 (D. R. Jordan and J. Curbera, ZPE 166, 2008, 135–150). 172 (2010) 85–86 HURLET, Fr., La désignation de L. Egnatius Victor Lollianus au proconsulat d’Asie. A Propos de CIL, VI, 41223. 153 (2005) 271–279 HURST, A. – RUDHARDT, J., Stellungnahme. 103 (1994) 154 AL-HUSAN, A. G. – KENNEDY, D., New Milestones from Northern Jordan: 1992–1995. 113 (1996) 257–262 HUSS, W., Ptolemaios der Sohn. 121 (1998) 229–250 –, Noch ein Mord im Haus des Ptolemaios? 140 (2002) 40–42 –, Noch einmal: Ptolemaios der Sohn. 149 (2004) 232 –, Zur Invasion Ptolemaios’ VIII. Soters II. in Ägypten (103 v. Chr.). 157 (2006) 168 –, Zu Finanzjahr-Daten des 39. Jahres Ptolemaios’ II. 159 (2007) 280 –, Die Tochter Berenike oder die Schwiegertochter Berenike? Bemerkungen zu einigen Epigrammen des Poseidippos von Pella. 165 (2008) 55–57 –, Zur Gründung von „Arsinoë bei Kyrene“. 165 (2008) 58 –, Zur Datierung von O. dem. Stras. 283. 178 (2011) 236 HUSSEIN, A. – WAGNER, G., Une dédicace grecque du grand Temple d’Esment-el Kharab. 101 (1994) 109–112 HUSSON, G. – CAPRON, L. – DUMOULIN, C. – FOURNET, J.-L., Corrigenda aux P. Reinach II. 150 (2004) 207–213 HUSSON, G. – DUMOULIN, C., Quelques lettres privées de la collection Théodore Reinach. 129 (2000) 215–222 HUTCHINSON, G. O., The New Posidippus and Latin Poetry. 138 (2002) 1–10 –, The Aetia: Callimachus’ Poem of Knowledge. 145 (2003) 47–59 –, Euripides’ Other Hippolytus. 149 (2004) 15–28 –, The Metamorphosis of Metamorphosis: P. Oxy. 4711 and Ovid. 155 (2006) 71–84 HUTTNER, U., Der Kaiser als Garant sakraler Kontinuität. Überlegungen zu CIL III 709. 146 (2004) 193–201 HUYS, M., P. Oxy. 61.4099: A Combination of Mythographic Lists with Sentences of the Seven Wise Men. 113 (1996) 205–212 –, Some Notes on a Kellis Ostracon with the Legend of Tennes and Hemithea (= LDAB 10306). 152 (2005) 203–208 HUYS, M. – BAPLU, N., P.Bouriant 1, fol. I–V: Re-edition and Commentary of the Syllabic Word-lists. 169 (2009) 29–57 HUYS, M. – CLARYSSE, W., A Verse Inscription from the Temple of Ain Labakha. 113 (1996) 213–215 –, A Soldier’s Epitaph Rescued from the Sea. 143 (2003) 147–148 HUYS, M. – SCHMIDT, Th., The Syllabic Name-Lists on O. Crum 525 (UC inv. 32222). Re-edition and Commentary. 134 (2001) 145–162 –, A Toronto Ostracon with a List of Monosyllables (2718 Pack 2 ): Re-Edition with Commentary. 152 (2005) 209–217 IASIELLO, I. – SOLIN, H., Due iscrizioni dal territorio di Morcone. 178 (2011) 279–284 IÇTEN, Ç. – ENGELMANN, H., Inschriften aus Ephesos und Metropolis. 108 (1995) 88–94 –, Inschriften aus Ephesos und Kolophon. 120 (1998) 83–91 IDIRÈNE, H., Nouvelles inscriptions de l’antique TVBVSVPTV (Tiklat ou El-Kseur). 140 (2002) 239–244 IMMERWAHR, H. R., Measuring the Wine. 151 (2005) 100–104 IÑESTA MENA, J. – SAQUETE CHAMIZO, J. C., Un fragmento de ley municipal hallado en la Baeturia Turdulorum (conventus Cordubensis, provincia Baetica). 168 (2009) 293–297 INGROSSO, P., Menandro, Aspis 140–148 J. e PSI 126 I r . 181 (2012) 23–26 IOANNIDOU, G., A Note on sunaktikÒw. 118 (1997) 162 IRBY-MASSIE, G. L., The Roman Army and the Cult of the Campestres. 113 (1996) 293–300 IRVINE, J. A. D., Keres in Stesichorus’ Geryoneis: P. Oxy. 2617 fr. 1 (a)–(b) = SLG 21 Reconsidered. 115 (1997) 37–46

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. 29 –, Euripides’ Ion l. 1 and Pap. Herc. 1088 2 a Reconsidered. 117 (1997) 1–8 ISAAC, B., Dedications to Zeus Olybris. 117 (1997) 126–128 ISAAC, B. – COTTON, H. M. – di SEGNI, L. – ECK, W., Corpus Inscriptionum Judaeae/Palaestinae. 127 (1999) 307–308 ISAGER, S., The Pride of Halikarnassos. Editio princeps of an inscription from Salmakis. 123 (1998) 1–23 ISAGER, S. – PEDERSEN, P., Hadrian, Sabina and Halikarnassos – Some Epigraphic Evidence. 181 (2012) 95–101 d’ISANTO, G., Rilettura di un’iscrizione cristiana di Capua del 360 d.C. (AE 1901, 168). 101 (1994) 183–186 İŞKAN-IŞIK, H. – ECK, W. – ENGELMANN, H., Der Leuchtturm von Patara und Sex. Marcius Priscus als Statthalter der Provinz Lycia von Nero bis Vespasian. 164 (2008) 91–121 ISLER, H. P., GERRAI – ein neuer inschriftlicher Beleg aus Sizilien. 101 (1994) 104–106 ISTASSE, N., Les fonctions exercées par les affranchis en Égypte romaine d’après les papyrus et ostraca grecs et latins. 132 (2000) 197–210 ITGENSHORST, T., Das mythologische Fragment P. Vindob. Gr. 26727: Eine neue Lesung. 119 (1997) 189–192 IVANOV, R. – DANA, D., Deux épitaphes latines inédites d’Abritus (Mésie Inférieure). Considérations sur le peuplement d’Abritus. 181 (2012) 235– 244 IVANOV, R. – ECK, W., C. Iulius Victor, senatorischer Legat von Moesia inferior unter Valerianus und Gallienus und das Kastell Sostra-Siosta. 170 (2009) 191–200 –, Zwei Votivinschriften aus Ratiaria in der Provinz Moesia superior. 174 (2010) 201–205 IVANTCHIK, A. – POGORELETS, O. – SAVVOV, R., A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine. 163 (2007) 255–262 IVERSEN, P. A., A Rediscovered Fragment of GIBM 343 (Cos). 125 (1999) 182–184 –, A Thasian Amphora Stamp from Olbia on Display at the Cleveland Public Library. 145 (2003) 140 JACKSON, A. H., An Oracle for Raiders? 108 (1995) 95–99 –, Argos’ Victory over Corinth. 132 (2000) 295–311 JACKSON, H. M., A New Proposal for the Origin of the Hermetic God Poimandres. 128 (1999) 95–106 JACKSON, S., Callimachus, Istrus and the Statue of Delian Apollo. 110 (1996) 43–48 JACOBS, J., Fragment of a Petition (?) to the Strategos Sarapion alias Apollonianos (II). 148 (2004) 243–244 JACOVIDES, M. L. – McNAMEE, K., Annotations to the Speech of the Muses (Plato Republic 546B–C). 144 (2003) 31–50 JAILLARD, D., À propos du fragment 35 de Callimaque. 132 (2000) 143–144 JAKOBI, R., Zum neuen Tiberius Claudius Donatus. 116 (1997) 28–30 JAKOBI, R. – LUPPE, W., P. Oxy. 4458 col. I: Aristoteles redivivus. 131 (2000) 15–18 JANKO, R., The Physicist as Hierophant: Aristophanes, Socrates and the Authorship of the Derveni Papyrus. 118 (1997) 61–94 –, More of Euripides’ Hercules bis in P. Hibeh 179. 136 (2001) 1–6 –, The Derveni Papyrus: an Interim Text. 141 (2002) 1–62 –, Empedocles, On Nature I 233–364: a New Reconstruction of P. Strasb. gr. Inv. 1665–6. 150 (2004) 1–26 –, Reconstructing (again) the Opening of the Derveni Papyrus. 166 (2008) 37–51 –, Some Notes on the New Hyperides (Against Diondas). 170 (2009) 16 JANON, M. – CHRISTOL, M., Albarinus, dieu indigène dans la cité de Carpentras (Gaule Narbonnaise). 146 (2004) 272–278 JIMÉNEZ SAN CRISTÓBAL, A. I., Un iniziato sotto un tumulo a Cuma? 161 (2007) 105–114 JOHANSSON, M., The Inscription from Troizen: A Decree of Themistokles? 137 (2001) 69–92 JOHNSON, P. B. – OATES, J. F. – WEINBERG, R. J. – SOSIN, J. D., Reading Invisible Ink: Digital Imaging of P. Duk. inv. 716. 127 (1999) 127–130 JOHNSON, W. A., P. Hibeh II 193 (Iliad VI 4–7). 139 (2002) 1–2 JOHNSTON, A. W., On Some Graffiti from Aiani. 104 (1994) 81–82 (Corrigendum dazu: 106 (1995) 96) –, PET; Food for Thought. 133 (2000) 236 –, Notes on Two Inscriptions on Cypriot Statuettes. 144 (2003) 164–166 –, Pots and Tetrobols. 152 (2005) 115–120 –, Panathenaic Amphorae, Again. 161 (2007) 101–104 –, Leontini – Some Remarks on Epichoric Texts. 175 (2010) 150–152 –, Wool or Pots at Aiani? 175 (2010) 153–154 –, A Megarian Mystery. 176 (2011) 177–178 JOHNSTON, D., Municipal Funds in the Light of Chapter 69 of the lex Irnitana. 111 (1996) 199–207 JONES, A., On the Planetary Table, Dublin TCD Pap. F. 7. 107 (1995) 255–258 –, On the Reconstructed Macedonian and Egyptian Lunar Calendars. 119 (1997) 157–166 –, A Greek Papyrus Containing Babylonian Lunar Theory. 119 (1997) 167–172 –, Notes on Astronomical Papyri. 121 (1998) 203–210 –, Three Astronomical Tables from Tebtunis. 121 (1998) 211–219 –, Two Astronomical Tables: P. Berol. 21240 and 21359. 125 (1999) 201–205 –, Calendrica I: New Callippic Dates. 129 (2000) 141–158 –, Calendrica II: Date Equations from the Reign of Augustus. 129 (2000) 159–166 –, More Astronomical Tables from Tebtunis. 134 (2001) 211–220 –, IG XII,1 913: An Astronomical Inscription from Hellenistic Rhodes. 158 (2006) 104–110 JONES, A. – BRASHEAR, W., An Astronomical Table Containing Jupiter’s Synodic Phenomena. 125 (1999) 206–210 JONES, C. P., Atticus in Ephesus. 124 (1998) 89–94 –, The Claudian Monument at Patara. 137 (2001) 161–168 –, Epigraphica. 139 (2002) 108–116 –, Epigraphica IV–V. 142 (2003) 127–133 –, Epigraphica VI–VII. 144 (2003) 157–163 –, Epigraphica VIII–IX. 146 (2004) 93–98 –, An Athenian Document Mentioning Julius Nicanor. 154 (2005) 161–172 –, Three New Letters of the Emperor Hadrian. 161 (2007) 145–156 –, Gladiator Epigrams from Beroea and Stratonikeia (Caria). 163 (2007) 45–48 –, Hyperides and the Sale of Slave-Families. 164 (2008) 19–20 –, The Neronian Inscription on the Lighthouse of Patara. 166 (2008) 153–154 –, The Inscription from Tel Maresha for Olympiodoros. 171 (2009) 100–104 –, An Apamean at Philippopolis. 176 (2011) 96–98

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff. 29<br />

–, Euripides’ Ion l. 1 and Pap. Herc. 1088 2 a Reconsidered. 117 (1997) 1–8<br />

ISAAC, B., Dedications to Zeus Olybris. 117 (1997) 126–128<br />

ISAAC, B. – COTTON, H. M. – di SEGNI, L. – ECK, W., Corpus Inscriptionum Judaeae/Palaestinae. 127 (1999) 307–308<br />

ISAGER, S., The Pride of Halikarnassos. Editio princeps of an inscription from Salmakis. 123 (1998) 1–23<br />

ISAGER, S. – PEDERSEN, P., Hadrian, Sabina and Halikarnassos – Some Epigraphic Evidence. 181 (2012) 95–101<br />

d’ISANTO, G., Rilettura di un’iscrizione cristiana di Capua del 360 d.C. (AE 1901, 168). 101 (1994) 183–186<br />

İŞKAN-IŞIK, H. – ECK, W. – ENGELMANN, H., Der Leuchtturm von Patara und Sex. Marcius Priscus als Statthalter der Provinz Lycia von Nero bis<br />

Vespasian. 164 (2008) 91–121<br />

ISLER, H. P., GERRAI – ein neuer inschriftlicher Beleg aus Sizilien. 101 (1994) 104–106<br />

ISTASSE, N., Les fonctions exercées par les affranchis en Égypte romaine d’après les papyrus et ostraca grecs et latins. 132 (2000) 197–210<br />

ITGENSHORST, T., Das mythologische Fragment P. Vindob. Gr. 26727: Eine neue Lesung. 119 (1997) 189–192<br />

IVANOV, R. – DANA, D., Deux épitaphes latines inédites d’Abritus (Mésie Inférieure). Considérations sur le peuplement d’Abritus. 181 (2012) 235–<br />

244<br />

IVANOV, R. – ECK, W., C. Iulius Victor, senatorischer Legat von Moesia inferior unter Valerianus und Gallienus und das Kastell Sostra-Siosta. 170<br />

(2009) 191–200<br />

–, Zwei Votivinschriften aus Ratiaria in der Provinz Moesia superior. 174 (2010) 201–205<br />

IVANTCHIK, A. – POGORELETS, O. – SAVVOV, R., A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine. 163 (2007) 255–262<br />

IVERSEN, P. A., A Rediscovered Fragment of GIBM 343 (Cos). 125 (1999) 182–184<br />

–, A Thasian Amphora Stamp from Olbia on Display at the Cleveland Public Library. 145 (2003) 140<br />

JACKSON, A. H., An Oracle for Raiders? 108 (1995) 95–99<br />

–, Argos’ Victory over Corinth. 132 (2000) 295–311<br />

JACKSON, H. M., A New Proposal for the Origin of the Hermetic God Poimandres. 128 (1999) 95–106<br />

JACKSON, S., Callimachus, Istrus and the Statue of Delian Apollo. 110 (1996) 43–48<br />

JACOBS, J., Fragment of a Petition (?) to the Strategos Sarapion alias Apollonianos (II). 148 (2004) 243–244<br />

JACOVIDES, M. L. – McNAMEE, K., Annotations to the Speech of the Muses (Plato Republic 546B–C). 144 (2003) 31–50<br />

JAILLARD, D., À propos du fragment 35 de Callimaque. 132 (2000) 143–144<br />

JAKOBI, R., Zum neuen Tiberius Claudius Donatus. 116 (1997) 28–30<br />

JAKOBI, R. – LUPPE, W., P. Oxy. 4458 col. I: Aristoteles redivivus. 131 (2000) 15–18<br />

JANKO, R., The Physicist as Hierophant: Aristophanes, Socrates and the Authorship of the Derveni Papyrus. 118 (1997) 61–94<br />

–, More of Euripides’ Hercules bis in P. Hibeh 179. 136 (2001) 1–6<br />

–, The Derveni Papyrus: an Interim Text. 141 (2002) 1–62<br />

–, Empedocles, On Nature I 233–364: a New Reconstruction of P. Strasb. gr. Inv. 1665–6. 150 (2004) 1–26<br />

–, Reconstructing (again) the Opening of the Derveni Papyrus. 166 (2008) 37–51<br />

–, Some Notes on the New Hyperides (Against Diondas). 170 (2009) 16<br />

JANON, M. – CHRISTOL, M., Albarinus, dieu indigène dans la cité de Carpentras (Gaule Narbonnaise). 146 (2004) 272–278<br />

JIMÉNEZ SAN CRISTÓBAL, A. I., Un iniziato sotto un tumulo a Cuma? 161 (2007) 105–114<br />

JOHANSSON, M., The Inscription from Troizen: A Decree of Themistokles? 137 (2001) 69–92<br />

JOHNSON, P. B. – OATES, J. F. – WEINBERG, R. J. – SOSIN, J. D., Reading Invisible Ink: Digital Imaging of P. Duk. inv. 716. 127 (1999) 127–130<br />

JOHNSON, W. A., P. Hibeh II 193 (Iliad VI 4–7). 139 (2002) 1–2<br />

JOHNSTON, A. W., On Some Graffiti from Aiani. 104 (1994) 81–82 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 106 (1995) 96)<br />

–, PET; Food for Thought. 133 (2000) 236<br />

–, Notes on Two Inscriptions on Cypriot Statuettes. 144 (2003) 164–166<br />

–, Pots and Tetrobols. 152 (2005) 115–120<br />

–, Panathenaic Amphorae, Again. 161 (2007) 101–104<br />

–, Leontini – Some Remarks on Epichoric Texts. 175 (2010) 150–152<br />

–, Wool or Pots at Aiani? 175 (2010) 153–154<br />

–, A Megarian Mystery. 176 (2011) 177–178<br />

JOHNSTON, D., Municipal Funds in the Light of Chapter 69 of the lex Irnitana. 111 (1996) 199–207<br />

JONES, A., On the Planetary Table, Dublin TCD Pap. F. 7. 107 (1995) 255–258<br />

–, On the Reconstructed Macedonian and Egyptian Lunar Calendars. 119 (1997) 157–166<br />

–, A Greek Papyrus Containing Babylonian Lunar Theory. 119 (1997) 167–172<br />

–, Notes on Astronomical Papyri. 121 (1998) 203–210<br />

–, Three Astronomical Tables from Tebtunis. 121 (1998) 211–219<br />

–, Two Astronomical Tables: P. Berol. 21240 and 21359. 125 (1999) 201–205<br />

–, Calendrica I: New Callippic Dates. 129 (2000) 141–158<br />

–, Calendrica II: Date Equations from the Reign of Augustus. 129 (2000) 159–166<br />

–, More Astronomical Tables from Tebtunis. 134 (2001) 211–220<br />

–, IG XII,1 913: An Astronomical Inscription from Hellenistic Rhodes. 158 (2006) 104–110<br />

JONES, A. – BRASHEAR, W., An Astronomical Table Containing Jupiter’s Synodic Phenomena. 125 (1999) 206–210<br />

JONES, C. P., Atticus in Ephesus. 124 (1998) 89–94<br />

–, The Claudian Monument at Patara. 137 (2001) 161–168<br />

–, Epigraphica. 139 (2002) 108–116<br />

–, Epigraphica IV–V. 142 (2003) 127–133<br />

–, Epigraphica VI–VII. 144 (2003) 157–163<br />

–, Epigraphica VIII–IX. 146 (2004) 93–98<br />

–, An Athenian Document Mentioning Julius Nicanor. 154 (2005) 161–172<br />

–, Three New Letters of the Emperor Hadrian. 161 (2007) 145–156<br />

–, Gladiator Epigrams from Beroea and Stratonikeia (Caria). 163 (2007) 45–48<br />

–, Hyperides and the Sale of Slave-Families. 164 (2008) 19–20<br />

–, The Neronian Inscription on the Lighthouse of Patara. 166 (2008) 153–154<br />

–, The Inscription from Tel Maresha for Olympiodoros. 171 (2009) 100–104<br />

–, An Apamean at Philippopolis. 176 (2011) 96–98

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