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ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ... ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

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22 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. –, Zum Chrēsis-Mosaik in Antakya. 162 (2007) 95–98 –, Nota Prudentiana. 165 (2008) 65–66 –, Zur Frage der Verfasserschaft der ambrosianischen Tituli. 168 (2009) 123–148 –, Zum Grabepigramm auf Ennodius, zu den ambrosianischen Tituli und zu vates gleich episcopus. 169 (2009) 79–83 -, Prudentius und das Apsisepigramm in Alt-St. Peter. 183 (2012) 75–86 GODDIO, F. – BERNAND, A. – BERNAND, E., L’épigraphie sous-marine dans le port oriental d’Alexandrie. 121 (1998) 131–143 GOLAN, D., The Qualified Praise Decree of Kephisodoros and Historiography. 131 (2000) 227–230 GOLDFUS, H. – VERRETH, H., A Greek Magical(?) Ostrakon from Elousa (Haluza). 128 (1999) 150–152 GOLDMAN, A. – ROLLER, L. E., A Latin Epitaph from Gordion. 141 (2002) 215–220 GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J., Nuove e ‘vecchie’ interpretazioni d’iscrizioni latine su mosaico, nordafricane. 129 (2000) 304–310 GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J. – BENZINA BEN ABDALLAH, Z. – CARANDE, R. – FERNÁNDEZ, C. – JORBA, N., Carmina Latina Epigraphica Inedita Ammaedarae. 152 (2005) 89–113 GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J. – FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, C. – ABASCAL, J. M. – CEBRIÁN, R., Mors mala solvit. Nuevos CLE hallados en Segobriga (Hispania citerior). 161 (2007) 47–60 GÓMEZ-PANTOJA, J. L., Missing the Point: Una pequeña enmienda a CIL XIII 6858. 181 (2012) 263–268 GONIS, N., Remarks on Private Letters. 119 (1997) 135–147 –, Notes on Two Epistolary Conventions. 119 (1997) 148–154 –, Two Female Ghost-Names. 119 (1997) 155–156 –, Revisions of some Harris Papyri (Letters). 123 (1998) 181–195 –, Chronological Notes on III.–V. Century Documents. 123 (1998) 196–198 –, Notes on some Byzantine Leases of Buildings. 124 (1998) 191–194 –, Two Declarations of Uninundated Land Reread. 126 (1999) 207–210 –, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri. 126 (1999) 211–212 –, Six Notes on Documentary Papyri. 129 (2000) 179–181 –, Oxyrhynchus, the Christ-Loving City? 129 (2000) 182 –, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri II. 129 (2000) 183–184 –, P. Wash. Univ. I 16 + 23: Loan of Money with Interest in Kind. 129 (2000) 185–186 –, A Fragment of the Great Doxology in the Bodleian Library. 130 (2000) 172–174 –, Two Poll-Tax Receipts from Early Islamic Egypt. 131 (2000) 150–154 –, Three Notes on Governors of Byzantine Egypt. 132 (2000) 179–180 –, A Symmachos on Mission and his Paymaster: P. Herm. 80 Enlarged. 132 (2000) 181–182 –, Three Consular Dates. 132 (2000) 183–186 –, Some Pragmateuta¤ with False Identities. 132 (2000) 187–188 –, P. Oxy. XVI 1964: A Lease of a Room from Byzantine Oxyrhynchus. 132 (2000) 189–192 –, P. Wash. Univ. II 93: A Receipt for Anabolikon. 132 (2000) 196 –, Incestuous Twins in the City of Arsinoe. 133 (2000) 197–198 –, Some More Elaborate Epistolary Addresses. 136 (2001) 116–118 –, Abbreviated Nomismata in Seventh- and Eighth-Century Papyri. Notes on Palaeography and Taxes. 136 (2001) 119–122 –, Yet Another Memphis [Poll] Tax Receipt. 136 (2001) 123–124 –, Two New Arsinoite Curatores Civitatis? 137 (2001) 221–222 –, On the Knowledge in Egypt of the Death of Severus. 137 (2001) 223–224 –, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt. 137 (2001) 225–228 –, The Consular Date of P. Bodl. I 52. 138 (2002) 140 –, P. Oslo II 35: Oxyrhynchite Nobles and Dubious Supplements. 141 (2002) 159–161 –, Further Texts from the Oxyrhynchus Racing Archive. 141 (2002) 162–164 –, P. Bodl. I 141: An Arsinoite Church and a Room to Rent in the Summer of an Elusive Year. 141 (2002) 165–168 –, P. Laur. III 73 + P. Giss. 119: Lease of Part of a House. 141 (2002) 169–172 –, Remarks on Private Letters II. 142 (2003) 163–170 –, A Declaration of Artificially Inundated Land. 142 (2003) 171–175 –, Hermopolite Localities and Splinter Nomes. 142 (2003) 176–184 –, Five Tax Receipts from Early Islamic Egypt. 143 (2003) 149–157 –, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents. 143 (2003) 158–162 –, Ship-Owners and Skippers in Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus. 143 (2003) 163–165 –, Five Ostraca from Oxford. 144 (2003) 181–186 –, P. Oxy. XVI 1969 desc.: Loan of Two Solidi. 144 (2003) 186–188 –, Two Hermopolite Leases of the Reign of Heraclius. 145 (2003) 203–206 –, Flavius Nestorius, praeses Thebaidis? 145 (2003) 207–208 –, P. Vindob. G. 14965 (= CPR IX 67) + 18880: Requisitioned Workers in Eighth-Century Egypt. 145 (2003) 209–211 –, P. Bingen 135 and Flavius Apion I. 146 (2004) 175–178 –, Tax Receipts on Coptic and Greek Ostraca Re-read. 147 (2004) 157–163 –, An Unrecognised (Post)Consular Date of 383. 147 (2004) 164 –, Arabs, Monks, and Taxes: Notes on Documents from Deir el-Bala’izah. 148 (2004) 213–224 -, Another Look at Some Officials in Early ‘Abbāsid Egypt. 149 (2004) 189–195 –, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt II. 150 (2004) 187–193 –, J. G. Tait Reads O. Ashm. Shelton. 150 (2004) 194–196 –, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri III. 150 (2004) 197–202 –, A. S. Hunt and ‘Youtie’s Law’. 151 (2005) 166 –, Consular Epithets and Regionalism in Sixth-Century Egypt. 152 (2005) 183–186 –, Seventh-Century Oxyrhynchite Documents in the Beinecke Library. 153 (2005) 169–171 –, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents II. 154 (2005) 203–210 –, Stein’s Style Nouveau and the Post-Consulates of Iustinus II and Tiberius II. 154 (2005) 211–213 –, Mommsen, Grenfell, and ‘The Century of Papyrology’. 156 (2006) 195–196

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis ZPE 101 ff. 23 –, Two Ostraca from Syene/Elephantine. 156 (2006) 197–198 –, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents III. 159 (2007) 267–272 –, SB VI 8986 and Heraclius’ Sons. 166 (2008) 199–202 –, Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum. 166 (2008) 203–210 –, ‘Aurelius and Verus’: A Ghost Combination. 166 (2008) 268 –, Egypt and the Date of the Death of Lucius Verus. 169 (2009) 196 –, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt III. 169 (2009) 197–208 –, A Symmachos on Mission: P.Herm. 80 Completed. 171 (2009) 209–210 –, P. Paramone 18: Emperors, Conquerors and Vassals. 173 (2010) 133–135 –, An ‘Our Father’ with Problems. 181 (2012) 46–47 GONIS, N. – ADAMS, C. E. P., Two Customs-House Receipts from the Bodleian Library. 126 (1999) 213–218 GONIS, N. – AST, R., P. Worp 27 and the Consul ‘Iulius’ Maximus. 171 (2009) 213–215 GONIS, N. – AZZARELLO, G., P.Stras. VIII 800: Lettera ad un Pronoetes della Domus Divina. 171 (2009) 211–212 GONIS, N. – LUNDON, J., Scholia Minora to Iliad I 595–604, II 4–10. 136 (2001) 111–115 GONIS, N. – MORELLI, F., A Requisition for the ‘Commander of the Faithful’: SPP VIII 1082 Revised. 132 (2000) 193–195 GONIS, N. – RÖMER, C. E., Ein Lobgesang an den Vater der Größe in P. Kellis II 94. 120 (1998) 299–300 GONIS, N. – SCHENKE, G., Grüne gegossene Steine. 123 (1998) 199–200 GONIS, N. – WORP, K. A., P. Bodl. I 77: The King of Kings in Arsinoe under Arab Rule. 141 (2002) 173–176 GONZALES, M., New Observations on the Lindian Cult-Tax for Enyalios (SEG 4.171). 166 (2008) 121–134 GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G., CIL II 815: Una inscripción falsa (más) de Cáparra. 183 (2012) 297–305 GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G. – CARBONELL MANILS, J., La sylloge epigráfica de Diego de Covarrubias: un nuevo testimonio de epigrafía manuscrita de la segunda mitad del s. XVI. 172 (2010) 277–288 GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G. – MARKOV, N. – ROTHENHÖFER, P., Ubi falsum nascitur: Original and Falsification of a Bronze Votive Tablet for Iupiter Dolichenus. 182 (2012) 312–314 GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, M., Un eco de Semónides Fr. 7 en CEG II 530. 178 (2011) 26–28 GOREN, D. – PORAT, P., A Greek Epitaph from Sepphoris. 120 (1998) 64 GOREN, D. – PORAT, P. – HAENSCH, R., Epigraphical Discoveries from Scythopolis. 140 (2002) 123–126 GOREN, Y., Scientific Examination of a Seleucid Limestone Stele. 159 (2007) 206–216 GORMAN, R., Ofl per¤ tina in Strabo. 136 (2001) 201–213 GOROSTIDI PI, D. – RUIZ VALDERAS, E., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedente de Tusculum (Lacio, Italia). 178 (2011) 273–278 GOUW, P., Hadrian and the Calendar of Greek Agonistic Festivals. A New Proposal for the Third Year of the Olympic Cycle. 165 (2008) 96–104 GRAF, F., Pedestals of the Gods. 141 (2002) 137–138 –, The Oracle and the Image. Returning to Some Oracles from Clarus. 160 (2007) 113–119 –, Untimely Death, Witchcraft, and Divine Vengeance. A Reasoned Epigraphical Catalog. 162 (2007) 139–150 GRANINGER, D., Studies in the Cult of Artemis Throsia. 162 (2007) 151–164 –, IG IX.2 1099b and the komai of Demetrias. 177 (2011) 119–122 GRANINO CECERE, M. G., C. Iulius Aug. l. Hilarus, navarchus. 109 (1995) 289–297 –, La legio X Gemina e la rivolta di L. Antonius Saturninus. 131 (2000) 207–212 –, Dalle sponde del Reno a quelle dell’Aniene: marinai e navigazione fluviale. 157 (2006) 237–246 GRASSL, H., Eine littera Claudiana am Magdalensberg. 153 (2005) 241–242 GRECO, E., Un ostrakon da Thurii. 173 (2010) 97–101 GREENFIELD, J. C. – COTTON, H. M., Babatha’s Property and the Law of Succession in the Babatha Archive. 104 (1994) 211–224 –, Babatha’s Patria: Maḥoza, Maḥoz ‘Eglatain and Ẓo‘ar. 107 (1995) 126–132 GREGORI, G. L., Un nuovo senatore dell’età di Commodo? 106 (1995) 269–279 –, Alcune iscrizioni imperiali, senatore ed equestri nell’Antiquarium Comunale de Celio. 116 (1997) 161–175 GREGORI, G. L. – FUSCO, U., A proposito dei matrimoni di Marcella minore e del monumentum dei suoi schiavi e liberti. 111 (1996) 226–232 GRIMES, B., IG II 2 1198: Money Awarded by Attic Demes for the Purpose of Sacrifice. 140 (2002) 80 GRONEWALD, M., Bemerkungen zu Menander. 102 (1994) 71–75 –, Bemerkungen zu Menander. 106 (1995) 27–29 –, Bemerkungen zu Menander. 107 (1995) 57–59 –, PCG VIII Adespota *1031 K–A. 111 (1996) 174 –, Bemerkungen zu Menander. 114 (1996) 60 –, Hesiod, Xenophon, Psalmen und Alexanderapophthegma in Berliner Papyri. 115 (1997) 117–120 –, Bemerkungen zu Menander. 117 (1997) 19–20 –, Menander, Epitrepontes 688 s. 126 (1999) 74 –, Bemerkungen zum neuen Poseidippos. 137 (2001) 1–5 –, Nochmal zu Menander, Epitrepontes 326 f. 139 (2002) 54 –, Bemerkungen zu Poseidippos. 144 (2003) 63–66 –, Bemerkungen zu Poseidippos. 149 (2004) 49–53 –, Kallimachos, Aitia fr. 64,10 Pf. 157 (2006) 46 (Corrigendum dazu: 158 (2006) 88) –, Zu P. Lit. Lond. 196. 159 (2007) 71–72 (Corrigendum dazu: 160 (2007) 134) –, Bemerkungen zu Poseidippos. 161 (2007) 32–34 –, Zu dem Grabepigramm aus Atrax SEG 51, 673. 161 (2007) 34 –, Zu Poseidippos 91 A.–B. 168 (2009) 54 –, P. Macquarie inv. 586 (1), ein neues Fragment zu P.Köln XII 467: Sibyllinische Orakel 177 (2011) 57–62 –, Nachlese zu P.Macq. inv. 586 (1) (ZPE 177, 2011, 58). 178 (2011) 84 GRONEWALD, M. – BÜYÜKKOLANCI, P. – ENGELMANN, H., Grabepigramm auf den Sklaven Hyllos. 169 (2009) 87–88 (Corrigendum dazu: 170 (2009) 28; Corrigendum zum Corrigendum: 171 (2009) 70) GRONEWALD, M. – DANIEL, R. W., Ein neuer Sappho-Papyrus. 147 (2004) 1–8 –, Nachtrag zum neuen Sappho-Papyrus. 149 (2004) 1–4 –, Lyrischer Text (Sappho-Papyrus). 154 (2005) 7–12

Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff. 23<br />

–, Two Ostraca from Syene/Elephantine. 156 (2006) 197–198<br />

–, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents III. 159 (2007) 267–272<br />

–, SB VI 8986 and Heraclius’ Sons. 166 (2008) 199–202<br />

–, Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum. 166 (2008) 203–210<br />

–, ‘Aurelius and Verus’: A Ghost Combination. 166 (2008) 268<br />

–, Egypt and the Date of the Death of Lucius Verus. 169 (2009) 196<br />

–, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt III. 169 (2009) 197–208<br />

–, A Symmachos on Mission: P.Herm. 80 Completed. 171 (2009) 209–210<br />

–, P. Paramone 18: Emperors, Conquerors and Vassals. 173 (2010) 133–135<br />

–, An ‘Our Father’ with Problems. 181 (2012) 46–47<br />

GONIS, N. – ADAMS, C. E. P., Two Customs-House Receipts from the Bodleian Library. 126 (1999) 213–218<br />

GONIS, N. – AST, R., P. Worp 27 and the Consul ‘Iulius’ Maximus. 171 (2009) 213–215<br />

GONIS, N. – AZZARELLO, G., P.Stras. VIII 800: Lettera ad un Pronoetes della Domus Divina. 171 (2009) 211–212<br />

GONIS, N. – LUNDON, J., Scholia Minora to Iliad I 595–604, II 4–10. 136 (2001) 111–115<br />

GONIS, N. – MORELLI, F., A Requisition for the ‘Commander of the Faithful’: SPP VIII 1082 Revised. 132 (2000) 193–195<br />

GONIS, N. – RÖMER, C. E., Ein Lobgesang an den Vater der Größe in P. Kellis II 94. 120 (1998) 299–300<br />

GONIS, N. – SCHENKE, G., Grüne gegossene Steine. 123 (1998) 199–200<br />

GONIS, N. – WORP, K. A., P. Bodl. I 77: The King of Kings in Arsinoe under Arab Rule. 141 (2002) 173–176<br />

GONZALES, M., New Observations on the Lindian Cult-Tax for Enyalios (SEG 4.171). 166 (2008) 121–134<br />

GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G., CIL II 815: Una inscripción falsa (más) de Cáparra. 183 (2012) 297–305<br />

GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G. – CARBONELL MANILS, J., La sylloge epigráfica de Diego de Covarrubias: un nuevo testimonio de epigrafía manuscrita<br />

de la segunda mitad del s. XVI. 172 (2010) 277–288<br />

GONZÁLEZ GERMAIN, G. – MARKOV, N. – ROTHENHÖFER, P., Ubi falsum nascitur: Original and Falsification of a Bronze Votive Tablet for<br />

Iupiter Dolichenus. 182 (2012) 312–314<br />

GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, M., Un eco de Semónides Fr. 7 en CEG II 530. 178 (2011) 26–28<br />

GOREN, D. – PORAT, P., A Greek Epitaph from Sepphoris. 120 (1998) 64<br />

GOREN, D. – PORAT, P. – HAENSCH, R., Epigraphical Discoveries from Scythopolis. 140 (2002) 123–126<br />

GOREN, Y., Scientific Examination of a Seleucid Limestone Stele. 159 (2007) 206–216<br />

GORMAN, R., Ofl per¤ tina in Strabo. 136 (2001) 201–213<br />

GOROSTIDI PI, D. – RUIZ VALDERAS, E., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedente de Tusculum (Lacio, Italia). 178 (2011) 273–278<br />

GOUW, P., Hadrian and the Calendar of Greek Agonistic Festivals. A New Proposal for the Third Year of the Olympic Cycle. 165 (2008) 96–104<br />

GRAF, F., Pedestals of the Gods. 141 (2002) 137–138<br />

–, The Oracle and the Image. Returning to Some Oracles from Clarus. 160 (2007) 113–119<br />

–, Untimely Death, Witchcraft, and Divine Vengeance. A Reasoned Epigraphical Catalog. 162 (2007) 139–150<br />

GRANINGER, D., Studies in the Cult of Artemis Throsia. 162 (2007) 151–164<br />

–, IG IX.2 1099b and the komai of Demetrias. 177 (2011) 119–122<br />

GRANINO CECERE, M. G., C. Iulius Aug. l. Hilarus, navarchus. 109 (1995) 289–297<br />

–, La legio X Gemina e la rivolta di L. Antonius Saturninus. 131 (2000) 207–212<br />

–, Dalle sponde del Reno a quelle dell’Aniene: marinai e navigazione fluviale. 157 (2006) 237–246<br />

GRASSL, H., Eine littera Claudiana am Magdalensberg. 153 (2005) 241–242<br />

GRECO, E., Un ostrakon da Thurii. 173 (2010) 97–101<br />

GREENFIELD, J. C. – COTTON, H. M., Babatha’s Property and the Law of Succession in the Babatha Archive. 104 (1994) 211–224<br />

–, Babatha’s Patria: Maḥoza, Maḥoz ‘Eglatain and Ẓo‘ar. 107 (1995) 126–132<br />

GREGORI, G. L., Un nuovo senatore dell’età di Commodo? 106 (1995) 269–279<br />

–, Alcune iscrizioni imperiali, senatore ed equestri nell’Antiquarium Comunale de Celio. 116 (1997) 161–175<br />

GREGORI, G. L. – FUSCO, U., A proposito dei matrimoni di Marcella minore e del monumentum dei suoi schiavi e liberti. 111 (1996) 226–232<br />

GRIMES, B., IG II 2 1198: Money Awarded by Attic Demes for the Purpose of Sacrifice. 140 (2002) 80<br />

GRONEWALD, M., Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Menander. 102 (1994) 71–75<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Menander. 106 (1995) 27–29<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Menander. 107 (1995) 57–59<br />

–, PCG VIII Adespota *1031 K–A. 111 (1996) 174<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Menander. 114 (1996) 60<br />

–, Hesiod, Xenophon, Psalmen und Alexanderapophthegma in Berliner Papyri. 115 (1997) 117–120<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Menander. 117 (1997) 19–20<br />

–, Menander, Epitrepontes 688 s. 126 (1999) 74<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong>m neuen Poseidippos. 137 (2001) 1–5<br />

–, Nochmal <strong>zu</strong> Menander, Epitrepontes 326 f. 139 (2002) 54<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Poseidippos. 144 (2003) 63–66<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Poseidippos. 149 (2004) 49–53<br />

–, Kallimachos, Aitia fr. 64,10 Pf. 157 (2006) 46 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 158 (2006) 88)<br />

–, Zu P. Lit. Lond. 196. 159 (2007) 71–72 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 160 (2007) 134)<br />

–, Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Poseidippos. 161 (2007) 32–34<br />

–, Zu dem Grabepigramm aus Atrax SEG 51, 673. 161 (2007) 34<br />

–, Zu Poseidippos 91 A.–B. 168 (2009) 54<br />

–, P. Macquarie inv. 586 (1), ein neues Fragment <strong>zu</strong> P.Köln XII 467: Sibyllinische Orakel 177 (2011) 57–62<br />

–, Nachlese <strong>zu</strong> P.Macq. inv. 586 (1) (<strong>ZPE</strong> 177, 2011, 58). 178 (2011) 84<br />

GRONEWALD, M. – BÜYÜKKOLANCI, P. – ENGELMANN, H., Grabepigramm auf den Sklaven Hyllos. 169 (2009) 87–88 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 170<br />

(2009) 28; Corrigendum <strong>zu</strong>m Corrigendum: 171 (2009) 70)<br />

GRONEWALD, M. – DANIEL, R. W., Ein neuer Sappho-Papyrus. 147 (2004) 1–8<br />

–, Nachtrag <strong>zu</strong>m neuen Sappho-Papyrus. 149 (2004) 1–4<br />

–, Lyrischer Text (Sappho-Papyrus). 154 (2005) 7–12

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