ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...


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22 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff.<br />

–, Zum Chrēsis-Mosaik in Antakya. 162 (2007) 95–98<br />

–, Nota Prudentiana. 165 (2008) 65–66<br />

–, Zur Frage der Verfasserschaft der ambrosianischen Tituli. 168 (2009) 123–148<br />

–, Zum Grabepigramm auf Ennodius, <strong>zu</strong> den ambrosianischen Tituli und <strong>zu</strong> vates gleich episcopus. 169 (2009) 79–83<br />

-, Prudentius und das Apsisepigramm in Alt-St. Peter. 183 (2012) 75–86<br />

GODDIO, F. – BERNAND, A. – BERNAND, E., L’épigraphie sous-marine dans le port oriental d’Alexandrie. 121 (1998) 131–143<br />

GOLAN, D., The Qualified Praise Decree of Kephisodoros and Historiography. 131 (2000) 227–230<br />

GOLDFUS, H. – VERRETH, H., A Greek Magical(?) Ostrakon from Elousa (Haluza). 128 (1999) 150–152<br />

GOLDMAN, A. – ROLLER, L. E., A Latin Epitaph from Gordion. 141 (2002) 215–220<br />

GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J., Nuove e ‘vecchie’ interpretazioni d’iscrizioni latine su mosaico, nordafricane. 129 (2000) 304–310<br />

GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J. – BENZINA BEN ABDALLAH, Z. – CARANDE, R. – FERNÁNDEZ, C. – JORBA, N., Carmina Latina Epigraphica Inedita<br />

Ammaedarae. 152 (2005) 89–113<br />

GÓMEZ PALLARÈS, J. – FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, C. – ABASCAL, J. M. – CEBRIÁN, R., Mors mala solvit. Nuevos CLE hallados en Segobriga<br />

(Hispania citerior). 161 (2007) 47–60<br />

GÓMEZ-PANTOJA, J. L., Missing the Point: Una pequeña enmienda a CIL XIII 6858. 181 (2012) 263–268<br />

GONIS, N., Remarks on Private Letters. 119 (1997) 135–147<br />

–, Notes on Two Epistolary Conventions. 119 (1997) 148–154<br />

–, Two Female Ghost-Names. 119 (1997) 155–156<br />

–, Revisions of some Harris Papyri (Letters). 123 (1998) 181–195<br />

–, Chronological Notes on III.–V. Century Documents. 123 (1998) 196–198<br />

–, Notes on some Byzantine Leases of Buildings. 124 (1998) 191–194<br />

–, Two Declarations of Uninundated Land Reread. 126 (1999) 207–210<br />

–, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri. 126 (1999) 211–212<br />

–, Six Notes on Documentary Papyri. 129 (2000) 179–181<br />

–, Oxyrhynchus, the Christ-Loving City? 129 (2000) 182<br />

–, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri II. 129 (2000) 183–184<br />

–, P. Wash. Univ. I 16 + 23: Loan of Money with Interest in Kind. 129 (2000) 185–186<br />

–, A Fragment of the Great Doxology in the Bodleian Library. 130 (2000) 172–174<br />

–, Two Poll-Tax Receipts from Early Islamic Egypt. 131 (2000) 150–154<br />

–, Three Notes on Governors of Byzantine Egypt. 132 (2000) 179–180<br />

–, A Symmachos on Mission and his Paymaster: P. Herm. 80 Enlarged. 132 (2000) 181–182<br />

–, Three Consular Dates. 132 (2000) 183–186<br />

–, Some Pragmateuta¤ with False Identities. 132 (2000) 187–188<br />

–, P. Oxy. XVI 1964: A Lease of a Room from Byzantine Oxyrhynchus. 132 (2000) 189–192<br />

–, P. Wash. Univ. II 93: A Receipt for Anabolikon. 132 (2000) 196<br />

–, Incestuous Twins in the City of Arsinoe. 133 (2000) 197–198<br />

–, Some More Elaborate Epistolary Addresses. 136 (2001) 116–118<br />

–, Abbreviated Nomismata in Seventh- and Eighth-Century Papyri. Notes on Palaeography and Taxes. 136 (2001) 119–122<br />

–, Yet Another Memphis [Poll] Tax Receipt. 136 (2001) 123–124<br />

–, Two New Arsinoite Curatores Civitatis? 137 (2001) 221–222<br />

–, On the Knowledge in Egypt of the Death of Severus. 137 (2001) 223–224<br />

–, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt. 137 (2001) 225–228<br />

–, The Consular Date of P. Bodl. I 52. 138 (2002) 140<br />

–, P. Oslo II 35: Oxyrhynchite Nobles and Dubious Supplements. 141 (2002) 159–161<br />

–, Further Texts from the Oxyrhynchus Racing Archive. 141 (2002) 162–164<br />

–, P. Bodl. I 141: An Arsinoite Church and a Room to Rent in the Summer of an Elusive Year. 141 (2002) 165–168<br />

–, P. Laur. III 73 + P. Giss. 119: Lease of Part of a House. 141 (2002) 169–172<br />

–, Remarks on Private Letters II. 142 (2003) 163–170<br />

–, A Declaration of Artificially Inundated Land. 142 (2003) 171–175<br />

–, Hermopolite Localities and Splinter Nomes. 142 (2003) 176–184<br />

–, Five Tax Receipts from Early Islamic Egypt. 143 (2003) 149–157<br />

–, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents. 143 (2003) 158–162<br />

–, Ship-Owners and Skippers in Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus. 143 (2003) 163–165<br />

–, Five Ostraca from Oxford. 144 (2003) 181–186<br />

–, P. Oxy. XVI 1969 desc.: Loan of Two Solidi. 144 (2003) 186–188<br />

–, Two Hermopolite Leases of the Reign of Heraclius. 145 (2003) 203–206<br />

–, Flavius Nestorius, praeses Thebaidis? 145 (2003) 207–208<br />

–, P. Vindob. G. 14965 (= CPR IX 67) + 18880: Requisitioned Workers in Eighth-Century Egypt. 145 (2003) 209–211<br />

–, P. Bingen 135 and Flavius Apion I. 146 (2004) 175–178<br />

–, Tax Receipts on Coptic and Greek Ostraca Re-read. 147 (2004) 157–163<br />

–, An Unrecognised (Post)Consular Date of 383. 147 (2004) 164<br />

–, Arabs, Monks, and Taxes: Notes on Documents from Deir el-Bala’izah. 148 (2004) 213–224<br />

-, Another Look at Some Officials in Early ‘Abbāsid Egypt. 149 (2004) 189–195<br />

–, Reconsidering Some Fiscal Documents from Early Islamic Egypt II. 150 (2004) 187–193<br />

–, J. G. Tait Reads O. Ashm. Shelton. 150 (2004) 194–196<br />

–, Notes on Oxyrhynchus Papyri III. 150 (2004) 197–202<br />

–, A. S. Hunt and ‘Youtie’s Law’. 151 (2005) 166<br />

–, Consular Epithets and Regionalism in Sixth-Century Egypt. 152 (2005) 183–186<br />

–, Seventh-Century Oxyrhynchite Documents in the Beinecke Library. 153 (2005) 169–171<br />

–, Notes on Miscellaneous Documents II. 154 (2005) 203–210<br />

–, Stein’s Style Nouveau and the Post-Consulates of Iustinus II and Tiberius II. 154 (2005) 211–213<br />

–, Mommsen, Grenfell, and ‘The Century of Papyrology’. 156 (2006) 195–196

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