ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...

ZPE Inhalt Bände 101ff. - Institut für Altertumskunde - Universität zu ...


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12 Autoren- und Titelverzeichnis <strong>ZPE</strong> 101 ff.<br />

CONRAD, S. – ANGELOV, A. – LUPPE, W., Eine Grabinschrift aus Marcianopolis (Moesia inferior). 112 (1996) 102–104 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 113<br />

(1996) 248)<br />

CONTIADES-TSITSONI, E., Euripides Pha. 227–244, Tro. 308–341, Iph. Aul. 1036–1079. 102 (1994) 52–60<br />

COO, L., Fire and Chill in Sophocles, Poimenes fr. 507: Possible Contexts. 182 (2012) 89–94<br />

CORCELLA, A., Pollis and the Tattooers. 109 (1995) 47–48<br />

–, P. Oxy. 3239: Roma “città di legno”, la parola-fantasma éntikÊriow e qualche ipotesi. 133 (2000) 153–156<br />

CORCORAN, S., A Fragment of a Tetrarchic Constitution from Crete. 133 (2000) 251–255<br />

–, A Tetrarchic Inscription from Corcyra and the Edictum de Accusationibus. 141 (2002) 221–230<br />

–, The Heading of Diocletian’s Prices Edict at Stratonicea. 166 (2008) 295–302<br />

CORDELLA, R. – CRINITI, N., Iscrizioni inedite dall’area umbro-sabina: Amelia – Spoleto – Trevi – Rieti. 164 (2008) 231–244<br />

CORELL, J., Drei defixionum tabellae aus Sagunt (Valencia). 101 (1994) 280–286<br />

–, Invocada la intervención de Iau en una defixio de Sagunto (Valencia). 130 (2000) 241–247<br />

CORFÙ, N. – WACHTER, R., Eine böotische Scherbe mit Graffito. 179 (2011) 141–144<br />

CORREA, J. A., Susarros (Susarres), ceca visigoda. 138 (2002) 256–258<br />

CORSTEN, Th., „Proconsul Graeciae“. 117 (1997) 117–122<br />

COSTANZA, S., Melampo, le Pretidi e il xÒlow di Era nel Catalogo esiodeo. 169 (2009) 1–14<br />

–, Artemide e le Pretidi da Bacchilide (ep. 11) a Callimaco (h. 3, 233–236). 172 (2010) 3–21<br />

–, Melampo in Bacchilide, Pae. 4 Sn.–M. (= P. Oxy. III 426), 50–53. 181 (2012) 8–22<br />

COTTIER, M., A New Customs Receipt from Philadelphia at Philadelphia and the limØn M°mfevw. 161 (2007) 187–190<br />

COTTON, H. M., Loan with Hypothec: Another Papyrus from the Cave of Letters? 101 (1994) 53–59<br />

–, The Archive of Salome Komaise Daughter of Levi: Another Archive from the ‘Cave of Letters’. 105 (1995) 171–208<br />

–, Courtyard(s) in Ein-Gedi: P. Yadin 11, 19 and 20 of the Babatha Archive. 112 (1996) 197–201<br />

–, ÑH n°a §parxe¤a ÉArab¤a: The New Province of Arabia in the Papyri from the Judaean Desert. 116 (1997) 204–208<br />

–, The Guardian (§p¤tropow) of a Woman in the Documents from the Judaean Desert. 118 (1997) 267–273<br />

–, The Languages of the Legal and Administrative Documents from the Judaean Desert. 125 (1999) 219–231<br />

COTTON, H. M. – ECK, W., Ein Statthalter von Syria Palaestina unter Marc Aurel und Lucius Verus in einer Bauinschrift aus Jericho. 127 (1999) 211–<br />

215<br />

–, P. Murabba‘at 114 und die Anwesenheit römischer Truppen in den Höhlen des Wadi Murabba‘at nach dem Bar Kochba Aufstand. 138 (2002) 173–<br />

183<br />

COTTON, H. M. – GREENFIELD, J. C., Babatha’s Property and the Law of Succession in the Babatha Archive. 104 (1994) 211–224<br />

–, Babatha’s Patria: Maḥoza, Maḥoz ‘Eglatain and Ẓo‘ar. 107 (1995) 126–134<br />

–, Land Tenure in the Documents from the Nabataean Kingdom and the Roman Province of Arabia. 119 (1997) 255–265<br />

COTTON, H. M. – PRICE, J. J., A Bilingual Tombstone from Zo‘ar (Arabia). 134 (2001) 277–283<br />

COTTON, H. M. – di SEGNI, L. – ECK, W. – ISAAC, B., Corpus Inscriptionum Judaeae/Palaestinae. 127 (1999) 307–308<br />

COTTON, H. M. – WEISER, W., „Gebt dem Kaiser, was des Kaisers ist . . .“ Die Geldwährungen der Griechen, Juden, Nabatäer und Römer im syrischnabatäischen<br />

Raum. 114 (1996) 237–287<br />

–, Neues <strong>zu</strong>m „Tyrischen Silbergeld“ herodianischer und römischer Zeit. 139 (2002) 235–250<br />

COTTON, H. M. – WÖRRLE, M., Seleukos IV to Heliodoros. A New Dossier of Royal Correspondence from Israel. 159 (2007) 191–205<br />

COUSSEMENT, S. – BROUX, Y. – DEPAUW, M., ka‹ …w xrhmat¤zei and the Importance of Naming in Roman Egypt. 174 (2010) 159–166<br />

COUVENHES, J.-C. – BRUN, P., Des chiliarques à Athènes au milieu du IV e siècle? La datation de B. Petrakos, ÑO dÆmow toË ÑRamnoËntow II. Ofl<br />

§pigraf°w, n° 1. 157 (2006) 107–115<br />

COWEY, J. M. S., Remarks on Various Papyri II (SB XIV). 101 (1994) 79–82 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 104 (1994) 22)<br />

–, New Readings in an Edict of M. Sempronius Liberalis (BGU II 372). 106 (1995) 195–199<br />

–, VBP II 10 and P. Lond. III 682 Reassembled. 120 (1998) 159–162<br />

–, Remarks on Various Papyri III. 132 (2000) 241–247<br />

–, On the Dating of BGU XVIII.1 2747. 136 (2001) 110<br />

–, Three Notes on Greek Ostraca. 151 (2005) 159–162<br />

COWEY, J. M. S. – HAGEDORN, D., VBP IV 71. 118 (1997) 237–238<br />

–, Notes on Texts in P. Bingen. 134 (2001) 179–181<br />

–, A Note on P. Ben. Mus. 1. 135 (2001) 178<br />

COWEY, J. M. S. – KAH, D., Bemerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Texten aus BGU I–IV. Teil I: Zensusdeklarationen. 163 (2007) 147–182<br />

COWEY, J. M. S. – KALTSAS, D., P. Eleph. DAIK 1. 123 (1998) 149–150<br />

COX, Ch. A., The Names of Adoptees: Some Prosopographical Afterthoughts. 107 (1995) 249–254<br />

CRAWFORD, M. H., From Vintage to mise en amphore? 183 (2012) 282<br />

CREVATIN, F., Nota a P.Oxy. III, 413. 171 (2009) 199–200<br />

CRIBIORE, R., A Hymn to the Nile. 106 (1995) 97–106<br />

–, A Schooltablet from the Hearst Museum. 107 (1995) 263–270<br />

–, Literary School Exercises. 116 (1997) 53–60 (Corrigenda da<strong>zu</strong>: 117 (1997) 162)<br />

CRINITI, N. – CORDELLA, R., Iscrizioni inedite dall’area umbro-sabina: Amelia – Spoleto – Trevi – Rieti. 164 (2008) 231–244<br />

CRISCUOLO, L., Filometore a Ptolemais di Cirenaica: a proposito di SEG XLVI,2214. 135 (2001) 264–266<br />

–, Un cartoccio d’incenso: lettera tra militari in un ostracon torinese. 173 (2010) 205–207<br />

CRISCUOLO, L. – CLARYSSE, W., Two Petitions in the Archive of Pankrates. 153 (2005) 168<br />

CRISLIP, A., A Coptic Request for Materia Medica. 157 (2006) 165–167<br />

CROMWELL, J., Djême Documents in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 168 (2009) 286<br />

–, ÉEn ÙnÒmati toË yeoË toË pantokrãtorow. Variation and Specificity in Christian Invocation Formulae from Jeme. 174 (2010) 151–155<br />

–, A Coptic Letter from Antinoopolis in the British Museum. 183 (2012) 222–226<br />

CROPP, M. – FICK, G., On the Date of the Extant Hippolytus. 154 (2005) 43–45<br />

CULASSO GASTALDI, E., Atene onora il re dei Pelagoni (IG II 2 190). 131 (2000) 69–79<br />

–, Un decreto ateniese di prossenia per tre individui di Iasos (IG II 2 3 + 165). 142 (2003) 109–118<br />

–, Una bule ateniese a Samos? Per una rilettura di Agora XVI 111. 144 (2003) 111–122<br />

–, Il canestro di Anteros. Osservazioni in margine a SEG XXXII 216. 162 (2007) 125–131<br />

CUNNINGHAM, I. C., Callimachus: A New Word. 150 (2004) 66 (Corrigendum da<strong>zu</strong>: 152 (2005) 6)

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