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#<br />

Qqveynis<br />

dasaxeleba<br />

oqros gamoyenebiT damzadebul nawarmze arsebuli sinjTa<br />

standartebi sazRvargareTis qveynebSi<br />

kanonmdeblobiT an standartebiT dadgenili sinjebi<br />

cxrili #2<br />

oqros yvela<br />

Senadnobze<br />

standartiT<br />

dadgenili<br />

dasaSvebi<br />

zRvrebi<br />

333 375 500 585 750 800 833 840 916 920 960 958<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />

1. didi britaneTi + + + 000<br />

2. ruseTi + + + + + 003<br />

3. CexeTi + + + + 000<br />

4. Ddania + + 000<br />

5. safrangeTi + + + 002<br />

6. italia + + + + 003<br />

7. Ggermania + + + + 010<br />

8. Llatvia + + + 000<br />

9. Llitva + + + 000<br />

10. Hholandia + + + 003<br />

11. poloneTi + + + + + + 003<br />

12. portugalia 001<br />

13. irlandia + + + + + 000<br />

14. `konvencia~ + + + 000<br />

15. saqarTvelo araviTari standartebi sinjebze da SenadnobSi oqros dasaSveb normebze ar<br />

arsebobs<br />

In Georgia be fo re 2005, the re was a Sta te con t rol<br />

system­ (Assay­ of­fi­ces)­ of­ ar­tic­les­ of­ pre­ci­o­us­ me­tals,which­<br />

du­ring­ its­ wor­king­ pe­ri­od­ (1992­2005)­ ma­dean<br />

im por tant le gis la ti ve ba se and ac ti vi ti es that wo uld<br />

al low Georgia to be co me a mem ber co untry of “The<br />

International Con ven ti on on The Con t rol and Marking<br />

of Articles of Precious Metals”; This pro cess wo uld help<br />

to re ge ne ra te Georgian tra di ti ons to ma ke je wel ri es and<br />

fa ci li ta te tra de in pre ci o us me tal ar tic les at the sa me time<br />

ma in ta i ning fa ir tra de and con su mer pro tec ti on justi­fi­ed­by­the­par­ti­cu­lar­na­tu­re­of­the­se­ar­tic­les,­to­al­lowgo<br />

ods mar ked with this mark to be im por ted wit ho ut<br />

fur t her tes ting and mar king, to eli mi na te tra de bar ri ers<br />

in the cross-bor der tra de of pre ci o us me tal ar tic les. The<br />

na ti o nal hal l mark wo uld gu a ran tee that the pu rity of the<br />

me­tal­is­at­le­ast­that­in­di­ca­ted­by­the­fi­ne­ness­mark.<br />

Precious me tals con t rol has be en prac ti ced in<br />

Georgia but ac cor ding to the ac tu al si tu a ti on, in a world,<br />

which is in c re a singly de re gu la ted, the con t rol of ar tic les<br />

of pre ci o us me tals may be re gar ded as an anac h ro nism.<br />

Georgia has a vo lun tary system (ar tic les are hal l mar ked<br />

by­an­Assay­of­fi­ce­on­re­qu­est­of­the­ma­nu­fac­tu­rer)­andthey<br />

say the fa ir can re gu la ri ze this pro cess it self, as a<br />


M. Begiashvili<br />

mat ter of fact, it can not ma ke eco no mi cal col lap se, but<br />

co un t ri es ha ving no pre ci o us me tal con t rol tend to suf fer<br />

from un der ca ra ting. Goods on the ir mar kets are not the<br />

worth the va lue they are sold for and anot her ne ga ti ve<br />

pro ces ses too.<br />

In Georgia the re is eno ugh qu an tity of gold and<br />

it­wo­uld­be­con­ti­nu­ed­to­find­it­in­the­fu­tu­re.­Georgianje­wel­ri­es,­that­show­“high­mas­ter’s­deg­ree”­and­its­fi­neness,<br />

must sha re International ex pe ri en ce and ma ke modern<br />

tec h ni cal re qu i re ments, ag re ed tes ting met hods and<br />

a­mo­del­of­Assay­of­fi­ces­in­ac­cor­dan­ce­with­Georgian­<br />

Sta te eco no mi cal, so ci al and eco no mi cal de mands and<br />

at the sa me ti me to be co me a mem ber co untry of “The<br />

International Con ven ti on on The Con t rol and Marking<br />

of Articles of Precious Metals”.<br />

•­ The pur po se of hal l mar king is pri ma rily to protect<br />

con su mers from be ing che a ted;<br />

•­ To en su re fa ir com pe ti ti on bet we en ma nu factu<br />

rers and re ta i lers, thus en su ring mar ket sta bi lity and<br />

growth.<br />

•­ Hallmarking is thus a re li ab le symbol of qu a lity<br />

and­the­best­way­to­bo­ost­con­su­mer­con­fi­den­ce­and­thesa<br />

les of pre ci o us me tals go ods.<br />

83<br />

Zvirfasi liTonebi <strong>dekemberi</strong> - 2008

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