Gizarte eta nazio errepresentazioa telebista-albistegietan - Euskara

Gizarte eta nazio errepresentazioa telebista-albistegietan - Euskara

Gizarte eta nazio errepresentazioa telebista-albistegietan - Euskara


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"...television news gives the solutions to conflicts the appearance<br />

of being in the general interest rather than exposing the advantages that<br />

the dominant sections of society gain from them.<br />

The undelying message concerning this type of presentation of<br />

the three conflict dimensions is that, essentially, society is characterized<br />

by consensus, and that as a consequence news serves as a means or<br />

regulating social conflicts, thereby either reinforcing the status quo or<br />

creating conditions for a nonviolent social change." (ibidem: 32-33)<br />

Telebista albistegi<strong>eta</strong>n, gatazka sozialak nolako tratamendua izaten duen<br />

gainbegiratzen duen azpiatal honekin amaituz, pena merezi du, behin baino<br />

gehiagotan aipatu izan dugun "Social Conflict and Television News" liburuan<br />

ageri den ondoko pasarte hau gogoratzea:<br />

"Stories featuring conflict appear often and prominently in<br />

television news. As indicated earlier, television (it is said) tends to<br />

simplify social conflicts, presenting only surface events, ignoring<br />

undelying causes, and focusing mostly on just two clearly opposed sides<br />

to contested issues. Television news also intensifies conflict (it is<br />

alleged) by highlighting the more dramatic, antagonistic, and violent<br />

facets of disputes, while filtering our the ''dull bits'. In addition, television<br />

news suggests (so the critique continues) that conflict are or ought to be<br />

solvable, shying away from the presentation of structurally incompatible<br />

interests that cannot be bridged, and implying the existence of an<br />

overarching public interest to which opposed groups and leaders then<br />

are expected to respond by compromising their differences in a<br />

pragamatic spirit of 'live and let live'."(ibidem: 42)<br />

Goiko pasarte<strong>eta</strong>n ikus ahal izan dugunez, ugariak dira konfliktibitate<br />

sozialak <strong>telebista</strong>n edukitzen duen <strong>errepresentazioa</strong>z eginiko ikerk<strong>eta</strong>k. Izan<br />

ere, desoreka sozial, ekonomiko zein politikoak sortu <strong>eta</strong> bestelako "aparatu<br />

ideologikoen" artean dauden komunikabideen bidez manten arazten baitituzte.<br />

Soziologiaren baitan konfliktibitatea <strong>eta</strong> kontsentsuaren inguruan eman diren<br />

eztabaida <strong>eta</strong> argudioak ekarri ditugu azpiatal hon<strong>eta</strong>ra.<br />

____________________________________________________________<br />


Euskal Herria Teleberri, Telenavarra <strong>eta</strong> Telenorte albistegi<strong>eta</strong>n. 71

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