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Bibliografia Soringuer F, Rojo- Martinez G, Esteva de Antonio I, Ruiz de Adana MS, Catala M, Merelo MJ eta lank. (2004) Prevalence of obesity in south-east Spain and its relation with social and health factors. Eur J Epidemiol 19 (1): 33-40 Soto A, Soto W, Archilla I, Franco C (1998) La condición del género en las preferencias por la actividad física y deportiva. García A, Ruiz F, Casimiro J (ed). Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre la Enseñanza de la Educación Física y el Deporte Escolar: 131-135. Instituto Andaluz del Deporte. Málaga. Sowers JR (2003) Obesity as a cardiovascular risk factor. Am J Med 115 (8): 37-41 Spaeth U, Schlicht W (2000) Physical exercise, physical and general self-concept during puberty. Psychologie und Sport 7 (2): 51-66 Stamler R, Stamler J, Riedlinger WF, Algera G, Roberts RH (1978) Weight and blood pressure: Findings in hypertensive screening of one million Americans. JAMA 240: 1607-1610 Stephens T (1988) Physical activity and mental health in the United States and Canada: Evidence from four populations surveys. Prev Med 17: 35-47 Steptoe A, Butler N (1996) Sports participation and emotional wellbeing in adolescents. Lancet 347 (9018): 1789-1792 Steptoe A, Wardle J, cui W, Bellisle F, Zotti AM, Baranyai R eta lank (2002) Trends in smoking, diet, physical exercise, and attitudes towards health in European University students from 13 countries, 1990-2000. European Health and Behaviour Study 2000. Prev Med 35: 97-104 Stevens N, Sykes K (1996) Aerobic fitness testing: an update. Occ Health 48 (12): 436- 438 Stewart K, Turner K, Bacher A, DeRegis J, Sung J, Tayback M, Ouyang P. (2003) Are fitness, activity and fatness associated with health- related quality of life and mood in older people? J Cardiopulm Rehabil 23 (2): 115-121 290 Bibliografia

Bibliografia Stice E, Bearman SK (2001) Body image and eating disturbances prospectively predict growth in depressive symptoms in adolescents girls: A growth curve analysis. Dev Psychol 37: 597-607 Stratton JR, Levy WC, Cerqueira MD, Schwartz RS, Abrass IB (1994) Cardiovascular responses to exercise. Effects of aging and exercise training in healthy men. Circulation 89: 1648-1655 Strong WB, Malina RM, Blimkie CJ, eta lank. (2005) Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth. J Pediatr 146: 732-737 Stucky-Ropp RC, DiLorenzo TM (1993) Determinants of exercise in children. Prev Med 22 (6): 880-889 Tabernero B (1998) Motivos para practicar tenis en la iniciación deportiva. Actas del II Congreso Internacional sobre la Enseñanza de la Educación Física y el Deporte Escolar. Instituto Andaluz del Deporte. Málaga. Tanaka S, Itoh Y, Hattori K (2002) Relationship of body composition to body-fatness estimation in Japanese university students. Obes Res 10 (7): 590-596 Tappe MK, Duda JL, Ehrnwald PM (1989) Perceived barriers to exercise among adolescents. J Sch Health 59 (4): 153-155 Tawkley, TD (1980) The Self- Concept of the Young Child. Brigham Young University Press. Pennsylvania. Taylor CB, Sharpe T, Shisslak C, Bryson S, Estes LS, Gray N, McKnight KM, Crago M, Kraemer HC, Killen JD (1998) Factors associated with weight concerns in adolescents girls. Int J Eat Disord 24: 31-42 Taylor WC, Blair SN, Cummings SS, Wun C, Malina RM (1999) Childhood and adolescent physical activity patterns and adult physical activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31 (1): 118-123 Bibliografia 291

Bibliografia<br />

Soringuer F, Rojo- Martinez G, Esteva de Antonio I, Ruiz de Adana MS, Catala M,<br />

Merelo MJ eta lank. (2004) Prevalence of obesity in south-east Spain and its relation<br />

with social and health factors. Eur J Epidemiol 19 (1): 33-40<br />

Soto A, Soto W, Archilla I, Franco C (1998) La condición del género en las<br />

preferencias por la actividad física y deportiva. García A, Ruiz F, Casimiro J (ed). Actas<br />

del II Congreso Internacional sobre la Enseñanza de la Educación Física y el Deporte<br />

Escolar: 131-135. Instituto Andaluz del Deporte. Málaga.<br />

Sowers JR (2003) Obesity as a cardiovascular risk factor. Am J Med 115 (8): 37-41<br />

Spaeth U, Schlicht W (2000) Physical exercise, physical and general self-concept<br />

during puberty. Psychologie und Sport 7 (2): 51-66<br />

Stamler R, Stamler J, Riedlinger WF, Algera G, Roberts RH (1978) Weight and blood<br />

pressure: Findings in hypertensive screening of one million Americans. JAMA 240:<br />

1607-1610<br />

Stephens T (1988) Physical activity and mental health in the United States and<br />

Canada: Evidence from four populations surveys. Prev Med 17: 35-47<br />

Steptoe A, Butler N (1996) Sports participation and emotional wellbeing in adolescents.<br />

Lancet 347 (9018): 1789-1792<br />

Steptoe A, Wardle J, cui W, Bellisle F, Zotti AM, Baranyai R eta lank (2002) Trends in<br />

smoking, diet, physical exercise, and attitudes towards health in European University<br />

students from 13 countries, 1990-2000. European Health and Behaviour Study 2000.<br />

Prev Med 35: 97-104<br />

Stevens N, Sykes K (1996) Aerobic fitness testing: an update. Occ Health 48 (12): 436-<br />

438<br />

Stewart K, Turner K, Bacher A, DeRegis J, Sung J, Tayback M, Ouyang P. (2003) Are<br />

fitness, activity and fatness associated with health- related quality of life and mood in<br />

older people? J Cardiopulm Rehabil 23 (2): 115-121<br />

290 Bibliografia

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