security a la italiana sicurezza all'italiana securitate a la italiana

security a la italiana sicurezza all'italiana securitate a la italiana security a la italiana sicurezza all'italiana securitate a la italiana


e original English version of this report was translated by: Italian version: Carla Paolillo Romanian version: Monica Cimpeanu Design and Layout: Dzavit Berisa Printed by: Fo-Szer Bt., Budapest, Hungary e cover photo of this report is a record from the civil society protest march held at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting in Vienna, 10-11 July 2008. e copy was provided by National Roma Center, Skopje, Mecedonia. Fotografia de pe coperta acestui raport este o înregistrare din timpul demonstraţiei organizate în cadrul întâlnirii Suplimentare privind Dimensiunea Umană a OSCE, la Viena, 1–11 iulie 2008. Copia a fost furnizată de către Centrul Naţional pentru Romi, Skopje, Macedonia. La foto copertina di questo rapporto è una testimonianza della marcia di protesta della società civile tenutasi a Vienna durante il Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting dell´OSCE-10-11Luglio 2008. La copia é stata fornita dal National Roma Center di Skopje, Mecedonia. e European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is an international public interest law organisation engaging in a range of activities aimed at combating anti-Romani racism and human rights abuse of Roma, in particular strategic litigation, international advocacy, research and policy development, and training of Romani activists. ERRC publications about Italy and additional information about the organization are available on the Internet at: is report is available at: e Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies (Romani CRISS) is a non-governmental organisation, which defends and promotes the rights of Roma in Romania by providing legal assistance in cases of abuse and works to combat and prevent racial discrimination against Roma in all areas of public life, including the fields of education, employment, housing, and health. Further information on Romani Criss is available at: Roma Civic Alliance (RCR) is an ‘umbrella’ organisation, established in April 2006, at the initiative of 20 Romani associations and foundations of Romania, with a mission to promote democratic values, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and of economic, social, political and cultural rights of the Roma minority in the national and European context. For further information, please visit our webpage at: e Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) is an international non-governmental organisation which has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). COHRE is the leading international human rights organisation campaigning for the protection of housing rights and the prevention of forced evictions. Further information on COHRE is available at: e Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grantmaking foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform. On a local level, OSI implements a range of initiatives to support the rule of law, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, OSI works to build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as combating corruption and rights abuses. For more information about OSI, please visit our website at: is report is available at: initiatives/brussels/articles_publications/publications/fingerprinting_20080715.

CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. 9 1. Implications of an Influx of Romani Migrants from EU Member States, Namely Romania .............................................................................................. 11 2. Political Climate/Racist Speech by Politicians .......................................... 13 3. Legal and Policy Update ................................................................................ 15 Discriminatory Measures Specifically Targeting Roma ........................................ 15 Harshening Immigration Procedures Which May Disproportionately Affect Roma in Italy ..................................................................................................... 19 4. Abuse and Ill-Treatment by State Actors .................................................... 21 Physical Violence by Police Officers ................................................................... 21 Forced Evictions and Abusive Police Raids of Romani Camps and Homes ......... 22 reats, Intimidation and Other Forms of Abuse and Ill-Treatment ................... 25 5. Extreme Violence by Non-State Actors and Failure of the State to Prosecute ................................................................................... 27 6. Other Acts of Discrimination Against Roma .............................................. 31 Discrimination against Roma in Access to Public Services .................................. 31 Discrimination against Roma in Child Protection Matters ................................. 31 Discriminatory Interferences by the State with the Right to Privacy and Home .......................................................................................................... 32 7. Recommendations for Ensuring Respect for the Rights of Roma in Italy .............................................................................................. 33 Italian Authorities .............................................................................................. 33 Romanian Authorities ........................................................................................ 34 European Union ................................................................................................ 34 European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency .................................................. 35 Council of Europe ............................................................................................. 36 e Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ............................... 36 e United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination ................................................................................................... 36 7 SECURITY A LA ITALIANA


Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7<br />

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. 9<br />

1. Implications of an Influx of Romani Migrants from EU Member States,<br />

Namely Romania .............................................................................................. 11<br />

2. Political Climate/Racist Speech by Politicians .......................................... 13<br />

3. Legal and Policy Update ................................................................................ 15<br />

Discriminatory Measures Specifically Targeting Roma ........................................ 15<br />

Harshening Immigration Procedures Which May Disproportionately Affect<br />

Roma in Italy ..................................................................................................... 19<br />

4. Abuse and Ill-Treatment by State Actors .................................................... 21<br />

Physical Violence by Police Officers ................................................................... 21<br />

Forced Evictions and Abusive Police Raids of Romani Camps and Homes ......... 22<br />

reats, Intimidation and Other Forms of Abuse and Ill-Treatment ................... 25<br />

5. Extreme Violence by Non-State Actors and Failure of<br />

the State to Prosecute ................................................................................... 27<br />

6. Other Acts of Discrimination Against Roma .............................................. 31<br />

Discrimination against Roma in Access to Public Services .................................. 31<br />

Discrimination against Roma in Child Protection Matters ................................. 31<br />

Discriminatory Interferences by the State with the Right to Privacy<br />

and Home .......................................................................................................... 32<br />

7. Recommendations for Ensuring Respect for the Rights<br />

of Roma in Italy .............................................................................................. 33<br />

Italian Authorities .............................................................................................. 33<br />

Romanian Authorities ........................................................................................ 34<br />

European Union ................................................................................................ 34<br />

European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency .................................................. 35<br />

Council of Europe ............................................................................................. 36<br />

e Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ............................... 36<br />

e United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial<br />

Discrimination ................................................................................................... 36<br />

7<br />


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