Validazione di un algoritmo per la valutazione dei rischi da ...

Validazione di un algoritmo per la valutazione dei rischi da ... Validazione di un algoritmo per la valutazione dei rischi da ...


368 G Ital Med Lav Erg 2007; 29:3 Le quantità di ciascun fitofarmaco ritrovate nei campioni analizzati ovviamente variano in intervalli molto ampi a seconda delle sostanze considerate (adoperate in quantità differenti) e del soggetto indagato; tuttavia, in linea generale, sono state ritrovate sui pads quantità di fitofarmaco sempre maggiori di quelle presenti in fiale e membrane, a conferma che la via di esposizione preferenziale, in campo agricolo, è quella cutanea. Il confronto tra le quantità di fitofarmaco ritrovate sui pads posti sopra e sotto gli indumenti nella stessa zona anatomica (torace anteriore, torace posteriore, coscia) ha rivelato che la cute, se coperta anche da semplici indumenti e non da specifici dispositivi di protezione individuale, è meno esposta a fitofarmaci, suggerendo che gli indumenti stessi possano fungere da protezione. L’ipotesi è stata avvalorata calcolando, per 158 analisi, un fattore di protezione dato dagli indumenti: in 104 casi il fattore è risultato del 100% (il fitofarmaco esaminato, ritrovato sui pads posti al di sopra dell’indumento è invece assente sul pad posto al di sotto) mentre nei rimanenti 54 casi il fattore di protezione variava dal 70,9 al 99,8% con una deviazione standard di 3,6. È da notare, inoltre, che il fattore di protezione più basso, pari a 70.9%, è relativo all’analisi di un campione in cui l’operatore indossava un maglione di lana, la cui trama è meno fitta rispetto alle maglie in cotone indossate dalla maggior parte degli altri operatori, suggerendo che anche il tipo di tessuto degli indumenti indossati influenzi l’esposizione cutanea dell’operatore. Validazione. Il confronto tra il rischio potenziale calcolato in base ai dati di monitoraggio e il profilo di rischio fornito dal modello, inizialmente elaborato senza considerare l’influenza del tipo di indumento indossato, mostrava una concordanza pari solo al 50.6%. In base a quanto osservato, l’algoritmo per la stima dell’esposizione cutanea a fitofarmaci è stato modificato, inserendo il tipo di indumento indossato come fattore moltiplicativo. I risultati ottenuti in tal modo mostrano una sostanziale concordanza tra rischio potenziale e profilo di rischio, complessivamente pari all’86%. I motivi di discordanza sono stati attribuiti, in alcuni casi specifici, a fattori accidentali verificatisi nei giorni di campionamento, che hanno determinato dati di monitoraggio di fatto non confrontabili con un profilo di rischio di generale validità; in altri casi invece, la discordanza è dipesa dalle modalità con cui è stato condotto il confronto tra rischio potenziale e responso del modello. Infatti, i valori di ADI riguardano i singoli principi attivi, mentre le frasi di rischio adoperate nel modello per assegnare la pericolosità devono essere connesse col formulato adoperato: nei casi in cui un pesticida di per sé poco pericoloso è contenuto in formulati che, allo stesso tempo, contengono altre sostanze ad elevata pericolosità, la frase di rischio associata al formulato sarà elevata e di conseguenza il profilo di rischio fornito dal modello risulta elevato, mentre il rischio potenziale, poiché è stimato in base allo specifico pesticida in questione, risulta basso. Alcune discrepanze, infine, sono state riscontrate nei casi in cui il valore di esposizione calcolato dal modello è prossimo ai limiti degli intervalli definiti per ciascuna classe di esposizione. Complessivamente, i risultati ottenuti, da un lato, suggeriscono un’ulteriore elaborazione della griglia di stima del rischio, dall’altro, mostrano la sostanziale affidabilità del modello proposto per la stima dei rischi connessi con l’esposizione a pesticidi. BIBLIOGRAFIA 1) Coble J, Arbuckle T, Lee W, Alavanja M, Dosemeci M. The validation of a pesticide exposure algorithm using biological monitoring results. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2(3):194-201, 2005 2) Monge P, Partanen T, Wesseling C, Bravo V, Ruepert C, Burstyn I. Assessment of pesticide exposure in the agricultural population of Costa Rica. Ann Occup Hyg. 49(5):375-84, 2005. 3) Dosemeci M, Alavanja MC, Rowland AS, Mage D, Zahm SH, Rothman N, Lubin JH, Hoppin JA, Sandler DP, Blair A. A quantitative approach for estimating exposure to pesticides in the Agricultural Health Study. Ann Occup Hyg. 46(2):245-60, 2002. 4) Arbuckle TE, Burnett R, Cole D, Teschke K, Dosemeci M, Bancej C, Zhang J. Predictors of herbicide exposure in farm applicators. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 75(6):406-14, 2002. COM-02 CARATTERIZZAZIONE DEI RISCHI E PROPOSTA DI LIMITI PER ESPOSIZIONE AD AGENTI CHIMICI IN AMBITO INDOOR: IL PROGETTO EUROPEO INDEX P. Carrer1 , C. Schlitt2 , K. Koistinen3 , S. Kephalopoulos3 , M. Jantunen4 , D. Kotzias3 1 Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro, sez. Ospedale Luigi Sacco, Università degli Studi di Milano 2 U.O. ICPS, Ospedale Luigi Sacco, Milano 3 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra 4 KTL, Department of Environmental Hygiene, Kuopio, Finlandia RIASSUNTO. Il progetto INDEX (Critical Appraisal of the Setting and Implementation of Indoor Exposure Limits in the EU) è stato promosso dalla DG SANCO della Unione Europea e coordinato dal Centro di Ricerca Europeo di Ispra, in collaborazione con un comitato di esperti europei in materia di inquinamento dell’aria indoor. Scopo principale del progetto è stato quello di definire le priorità per una strategia comunitaria di prevenzione dei rischi dell’inquinamento dell’aria degli ambienti indoor. Sono stati oggetto di una prima valutazione 14 composti chimici. Sulla base della caratterizzazione dei rischi è stata stilata una lista di 5 composti considerati prioritari ai fini di una regolamentazione: formaldeide, monossido di carbonio, ossidi di azoto, benzene e naftalene. Per ognuno di questi composti sono state suggerite misure preventive e proposti limiti di esposizione. Parole chiave: valori limiti indoor, valutazione del rischio RISK CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPOSAL OF EXPOSURE THRESHOLDS TO INDOOR CHEMICAL AGENTS: THE INDEX EUROPEAN PROJECT ABSTRACT. The European INDEX project was finalised to identify priorities and to assess the needs for an European Community strategy and action plan in the area of indoor air pollution. A list of 5 chemicals, with potential of high indoor concentrations, uncontested health impacts, and effective risk management, were selected to be regulated with priority: Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Benzene and Naphtalene. For each compound, guideline values and management options were suggested. Key words: indoor exposure limits, risk characterization 1. INTRODUCTION Air quality may cause adverse health effects in large populations, both in developed and developing countries. In the last years indoor air pollution has been recognized as an emerging environmental health issue, since people spend typically about 90% of their time indoors (Carrer et al. 2000, Jantunen et al. 1999, WHO 2006). People are exposed to a variety of pollutants with known health effects, which are emitted not only from outdoor sources but they can also have their sources in the indoor environment. The basic right for, and importance of, healthy indoor air has been emphasized also by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2000). While the air quality guidelines and standards are widely used in outdoor air quality management, systematic science-based approaches for indoor air quality are lacking. Management of indoor air quality requires different approaches to those applicable to outdoor air. Therefore, guidelines for indoor air quality management are needed. (WHO, 2006). To be able to develop these guidelines for the pollutants that pose the highest health risks, critical health risk assessment and prioritisation of the pollutants is necessary. The INDEX project was funded by the European Commission DG SANCO and JRC and was coordinated by the JRC in collaboration with a Steering Committee of leading European experts in the area of indoor air pollution (Kotzias D. et al. 2005). The project was given the assignment to identify priorities and to assess the needs for a Community strategy and action plan in the area of indoor air pollution by: (1) setting up a list of compounds to be regulated in indoor environments with priority on the basis of health impact criteria, (2) providing suggestions and recommendations on potential exposure limits for these compounds, and (3) providing information on links with existing knowledge, ongoing studies, legislation, etc. at world scale.

G Ital Med Lav Erg 2007; 29:3 369 2. METHODS The main steps followed in the project were: 1) literature review; 2) setting up criteria to select compounds; 3) risk assessment and prioritisation of the selected compounds; and 4) recommendations and risk management options on potential exposure limits. Literature review A literature review was carried out to collect information about candidate pollutants to be assessed in the later stages of the project. The scientific literature of the indoor air pollutants was reviewed by using several search engines in the internet and by searching from the relevant journals. The main focus of the review was on recent population-based studies to be able to evaluate current population exposures to selected pollutants in Europe. Based on the literature review, “a long list” of 41 compounds was created meeting the selection criteria. Finally, the output of the literature review was used as an input for the next steps of the risk assessment. The selection criteria of the compounds to be included in the risk analysis The steering committee defined the following criteria for the selection of the pollutants for risk analysis: 1. Only single compounds were considered; 2. The compound should have strong indoor sources, which determine the exposure of significant fraction of the population; 3. The compound should have known health effects. It was also decided that compounds, which have been regulated by specific guidelines or regulations would be excluded from these analyses. For example, radon and tobacco smoke were excluded from the risk assessment process due to the aforementioned criteria. In the second phase of the selection process, the reviewed data were assessed and more detailed information for the previously selected compounds was collected if available. In this phase about 20-25 compounds were to be selected for further analysis. More compounds were excluded using the following criteria: No expressed concerns for health at present levels (for example acetone, decane, ethylbenzene, phenol, propylbenzene, trimethylbenzene); Compound already regulated by use restrictions for indoor materials (pentachlorophenol); Incomplete or no dose-response data available at present levels (methyl-ethyl-ketone, propionaldehyde), and Main route/media for the exposure to the compound in question is other than indoor air (lead, mercury). After detailed review and discussion of the available information, 25 compounds were selected for more detailed risk analyses. Risk Characterization According to EC Directive 93/67/EEC (EEC, 1993) formal risk assessment was performed by four steps, which are defined as ‘hazard identification’, ‘dose (concentration) - response (effect) assessment’, ‘exposure assessment’ and ‘risk characterization’. Hazard Identification - The hazard identification of the indoor air pollutants was assessed combining the information of the prevalence of pollutants in European homes with the available knowledge of adverse health effects that these compounds had been linked to in toxicological or epidemiological studies. If a compound was present in the indoor air and it has shown adverse health effects, it was considered as a potential hazard to European populations and was thus included in the risk assessment process. Dose-Response Assessment - Information was retrieved from scientific literature, comprehensive toxicological reviews of leading health organizations, risk evaluation documents and available databases. In addition, Toxline and Medline were searched for relevant scientific communications. Nearly all key-studies referred to in the present assessment establishing effect levels for appropriate toxicological endpoints, were those selected by health organizations for the derivation of health based limits of exposure or among risk assessment requirements. Key-studies were summarised treating effects of shortand long-term exposure. One-page fact sheets resuming the most relevant toxicological properties were created for each compound. Also key-study tables were written, where the reported concentration measures (average, adjusted etc.) were assigned to health-effect levels (NOAELs and LOAELs), stating on whether occupational average levels or experimental concentrations were quoted or identifying the extrapolation process applied for the given value. Where relevant, studies conducted on susceptible sub-populations (e.g. asthmatics, infants, children, pregnant etc.) were quoted and taken into consideration in the risk characterization. Exposure Assessment - Exposure to selected indoor air pollutants was evaluated by collecting exposure data from scientific literature and from available databases. The aim of this work was to summarise prevailing indoor air and personal exposure concentrations of these compounds in European populations. These reviews were mainly focused on indoor air and exposure concentrations measured recently in European population based studies such as EXPOLIS (Bruinen de Briun et al., 2004; Jantunen et al., 1999), German Environmental Surveys, GerES, (Seifert et al., 2000), the German study on Indoor Factors and Genetics in Asthma, INGA (Schneider et al., 2001), and a national survey of air pollutants in English homes (Raw et al., 2002). Also results of the French National Survey (Golliot et al., 2003) were available during the project. Comparisons have been done with regard to the TEAM (Wallace et al., 1991) and the NHEXAS (Sexton et al., 1995) studies carried out in the USA. Results from population-based studies were used to be able to generalise the results from studied individuals to larger populations, targeting to get a picture of indoor exposures all over Europe. Risk Characterization - In the final step of the general risk assessment process, the incidence of health hazards and risks in the European populations, associated with indoor exposure to individual compounds, was evaluated. For all compounds threshold-level of action could be identified, enabling a “no-observed-adverseeffect level (NOAEL)/assessment factor (AF)” approach, i.e., EL derived by dividing the critical effect level by the AF, with the AF based on appropriate scientific evidence. Where no NOAEL observation was documented, a lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) was taken into consideration and an additional assessment factor of 10 used for EL derivation. For one compound only (benzene) the characterization was based on the evaluation of risk for cancer for the entire population than on EL. Susceptible subpopulations considered in the present characterization were: asthmatic individuals, infants, children, individuals with heart diseases, individuals with (hereditary) enzyme deficiencies, pregnant women. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION On the basis of the available information the Steering Committee decided to include into a detailed assessment 14 compounds (out of initial 41 candidate compounds). Finally a list of compounds, consisting of 5 chemicals, with potential of high indoor concentrations and uncontested health impacts were selected to be regulated with priority. For each selected compound, guideline values and management options were suggested, as reported below. High priority pollutants Formaldehyde: Proposed guideline value concerning noncarcinogenic effects is 30 µg/m 3 . Based on IARC revision of formaldehyde carcinogenicity, the expert group in the current study recommended a guideline value, which should be as low as reasonably achievable. Management options include restrict emissions of formaldehyde from building products, furnishings and household/office chemicals, and discourage the use of formaldehyde containing products. Carbon Monoxide: Proposed guideline values are 10 mg/m 3 (8-hour) and 30 mg/m 3 (1-hour). Management options are to connect each combustion equipment /appliance to chimney or vented hood, to ensure sufficient local extract ventilation in kitchens with gas stove, mandatory inspection and maintenance of indoor combustion devices, and CO alarm systems responding to abnormally high concentrations (e.g. 50 mg/m 3 ). Nitrogen Dioxide: Proposed guideline values are 40 µg/m 3 (1-week) and 200 µg/m 3 (1-hour). Management options are to connect each indoor combustion device/appliance to chimney or vented hood, and to ensure sufficient local extract ventilation in kitchens with gas stove. Benzene: As benzene is a carcinogen therefore its indoor air concentration should be kept as low as reasonably achievable and not exceed outdoor concentrations. Management options are to ban benzene sources indoors, and lower the permissible benzene content in any building material and consumer product. Naphthalene: Proposed long term guideline value is 10 µg/m 3 . Management option is to restrict the use of naphthalene containing household products, particularly mothballs.

368 G Ital Med Lav Erg 2007; 29:3<br /><br />

Le quantità <strong>di</strong> ciasc<strong>un</strong> fitofarmaco ritrovate nei campioni analizzati<br />

ovviamente variano in intervalli molto ampi a secon<strong>da</strong> delle sostanze<br />

considerate (ado<strong>per</strong>ate in quantità <strong>di</strong>fferenti) e del soggetto in<strong>da</strong>gato;<br />

tuttavia, in linea generale, sono state ritrovate sui pads quantità <strong>di</strong> fitofarmaco<br />

sempre maggiori <strong>di</strong> quelle presenti in fiale e membrane, a conferma<br />

che <strong>la</strong> via <strong>di</strong> esposizione preferenziale, in campo agricolo, è quel<strong>la</strong><br />

cutanea.<br />

Il confronto tra le quantità <strong>di</strong> fitofarmaco ritrovate sui pads posti<br />

sopra e sotto gli indumenti nel<strong>la</strong> stessa zona anatomica (torace anteriore,<br />

torace posteriore, coscia) ha rive<strong>la</strong>to che <strong>la</strong> cute, se co<strong>per</strong>ta anche<br />

<strong>da</strong> semplici indumenti e non <strong>da</strong> specifici <strong>di</strong>spositivi <strong>di</strong> protezione<br />

in<strong>di</strong>viduale, è meno esposta a fitofarmaci, suggerendo che gli indumenti<br />

stessi possano f<strong>un</strong>gere <strong>da</strong> protezione. L’ipotesi è stata avvalorata<br />

calco<strong>la</strong>ndo, <strong>per</strong> 158 analisi, <strong>un</strong> fattore <strong>di</strong> protezione <strong>da</strong>to <strong>da</strong>gli indumenti:<br />

in 104 casi il fattore è risultato del 100% (il fitofarmaco esaminato,<br />

ritrovato sui pads posti al <strong>di</strong> sopra dell’indumento è invece assente<br />

sul pad posto al <strong>di</strong> sotto) mentre nei rimanenti 54 casi il fattore<br />

<strong>di</strong> protezione variava <strong>da</strong>l 70,9 al 99,8% con <strong>un</strong>a deviazione stan<strong>da</strong>rd <strong>di</strong><br />

3,6. È <strong>da</strong> notare, inoltre, che il fattore <strong>di</strong> protezione più basso, pari a<br />

70.9%, è re<strong>la</strong>tivo all’analisi <strong>di</strong> <strong>un</strong> campione in cui l’o<strong>per</strong>atore indossava<br />

<strong>un</strong> maglione <strong>di</strong> <strong>la</strong>na, <strong>la</strong> cui trama è meno fitta rispetto alle maglie in<br />

cotone indossate <strong>da</strong>l<strong>la</strong> maggior parte degli altri o<strong>per</strong>atori, suggerendo<br />

che anche il tipo <strong>di</strong> tessuto degli indumenti indossati influenzi l’esposizione<br />

cutanea dell’o<strong>per</strong>atore.<br />

<strong>Vali<strong>da</strong>zione</strong>. Il confronto tra il <strong>rischi</strong>o potenziale calco<strong>la</strong>to in base ai<br />

<strong>da</strong>ti <strong>di</strong> monitoraggio e il profilo <strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o fornito <strong>da</strong>l modello, inizialmente<br />

e<strong>la</strong>borato senza considerare l’influenza del tipo <strong>di</strong> indumento indossato,<br />

mostrava <strong>un</strong>a concor<strong>da</strong>nza pari solo al 50.6%.<br />

In base a quanto osservato, l’<strong>algoritmo</strong> <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> stima dell’esposizione<br />

cutanea a fitofarmaci è stato mo<strong>di</strong>ficato, inserendo il tipo <strong>di</strong> indumento<br />

indossato come fattore moltiplicativo. I risultati ottenuti in tal modo mostrano<br />

<strong>un</strong>a sostanziale concor<strong>da</strong>nza tra <strong>rischi</strong>o potenziale e profilo <strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o,<br />

complessivamente pari all’86%.<br />

I motivi <strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong>scor<strong>da</strong>nza sono stati attribuiti, in alc<strong>un</strong>i casi specifici,<br />

a fattori accidentali verificatisi nei giorni <strong>di</strong> campionamento, che hanno<br />

determinato <strong>da</strong>ti <strong>di</strong> monitoraggio <strong>di</strong> fatto non confrontabili con <strong>un</strong> profilo<br />

<strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o <strong>di</strong> generale vali<strong>di</strong>tà; in altri casi invece, <strong>la</strong> <strong>di</strong>scor<strong>da</strong>nza è<br />

<strong>di</strong>pesa <strong>da</strong>lle mo<strong>da</strong>lità con cui è stato condotto il confronto tra <strong>rischi</strong>o<br />

potenziale e responso del modello. Infatti, i valori <strong>di</strong> ADI riguar<strong>da</strong>no i<br />

singoli principi attivi, mentre le frasi <strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o ado<strong>per</strong>ate nel modello<br />

<strong>per</strong> assegnare <strong>la</strong> <strong>per</strong>icolosità devono essere connesse col formu<strong>la</strong>to ado<strong>per</strong>ato:<br />

nei casi in cui <strong>un</strong> pestici<strong>da</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>per</strong> sé poco <strong>per</strong>icoloso è contenuto<br />

in formu<strong>la</strong>ti che, allo stesso tempo, contengono altre sostanze ad elevata<br />

<strong>per</strong>icolosità, <strong>la</strong> frase <strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o associata al formu<strong>la</strong>to sarà elevata<br />

e <strong>di</strong> conseguenza il profilo <strong>di</strong> <strong>rischi</strong>o fornito <strong>da</strong>l modello risulta elevato,<br />

mentre il <strong>rischi</strong>o potenziale, poiché è stimato in base allo specifico<br />

pestici<strong>da</strong> in questione, risulta basso. Alc<strong>un</strong>e <strong>di</strong>screpanze, infine, sono<br />

state riscontrate nei casi in cui il valore <strong>di</strong> esposizione calco<strong>la</strong>to <strong>da</strong>l modello<br />

è prossimo ai limiti degli intervalli definiti <strong>per</strong> ciasc<strong>un</strong>a c<strong>la</strong>sse <strong>di</strong><br />

esposizione.<br />

Complessivamente, i risultati ottenuti, <strong>da</strong> <strong>un</strong> <strong>la</strong>to, suggeriscono<br />

<strong>un</strong>’ulteriore e<strong>la</strong>borazione del<strong>la</strong> griglia <strong>di</strong> stima del <strong>rischi</strong>o, <strong>da</strong>ll’altro, mostrano<br />

<strong>la</strong> sostanziale affi<strong>da</strong>bilità del modello proposto <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> stima <strong>dei</strong> <strong>rischi</strong><br />

connessi con l’esposizione a pestici<strong>di</strong>.<br />


1) Coble J, Arbuckle T, Lee W, A<strong>la</strong>vanja M, Dosemeci M. The vali<strong>da</strong>tion<br />

of a pesticide exposure algorithm using biological monitoring<br />

results. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2(3):194-201, 2005<br />

2) Monge P, Partanen T, Wesseling C, Bravo V, Rue<strong>per</strong>t C, Burstyn I.<br />

Assessment of pesticide exposure in the agricultural popu<strong>la</strong>tion of<br />

Costa Rica. Ann Occup Hyg. 49(5):375-84, 2005.<br />

3) Dosemeci M, A<strong>la</strong>vanja MC, Row<strong>la</strong>nd AS, Mage D, Zahm SH, Rothman<br />

N, Lubin JH, Hoppin JA, Sandler DP, B<strong>la</strong>ir A. A quantitative approach<br />

for estimating exposure to pesticides in the Agricultural<br />

Health Study. Ann Occup Hyg. 46(2):245-60, 2002.<br />

4) Arbuckle TE, Burnett R, Cole D, Teschke K, Dosemeci M, Bancej C,<br />

Zhang J. Pre<strong>di</strong>ctors of herbicide exposure in farm applicators. Int Arch<br />

Occup Environ Health. 75(6):406-14, 2002.<br />

COM-02<br />




P. Carrer1 , C. Schlitt2 , K. Koistinen3 , S. Kephalopoulos3 , M. Jant<strong>un</strong>en4 ,<br />

D. Kotzias3 1 Dipartimento <strong>di</strong> Me<strong>di</strong>cina del Lavoro, sez. Ospe<strong>da</strong>le Luigi Sacco,<br />

Università degli Stu<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong> Mi<strong>la</strong>no<br />

2 U.O. ICPS, Ospe<strong>da</strong>le Luigi Sacco, Mi<strong>la</strong>no<br />

3 European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and<br />

Consumer Protection, Ispra<br />

4 KTL, Department of Environmental Hygiene, Kuopio, Fin<strong>la</strong>n<strong>di</strong>a<br />

RIASSUNTO. Il progetto INDEX (Critical Appraisal of the Setting<br />

and Implementation of Indoor Exposure Limits in the EU) è stato promosso<br />

<strong>da</strong>l<strong>la</strong> DG SANCO del<strong>la</strong> Unione Europea e coor<strong>di</strong>nato <strong>da</strong>l Centro<br />

<strong>di</strong> Ricerca Europeo <strong>di</strong> Ispra, in col<strong>la</strong>borazione con <strong>un</strong> comitato <strong>di</strong> es<strong>per</strong>ti<br />

europei in materia <strong>di</strong> inquinamento dell’aria indoor. Scopo principale del<br />

progetto è stato quello <strong>di</strong> definire le priorità <strong>per</strong> <strong>un</strong>a strategia com<strong>un</strong>itaria<br />

<strong>di</strong> prevenzione <strong>dei</strong> <strong>rischi</strong> dell’inquinamento dell’aria degli ambienti<br />

indoor. Sono stati oggetto <strong>di</strong> <strong>un</strong>a prima <strong>valutazione</strong> 14 composti chimici.<br />

Sul<strong>la</strong> base del<strong>la</strong> caratterizzazione <strong>dei</strong> <strong>rischi</strong> è stata sti<strong>la</strong>ta <strong>un</strong>a lista <strong>di</strong> 5<br />

composti considerati prioritari ai fini <strong>di</strong> <strong>un</strong>a rego<strong>la</strong>mentazione: formal<strong>dei</strong>de,<br />

monossido <strong>di</strong> carbonio, ossi<strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong> azoto, benzene e naftalene. Per<br />

ogn<strong>un</strong>o <strong>di</strong> questi composti sono state suggerite misure preventive e proposti<br />

limiti <strong>di</strong> esposizione.<br />

Parole chiave: valori limiti indoor, <strong>valutazione</strong> del <strong>rischi</strong>o<br />



ABSTRACT. The European INDEX project was finalised to identify<br />

priorities and to assess the needs for an European Comm<strong>un</strong>ity strategy<br />

and action p<strong>la</strong>n in the area of indoor air pollution. A list of 5 chemicals,<br />

with potential of high indoor concentrations, <strong>un</strong>contested health impacts,<br />

and effective risk management, were selected to be regu<strong>la</strong>ted with<br />

priority: Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Benzene<br />

and Naphtalene. For each compo<strong>un</strong>d, guideline values and management<br />

options were suggested.<br />

Key words: indoor exposure limits, risk characterization<br />


Air quality may cause adverse health effects in <strong>la</strong>rge popu<strong>la</strong>tions,<br />

both in developed and developing co<strong>un</strong>tries. In the <strong>la</strong>st years indoor air<br />

pollution has been recognized as an emerging environmental health issue,<br />

since people spend typically about 90% of their time indoors (Carrer et<br />

al. 2000, Jant<strong>un</strong>en et al. 1999, WHO 2006). People are exposed to a<br />

variety of pollutants with known health effects, which are emitted not<br />

only from outdoor sources but they can also have their sources in the<br />

indoor environment. The basic right for, and importance of, healthy<br />

indoor air has been emphasized also by the World Health Organization<br />

(WHO, 2000). While the air quality guidelines and stan<strong>da</strong>rds are widely<br />

used in outdoor air quality management, systematic science-based<br />

approaches for indoor air quality are <strong>la</strong>cking. Management of indoor air<br />

quality requires <strong>di</strong>fferent approaches to those applicable to outdoor air.<br />

Therefore, guidelines for indoor air quality management are needed.<br />

(WHO, 2006). To be able to develop these guidelines for the pollutants<br />

that pose the highest health risks, critical health risk assessment and<br />

prioritisation of the pollutants is necessary.<br />

The INDEX project was f<strong>un</strong>ded by the European Commission DG<br />

SANCO and JRC and was coor<strong>di</strong>nated by the JRC in col<strong>la</strong>boration with<br />

a Steering Committee of lea<strong>di</strong>ng European ex<strong>per</strong>ts in the area of indoor<br />

air pollution (Kotzias D. et al. 2005). The project was given the<br />

assignment to identify priorities and to assess the needs for a Comm<strong>un</strong>ity<br />

strategy and action p<strong>la</strong>n in the area of indoor air pollution by: (1) setting<br />

up a list of compo<strong>un</strong>ds to be regu<strong>la</strong>ted in indoor environments with<br />

priority on the basis of health impact criteria, (2) provi<strong>di</strong>ng suggestions<br />

and recommen<strong>da</strong>tions on potential exposure limits for these compo<strong>un</strong>ds,<br />

and (3) provi<strong>di</strong>ng information on links with existing knowledge, ongoing<br />

stu<strong>di</strong>es, legis<strong>la</strong>tion, etc. at world scale.

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