It,M, Io.EEEG; B, B. Ioprre!&o, ILB.fopAreE*o . |EOOII3IqECICUE MOAEJI4 :.. 1. BaxrLVnos B.l.9Bonroqtrs r reoal:HaMrKa ocEoDEbrx crpyrcryp BananFofi Al{rapnrrrxr B Meso-RaiEo3oe: coBpeMeEELle trpeAc,raBnenrs//Bon.yA{. - 2006. - B!I[.4- 5.. C. 52.63. 2. BaHbtH JL,I., EaAQ a,t A-A-, TepexuH E.U. Pacser Oaso8Elx &pliBrlx qacrorEoro soEAnpoBaErs ctroco6oM rpaircoopMa4ur //npuknanEar .eoouas&a. M. : Iocaotrrexrs- {ar. 1961. Bbrr.30. crp.103-114. 3. Bapevqos A,NI., Iong6ea H-f., hpAueHto B.B. u 0p.. vl cne4ogaxse rny6EEiroi reoeren,r'pEqecKoi crpy(fyp}I BAorE nrnru JInHr(onLs (s&c[eprMesr EMCJIAE) // {Dtrsvxa 3eMrx. 1996. 4. C.124 144. 4. Ieororrs rcEraEesrarEllbrx olipanE. T.1,2,3. // IIoA peA. K. Bepxa tr q. Apenlca. - M.: Mrap. - 197a, 1979- - 356,372,402c. 5. lopqueLtto A.B. AnBercqsosso-ronsMoposas rrrror€sa rny6rHHbrx rpoqeccoD B rerlroEocoepe. - KseD: KopBiE trpecc. - 2OO7. - 172c. 6. IopAueHro 8.8., fopAueHxo III-8., SaszopoaHet O.8., Eoaavukbsa C,, Jlorsu oe tIM., fapaco' BlI., yceH,ro O.B.y(paltucr

|EO]IOTIIfi 14 UOJIESIII,IE ECKOI]AEMbIE MAPOBOTO OI{EASA . 21. DeI VaUe RA., Diaz M-T" Febrer JM, Fourcade N-, Fournier H.G., Gasco J.C , Keller M-4., Med,ina F., Nunez H., Ponposiello M.c. Mid-crctaaceous boundar.,' detected below the Seymour Island and its tracing offshore along the north-eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula by nagneiotelluric measurements//Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. - 1944.. 23. n. 2-4. P.265 ?246. 22. Fornier H.G. Geopbysical studies of the Antarctic P€ninsula//Acta Geod. GeopL. Hung. - 1994. 29, n 1-2. P.19 38. 23. Grad M.. Guterch 4., Jart* ?. Seismic shucture of the lithosphere across the zone of subducted Drake plate undff the Antarctic plate, West Antarctica // Geop. J. Int. * 1993. - 115. - P.586"600. 24. IRIS Earthquake Browser, {, 25. Jozuiirh W., Senenou yJ. Deep geoelectdcal structure esumation in the West Alta.cticl/Acta Geophys. Polonica. 1998. - 46, N161. - P.6t-67. 26. Ma.nani MJ., Borzotta 8., Founier H.G-, Venencia J., Castlgltone 8., Peretti A. Miidana N. Magnetoteuuric study in James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula// Acta Geod. Geophys. Hung.'1998.- 1(2-4).- p.155-166. 27. Mutloz MA' Fomier H.G., Manani MJ., Borzotto E. A critical review of magnetotelluic studies in diverse tectonic areas in Argentina, Chile and Antarctica// Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. - 1992. - 27, n 1.- P.65 -86. 28. Parker R.L., lvhalzr K-4 Numerical method lor establishing solution to the inverse problem of electromagnetic induction// J. Ceophye. Res. - 1981. - 86. - P 9574- 9544- 29. Seni ou V.Yu. Reqional conductivity structures of the Earth's mantle//Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. sc. - 1998. - C-65 (3O2). - 122 P. 30. Srod.a P.. Grad. M.. Guterch A. S€ismic model of the Ea:rth's crustal stl:ucture between the Sjuth.Pscific and the Antarctic Peninsula // Antarcticrcgion: Geological Dvolution and Processes. - 1997. - P.685-689. 31. U.S. Geological Suryey, National Earthquake information Center. }:'ttp // Ilo6y4oaaxo rerrori r,ioAeni Bepxnboi Manrii i rycT'taBi Moaeii KopD s B,nopEcransrM rco,rorjcHnx !asrx. inoopMaqii trpo MarsirEe i rpa;iraqjfiEe ooie, msnAkicRj po3ptuu, ceicMissicrL Ans Asraprirtr rsoro dBocrpoBa (A[) i repEaopii Ea niDsis ra s&riA BiA E6oro. npo8eAeEo oAnoBnMipny inBepciro xpnBux MT3 B3,qoBm rpooinro BiA 06( A*aA. BepEa,qc iri (Ira saxi{ Bh A[) Ao ocrpo]a Po6eprcoE (cxiAHa Me'Iia nLoAoBrrria JTspceaa) ra sa o-Bax Pocc i CenMyp. Ha rcoeneftrp@Bin MoAeri BnrBaceso o.aAoBHii rrap, B xopi i BepxEii MaErii map 6 nEroMnM otropoir MeEtrIrrM sa 20 OM.M Ha rnr6x, Eax DiA 20-40 Ao ?0-80 I(M (B AesKrx ldcq.nx Ao 100 riM). feooturqdi MoAeni yoroA- ]IcyIorI cs 3 yr$neHEsMtr a.rl8enqinEo-roniMopoEoi ritrore3r. Therrnal models of the upper mantle and density models ol the crust are constructed with use of geological data, data on magnetic ,nd gravity Jields, velocity cross-sections, seismicity lor Antarctic peninsula (A?) and teiritories to the north and to the west of it are performed. One-dimensional inversion of MTS curues along proiiles from obs. Acac. Vernadsky tro Lhe west lrom AP) to Robertson island (, edge oI Larsen glacier ) and on Ross and Seymour islands (no ,h edgc of Larsen giacier), is made. lD the geoelectric model there are found the sedimentary layer and a layer \vith specific resistarce less than 20 Ohm.m at a depth of 20-40 up to 70-80 kn (100 kln ai nost) in ihe crust aJld the upper mantte. Geophysical models are conformed to the advection-polymorphous hypothesis. 108


21. DeI VaUe RA., Diaz M-T" Febrer JM, Fourcade N-, Fournier H.G., Gasco J.C ,<br />

Keller M-4., Med,ina F., Nunez H., Ponposiello M.c. Mid-crctaaceous boundar.,' detected<br />

below the Seymour Island and its tracing offshore along the north-eastern coast of the<br />

Antarctic Peninsula by nagneiotelluric measurements//Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. -<br />

1944.. 23. n. 2-4. P.265 ?246.<br />

22. Fornier H.G. Geopbysical studies of the Antarctic P€ninsula//Acta Geod. GeopL.<br />

Hung. - 1994. 29, n 1-2. P.19 38.<br />

23. Grad M.. Guterch 4., Jart* ?. Seismic shucture of the lithosphere across the<br />

zone of subducted Drake plate undff the Antarctic plate, West Antarctica // Geop. J.<br />

Int. * 1993. - 115. - P.586"600.<br />

24. IRIS Earthquake Browser, {,<br />

25. Jozuiirh W., Senenou yJ. Deep geoelectdcal structure esumation in the West<br />

Alta.cticl/Acta Geophys. Polonica. 1998. - 46, N161. - P.6t-67.<br />

26. Ma.nani MJ., Borzotta 8., Founier H.G-, Venencia J., Castlgltone 8., Peretti A.<br />

Miidana N. Magnetoteuuric study in James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula// Acta<br />

Geod. Geophys. Hung.'1998.- 1(2-4).- p.155-166.<br />

27. Mutloz MA' Fomier H.G., Manani MJ., Borzotto E. A critical review of<br />

magnetotelluic studies in diverse tectonic areas in Argentina, Chile and Antarctica//<br />

Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. - 1992. - 27, n 1.- P.65 -86.<br />

28. Parker R.L., lvhalzr K-4 Numerical method lor establishing solution to the<br />

inverse problem of electromagnetic induction// J. Ceophye. Res. - 1981. - 86. - P<br />

9574- 9544-<br />

29. Seni ou V.Yu. Reqional conductivity structures of the Earth's mantle//Publs.<br />

Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. sc. - 1998. - C-65 (3O2). - 122 P.<br />

30. Srod.a P.. Grad. M.. Guterch A. S€ismic model of the Ea:rth's crustal stl:ucture<br />

between the Sjuth.Pscific and the Antarctic Peninsula // Antarcticrcgion: Geological<br />

Dvolution and Processes. - 1997. - P.685-689.<br />

31. U.S. Geological Suryey, National Earthquake information Center. }:'ttp //<br /><br />

Ilo6y4oaaxo rerrori r,ioAeni Bepxnboi Manrii i rycT'taBi Moaeii KopD s B,nopEcransrM<br />

rco,rorjcHnx !asrx. inoopMaqii trpo MarsirEe i rpa;iraqjfiEe ooie, msnAkicRj po3ptuu,<br />

ceicMissicrL Ans Asraprirtr rsoro dBocrpoBa (A[) i repEaopii Ea niDsis ra s&riA<br />

BiA E6oro. npo8eAeEo oAnoBnMipny inBepciro xpnBux MT3 B3,qoBm rpooinro BiA 06(<br />

A*aA. BepEa,qc iri (Ira saxi{ Bh A[) Ao ocrpo]a Po6eprcoE (cxiAHa Me'Iia nLoAoBrrria<br />

JTspceaa) ra sa o-Bax Pocc i CenMyp. Ha rcoeneftrp@Bin MoAeri BnrBaceso o.aAoBHii<br />

rrap, B xopi i BepxEii MaErii map 6 nEroMnM otropoir MeEtrIrrM sa 20 OM.M Ha rnr6x,<br />

Eax DiA 20-40 Ao ?0-80 I(M (B AesKrx ldcq.nx Ao 100 riM). feooturqdi MoAeni yoroA-<br />

]IcyIorI cs 3 yr$neHEsMtr a.rl8enqinEo-roniMopoEoi ritrore3r.<br />

Therrnal models of the upper mantle and density models ol the crust are constructed<br />

with use of geological data, data on magnetic ,nd gravity Jields, velocity cross-sections,<br />

seismicity lor Antarctic peninsula (A?) and teiritories to the north and to the west of it<br />

are performed. One-dimensional inversion of MTS curues along proiiles from obs. Acac.<br />

Vernadsky tro Lhe west lrom AP) to Robertson island (, edge oI Larsen glacier ) and<br />

on Ross and Seymour islands (no ,h edgc of Larsen giacier), is made. lD the geoelectric<br />

model there are found the sedimentary layer and a layer \vith specific resistarce less<br />

than 20 Ohm.m at a depth of 20-40 up to 70-80 kn (100 kln ai nost) in ihe crust aJld the<br />

upper mantte. Geophysical models are conformed to the advection-polymorphous<br />

hypothesis.<br />


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