Checklist of Indian Land Mollusca - Zoological Survey of India

Checklist of Indian Land Mollusca - Zoological Survey of India

Checklist of Indian Land Mollusca - Zoological Survey of India


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209. Cycloryx elegans Godwin-Austen<br />

210. Cycloryx generosus (Godwin-Austen)<br />

211. Cycloryx granum (Godwin-Austen)<br />

212. Cycloryx graphicus (Blanford)<br />

213. Cycloryx khunhoensis Godwin-Austen<br />

214. Cycloryx mangutensis Godwin-Austen<br />

215. Cycloryx multicostatus Godwin-Austen<br />

216. Cycloryx otiphorus (Benson)<br />

217. Cycloryx paucicostatus (Godwin-Austen)<br />

218. Cycloryx thompsoni Godwin-Austen<br />

Genus Dioryx Benson, 1859<br />

219. Dioryx globulosus Godwin-Austen<br />

220. Dioryx urceolus Godwin-Austen<br />

221. Dioryx urnula (Benson)<br />

222. Dioryx varius Godwin-Austen<br />

Subfamily PTEROCYCLINAE<br />

Genus Pterocyclus Benson, 1832<br />

223. Pterocyclus aborensis Godwin-Austen<br />

224. Pterocyclus albersi Pfeiffer<br />

225. Pterocyclus bilabiatus Benson<br />

226. Pterocyclus brahmakundensis Godwin-Austen<br />

227. Pterocyclus comatus (Beddome) Moellendorff<br />

228. Pterocyclus cyclophoroideus (G. Nevill)<br />

229. Pterocyclus magnus Godwin-Austen

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