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Lemniscia, 105<br />

Lentibulariaceae, 113<br />

Leonotis, 107, 108<br />

Leonurus, 107<br />

Leopoldinia, 17<br />

Lepidagathis, 1, 2, 3<br />

Lepidaploa, 23, 25, 26, 28<br />

Lepidium, 35<br />

Lepidocaryum, 17, 19<br />

Lepidocordia, 34<br />

Leptolobium, 50, 95<br />

Leptorhoeo, 62<br />

Leptoschoenus, 73<br />

Leretia, 106<br />

Leria, 27<br />

Lessingianthus, 23, 28<br />

Leucopholis, 27<br />

Leucothoe, 79<br />

Libidibia, 50<br />

Licania, 55, 56, 57, 59<br />

Licaria, 108, 109, 110, 111<br />

Lightia, 88<br />

Liliaceae, 114<br />

Limnobium, 105, 106<br />

Limnocharis, 114, 115<br />

Limnocharitaceae, 114, 115<br />

Lindackeria, 97, 98<br />

Lindmania, 36, 38, 39<br />

Lipocarpha, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74<br />

Lipochaeta, 27<br />

Lisianthus, 100<br />

Lissocarpa, 115<br />

Lissocarpaceae, 115<br />

Lisyanthus, 100, 101<br />

Lithocardium, 35<br />

Loasaceae, 115<br />

Lobelia, 41, 51<br />

Lochnera, 9<br />

Loganiaceae, 1, 115<br />

Lonchocarpus, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96<br />

Lophotocarpus, 3<br />

Loranthaceae, 115, 116<br />

Loranthus, 116<br />

Lorostemon, 58<br />

Loxopterygium, 4<br />

Lucilia, 27<br />

Ludovia, 67<br />

Luetzelburgia, 90<br />

Luffa, 65, 66<br />

Lunania, 97<br />

Lundia, 30, 31, 32<br />

Lycoseris, 23, 25, 27<br />

Lysiostyles, 63, 64<br />

Lythraceae, 117<br />

Lythrum, 117<br />

Maba, 77<br />

Mabea, 84, 85, 87<br />

Macaglia, 9, 10<br />

Macahanea, 1, 104<br />

Macfadyena, 30, 31<br />

Machaerina, 69<br />

Machaerium, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96<br />

Macoubea, 7, 10<br />

Macoucoua, 11<br />

Macrocarpaea, 99, 101<br />

Macrochordion, 39<br />

Macroditassa, 20<br />

Macrolobium, 1, 46, 47, 50, 51<br />

Macropharynx, 7, 9<br />


Macroptilium, 91, 96<br />

Macroscepis, 21<br />

Madarosperma, 21<br />

Maguirea, 14<br />

Mahurea, 58, 59, 60<br />

Malmea, 5, 6<br />

Malouetia, 7, 9, 10<br />

Managa, 1<br />

Manaosella, 30, 31<br />

Mandevilla, 7, 8, 9, 10<br />

Mangifera, 4<br />

Manicaria, 17, 19<br />

Manihot, 84, 86, 87<br />

Mansoa, 30, 31, 32<br />

Mapania, 69, 70, 72, 73<br />

Mapaniopsis, 73<br />

Mappia, 106<br />

Maprounea, 84, 87<br />

Marcgravia, 14<br />

Margaritaria, 84, 87<br />

Marialvaea, 60<br />

Marila, 58<br />

Maripa, 63, 64<br />

Mariscus, 73<br />

Markleya, 19<br />

Marsdenia, 20, 21<br />

Marsea, 27<br />

Marsypianthes, 107<br />

Martia, 51<br />

Martinella, 30, 32<br />

Martiodendron, 47, 48, 51<br />

Martiusia, 51<br />

Matelea, 9, 20, 21<br />

Matisia, 32, 33, 34<br />

Mauria, 4<br />

Mauritia, 17, 19<br />

Mauritiella, 17, 19<br />

Maximbignya, 17, 18, 19<br />

Maximiliana, 19<br />

Maximilianea, 32<br />

Mayna, 97, 98<br />

Maytenus, 54<br />

Meborea, 87<br />

Mediocactus, 44<br />

Megalostylis, 87<br />

Megaskepasma, 1<br />

Meibomia, 95<br />

Melampodium, 27<br />

Melanoxylon, 51<br />

Melanthera, 23, 25, 27<br />

Melidiscus, 52<br />

Melloa, 30, 31, 32<br />

Melocactus, 43, 44<br />

Melothria, 65, 66<br />

Melvilla, 117<br />

Memora, 30, 31, 32<br />

Mentzelia, 115<br />

Meresaldia, 21<br />

Merizadenia, 10<br />

Merremia, 63, 64<br />

Mesechites, 7, 9, 10<br />

Mesosphaerum, 107, 108<br />

Mespilodaphne, 110<br />

Messerschmidia, 35<br />

Metalepis, 20<br />

Metastelma, 21<br />

Meyenia, 2<br />

Mezilaurus, 108, 109, 110<br />

Mezobromelia, 36, 39, 40, 41<br />

Micrandra, 84, 86, 87<br />

Micropapyrus, 73<br />

Microplumeria, 7, 9, 10<br />

Micropteryx, 96<br />

Microstachys, 84, 87, 88<br />

Miersiella, 41<br />

Mikania, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29<br />

Misanteca, 110<br />

Mitozus, 10<br />

Mitreola, 115<br />

Mitrospora, 73<br />

Moeroris, 87<br />

Molongum, 7, 8, 9, 10<br />

Momordica, 65, 66<br />

Monanthemum, 27<br />

Monopteryx, 91, 96<br />

Monstera, 12, 14, 15<br />

Montira, 1, 115<br />

Montrichardia, 12, 14<br />

Moquilea, 57<br />

Mora, 47, 50, 51<br />

Moraea, 106<br />

Morisonia, 52<br />

Moronobea, 58, 60<br />

Mosannona, 5, 6<br />

Mostuea, 115<br />

Mouroucoa, 64<br />

Moutouchi, 96<br />

Mucoa, 7, 8<br />

Mucuna, 91, 94, 96<br />

Muellera, 91, 94, 96<br />

Murdannia, 61<br />

Murucoa, 64<br />

Musa, 40, 103<br />

Mussatia, 30, 31, 32<br />

Mycerinus, 78<br />

Myriophyllum, 102<br />

Myrocarpus, 91<br />

Myrodendrum, 105<br />

Myrospermum, 91<br />

Myroxylon, 91, 97, 98<br />

Nama, 106<br />

Napeanthus, 101<br />

Napimoga, 98<br />

Nasturtium, 35<br />

Nautilocalyx, 101, 102<br />

Navia, 36, 37, 38, 39, 114<br />

Neblinaea, 23<br />

Neblinantha, 99<br />

Nectandra, 108, 110, 111<br />

Nelsonia, 1, 2<br />

Nematanthus, 102<br />

Neocalyptrocalyx, 52<br />

Neocouma, 7, 8, 10<br />

Neodillenia, 75<br />

Neogleasonia, 60<br />

Neomarica, 106<br />

Neoptychocarpus, 97, 98<br />

Neoregelia, 37, 39<br />

Neosprucea, 97<br />

Neotatea, 58, 59, 60<br />

Nepeta, 108<br />

Nephradenia, 20, 21<br />

Nerium, 8<br />

Neurocarpum, 96<br />

Neurolaena, 23, 25, 27<br />

Neurotheca, 99, 101<br />

Nhandiroba, 66<br />

Nicolsonia, 96<br />

Nidularium, 39

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