Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (1992) - Department of Botany ...

Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (1992) - Department of Botany ...

Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas (1992) - Department of Botany ...


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Frullaniaceae<br />

Frullania<br />

G S FG apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dum.<br />

S apiculata (Reinw. et al.) Dum. var. guianensis Lindenb. & Gott.<br />

FG arecae (Spreng.) Gott.<br />

G bicornistipula Spruce<br />

G FG brasiliensis Raddi<br />

FG breuteliana Gott.<br />

G S FG caulisequa (Nees) Nees<br />

FG degelii S. Arn.<br />

S FG ericoides (Nees) Mont.<br />

G FG exilis Tayl.<br />

G gaudichaudii (Nees & Mont.) Nees & Mont.<br />

G S FG gibbosa Nees<br />

G FG kunzei (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb.<br />

FG montagnei Gott.<br />

G S mucronata (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb.<br />

S FG neesii Lindenb.<br />

G S FG nodulosa (Reinw. et al.) Nees<br />

FG parasitica Hampe ex Lehm. & Lindenb.<br />

G S FG riojaneirensis (Raddi) Ångstr.<br />

FG? serrata Gott.<br />

FG subtilissima Lindenb.<br />

Geocalycaceae<br />

Heteroscyphus<br />

S contortuplicatus (Mont. & Nees) Grolle<br />

Leptoscyphus<br />

G cuneifolius (Hook.) Mitt.<br />

G gibbosus (Tayl.) Mitt.<br />

G ovatus (Spruce) Grolle<br />

G S FG porphyrius (Nees) Grolle<br />

Lophocolea<br />

S FG bidentata (L.) Dum.<br />

FG bidentula (Nees) Fulford<br />

FG connata (Swartz) Nees<br />

G S FG liebmanniana Gott.<br />

G S FG martiana Nees<br />

G S perissodonta (Spruce) Steph.<br />

G FG trapezoidea Mont.<br />

Herbertaceae<br />

Herbertus<br />

G S FG divergens (Steph.) Herz.<br />


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