Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Lampadioteuthis megaleia Berry, 1916 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Family Mastiogoteuthidae<br />

Idioteuthis cordiformis (Chun, 1908) 心鰭鞭魷魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Family Octopoteuthidae<br />

Octopoteuthis sicula Ruppell, 1844 蛸魷魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Family Ommastrephidae<br />

Eucleoteuthis luminosa (Sasaki, 1915) 發光魷魚 Ref. Lu, 1998<br />

Nototodarus hawaiiensis (Berry, 1912) 夏威夷魷魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Ommastrephes bartrami (Lesueur, 1821) 赤魷 Ref. 董正之。1988<br />

Ornithoteuthis volatilis (Sasaki, 1915) 飛魷 Ref. Lu, 1998<br />

Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Lesson, 1830) 南魷 Ref. 童逸修。1977<br />

Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup, 1880 北魷 Ref. 童逸修。1977<br />

Todaropsis eblanae (Ball, 1840) 短柔魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Family Onychoteuthidae<br />

Moroteuthis loennbergi Ishikawa & Wakiya, 1914 龍氏桑椹魷魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Onychia carribaea Lesueur, 1821 加勒比擬爪魷 Ref. 童逸修。1978<br />

Onychoteuthis banksii (Leach, 1817) 爪魷 Ref. 童逸修。1978<br />

Family Opisthoteuthidae<br />

Luteuthis shuishi O'Shea & Lu, 2002 水試盧氏面蛸 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Opisthoteuthis japonica Taki, 1962 日本面蛸 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Pholidoteuthidae<br />

Pholidoteuthis massyae (Pfeffer, 1912) 麥氏角鱗魷魚 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Family Pyroteuthidae<br />

Pterygioteuthis gemmata Chun, 1908 Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Pterygioteuthis giardii Fischer, 1896 基氏翼魷魚 Ref. Lu, 1998<br />

Pyroteuthis margaritifera (Ruppell, 1844) Ref. Lu, unpublished<br />

Class Gastropoda<br />

Order Anaspidea<br />

Family Notoarchidae<br />

Stylocheilus longicaudus Quoy & Gaimard, 1825 長尾柱唇海兔<br />

Stylocheilus striatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 柱唇海兔<br />

Order Aplysiacea<br />

Family Aplysiidae<br />

Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 Ref. 張崑雄。1985<br />

Aplysia juliana Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 染斑海鹿 Ref. 張崑雄等。1992<br />

Aplysia kurodai (Baba, 1937) 大海鹿 Ref. Kuroda, 1941<br />

Aplysia oculifera Adams & Reeve, 1850 眼斑海鹿 Ref. 張崑雄。1985<br />

Aplysia parvula Guilding in Motch, 1863 黑邊海兔<br />

Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) 龍骨海鹿 Ref. Kuroda, 1941<br />

Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1928) 斧殼海鹿 Ref. 張崑雄等。1992<br />

Family Notarchidae<br />

Bursatella leachi Blainville, 1817 黃斑燕尾海麒麟 Ref. 國立台灣海洋大學。1992<br />

Order Archaeogastropoda<br />

Family Angariidae<br />

Angaria atrata (Reeve, 1843) 黑強齒螺 Ref. 張崑雄等。1989<br />

Angaria delphinus Linnaeus, 1758 棘冠螺 Ref. 譚天錫、白振宇、夏國經。1986<br />

Angaria sphaerula (Kiener, 1839) 小球棘冠螺 Ref. 藍子樵。1977<br />

Family Fissurellidae<br />

Cranopsis pelex A. Adams, 1860 高透孔螺 Ref. 巫文隆、李彥錚。2005<br />

Dentimargo makiyamai (Habe, 1951) 菱形榖米螺 Ref. The Pei-yo. 31: 48-53<br />

Dentimargo teramachii (Habe, 1951) 寺町穀米螺 Ref. 李彥錚。2003<br />

Diodora mus (Reeve, 1850) 黑斑透孔螺 Ref. 林朝棨。1974<br />

Diodora octagona (Reeve, 1850) 蛛網透孔螺 Ref. 迷你貝殼中文種名小組。1988<br />

Diodora quadriradiata (Reeve, 1850) 布紋透孔螺 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />

Diodora semilunata Habe, 1953 半月透孔螺 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />

Diodora sieboldi (Reeve, 1850) 西寶透孔螺 Ref. 張寬敏等。1984<br />

Diodora singaporensis (Reeve, 1850) 新加坡透孔螺 Ref. 李彥錚。2002<br />

Diodora suprapunicea Otuka, 1937 草花透孔螺 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />

Diodora ticaonica (Reeve, 1850) 鑰孔透孔螺 Ref. 巫文隆、李彥錚。2005<br />

Emarginella biangulata (Sowerby, 1901) 雙角裂螺 Ref. 李彥錚。2002<br />

Emarginella eximia (A. Adams, 1852) 粗網裂螺 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />

Emarginella incisula (A. Adams, 1852) 細網裂螺 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />

Emarginula concinna A. Adams, 1852 粗彫裂螺 Ref. 李彥錚。2002<br />

Emarginula crassicostata (Sowerby, 1863) 鱗磩 Ref. 施乃普。1975<br />


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