Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Eocanthecona formosa (Horváth, 1911) [特有] Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff, 1811) Ref. 同前<br />

Eocanthecona parva (Distant, 1902) Ref. 同前<br />

Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) 黃斑黑蝽 Ref. Matsumura, 1913<br />

Eurydema dominulus (Scopoli, 1763) Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Eurydema pulchra (Westwood, 1837) Ref. 同前<br />

Eysarcoris guttigerus (Thunberg, 1783) Ref. 同前<br />

Eysarcoris latus Walker, 1868 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Eysarcoris rosaceus Distant, 1901 Ref. 同前<br />

Eysarcoris ventralis (Westwood, 1837) Ref. 同前<br />

Glaucias beryllus (Fabricius, 1787) 黑點青蝽 Ref. 同前<br />

Glaucias subpunctatus (Walker, 1867)<br />

Graphosoma rubrolineatum (Westwood, 1837)<br />

Halyabbus unicolor Distant, 1900 Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855)<br />

Megarrhamphus hastatus (Fabticius, 1803) Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Megarrhamphus truncatus (Westwood, 1837) Ref. 同前<br />

Menida disjecta (Uhler, 1860) Ref. 同前<br />

Menida formosa (Westwood, 1837) 茶翅蝽 Ref. 同前<br />

Menida megaspila (Walker, 1867) Ref. 同前<br />

Menida musiva (JakovLev, 1867) Ref. 同前<br />

Menida versicolor (Gmelin, 1790) Ref. 同前<br />

Menida violacea Motschulsky, 1861 Ref. 同前<br />

Neojurtina typica Distant, 1921 Ref. 同前<br />

Nezara atntennata Scott, 1874 Ref. 同前<br />

Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) 稻綠蝽;南方綠椿象 Ref. 同前<br />

Niphe elongata (Dallas, 1851) Ref. 同前<br />

Piezodorus hybneri (Gmelin, 1790) 璧蝽 Ref. 同前<br />

Platynopus melanoleucus (Westwood, 1837) Ref. 同前<br />

Praetextatus typicus Distant, 1901 Ref. 同前<br />

Priassus exemptus (Walker, 1868) Ref. 同前<br />

Rhynchocoris humeralis (Thunberg, 1783) 柃蝽 Ref. 同前<br />

Sciocoris lugubris Walker, 1868 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Scotinophara lurida (Burmeister, 1834) Ref. 同前<br />

Scotinophara malayensis (Distant, 1903) Ref. 同前<br />

Scotinophara scottii Horváth, 1879 Ref. 同前<br />

Tetroda histeroides (Fabricius, 1798) Ref. 同前<br />

Tolumnia latipes (Dallas, 1851) Ref. 同前<br />

Zicrona caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) 藍蝽;藍益蝽 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Penthimiidae<br />

Penthimia flavinotum Matsumura, 1912 黃帶扁葉蟬 Ref. Metcalf, 1962<br />

Penthimia formosana Matsumura, 1912 [特有] Ref. Metcalf, 1962<br />

Penthimia guttula Matsumura, 1912 Ref. Metcalf, 1962<br />

Penthimia nitida Lethierry, 1876 Ref. Metcalf, 1962<br />

Penthimia theae Matsumura, 1912 茶扁葉蟬 Ref. Metcalf, 1962<br />

Family Phacopteronidae<br />

Chineura alba Yang & Tsay, 1980 [特有] Ref. Yang, 1984<br />

Neophacopteron euphoriae Yang, 1984 [特有] Ref. Yang, 1984<br />

Family Plataspidae蝽<br />

Brachyplatys carolinae Atkinson, 1889 Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Brachyplatys liturifrons Walker, 1867<br />

Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westwood, 1837) 亞銅平龜蝽 Ref. Hisao et al., 1977<br />

Coptosoma distigma Montandon, 1896 Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Coptosoma variegata (Herrich-Schäffer, 1838) Ref. 同前<br />

Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius, 1798) Ref. Hisao, 1977<br />

Megacopta horvathi (Montandon, 1894) 和豆龜蝽 Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 2006<br />

Ponsilasia formosana Heinze, 1934 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Tiarocoris consertus Distant, 1901 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Pleidae蝽<br />

Paraplea formosana (Esaki, 1915) 鄰固椿 [特有] Ref. Esaki, 1915<br />

Paraplea frontalis (Fieber, 1844) Ref. Aukema & Rieger, 1995<br />

Paraplea indistinguenda (Matsumura, 1905) Ref. 同前<br />

Paraplea japonica (Horvath, 1904) Ref. 同前<br />

Family Pseudococcidae<br />

Antonina crawi Cockerel, 1900 竹禾粉介殼蟲 Ref. 陶。1989<br />

Antonina graminis (Maskell, 1897) Ref. ScaleNet, 2006<br />

Antonina maai Williams & Miller, 2002 Ref. Williams & Miller, 2002<br />

Antonina nakaharai Williams & Miller, 2002 Ref. 同前<br />

Antonina pretiosa Ferris, 1953 Ref. ScaleNet, 2006<br />


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