Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Neoseiulus spineus (Tseng), 1976 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Neoseiulus taiwanicus (Ehara), 1970 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Neoseiulus womersleyi (Schicha), 1975 溫氏補植蟎 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Okiseius formosanus Tseng, 1972 Ref. Tseng, 1972<br />

Okiseius subtropicus (Ehara), 1967 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Paraamblyseius formosanus (Ehara), 1970 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Paraphytoseius chihpenensis Ho & Lo, 1989 Ref. Ho & Lo, 1989<br />

Paraphytoseius cracentis (Corpus & rimando), 1966 Ref. Ho & Lo, 1989<br />

Paraphytoseius hualienensis Ho & Lo, 1989 Ref. Ho & Lo, 1989<br />

Paraphytoseius hyalinus (Tseng), 1973 Ref. Tseng, 1973<br />

Paraphytoseius orientalis (Narayanan, Kaur & Ghai) 1960 Ref. Ho & Lo, 1989<br />

Paraphytoseius subtropicus (Tseng), 1972 Ref. Tseng, 1972<br />

Phytoscutus salebrosus (Chant), 1960 Ref. Lo, 1969<br />

Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, 1957 智利捕植蟎 Ref. Ho, 1989<br />

Phytoseiulus sonunensis Ryu & Ehara, 1993 Ref. Ho, Shih & Chen<br />

Phytoseius coheni Swirski & Shechter, 1961 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Phytoseius crinitus Swirski & Shechter, 1961 Ref. Ho, Shih & Chen<br />

Phytoseius hogkongensis Swirski & Shechter, 1961 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Phytoseius minutus Narayanan et al., 1960 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Phytoseius rugatus Tseng, 1976 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Proprioseiopsis ovatus (Garman), 1958 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Proprioseiopsis pubes (Tseng), 1976 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Typhlodromips anuwati Ehara & Bhandhufalck, 1977 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhlodromips newsami (Evans), 1953 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhlodromips obesus Tseng, 1983 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhlodromips okinawanus (Ehara), 1967 Ref. Lo, 1969<br />

Typhlodromips transvaalensis (Nesbitt), 1951 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhlodromips vestificus (Tseng), 1976 Ref. Tseng, 1976<br />

Typhrodromus changi Teng, 1975 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Typhrodromus gracilentus Teng, 1975 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Typhrodromus lanyuensis Tseng, 1975 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Typhrodromus neocrassus Tseng, 1983 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhrodromus occidentalis Nesbitt 西方捕植蟎 Ref. Ho, 1989<br />

Typhrodromus pseudoserrulatus Tseng, 1983 Ref. Tseng, 1983<br />

Typhrodromus ryukyuensis Ehara, 1967 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Typhrodromus tridentiger Tseng, 1975 Ref. Tseng, 1975<br />

Family Spinturnicidae蟎<br />

Spinturnix psi (Kolenati), 1856 賽蝠蟎 Ref. Maa & Kuo, 1966<br />

Spinturnix verutus Delfinado & Baker, 1963 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Varroidae蟎<br />

Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman, 2000 蜜蜂蟹蟎 Ref. 羅幹成。2006<br />

Order Oribatida蟎<br />

Family Achipteriidae蟎<br />

Campachipteria uenoi Aoki, 1995 Ref. Aoki, 1995<br />

Parachipteria distincta Aoki, 1991 Ref. Aoki, 1991<br />

Family Ameridae蟎<br />

Defectamerus crassisetiger Aoki, 1991 Ref. Aoki, 1991<br />

Family Ameronothroidea蟎<br />

Haplozetes loongchiensis Tseng, 1984 Ref. Tseng, 1984<br />

Family Astegistidae蟎<br />

Cultroribula lata Aoki, 1997 圓卵腹蟎 Ref. Chu & Aoki, 1997<br />

Family Austrachipteriidae蟎<br />

Hypozetes crassisetiger Aoki, 1995 Ref. Aoki, 1995<br />

Hypozetes rostralis Tseng, 1984 Ref. Tseng, 1984<br />

Lamellobates palustris Hammer, 1984 Ref. Tseng, 1984<br />

Paralamellobates bengalensis (Bhaduri & Rayvhaudhuri, 1984) Ref. Tseng, 1984<br />

Family Basilobelbidae蟎<br />

Basilobelba parmata Okayama, 1980 腹毛王腳甲蟎 Ref. Chu & Aoki, 1997<br />

Family Camisiidae蟎<br />

Globonothrus limbulatus Tseng, 1982 Ref. Tseng, 1982<br />

Heminothrus longisetosus Willmann, 1925 長毛鬼甲蟎 Ref. Chu & Aoki, 1997<br />

Platynothrus pelitfer (C. L.Koch), 1989 Ref. Aoki, 1995<br />

Family Carabodoidea蟎<br />

Carabodes peniculatus Aoki, 1997 矮雕蟎 Ref. Chu & Aoki, 1997<br />

Carabodes rimosus Aoki, 1959 Ref. Aoki, 1995<br />

Yoshiobodes nakatamarii (Aoki), 1997 Ref. Chu & Aoki, 1997<br />


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