Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Tripterospermum lilungshanensis C. H. Chen & J. C. Wang, 2006 里龍山肺形草 Ref. Chen et al., 2006<br />

Tripterospermum luzonense (Vidal) J. Murata, 1989 高山雙蝴蝶 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 186, 1998<br />

Tripterospermum microphyllum H. Smith, 1967 小葉雙蝴蝶 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 188, 1998<br />

Tripterospermum taiwanense (Masam.) Satake, 1951 台灣肺形草 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 190, 1998<br />

Family Loganiaceae<br />

Buddleja asiatica Lour., 1790 揚波 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 145, 1998<br />

Buddleja curviflora Hook. & Arn., 1838 彎花醉魚木 Ref. 同前<br />

Fagraea ceilanica Thunb., 1782 灰莉 Ref. 同前<br />

Gardneria multiflora Makino, 1901 多花蓬萊葛 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 148, 1998<br />

Gardneria nutans Siebold & Zucc., 1846 垂花蓬萊葛 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 150, 1998<br />

Geniostema rupestre J. R. Forst. & G. Forst., 1776 偽木荔枝 Ref. 同前<br />

Mitrasacme pygmaea R. Brown, 1810 矮形光巾草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 152, 1998<br />

Strychnos cathayensis Merr., 1934 台灣馬錢 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 4: 153, 1998<br />

Order Geraniales<br />

Family Balsaminaceae<br />

Impatiens devolii Huang, 1973 棣慕華鳳仙花 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 616, 1993<br />

Impatiens tayemonii Hayata, 1915 黃花鳳仙花 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 618, 1993<br />

Impatiens uniflora Hayata, 1908 紫花鳳仙花 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Family Geraniaceae<br />

Erodium cicutarium (L.) Lher ex Aiton, 1789 芹葉尨牛兒苗 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 68, 2003<br />

Erodium moschatum (L.) Lher ex Aiton, 1789 麝香尨牛兒苗 Ref. 同前<br />

Geranium carolinianum L., 1753 野老鸛草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 403, 1993<br />

Geranium hayatanum Ohwi, 1953 單花牻牛兒苗 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 404, 1993<br />

Geranium nepalense Sweet subsp. thunbergii (Sieb. & Zucc.) Hara 1966 牻牛兒苗 Ref. 同前<br />

Geranium pusillum L., 1759 小花尨牛兒苗 Ref. Taiwania 52(3): 270, 2007<br />

Geranium robertianum L., 1753 漢紅魚腥草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 404, 1993<br />

Geranium suzukii Masam., 1931 山牻牛兒苗 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Geranium wilfordii Maxim, 1880 老鸛草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 408, 1993<br />

Family Oxalidaceae<br />

Biophytum sensitivum DC., 1824 羞禮花 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 397, 1993<br />

Oxalis acetocella L. subsp. taemoni (Yamamoto) Huang & Huang 1990 大霸尖山酢漿草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 399, 1993<br />

Oxalis acetocella L. subsp. griffinthii var. formosana (Terao) Huang & Huang 1990 台灣山酢漿草 Ref. 同前<br />

Oxalis corniculata L., 1753 酢漿草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 401, 1993<br />

Oxalis corymbosa DC., 1824 紫花酢漿草 Ref. 同前<br />

Order Haloragales<br />

Family Haloragaceae<br />

Haloragis micrantha (Thunb.) R. Brown, 1814 小二仙草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 971, 1993<br />

Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc., 1973 粉綠狐尾藻 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 83, 2003<br />

Myriophyllum dicoccum F. Muell., 1859 雙室狐尾藻 Ref. 同前<br />

Myriophyllum spicatum L., 1753 聚藻 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 973, 1993<br />

Myriophyllum ussuriensis (Regel) Maxim., 1873 烏蘇里聚藻 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 83, 2003<br />

Order Hamamelidales<br />

Family Hamamelidaceae<br />

Corylopsis pauciflora Sieb. & Zucc., 1835 小葉瑞木 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 1, 1993<br />

Corylopsis stenopetala Hayata, 1914 台灣瑞木 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 2, 1993<br />

Distyliopsis dunnii (Hemsl.) Endress, 1970 尖葉水絲梨 Ref. 同前<br />

Distylium gracile Nakai, 1924 細葉蚊母樹 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 4, 1993<br />

Distylium racemosum Sieb. & Zucc., 1885 蚊母樹 Ref. 同前<br />

Eustigma oblongifolium Gardn. & Champ., 1849 秀柱花 Ref. 同前<br />

Liquidambar formosana Hance, 1866 楓香 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 3: 5, 1993<br />

Sycopsis sinensis Oliver, 1890 水絲梨 Ref. 同前<br />

Order Illiciales<br />

Family Illiciaceae<br />

Illicium anisatum L., 1759 白花八角 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 427, 1996<br />

Illicium arborescens Hayata, 1912 台灣八角 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 429, 1996<br />

Illicium tashiroi Maxim., 1888 東亞八角 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Schisandraceae<br />

Kadsura japonica (L.) Dunal, 1817 南五味子 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 423, 1996<br />

Kadsura philippinensis Elm., 1908 菲律賓南五味子 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 425, 1996<br />

Schisandra arisanensis Hayata, 1915 阿里山五味子 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Order Juglandales<br />

Family Juglandaceae<br />

Engelhardtia roxburghiana Wall., 1831 黃杞 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 23, 1996<br />

Juglans cathayensis Dode, 1909 野核桃 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 2: 25, 1996<br />

Platycarya strobilacea Sieb. & Zucc., 1843 化香樹 Ref. 同前<br />


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