Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Polystichum thomsonii (Hook. f.) Bedd., 1866 尾葉耳蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 350, 1994<br />

Polystichum tsus-simense (Hook.) J. Sm., 1875 馬祖耳蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Polystichum wilsonii Christ, 1911 福山氏耳蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Polystichum xiphophyllum (Bak.) Diels, 1899 關山耳蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 351, 1994<br />

Family Grammitidaceae<br />

Calymmodon cucullatus (Nees & Blume) C. Presl, 1836 姬荷包蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 520, 1994<br />

Calymmodon gracilis (Fee) Copel., 1927 疏毛荷毛蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 521, 1994<br />

Ctenopteris curtisii (Baker) Copel., 1953 蒿蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Ctenopteris merrittii (Copel.) Tagawa, 1940 擬虎尾蒿蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 524, 1994<br />

Ctenopteris mollicoma (Nees & Blume) Kunze, 1846 南洋蒿蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Ctenopteris obliquata (Blume) Copel., 1953 密毛蒿蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 525, 1994<br />

Ctenopteris subfalcata (Blume) Kunze, 1848 虎尾蒿蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Ctenopteris tenuisecta (Blume) J. Sm., 1875 細葉蒿蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Grammitis adspersa (Blume) Blume, 1828 無毛禾蒿蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 526, 1994<br />

Grammitis congener Blume, 1828 大武禾葉蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 527, 1994<br />

Grammitis fenicis Copel., 1942 短柄禾葉蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Grammitis intromissa (Christ) parris, 1981 大禾葉蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Grammitis jagoriana (Mett.) Copel., 1933 擬禾葉蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Grammitis nuda Tagawa, 1941 長孢禾葉蕨 [特有] Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 529, 1994<br />

Grammitis reinwardtia Blume, 1828 毛禾葉蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Prosaptia contigua (Forst.) Presl, 1836 穴子蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 530, 1994<br />

Prosaptia urceolaris (Hayata) Copel., 1929 台灣穴子蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Scleroglossum pusillum (Blume) Aldrew., 1912 革舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 532, 1994<br />

Xiphopteris okuboi (Yatabe) Copel., 1947 梳葉蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Lindsaeaceae<br />

Lindsaea cuitrata (Willd.) Sw., 1806 網脈陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 173, 1994<br />

Lindsaea ensifolia Sw., 1801 箭葉陵齒蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Lindsaea heterophylla Dryand, 1797 異葉陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 175, 1994<br />

Lindsaea japonica (Baker) Diels, 1902 日本陵齒蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Lindsaea kawabatae Sa. Kurata, 1965 細葉鱗始蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 23, 2003<br />

Lindsaea merrillii Copel. var. yaeyamensis (Tagawa) W. C. Shieh 1973 攀緣陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 175, 1994<br />

Lindsaea odorata Roxb., 1844 陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 177, 1994<br />

Lindsaea orbiculata (Lam.) Mett. ex Kuhn var. commixta (Tagawa) W. C. Shieh 1973 海島陵齒蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Lindsaea orbiculata (Lam.) Mett. ex Kuhn var. recedens (Ching) W. C. Shieh 1973 闊片陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 180, 1994<br />

Lindsaea orbiculata (Lam.) Mett. ex Kuhn, 1869 圓葉陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 177, 1994<br />

Lindsaea orbiculata (Lam.) Mett. ex Kuhn var. deltoida Y. C. Wu 1869 三角葉陵齒蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 180, 1994<br />

Lindsaea securifolia C. Presl var. kusukusensis (Hayata) Shieh 1975 方柄陵齒蕨 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Sphenomeris biflora (Kaulf.) Tagawa, 1958 闊片烏蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 181, 1994<br />

Sphenomeris chusana (L.) Copel., 1929 烏蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Tapeinidium gracile (Blume) Aldrew, 1909 細葉達邊蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 23, 2003<br />

Tapeinidium pinnatum (Cav.) C. Chr., 1905 達邊蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 184, 1994<br />

Tapeinidium pinnatum (Cav.) C. Chr., 1973 var. biserratum (Blume) W. C. Shieh 二羽達邊蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Lomariopsidaceae<br />

Bolbitis ×laxireticulata K. Iwatsuki, 1959 疏網實蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 29, 2003<br />

Bolbitis ×nanjenensis Kuo, 1990 南仁刺蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Bolbitis contaminans (Wall.) Ching, 1934 細葉實蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 352, 1994<br />

Bolbitis heteroclita (Pr.) Ching, 1934 尾葉實蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 353, 1994<br />

Bolbitis rhizophylla (Kaulf.) Hennipman, 1970 大實蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 29, 2003<br />

Bolbitis scalpturata (Fee) Ching, 1934 紅柄實蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Bolbitis subcordata (Copel.) Ching, 1934 海南實蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 355, 1994<br />

Egenolfia appendiculata (Willd.) J. Sm., 1866 刺蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 356, 1994<br />

Egenolfia laxireticulata (Iwats.) Kuo, 1975 網脈刺蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Egenolfia rhizophylla (Kaulf.) Fee, 1850 大刺蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Elaphoglossum angulatum (Blume) T. Moore, 1857 爪哇舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 358, 1994<br />

Elaphoglossum callifolium (Blume) T. Moore, 1857 銳頭舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 359, 1994<br />

Elaphoglossum commutatum Aldrew., 1917 大葉舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 29, 2003<br />

Elaphoglossum luzonicum Copel., 1907 臺灣舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 6: 30, 2003<br />

Elaphoglossum marginatum (Wall. ex Fee) T. Moore, 1857 垂葉舌蕨 [特有] Ref. 同前<br />

Elaphoglossum yoshinagae (Yatabe) Makino, 1901 舌蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 361, 1994<br />

Lomariopsis spectabilis (Kze.) Mett., 1856 羅蔓藤蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 362, 1994<br />

Family Marsileaceae<br />

Marsilea crenata C. Presl, 1825 南國田字草 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 537, 1994<br />

Family Oleandraceae<br />

Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston, 1956 藤蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 199, 1994<br />

Nephrolepis auriculata (L.) Trimen, 1887 腎蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 201, 1994<br />

Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott., 1834 長葉腎蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Nephrolepis multiflora (Roxburgh) Jarrett & Morton, 1974 毛葉腎蕨 Ref. Flora of Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 203, 1994<br />

Oleandra wallichii (Hook.) Presl, 1836 蓧蕨 Ref. 同前<br />

Family Onocleaceae<br />


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