Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網

Group +ssRNA!ϒᙥ SOB ঽ߲! - 台灣生物多樣性資訊網


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Acroporium oxyporum (Sande Lac.) Fleisch. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Acroporium suzukii Sak. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Aptychella brevinervis (Fl.) Fl. Ref. Chiang & Kuo, 1989<br />

Aptychella glomerato-propagulifera (Toy.) Seki Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Aptychella robusta (Broth.) Fleisch. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Brotherella crassipes Sak. Redfearn et al. , 1996 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Brotherella falcate (Dozy & Molk.) Fleisch. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Brotherella fauriei (Card.) Broth. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella formosana Broth. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella henonii (Duby) Fleisch. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella herbacea Sak. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella integrifolia Broth. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella recurvans (Michx.) Fleisch. Ref. 同前<br />

Brotherella subintegra Broth. Ref. 同前<br />

Chionostomum rostratum (Griff.) C. Muell. 花錦蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Clastobryopsis brevinervis Fleisch. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Clastobryopsis planula (Mitt.) Fleisch. 扁枝竹蘚 Ref. Lin, 1988<br />

Clastobryopsis robusta (Broth.) Fleisch. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Clastobryum glabrescens (Iwast.) Tan & Iwats. Ref. 同前<br />

Gammiella ceylonensis (Broth.) Tan & Buck Ref. 同前<br />

Gammiella merrillii (Broth.) Tixier Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Gammiella tonkinensis (Broth. & Par.) Tan Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Giraldiella levieri C. Muell. 絲灰蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Glossadelphus alaris Broth. & Yas. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Glossadelphus lingulatus (Card.) Fleisch. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Heterophyllium affine (Mitt.) Fleisch. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Heterophyllium nemorosum Broth. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Isocladiella flagellifera (Sak.) S.-h. Lin Ref. Lin, 1988<br />

Isocladiella surcularis (Dix.) Tan & Mohamed Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Mastopoma perundulatum (Harv.) Mitt. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Meiothecium microcarpum (Hook.) Mitt. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Neacroporium flagelliferum (Sa.) Iwats. & Nog. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Palisadula chrysophylla (Card.) Toyama Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha crassipes (Sak.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha falcata (Doz. & Molk.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha fauriei (Card.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha formosana (Broth.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha henoi (Dub.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha herbacea (Sak.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha integrifolia (Broth.) Buck 全緣小錦蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha recurvans (Michx.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha subintegra (Broth.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp ex. Sull.) Buck 扁枝小錦蘚 Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Pylaisiadelpha yokohamae (Broth.) Buck Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Radulina hamata (Dozy & Molk.) Buck & Tan 鉤葉刺疣蘚 Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Rhaphidostichum boschii (Dozy & Miolk.) Seki Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Rhaphidostichum boschii (Dozy & Miolk.) Seki subsp. thelidictyon (Sull. & Lesq.) Seki Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Rhaphidostichum piliferum (Broth.) Broth. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Rhaphidostichum stissophyllum (Hampe) Chiang & Kuo , 1989 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum demissum (Wils.) Mitt. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum pulchellum (Card.) Broth. 美錦蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum robustulum (Card.) Broth. 粗錦蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum subhumile (C. Muell.) Fleisch. 短錦蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum subhumile (C. Muell.) Fleisch. subsp. japonicum (Broth.) Seki 短錦蘚亞種 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Sematophyllum tristiculum (Mitt.) Fleisch. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Trichosteleum boschii (Dozy & Molk.) Jaeg. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Trichosteleum hamata (Dozy & Molk.) Buck & Tan 鉤葉刺疣蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Trichosteleum stissophyllum (Hampe) Jaeg. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch Ref. 林。1990<br />

Trichostomum cylindricum (Brid.) C. Muell. var. brotheri Ihsiba Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Trichostomum lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Trichostomum planifolium (Dix.) Zande Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Trichostomum platyphyllum (Broth. ex Ihs.) P.-c. Chen Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Trichostomum recurvifolium (Tayl.) Zand. Ref. Redfearn et al., 1996<br />

Trichostomum tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb. Ref. 同前<br />

Trismegistia undulata Broth. & Yas. 波葉金枝蘚 Ref. 同前<br />

Tristichella glabrescens Iwatsuki Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Wijkia deflexifolia (Ren. & Card.) Crum Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Wijkia semitortipila (Fleisch.) Lin 短葉小石蘚 Ref. 高謙、賴明洲。2003<br />

Wijkia tanytricha (Mont.) Crum Ref. Chiang, 1996<br />

Family Theliaceae<br />


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