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1993 Hildegard of Bingen: Universal Proportion, in “Mystics Quarterly” 19/1, pp. 34-9. 1995 Das mathematische Mittel als Symbol für das universale Denken Hildegards von Bingen, in SCHMIDT 1995, pp. 143-53. FASSLER, MARGOT ELIZABETH 1984 Who was Adam of St. Victor? The evidence of the Sequence Manuscripts, in “Journal of the American Musicological Society” 37/2, pp. 233-69. 1993 Gothic Song. Victorine Sequences and Augustinian Reform in twelfthcentury Paris, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 1998 Composer and Dramatist. “Melodious Singing and the Freshness of Remorse”, in NEWMAN 1998, pp. 149-75. 2003 Hildegard and the Dawn Song of Lauds: An Introduction to Benedectine Psalmody, in HAROLD W. ATTRIDGE, MARGOT E. FASSLER (edd.), Psalms in Community. Jewish and Christian Textual, Liturgical and Artistic Traditions, Society of Biblical Literature, Symposium Series 25, Leiden, Brill. FELTEN, FRANZ J. 2001 “Nolui esse uolunt … deserentes bene contritam uiam …”: Hildegard von Bingen und Reformbewegungen im religiösen Leben ihrer Zeit, in BERNDT 2001, pp. 27-86. FLANAGAN, SABINA 1987 Hildegard of Bingen as Prophet: The Evidence of her Contemporaries, in “Tjurunga” 32, pp. 16-45. 1990 Hildegard and the Global Possibilities of Music, in “Sonus” 11/1, pp. 20- 32. 1991 Ildegarda di Bingen. Vita di una profetessa, Firenze, Le Lettere. FLISFISCH, MARÍA ISABEL 2004 The Eve-Mary Dichotomy in the Symphonia of Hildegard of Bingen, in The Voice of Silence: Women‟s Literacy in a Men‟s Church, THÉRÈSE DE HEMPTINNE, MARÍA EUGENIA GÓNGORA (edd.), Turnhout, Brepols, pp. 37-46. FORSTER, EDELTRAUD 409

1997 Hildegard von Bingen: Prophetin durch die Zeiten. Zum 900. Geburtstag, Freiburg/Basel/Wien, Herder. FÜHRKÖTTER, ALDEGUNDIS; SCHRADER, MARIANNA 1956 Die Echtheit des Schrifttums der heiligen Hildegard von Bingen, Köln/Graz, Böhlau Verlag. FÜHRKÖTTER, ALDEGUNDIS 1979 Hildegard von Bingen: Leben und Werk, in BRÜCK 1979, pp. 31-54. 1987 (Hsg.), Kosmos und Mensch aus der Sicht Hildegards von Bingen, Mainz, Verlag der Gesellschaft für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. FUMAGALLI BEONIO BROCCHIERI, MARIATERESA 1989 Ildegarda la profetessa, in FERRUCCIO BERTINI ET AL. (curr.), Roma/Bari, Laterza, pp. 145-69. 1992 In una aria diversa. La sapienza di Ildegarda di Bingen, Milano, Mondadori. GERMANO, GIUSEPPE 2007a Una variante “gnostico-ermetica” nella tradizione del Responsorio Ave Maria o auctrix vite di Ildegarda di Bingen, in “Aevum. Rassegna di scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche”, 2/2007, pp. 79-108. 2007b Lo Spirito, la Storia, la Tradizione: antologia della letteratura latina medievale. 1. L‟Alto Medioevo, Napoli, Loffredo Editore. 2008a Il Responsorio O vis Eternitatis di Ildegarda di Bingen: testo, traduzione, guida alla lettura e commento, in “Vichiana. Rassegna di studi filologici e storici” 4 a serie, anno X, 2, pp. 197-219. 2008b Un canto senza notazioni neumatiche di Ildegarda di Bingen: O Factura Dei, in “Bollettino di Studi Latini” 38/2, pp. 567-82. 2009 L‟Antifona O virtus Sapientie di Ildegarda di Bingen, in “Bollettino di Studi Latini” 39/2, pp. 542-61. 2010 O Verbum Patris: Un canto senza notazioni neumatiche di Hildegard von Bingen, in “Filologia mediolatina” 17, pp. 177-214. GÓNGORA, MARÍA EUGENIA 410

1993 Hildegard of Bingen: Universal Proportion, in “Mystics Quarterly” 19/1,<br />

pp. 34-9.<br />

1995 Das mathematische Mittel als Symbol für das universale Denken<br />

Hildegards von Bingen, in SCHMIDT 1995, pp. 143-53.<br />


1984 Who was Adam of St. Victor? The evidence of the Sequence Manuscripts,<br />

in “Journal of the American Musicological Society” 37/2, pp. 233-69.<br />

1993 Gothic Song. Victorine Sequences and Augustinian Reform in twelfthcentury<br />

Paris, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.<br />

1998 Composer and Dramatist. “Melo<strong>di</strong>ous Singing and the Freshness of<br />

Remorse”, in NEWMAN 1998, pp. 149-75.<br />

2003 Hildegard and the Dawn Song of Lauds: An Introduction to Benedectine<br />

Psalmody, in HAROLD W. ATTRIDGE, MARGOT E. FASSLER (edd.), Psalms in<br />

Community. Jewish and Christian Textual, Liturgical and Artistic Tra<strong>di</strong>tions,<br />

Society of Biblical Literature, Symposium Series 25, Leiden, Brill.<br />


2001 “Nolui esse uolunt … deserentes bene contritam uiam …”: Hildegard von<br />

Bingen und Reformbewegungen im religiösen Leben ihrer Zeit, in BERNDT 2001,<br />

pp. 27-86.<br />


1987 Hildegard of Bingen as Prophet: The Evidence of her Contemporaries, in<br />

“Tjurunga” 32, pp. 16-45.<br />

1990 Hildegard and the Global Possibilities of Music, in “Sonus” 11/1, pp. 20-<br />

32.<br />

1991 Ildegarda <strong>di</strong> Bingen. Vita <strong>di</strong> una profetessa, Firenze, Le Lettere.<br />


2004 The Eve-Mary Dichotomy in the Symphonia of Hildegard of Bingen, in<br />

The Voice of Silence: Women‟s Literacy in a Men‟s Church, THÉRÈSE DE<br />

HEMPTINNE, MARÍA EUGENIA GÓNGORA (edd.), Turnhout, Brepols, pp. 37-46.<br />



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