Aceto Balsamico di Modena “Villa Lanfranca”

Aceto Balsamico di Modena “Villa Lanfranca”

Aceto Balsamico di Modena “Villa Lanfranca”


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Villa Lanfranca

L'aceto è conosciuto sin dall’ 8.000 a.C. epoca a cui risale un vaso<br />

Egizio a<strong>di</strong>bito alla sua conservazione.<br />

Ippocrate prescrive l’utilizzo dell’aceto contro le <strong>di</strong>sfunzioni delle<br />

vie respiratorie e quale <strong>di</strong>sinfettante e antinfiammatorio delle ferite<br />

e delle ulcere, nel V secolo a.C.<br />

Plinio nel I secolo d.C. decanta la “dolcezza” dell’aceto attribuendone<br />

l’uso principalmente agli ateniesi.<br />

In epoca Me<strong>di</strong>oevale l’aceto <strong>di</strong>viene così importante da meritare un<br />

proprio simbolo alchemico.<br />

Molti altri nel corso dei secoli hanno narrato pregi e virtù dell’aceto<br />

fino ad arrivare ai giorni nostri. Oggi grazie a stu<strong>di</strong> e ricerche approfon<strong>di</strong>ti<br />

possiamo riscontrare tante e tali qualità da includere a pieno<br />

<strong>di</strong>ritto l’aceto tra gli alimenti fondamentali per il nostro benessere.<br />

Le vinaigre était déjà connu dès 8.000 av. J.-C., comme le témoigne<br />

la découverte d’un vase égyptien alors utilisé pour sa conservation.<br />

Au V e s. av. J.-C., Hippocrate préconisait l’emploi du vinaigre contre<br />

les troubles des voies respiratoires et comme désinfectant et antiinflammatoire<br />

pour soigner tant les plaies que les ulcères.<br />

Plus tard, au 1 er s. apr. J.-C., Pline chantait la “douceur” du vinaigre et<br />

en attribuait l’usage principalement aux Athéniens.<br />

Au Moyen Âge, le vinaigre devint important au point de mériter un<br />

propre symbole alchimique.<br />

Nombreux sont ceux qui à travers les siècles ont loué les qualités et<br />

les vertus du vinaigre. Aujourd’hui, grâce aux études et aux recherches<br />

approfon<strong>di</strong>es qui en ont démontré les nombreuses vertus et<br />

qualités, le vinaigre est rangé à juste titre parmi les aliments essentiels<br />

pour notre bien-être.<br />

El vinagre ya se conocía en el año 8.000 a.C., época a la que pertenece<br />

un recipiente egipcio utilizado para su conservación.<br />

En el siglo V a.C. Hipócrates ya prescribía el uso del vinagre para las<br />

afecciones de las vías respiratorias y como desinfectante y antiinflamatorio<br />

en heridas y úlceras.<br />

En el siglo I d.C., Plinio elogia la “dulzura” del vinagre y atribuye su<br />

uso principalmente a los atenienses.<br />

En el Me<strong>di</strong>oevo, el vinagre era ya tan importante que llega a tener su<br />

propio símbolo alquímico.<br />

A lo largo de los siglos, muchos hablaron de las cualidades y las virtudes<br />

del vinagre hasta llegar a nuestros días. Actualmente, estu<strong>di</strong>os<br />

e investigaciones más profundos nos permiten conocer tantas de sus<br />

importantes cualidades, que el vinagre se halla por derecho propio<br />

entre los alimentos fundamentales para nuestra salud.<br />

Vinegar has been known since 8.000 b.C. the age from which comes<br />

an Egyptian vase that was used for vinegar preservation.<br />

Ippocrate prescribes vinegar to treat troubles of the respiratory<br />

tracts and used it as <strong>di</strong>sinfectant and anti-inflammatory remedy for<br />

wounds and ulcers, in the V century b.C.<br />

Plinio in the I century a.D. writes about the “sweetness” of vinegar<br />

which was used especially by the people of Athens.<br />

During the Middle Ages the vinegar became so important that is<br />

awarded with an its own alchemical symbol.<br />

The praises and virtues of the vinegar were long sung through all<br />

the centuries until present days. Today thanks to stu<strong>di</strong>es and detailed<br />

researches so many good qualities are scientifically attributed<br />

to vinegar that it can be considered by full right a nutrition element<br />

fundamental for our wellness.<br />

Schon seit 8.000 vor Christus kannte man den Essig. Aus jener Zeit<br />

stammt eine ägyptische Vase, <strong>di</strong>e zur Aufbewahrung von Essig bestimmt<br />

war.<br />

Hippokrates beschreibt im 5 Jahrhundert vor Christus <strong>di</strong>e Verwendung<br />

von Essig bei Funktionsstörungen der Atemwege und von desinfizierender<br />

und entzündungshemmender Wirkung bei Verletzungen<br />

und Geschwüren.<br />

Plinius preist im 1. Jahrhundert nach Christus <strong>di</strong>e Lieblichkeit von<br />

Essig und schreibt seine Verwendung vorwiegend den Athenern zu<br />

Im Mittelalter gewinnt der Essig dermaßen an Bedeutung, dass er<br />

sich ein eigenes alchimistisches Symbol ver<strong>di</strong>ent.<br />

Viele andere haben im Lauf der Jahrhunderte bis in <strong>di</strong>e Neuzeit <strong>di</strong>e<br />

Vorzüge und Wirkungskräfte von Essig beschrieben. Im technologischen<br />

Zeitalter können viele und eben <strong>di</strong>ese Eigenschaften anhand<br />

vertiefender Stu<strong>di</strong>en und Forschungen festgestellt und bestätigt<br />

werden, sodass der Essig zu vollem Recht zu den wesentlichen Nahrungsmitteln<br />

für unser Wohlbefinden gezählt werden kann.<br />

Azijn is reeds gekend sinds 8.000 v.C., het tijdperk waarvan een<br />

Egyptische vaas dateert <strong>di</strong>e gebruikt werd om azijn te bewaren.<br />

Hippocrates schrijft het gebruik van azijn voor tegen <strong>di</strong>sfuncties van<br />

de ademhalingswegen en als desinfecterend en ontstekingswerend<br />

middel van wonden en zweren, <strong>di</strong>t tijdens de Vde eeuw v.C.<br />

Plinius beschrijft in de Iste eeuw n.C. de “zoetheid” van azijn <strong>di</strong>e<br />

vooral gebruikt werd door de bevolking van Athene.<br />

In de middeleeuwen wordt azijn zo belangrijk dat het een alchemisch<br />

symbool toegewezen krijgt.<br />

Anderen bekrachtigen tijdens de volgende eeuwen tot heden de waarde<br />

en de kwaliteiten van azijn. Heden kennen we dankzij velerlei<br />

stu<strong>di</strong>es en <strong>di</strong>epgaand onderzoek de kwaliteit van azijn, en kunnen we<br />

het bij de elementaire voe<strong>di</strong>ngsmiddelen voor ons welzijn rekenen.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Secoli <strong>di</strong> tra<strong>di</strong>zione acetiera<br />

Lanfranca tramanda la produzione iniziata due secoli fa nel nord d’Italia dal<br />

Casato della famiglia Lanfranchi e conservata nel tempo attraverso fusioni<br />

<strong>di</strong> aziende, affrontando mutamenti politici, evoluzioni sociali e cambiamenti<br />

commerciali. Oggi “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong>, marchio del gruppo <strong>di</strong>retto dalla famiglia<br />

Mengazzoli, custo<strong>di</strong>sce quella tra<strong>di</strong>zione, rispettando la filosofia <strong>di</strong> qualità<br />

e sviluppo del fondatore. Collocata nella zona tipica degli aceti italiani, oggi<br />

produce nelle aree <strong>di</strong> Mantova e <strong>Modena</strong>, mantenendo la <strong>di</strong>rezione nella sede<br />

della famiglia, promuovendo e sviluppando gli aceti nel rispetto delle antiche<br />

metodologie <strong>di</strong> lavorazione con particolare attenzione alle richieste <strong>di</strong> ogni<br />

singolo mercato.<br />

Per garantire un’elevata qualità, produttiva e organizzativa, l’azienda ha certificato<br />

il proprio lavoro secondo i più alti standard correnti, raggiungendo i<br />

massimi punteggi.<br />

Centuries of vinegary tra<strong>di</strong>tion<br />

The Lanfranca company, with a history going back two centuries ago, that was<br />

handed down from the ancestors of the Lanfranchi family in northern Italy<br />

has endured social, political and economic changes through the years. Today<br />

“<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> is <strong>di</strong>rectly run by the Mengazzoli family, that proudely safeguards<br />

a philosophy that respects quality developed by the founder of the company.<br />

The company is placed in the heart of “vinegar area” between Mantova and<br />

<strong>Modena</strong>. The head quarter is based in the original site founded by the family,<br />

were the <strong>di</strong>fferent vinegars continue to be developed and produced with careful<br />

attention de<strong>di</strong>cated to keep the original method of production, and still<br />

cater for the in<strong>di</strong>vidual needs of every single market.<br />

To guarantee the highest quality of production and <strong>di</strong>stribution the company’s<br />

products qualify the highest up to date standards of certification and accre<strong>di</strong>tation.

Déjà deux siècles de tra<strong>di</strong>tion vinaigrière<br />

C’est de génération en génération que Lanfranca transmet l’art de la production du vinaigre que la famille Lanfranchi a démarré<br />

il y a deux siècles au nord de l’Italie, une production maintenue intacte au fil du temps malgré les fusions d’entreprises,<br />

les mutations politiques, l’évolution sociale et les changements commerciaux. Aujourd’hui, “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong>, marque détenue par<br />

le groupe de la famille Mengazzoli, maintient cette tra<strong>di</strong>tion dans le respect de la philosophie de qualité et de développement<br />

dont s’inspirait son fondateur. Située dans la zone typique de la production du vinaigre italien, aux alentours de Mantoue<br />

et de Modène, l’entreprise a maintenu la <strong>di</strong>rection du siège familial, en promouvant et en développant son vinaigre dans le<br />

respect des anciennes méthodes de fabrication et en prêtant une attention particulière aux exigences spécifiques de chaque<br />

marché. Pour garantir une haute qualité organisationnelle et de production, l’entreprise a fait certifier ses processus de fabrication<br />

selon les plus hauts standards actuellement utilisés et en obtenant les meilleurs barèmes.<br />

Eine Jahrhundert alte Weinessig-Tra<strong>di</strong>tion<br />

Lanfranca überliefert <strong>di</strong>e von dem Geschlecht der Familie Lanfranchi vor zwei Jahrhunderten im Norden Italiens<br />

begonnene Produktion, <strong>di</strong>e durch <strong>di</strong>e Verschmelzung von Betrieben im Lauf der Zeit erhalten blieb, wobei politische Veränderungen,<br />

soziale Entwicklungen und ein Wandel auf kommerziellem Gebiet in Angriff zu nehmen waren.<br />

Heute ‘hütet’ “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> - das Markenzeichen der von der Familie Mengazzoli geleiteten Gruppe - <strong>di</strong>e Tra<strong>di</strong>tion und hält<br />

sich an <strong>di</strong>e für Qualität und Entwicklung zugrunde liegende Philosophie ihres Begründers. Das Unternehmen liegt in einer<br />

für den italienischen Essig typischen Gegend zwischen Mantova und <strong>Modena</strong>. Die Geschäftsleitung befindet sich im Sitz<br />

der Familien, wo der Essig nach antiken Erzeugungsmethoden hergestellt wird. Dabei werden <strong>di</strong>e Anforderungen jedes einzelnen<br />

Marktes nicht aus dem Auge gelassen. Als Garantie für eine hohe produktive und organisatorische Qualität hat das<br />

Unternehmen seine Tätigkeit nach den höchsten gängigen Standards zertifizieren lassen und <strong>di</strong>e Höchstwertung erreicht.<br />

Siglos de tra<strong>di</strong>ción en la producción de vinagre<br />

Lanfranca conserva la producción iniciada hace dos siglos en el norte de Italia por los antepasados de la familia Lanfranchi,<br />

transmitida a lo largo del tiempo por me<strong>di</strong>o de fusiones comerciales que le permitieron superar cambios políticos, sociales y<br />

económicos. En la actualidad “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong>, la marca del grupo <strong>di</strong>rigido por la familia Mengazzoli, custo<strong>di</strong>a aquella tra<strong>di</strong>ción,<br />

respetando la filosofía de calidad y desarrollo de su fundador. Ubicada en la zona típica de producción de los vinagres italianos,<br />

actualmente produce en las áreas de Mántova y Módena con oficinas <strong>di</strong>rectivas en el e<strong>di</strong>ficio familiar. Allí promueve<br />

y desarrolla los vinagres, respetando las antiguas metodologías de elaboración con especial atención a los requerimientos<br />

de cada mercado. A fin de garantizar una elevada calidad tanto en la producción como en la organización, la empresa ha<br />

certificado su trabajo según los más altos estándares actuales, alcanzando los puntajes máximos.<br />

Eeuwenlange azijntra<strong>di</strong>tie<br />

Lanfranca zet de productie voort, <strong>di</strong>e twee eeuwen geleden begon in Noord-Italië door het geslacht Lanfranchi en <strong>di</strong>e gaandeweg<br />

bewaard bleef door fusies van bedrijven, en door het hoofd te bieden aan politieke wisselingen, sociale evoluties en<br />

commerciële veranderingen. Heden bewaart “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong>, het merk van de groep <strong>di</strong>e geleid wordt door de familie Mengazzoli,<br />

deze tra<strong>di</strong>tie door de filosofie van de kwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van de stichter te respecteren. Het bedrijf bevindt zich<br />

in de typische streek van de Italiaanse azijn, en produceert in de streek van Mantova en <strong>Modena</strong>. De <strong>di</strong>rectie is gebaseerd in<br />

de oorspronkelijke zetel van de families, en promoot en ontwikkelt azijn volgens de antieke bewerkingsmethodes en schenkt<br />

aandacht aan de eisen van eender welke markt. Om een hoge productieve en organisatieve kwaliteit te garanderen, heeft het<br />

bedrijf haar producten gecertificeerd volgens de hoogste actuele standaards, en werden maximale scores behaald.

B.0<br />

Aceti balsamici<br />

Aceti Balsamici<br />

Aceti agrodolci, ottenuti dalla sapiente preparazione<br />

con mosto cotto e lungo affinamento in botti e<br />

tini <strong>di</strong> legno. Prodotti giovani dal gusto agrodolce,<br />

aceti densi ottenuti da anni <strong>di</strong> affinamento con marcato<br />

sapore tipico ed elevata intensità aromatica.<br />

Con<strong>di</strong>menti Balsamici bianchi<br />

Sono aceti agrodolci per tutti gli usi estivi e per l’alta<br />

cucina; destano sempre la curiosità del consumatore<br />

alla ricerca <strong>di</strong> nuovi e freschi abbinamenti<br />

culinari.<br />

Balsamic Vinegar<br />

Sweet-sour vinegars, made with expertise preparation<br />

of cooking and aging of “mosto” in wooden<br />

vats and barrels. Newly seasoned products with<br />

sweet-sour taste, thick vinegar aged and prepared<br />

with strong flavoured taste and intense aroma.<br />

White Balsamic seasoning<br />

They are sweet-sour vinegars for summer cuisine<br />

and very refined culinary delight; they awaken the<br />

consumer’s culinary interest that is in search of<br />

new and fresh cooking matching.

Aceti balsamici<br />

Vinaigres balsamiques<br />

Vinaigres aigres-doux obtenus grâce au savoir-faire<br />

apporté à la préparation du moût cuit et avec une<br />

longue période d’affinage en tonneaux et en cuves<br />

de bois. Produits jeunes au goût aigre-doux, ces vinaigres<br />

denses sont obtenus après des années de<br />

vieillissement et sont caractérisés par un goût typé<br />

particulièrement prononcé et une forte intensité<br />

aromatique.<br />

Assaisonnements balsamiques blancs<br />

Ce sont des vinaigres aigres-doux idéaux pour la<br />

haute cuisine et pour tous les plats typiques dégustés<br />

en été ; ils suscitent la curiosité du consommateur<br />

toujours à la recherche de nouvelles recettes<br />

fraîcheur.<br />

Balsamessig<br />

Süßsaure Essigsorten, <strong>di</strong>e durch <strong>di</strong>e erfahrungsbedürftige<br />

Zubereitung aus gekochtem Traubenmost<br />

und durch langes Reifen in Holz-Fässern entstehen.<br />

Junge Erzeugnisse von süßsaurem Geschmack,<br />

nach jahrelangem Reifen <strong>di</strong>ckflüssig und mit ausgeprägtem<br />

Aroma und stark würziger Intensität.<br />

Weisses Balsamdressing<br />

Süßsaures Balsamdressing für jede Verwendung,<br />

besonders im Sommer, an dem es auch in der hohen<br />

Küche nicht fehlen darf. Immer wieder regt<br />

es <strong>di</strong>e Neugier des Verbrauchers auf der Suche<br />

nach neuen und erfrischenden kulinarischen Geschmackskombinationen<br />

an.<br />

Vinagres balsámicos<br />

Vinagres agridulces obtenidos a través de una cuidadosa<br />

preparación con mosto cocido y una larga<br />

maduración en barricas y cubas de madera. Productos<br />

jóvenes, de sabor agridulce, vinagres densos<br />

obtenidos tras años de crianza con un definido<br />

sabor típico y una gran intensidad aromática.<br />

Con<strong>di</strong>mentos balsámicos blancos<br />

Son vinagres agridulces para utilizar en comidas<br />

veraniegas y para la alta cocina; despiertan la curiosidad<br />

del consumidor invitándolo a buscar nuevas<br />

y frescas combinaciones culinarias.<br />

<strong>Balsamico</strong> azijn<br />

Zoetzure azijn, verkregen dankzij de deskun<strong>di</strong>ge<br />

voorberei<strong>di</strong>ng van gekookte most en lange verfijning<br />

in houten tonnen en vaten. Jonge producten<br />

met zoetzure smaak, <strong>di</strong>kke azijn verkregen door<br />

een jarenlange verfijning met gemerkte typische<br />

smaak en intens aroma.<br />

Witte balsamico dressing<br />

Zoetzure azijn voor zomers gebruik en voor de<br />

haute cuisine; deze azijn wekt steeds de nieuwsgierigheid<br />

van consumenten <strong>di</strong>e op zoek zijn naar<br />

nieuwe en frisse culinaire combinaties.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.1<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Affinato”<br />

Famoso ed apprezzato in tutto i mondo, ha ottenuto<br />

la protezione DOC nel 1986 ed è stato riconosciuto<br />

DOP dalla Comunità Europea nel 2000. La materia<br />

prima è il mosto <strong>di</strong> uve tipiche modenesi, senza ad<strong>di</strong>zione<br />

<strong>di</strong> altre sostanze. Il mosto viene cotto a fuoco<br />

<strong>di</strong>retto in caldaia a cielo aperto, seguono la fermentazione<br />

naturale e l’acetificazione del mosto cotto, poi<br />

con travasi successivi tra le botticelle avviene il lento<br />

invecchiamento sotto l’occhio vigile del produttore<br />

per almeno 12 anni.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Affinato”<br />

Famous and appreciated all around the world, this<br />

product has obtained the DOC in 1986 and the DOP<br />

from the European Community in 2000. The raw material<br />

is the “Mosto”, the typical grape juice from the<br />

<strong>Modena</strong> area, without any other ingre<strong>di</strong>ent or ad<strong>di</strong>tive.<br />

The must is cooked in large open vats, afterward<br />

starts fermenting in to vinegar through a very slow<br />

ageing process in small casks under the careful care<br />

of the producer for at least 12 years.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Affinato”<br />

ampolla 100ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA01015-DOP00GCT1A<br />

1 bottiglia/cofanetto<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Affinato”<br />

ampolla 100ml<br />

Item code: BALA01015-DOP00GCT1A<br />

1 bottle/gift box<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.2<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Extra Vecchio”<br />

Famoso ed apprezzato in tutto i mondo, ha ottenuto<br />

la protezione DOC nel 1986 ed è stato riconosciuto<br />

DOP dalla Comunità Europea nel 2000. La materia<br />

prima è il mosto <strong>di</strong> uve tipiche modenesi, senza ad<strong>di</strong>zione<br />

<strong>di</strong> altre sostanze. Il mosto viene cotto a fuoco<br />

<strong>di</strong>retto in caldaia a cielo aperto, seguono la fermentazione<br />

naturale e l’acetificazione del mosto cotto, poi<br />

con travasi successivi tra le botticelle avviene il lento<br />

invecchiamento sotto l’occhio vigile del produttore<br />

per non meno 25 anni.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Extra Vecchio”<br />

Famous and appreciated all around the world, this<br />

product has obtained the DOC in 1986 and the DOP<br />

from the European Community in 2000. The raw material<br />

is the “Mosto”, the typical grape juice from the<br />

<strong>Modena</strong> area, without any other ingre<strong>di</strong>ent or ad<strong>di</strong>tive.<br />

The must is cooked in large open vats, afterward<br />

starts fermenting in to vinegar through a very slow<br />

ageing process in small casks under the careful care<br />

of the producer for at least 25 years.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Extra Vecchio”<br />

ampolla 100ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA01025-DOP00GCT1A<br />

1 bottiglia/cofanetto<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> Tra<strong>di</strong>zionale “Extra Vecchio”<br />

ampolla 100ml<br />

Item code: BALA01025-DOP00GCT1A<br />

1 bottle/gift box<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.3<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

con uve da agricoltura biologica Suprem XX<br />

Il metodo biologico esalta la genuinità e le caratteristiche<br />

dell’aceto, rispondendo alle esigenze <strong>di</strong> tutti<br />

coloro che sono attratti da questa filosofia <strong>di</strong> consumo,<br />

è decisamente un prodotto ambizioso, realizzato<br />

seguendo meto<strong>di</strong> tramandati nei secoli.<br />

Organic Balsamic vinegar<br />

of <strong>Modena</strong> Suprem XX<br />

The organic method of production gives the vinegar<br />

a genuine and certain particular character, answering<br />

the needs of consumers attracted by this tra<strong>di</strong>tional<br />

philosophy. Surely an ambitious project, made following<br />

methods handed down for centuries.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con uve da agricoltura biologica Suprem XX<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: CALA025GR-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

46 cartoni/strato<br />

230 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005955<br />

Organic Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> Suprem XX<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Item code: CALA025GR-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

46 cases/layer<br />

230 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005955<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.4<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem XV<br />

L’<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, dal sapore duttile e fresco<br />

è ottenuto dall’invecchiamento in fusti <strong>di</strong> legno,<br />

sapientemente estratto dai <strong>di</strong>versi invecchiamenti al<br />

fine <strong>di</strong> ottenere un prodotto caratterialmente acidulo.<br />

Dal gusto inconfon<strong>di</strong>bilmente agrodolce, leggero,<br />

fresco e fruttato, il suo complesso “bouquet” è ideale<br />

per tutti gli usi.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong><br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem XV<br />

The Balsamic Vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong>, with a delicate and<br />

fresh taste, is obtained from aging the product in wooden<br />

vats, is carefully blended from <strong>di</strong>fferent kind of<br />

aging, to create a product which is characteristically<br />

“aci<strong>di</strong>c”. It is a <strong>di</strong>stinct light fresh sweet sour, fruittasting<br />

vinegar, the complex “bouquet” makes it suitable<br />

for <strong>di</strong>fferent use.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem XV<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA025GT-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

46 cartoni/strato<br />

230 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005733<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem XV<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA025GT-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

46 cases/layer<br />

230 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005733<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.5<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

con uve da agricoltura biologica Suprem X<br />

Il metodo biologico esalta la genuinità e le caratteristiche<br />

dell’aceto, rispondendo alle esigenze <strong>di</strong> tutti<br />

coloro che sono attratti da questa filosofia <strong>di</strong> consumo,<br />

è decisamente un prodotto ambizioso, realizzato<br />

seguendo meto<strong>di</strong> tramandati nei secoli.<br />

Organic Balsamic vinegar<br />

of <strong>Modena</strong> Suprem X<br />

The organic method of production gives the vinegar<br />

a genuine and certain particular character, answering<br />

the needs of consumers attracted by this tra<strong>di</strong>tional<br />

philosophy. Surely an ambitious project, made following<br />

methods handed down for centuries.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con uve da agricoltura biologica Suprem X<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: CALA025RS-MNITSFVT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

46 cartoni/strato<br />

230 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140004842<br />

Organic Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> Suprem X<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Item code: CALA025RS-MNITSFVT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

46 cases/layer<br />

230 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140004842<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.6<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem V<br />

L’<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, dal sapore duttile e fresco<br />

è ottenuto dall’invecchiamento in fusti <strong>di</strong> legno,<br />

sapientemente estratto dai <strong>di</strong>versi invecchiamenti al<br />

fine <strong>di</strong> ottenere un prodotto caratterialmente acidulo.<br />

Dal gusto inconfon<strong>di</strong>bilmente agrodolce, leggero,<br />

fresco e fruttato, il suo complesso “bouquet” è ideale<br />

per tutti gli usi.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong><br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem V<br />

The Balsamic Vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong>, with a delicate and<br />

fresh taste, is obtained from aging the product in wooden<br />

vats, is carefully blended from <strong>di</strong>fferent kind of<br />

aging, to create a product which is characteristically<br />

“aci<strong>di</strong>c”. It is a <strong>di</strong>stinct light fresh sweet sour, fruittasting<br />

vinegar, the complex “bouquet” makes it suitable<br />

for <strong>di</strong>fferent use.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem V<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA025RI-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

46 cartoni/strato<br />

230 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005726<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Suprem V<br />

Sinfonia 250ml<br />

Item code: BALA025RI-MN00SFTT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

46 cases/layer<br />

230 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005726<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.7<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Dall’antica tra<strong>di</strong>zione dei frati benedettini, un aceto<br />

a fermentazione naturale in tini <strong>di</strong> legno, dai migliori<br />

vitigni, con l’esperienza <strong>di</strong> acetai modenesi. Un perfetto<br />

equilibrio tra i gusti dolce e agro, sapido e vellutato,<br />

un risultato gradevole e armonioso.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

From the ancient tra<strong>di</strong>tion of the Benedectine monks,<br />

this vinegar ferments naturally in wooden barrels<br />

from the best vineyards with the utmost experience<br />

of vinegar producers of <strong>Modena</strong>. Its a perfect harmony<br />

and combination of taste between sour and sweet,<br />

delicate and light, a clear taste a pleasant and harmonious<br />

result.<br />

Aceti balsamici

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA025ST-MNSLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003043<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: BALA025ST-MNSLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003043<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA050ST-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003036<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Item code: BALA050ST-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003036<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.8<br />

Con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce bianco <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Dall’esperienza maturata con l’aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong><br />

<strong>Modena</strong>, un prodotto nuovo, fresco e dolce, <strong>di</strong> gusto<br />

pulito: il Con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce Bianco. Dal miglior<br />

mosto bianco <strong>di</strong> uva Trebbiano sapientemente lavorato<br />

nelle <strong>di</strong>verse fasi <strong>di</strong> preparazione e affinato al fine<br />

<strong>di</strong> mantenerlo chiaro e limpido.<br />

White Balsamic seasoning <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

From the experience given by the tra<strong>di</strong>tional Balsamic<br />

Vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong>, a new, fresh and sweet product,<br />

with a clear taste: the White Balsamic seasoning.<br />

From the best white grape juice of Trebbiano,<br />

produced in <strong>di</strong>fferent stages and finally refined to obtain<br />

a clear and transparent product.<br />

Aceti balsamici

Con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce bianco <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BOLA025PCN-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003708<br />

White Balsamic seasoning <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: BOLA025PCN-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003708<br />

Marasca da 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BOLA050PCN-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140002824<br />

Marasca da 500ml<br />

Item code: BOLA050PCN-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140002824<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

B.r<br />

Crêpes <strong>di</strong> mele e cipolle novelle<br />

Per 4 persone: tagliate finemente 600 gr <strong>di</strong> cipolle novelle <strong>di</strong> Tropea e fate appassire con 50 gr burro per circa<br />

mezz’ora, badando che non frigga versandovi lentamente 1 bicchiere <strong>di</strong> Chardonnay; quin<strong>di</strong> aggiungete 1 mela<br />

renetta grattugiata e 1 cucchiaio <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong>; mescolate aggiustando con sale e pepe; quando il composto<br />

è cremoso, togliete dal fuoco. Stendete su un tavolo 8 crêpes (del <strong>di</strong>ametro <strong>di</strong> 12 cm preparate in modo tra<strong>di</strong>zionale),<br />

passateci sopra un velo <strong>di</strong> besciamella, spolveratele con Parmigiano Reggiano, quin<strong>di</strong> ponetevi il composto<br />

<strong>di</strong> mele e cipolle, tanto quanto ne può contenere una crêpe, che va ripiegata a portafoglio, imburrate un piatto<br />

da forno e <strong>di</strong>sponete le crêpes una a fianco all’altra; mettete sopra un po’ <strong>di</strong> besciamella e cuocere per 10 minuti<br />

in forno a 180°. Intanto prendete 1 mela renetta e tagliatela a fettine sottili, mettetela in una padella insieme a 2<br />

cucchiai <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> e ad una spruzzata <strong>di</strong> Chardonnay. Fate evaporare a fuoco vivo e legate con 2 cucchiai<br />

<strong>di</strong> panna da cucina. Togliete dal forno le crêpes appena dorate; adagiatele sul piatto <strong>di</strong> portata, guarnite con le<br />

fettine <strong>di</strong> mele calde e cospargete con il composto cremoso <strong>di</strong> panna e aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong>.<br />

Apple and ‘petit’ onions crêpes<br />

Portion: 4 people. Finely cut 600 gr of ‘petit’ red onions (i.e. Tropea) and lightly cook with 50 gr of butter per<br />

approximately half an hour without frying the onions by slowly pouring a glass of Chardonnay wine; add 1 grated<br />

cooking apple ad 1 teaspoon of Balsamic vinegar; mix ingre<strong>di</strong>ents ad<strong>di</strong>ng salt and pepper; when it becomes<br />

creamy, remove from heat. Spread out 8 crêpes, <strong>di</strong>ameter of 12 cm prepared, in the tra<strong>di</strong>tional way, cover the<br />

crêpes with a light layer of bechamel cream, sprinkle with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese; cover the crêpes with<br />

the mixture of apples and onions and fold them over in to pockets, butter a cooking pan and place crêpes next to<br />

each other; place a thin layer of bechamel cream on top and cook for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180° degrees.<br />

In the meantime, cut a cooking apple in thin slices, put them in a pan with 2 tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar and<br />

spray with some Chardonnay. Let the ingre<strong>di</strong>ents dry with strong flame and mix in 2 tablespoon of cooking cream.<br />

Remove crêpes from oven when golden; place on serving <strong>di</strong>sh and top with warm apple slices and the creamy<br />

mixture of cream and Balsamic vinegar.<br />

Crêpes aux pommes et aux oignons nouveaux<br />

Pour 4 personnes : prendre 600 g d’oignons nouveaux, les couper en lamelles fines et les faire revenir dans 50 g<br />

beurre pendant une demi-heure environ en veillant à ne pas frire et en versant lentement 1 verre de Chardonnay;<br />

puis ajouter 1 pomme reinette râpée et 1 cuiller de vinaigre balsamique; mélanger en ajustant le sel et le poivre;<br />

retirer du feu dès que la préparation atteint une consistance crémeuse. Étaler 8 crêpes sur le plan de travail<br />

(préparées en mode tra<strong>di</strong>tionnel et de 12 cm de <strong>di</strong>amètre) en y versant un filet de sauce béchamel. Saupoudrer<br />

de fromage Parmigiano Reggiano, puis farcir les crêpes avec le mélange de pomme et d’oignons. Plier les crêpes<br />

en portefeuille, beurrer un plat à four et les y <strong>di</strong>sposer côte à côte ; verser un peu de béchamel sur les crêpes et<br />

cuire au four à 180° pendant 10 minutes. Entre-temps, couper 1 pomme reinette en tranches fines, la placer dans<br />

une poêle avec 2 cuillers de vinaigre balsamique et arroser légèrement de Chardonnay. Réduire à feu vif et lier<br />

avec 2 cuillers de crème fraîche. Retirer les crêpes du four à peine dorées ; les <strong>di</strong>sposer sur un plat, garnir avec<br />

les petites tranches de pomme encore chaudes et verser la préparation onctueuse de crème fraîche et de vinaigre<br />

balsamique.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Crêpes aus Äpfeln und Frühlingszwiebeln<br />

Für 4 Personen: 600 gr Frühlingszwiebeln aus Tropea fein zerkleinern und mit 50 g Butter etwa eine halbe Stunde<br />

anschwitzen, Acht geben, dass sie nicht braten, langsam 1 Glas Chardonnay hinzugeben; dann 1 geriebene Renette<br />

(Apfelsorte) und 1 Löffel Balsamessig hinzugeben; gut vermengen und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken; <strong>di</strong>e<br />

Masse vom Feuer nehmen, wenn sie kremig ist. Legen Sie 8 Crêpes (Durchmesser 12 cm wie üblich zubereitet)<br />

auf einen Tisch, tragen Sie Béchamelsoße dünn auf, streuen Sie Parmesankäse (Parmigiano Reggiano) darüber<br />

und geben Sie <strong>di</strong>e Masse aus Äpfeln und Zwiebeln darauf, soviel wie ein Crêpe aufnehmen kann und falten Sie<br />

es dann zu einem Geldbeutel zusammen, bestreichen Sie ein Ofenblech mit Butter und setzen Sie <strong>di</strong>e Crêpes<br />

nebeneinander darauf; Gießen Sie noch etwas Béchamelsoße und lassen Sie alles 10 Minuten im Ofen bei 180°<br />

backen. Inzwischen nehmen Sie 1 Renette (Apfel) und schneiden sie ihn in dünne Scheiben. Zusammen mit<br />

2 Esslöffeln Balsamessig und ein paar Spritzern Chardonnay in eine Pfanne geben. Lassen Sie alles bei großer<br />

Flamme verdampfen und mischen Sie zum Binden 2 Esslöffel Kochsahne bei. Nehmen Sie <strong>di</strong>e leicht goldbraun<br />

gebackenen Crêpes aus dem Ofen, legen Sie sie auf einen Teller, garnieren Sie mit den warmen Apfelscheiben und<br />

verteilen Sie darüber <strong>di</strong>e kremige Masse aus Sahne und Balsamessig.<br />

Crepes de manzanas y cebollas nuevas<br />

Para 4 personas: cortar finamente 600 grs de cebollas nuevas de Tropea y pocharlas con 50 grs de mantequilla<br />

durante aproximadamente me<strong>di</strong>a hora; para que no llegue a freír incorporar lentamente 1 vaso de Chardonnay;<br />

agregar 1 manzana reineta rallada y 1 cucharada de vinagre balsámico; mezclar y sazonar con sal y pimienta;<br />

cuando la preparación esté cremosa, retirar del fuego. Extender sobre la mesa 8 crepes (de 12 cm de <strong>di</strong>ámetro,<br />

preparadas de manera tra<strong>di</strong>cional), cubrirlas con un velo de bechamel, espolvorearlas con queso parmesano reggiano.<br />

Colocar sobre cada crepe una abundante cantidad de la preparación de manzanas y cebollas y cerrarlas<br />

plegando hacia adentro. Untar con mantequilla una fuente para horno y <strong>di</strong>sponer allí las crepes, una junto a<br />

otra; colocar por encima un poco de bechamel y cocinar durante 10 minutos en horno a 180°. Cortar 1 manzana<br />

reineta en rodajas finas, colocarlas en una sartén junto con 2 cuchara<strong>di</strong>tas de vinagre balsámico y rociar con<br />

Chardonnay. Dejar evaporar a fuego vivo y ligar con 2 cucharadas de nata para cocinar. Retirar del horno cuando<br />

las crepes empiecen a dorarse; acomodarlas en una fuente de servir, acompañadas con las rodajas de manzana<br />

calientes cubiertas con la preparación cremosa de nata y vinagre balsámico.<br />

Flensjes van appels en nieuwe uien<br />

Voor 4 personen: snij 600 gram nieuwe uien van Tropea fijn, maak ze gaar met 50 gram boter, <strong>di</strong>t ongeveer 30<br />

minuten, en voeg 1 glas Chardonnay toe zodat ze niet gefrituurd worden; voeg daarna een geraspte renetappel<br />

en een lepel balsamico azijn toe; meng goed en voeg zout en peper toe; wanneer het mengsel romig wordt, moet<br />

het van het vuur genomen worden. Leg 8 flensjes op de tafel (met <strong>di</strong>ameter 12 cm, tra<strong>di</strong>oneel bereid), bedek ze<br />

met een laagje bechamelsaus, besproei met Parmigiano Reggiano, bedek ze compleet met het mengsel van uien<br />

en appels, vouw de flensjes op, bestrijk een ovenschaal met boter, leg de flensjes naast elkaar, en bedek ze met<br />

een dun laagje bechamelsaus en stop ze 10 minuten in de oven aan 180°. Neem een renetappel en snij hem in<br />

fijne plakjes, leg ze in een pan samen met 2 lepels baslamische azijn en een beetje Chardonnay. Laat verdampen<br />

met een sterke vlam en meng met 2 lepels room. Neem de net gebruinde flensjes uit de pan; leg ze op een bord,<br />

garneer met de warme plakjes appel en bedek met het crèmige mengsel van room en balsamico azijn.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

M.0<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> mele<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> Mele<br />

Ottenuti con <strong>di</strong>verse tecniche <strong>di</strong> lavorazione, fermentazioni<br />

controllate, selezionando i migliori<br />

succhi <strong>di</strong> mele.<br />

La gamma si <strong>di</strong>stingue per la freschezza del prodotto,<br />

e il delicato profumo <strong>di</strong> frutto. Particolare<br />

importanza ha il “<strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> mela ” prodotto<br />

agrodolce ottenuto con le tecniche <strong>di</strong> lavorazione<br />

dell’aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, è apprezzato anche<br />

come corroborante <strong>di</strong>luito in acqua e nelle <strong>di</strong>ete<br />

<strong>di</strong>magranti.<br />

Apple vinegars<br />

Made from selected apple juices and obtained<br />

from varied techniques of controlled fermentation.<br />

These apple vinegars have a delicate and fresh fruit<br />

scent. Peculiar is the “<strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> mela” a sweet<br />

and sour vinegar obtained with the same technique<br />

of the Balsamic Vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong>. Apple vinegars<br />

are appreciated also as a drink, mixed with water.<br />

Good in slimming <strong>di</strong>ets and in order to give a boost<br />

of energy.

Aceti <strong>di</strong> mele<br />

Vinaigres de pomme<br />

Issus de jus de pomme de premier choix, ils sont<br />

réalisés avec <strong>di</strong>fférentes techniques de fabrication<br />

et de fermentation contrôlée.<br />

La gamme se <strong>di</strong>stingue par sa fraîcheur et son délicat<br />

parfum fruité. Importance particulière du “Balsamique<br />

de pomme”, produit aigre-doux obtenu<br />

avec les processus de fabrication du vinaigre balsamique<br />

de Modène, également apprécié comme<br />

fortifiant <strong>di</strong>lué dans l’eau et pour les régimes amaigrissants.<br />

Apfelessig<br />

Aus einer Selektion der besten Apfelsäfte erzeugter<br />

Apfelessig, ein aus verschiedenen Verarbeitungstechniken<br />

und kontrollierten Gärungsprozessen<br />

erzieltes Produkt.<br />

Die Palette unterscheidet sich durch ihre Frische<br />

und den delikat fruchtigen Duft. Besondere Wichtigkeit<br />

hat der “Apfelbalsamessig”, ein süßsaures<br />

Erzeugnis, das mit den Verarbeitungstechniken<br />

für den Balsamessig von <strong>Modena</strong> produziert wird.<br />

Sehr geschätzt auch zur Stärkung in Wasser verdünnt<br />

und bei Schlankheits<strong>di</strong>äten.<br />

Vinagres de Manzanas<br />

Se obtienen con <strong>di</strong>ferentes técnicas de producción,<br />

procesos de fermentación controlada y una cuidadosa<br />

selección de los mejores zumos de manzanas.<br />

Se <strong>di</strong>stinguen por la frescura del producto y el delicado<br />

aroma frutal. El “Balsámico de manzana”, de<br />

particular importancia, es un producto agridulce<br />

que se obtiene con las técnicas de producción del<br />

vinagre balsámico de Módena. Diluido en agua se<br />

le reconocen propiedades tonificantes y se lo usa<br />

en las <strong>di</strong>etas para adelgazar.<br />

Appelazijn<br />

Verkregen met verschillende bewerkingstechnieken<br />

en gecontroleerde gistingen, van de beste<br />

appelsappen.<br />

Een fris product en een delicate fruitgeur. De “<strong>Balsamico</strong><br />

appelazijn” heeft eveneens een belangrijk<br />

aspect, zoetzuur geproduceerd met de bewerkingstechnieken<br />

van de balsamico azijn van <strong>Modena</strong>,<br />

ook geapprecieerd als versterkend middel verdund<br />

met water en voor vermageringskuren.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

M.1<br />

Con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce <strong>di</strong> mele <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Dall’antico metodo <strong>di</strong> produzione degli aceti Balsamici,<br />

un con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce <strong>di</strong> mele ottenuto dalla<br />

lavorazione dei succhi <strong>di</strong> mele. Fruttato, morbido e<br />

dolce, ottimo <strong>di</strong>ssetante e corroborante.<br />

Apple Balsamic seasoning <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

From the tra<strong>di</strong>tional method of producing Balsamic<br />

vinegars, a sweet and sour con<strong>di</strong>ment produced<br />

from apple juice. Fruit tasting soft and sweet,<br />

quenches one’s thirst and energy booster.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> mele

Con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce <strong>di</strong> mele <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 5%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: MOLA02550-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005641<br />

Apple Balsamic seasoning <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 5%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: MOLA02550-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005641<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 5%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: MOLA05050-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005658<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 5%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Item code: MOLA05050-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005658<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

M.2<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> mele <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

L’<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> mele, dorato brillante, è ottenuto dal succo<br />

fermentato <strong>di</strong> mele maturate al sole, provenienti da<br />

coltivazioni lavorate tra<strong>di</strong>zionalmente, si mantiene<br />

ricco <strong>di</strong> vitamine e sali minerali. Fresco e pungente,<br />

ha un gusto leggero e fruttato e un aroma raffinato.<br />

Apple cider vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Apple vinegar, a brilliant golden colour, is obtained<br />

from apples that are fermented naturally by the sun,<br />

prepared in tra<strong>di</strong>tional way, is rich with vitamins and<br />

minerals. It is fresh and pungent, has light and fruittasting<br />

and a refined aroma.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> mele

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> mele <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 5%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: MALA02550-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003098<br />

Apple cider vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 5%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: MALA02550-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003098<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 5%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: MALA05050-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003081<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 5%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Item code: MALA05050-MN00QMTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003081<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

M.r<br />

Asparagi piccanti<br />

Per 4 persone: mondate e lavate accuratamente 1 kg <strong>di</strong> asparagi, allineateli poi su un tagliere e pareggiateli cercando<br />

<strong>di</strong> portarli tutti alla stessa lunghezza, quin<strong>di</strong> legateli a mazzetti e fateli lessare in acqua bollente salata per<br />

circa 20 minuti, a fuoco moderato; scolateli e asciugateli tamponando leggermente con un canovaccio. Avvolgete<br />

la parte inferiore <strong>di</strong> ciascun mazzetto in 1 fetta <strong>di</strong> prosciutto cotto e adagiateli uno accanto all’altro su un piatto <strong>di</strong><br />

portata. Radunate su un tagliere 50 gr <strong>di</strong> prezzemolo, 1 uovo sodo sgusciato, 50 gr <strong>di</strong> capperi, 2 acciughe e sminuzzate<br />

il tutto servendovi della mezzaluna. Ponete il trito ottenuto in una scodella e mescolatevi 1 manciata <strong>di</strong><br />

mollica <strong>di</strong> pane, precedentemente imbevuta con 4 cucchiai d’aceto <strong>di</strong> mele e strizzata. Con<strong>di</strong>te il composto con ½<br />

bicchiere d’olio d’oliva, sale e pepe, infine amalgamate con cura tutti gli ingre<strong>di</strong>enti, servendovi <strong>di</strong> una forchetta.<br />

Distribuite il composto sugli asparagi, <strong>di</strong>sponendolo in modo decorativo, guarnite il piatto con fettine <strong>di</strong> limone,<br />

rondelle <strong>di</strong> carota lessata e servite.<br />

Spicy asparagus<br />

Portion: 4 people. Carefully clean and wash 1 kg of asparagus, place them lengthwise on a cutting-board and cut<br />

them all the same length, tie them on bunches and let them boil in salted water for approximately 20 minutes, on<br />

a me<strong>di</strong>um flame; remove water and dry them lightly with a cloth. Wrap the bottom part of every bunch in one<br />

slice of ham and place them side by side on a serving plate. On a cutting board, prepare 50 gr of parsley, 1 peeled<br />

hard-boiled egg, 50 gr of capers, 2 anchovies and finely cut these ingre<strong>di</strong>ents. Place this mixture in a bowl and<br />

mix in a handful of bread crumbs, first soaked in 4 tablespoon of apple vinegar and then squeezed. Top with a ½<br />

glass of olive oil; sweet-pepper, mix all ingre<strong>di</strong>ents together and serve with a fork. Place this mix over the asparagus<br />

in a decorative way and decorate the <strong>di</strong>sh with thin lemon slices, and round pieces of boiled carrots.<br />

Asperges piquantes<br />

Pour 4 personnes : éplucher et laver soigneusement 1 kg de asperges, les aligner sur une planche à couper puis<br />

les égaliser en longueur. Les ficeler en petits bouquets et les plonger dans de l’eau salée et bouillante pendant 20<br />

minutes environ, en laissant cuire à feu modéré ; les égoutter et les essuyer en les tamponnant légèrement avec<br />

un torchon. Envelopper la partie inférieure de chaque bouquet dans 1 tranche de jambon cuit et les <strong>di</strong>sposer côte<br />

à côte sur un plat. Placer 50 g de persil, 1 œuf dur épluché, 50 g de câpres et 2 anchois sur une planche à couper,<br />

hacher le tout et placer le composé obtenu dans une terrine. Le mélanger à 1 poignée de mie de pain, précédemment<br />

imbibée avec 4 cuillers de vinaigre de pomme et légèrement essorée. Assaisonner la préparation avec ½<br />

verre d’huile d’olive, saler et poivrer, puis amalgamer soigneusement tous les ingré<strong>di</strong>ents avec une fourchette.<br />

Verser cette préparation pour décorer les asperges, garnir le plat de rondelles de citron et de rondelles de carottes<br />

cuites à l’eau. Servir.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Pikanter Spargel<br />

Für 4 Personen: 1 kg Spargel sorgfältig schälen und waschen, auf einem Küchenbrett aufreihen und möglichst<br />

alle Spargelstangen auf <strong>di</strong>e <strong>di</strong>eselbe Länge bringen, in Bündel binden und ca. 20 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze in<br />

Salzwasser kochen lassen; abgießen und mit einem Trockentuch leicht abtupfen. Den unteren Teil jedes Bündels<br />

in eine Scheibe gekochten Schinken wickeln und <strong>di</strong>e Bündel nebeneinander auf einen Servierteller geben. Auf<br />

einem Schneidebrett 50 g Petersilie, 1 gekochtes und geschältes Ei, 50 g Kapern, 2 Sardellen vorbereiten und mit<br />

einem Wiegemesser zerkleinern. Geben Sie das Kleingehackte in eine Schüssel und mischen Sie es mit 1 Hand<br />

voll Brotinnerem, das vorher mit 4 Löffeln Apfelessig durchtränkt wurde und drücken Sie es dann aus. Machen<br />

Sie alles mit einem ½ Glas Olivenöl, Salz und Pfeffer an, vermengen Sie alle Zutaten mit Hilfe einer Gabel sorgfältig<br />

miteinander. Verteilen Sie <strong>di</strong>e Soße dekorativ über den Spargel, garnieren Sie den Teller mit Zitronenscheiben,<br />

gekochten Möhrenscheiben und tragen Sie es auf.<br />

Espárragos picantes<br />

Para 4 personas: Mondar y lavar cuidadosamente 1 kg de espárragos, acomodarlos sobre una tabla y emparejarlos,<br />

tratando de que todos tengan la misma longitud. Atarlos en manojos y hervirlos en agua salada durante<br />

aproximadamente 20 minutos a fuego me<strong>di</strong>o; colarlos y secarlos presionándolos ligeramente con un lienzo.<br />

Envolver la parte inferior de cada manojo con 1 feta de jamón cocido y acomodarlos uno junto a otro en una<br />

fuente de servir. Colocar en la tabla 50 grs de perejil, 1 huevo duro, 50 grs de alcaparras y 2 anchoas y picar todo.<br />

Verter el pica<strong>di</strong>llo en un bol y mezclarlo con un puñado de miga de pan previamente remojada con 4 cucharadas<br />

de vinagre de manzanas y escurrida. Con<strong>di</strong>mentar la preparación con ½ vaso de aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta y<br />

amalgamar cuidadosamente todos los ingre<strong>di</strong>entes utilizando un tenedor. Distribuir la preparación de manera<br />

decorativa sobre los espárragos, completar el plato con fetas de limón y rodajas de zanahoria hervida y servir.<br />

Pikante asperges<br />

Voor 4 personen: schraap en was nauwkeurig 1 kg asperges, leg ze op een hakbord en snij ze op dezelfde lengte,<br />

bind ze vast in bundeltjes en kook ze ongeveer 20 minuten in gezout kokend water, op een zacht vuur; giet ze af<br />

en droog ze voorzichtig af met een vaatdoek. Omwikkel het onderste deel van elk bundeltje met 1 plak gekookte<br />

ham en leg ze naast elkaar op een bord. Neem 50 gr peterselie, 1 gepeld gekookt ei, 50 gr kappertjes, 2 ansjovisjes,<br />

en hak de ingre<strong>di</strong>ënten fijn. Plaats het mengsel in een kommetje en meng met een handvol broodkruimels zonder<br />

korst dat eerst doordrenkt werd met 4 lepels appelazijn en daarna uitgeknepen werd. Voeg bij het mengsel ½ glas<br />

olijfolie en zout en peper toe, en meng alle ingre<strong>di</strong>ënten met behulp van een vork. Verdeel <strong>di</strong>t mengsel over de<br />

asperges, op decoratieve wijze, en garneer het bord met plakjes citroen en rondjes gekookte wortels. Het gerecht<br />

kan opge<strong>di</strong>end worden.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.0<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino bianco, rosso e monovitigni<br />

D’importanza fondamentale negli aceti <strong>di</strong> vino è<br />

la selezione della materie prime. Appropriate tecniche<br />

<strong>di</strong> fermentazione e lunghi invecchiamenti<br />

<strong>di</strong>stinguono i nostri aceti <strong>di</strong> vino per delicatezza,<br />

profumo e aroma intenso.<br />

Red, white and single wine vinegar<br />

Of primary importance in our wine vinegars is the<br />

selection of the raw materials. The delicate taste,<br />

scent and intense aroma, are produced by appropriate<br />

techniques of fermentation and aging.

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino<br />

Vinaigres de vin blanc,<br />

de vin rouge et de vin de cépage<br />

La sélection de la matière première joue un rôle<br />

fondamental pour les vinaigres de vin. Des techniques<br />

de fermentation appropriées et de longs processus<br />

de vieillissement <strong>di</strong>stinguent nos vinaigres<br />

de vin quant à délicatesse, parfum et intensité de<br />

l’arôme.<br />

Roter und Weißer Weinessig<br />

und Weinessig aus einer Rebsorte<br />

Bei den Weinessigsorten ist <strong>di</strong>e Selektion der<br />

Grundstoffe von ausschlaggebender Wichtigkeit.<br />

Durch geeignete Fermentierungstechniken und<br />

lange Reifungszeiten unterscheiden sich unsere<br />

Weinessige in Feinheit, Duft und intensivem Aroma.<br />

Vinagres de vino blanco, tinto y varietales<br />

La selección de la materia prima tiene una importancia<br />

fundamental en la producción de los vinagres<br />

de vino. Técnicas de fermentación apropiadas<br />

y un envejecimiento prolongado hacen que nuestros<br />

vinagres se <strong>di</strong>stingan por su delicadeza, su<br />

perfume y su intenso aroma.<br />

Azijn van witte wijn, rode wijn<br />

en enkele wijnstok<br />

Het fundamentele belang bij wijnazijn is de selectie<br />

van de grondstof. Onze wijnazijn wordt geproduceerd<br />

met gepaste gistingstechnieken en een lang<br />

verouderingsproces, zodat een delicaat en geparfumeerd<br />

product met een intens aroma wordt verkregen.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.1<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno<br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Chianti - DOCG<br />

Le tecniche impiegate per la produzione sono la fermentazione<br />

naturale lenta a truciolo e la fermentazione statica,<br />

queste lasciano inalterate tutte le peculiarità del vino e<br />

conferiscono al prodotto ottenuto caratteristiche superiori<br />

e qualità particolarmente pregiata, con il persiste gusto del<br />

vino d’origine. Il Chianti è un vino tra<strong>di</strong>zionale, <strong>di</strong> grande<br />

esuberanza e carattere, intenso e <strong>di</strong> buona persistenza,<br />

produce un aceto <strong>di</strong> grande struttura, dal gusto pungente,<br />

<strong>di</strong> un bel colore rosso rubino. Viene affinato in botti <strong>di</strong><br />

rovere per almeno 6 mesi per ottenere un leggero sapore<br />

“legnoso”.<br />

Chianti - DOCG single wine<br />

vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Slow natural fermentation on wooden chips and static fermentation<br />

in wooden casks, are used to produce this vinegar<br />

and keep the taste of the original wine used; features<br />

that give the vinegar its precious quality. Chianti is a tra<strong>di</strong>tional<br />

wine, robust, intense and long-lasting, it produces<br />

a kind of vinegar with a certain structure, a pungent taste,<br />

ruby-red colour. This wine vinegar is refined in oak barrels<br />

for at least 6 months to obtain this slightly “woody” taste.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Chianti - DOCG<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA025C70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

47 cartoni/strato<br />

188 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140023416<br />

Chianti - DOCG single wine vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Item code: VALA025C70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

47 cases/layer<br />

188 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140023416<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.2<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno<br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Pinot Grigio - IGT<br />

Le tecniche impiegate per la produzione sono la fermentazione<br />

naturale lenta a truciolo e la fermentazione statica,<br />

queste lasciano inalterate tutte le peculiarità del vino e<br />

conferiscono al prodotto ottenuto caratteristiche superiori<br />

e qualità particolarmente pregiata, con il persiste gusto del<br />

vino d’origine. Il Pinot Grigio è un aceto <strong>di</strong> monovitigno<br />

bianco, l’uva ha <strong>di</strong> norma un colore grigio-blu, ma è possibile<br />

trovarla anche con tonalità tra il rosa al marrone, tra<br />

il nero e il bianco. Il Pinot Grigio è il più elegante degli<br />

aceti <strong>di</strong> vino bianco che “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> abbia mai prodotto.<br />

Dal colore giallo paglierino, viene invecchiato in barrique<br />

ottenendo, quin<strong>di</strong>, un singolare ed equilibrato aceto morbido<br />

con spiccato aroma <strong>di</strong> quercia.<br />

Pinot Grigio - IGT single wine<br />

vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

The techniques employed for the production are the slow<br />

natural fermentation on wooden chips and static fermentation<br />

in wooden casks. This procedure leave the original<br />

flavour without changing the taste and keeping the quality<br />

and features of the wine used with its persistent original<br />

taste. Pinot Grigio is a single vineyard, the grapes have a<br />

blue-gray colour or black and white. The Pinot Grigio is<br />

the most elegant of white vinegars that “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> produces.<br />

This yellow straw-colour wine vinegar, in refined in<br />

barriques, therefore a singular and harmonious soft vinegar<br />

with a sharp aroma of oak.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Pinot Grigio - IGT<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA025G70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

47 cartoni/strato<br />

188 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140023386<br />

Pinot Grigio - IGT single wine vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Item code: VALA025G70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

47 cases/layer<br />

188 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140023386<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.3<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno<br />

<strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Cabernet - IGT<br />

Le tecniche impiegate per la produzione sono la fermentazione<br />

naturale lenta a truciolo e la fermentazione statica,<br />

queste lasciano inalterate tutte le peculiarità del vino e<br />

conferiscono al prodotto ottenuto caratteristiche superiori<br />

e qualità particolarmente pregiata, con il persiste gusto del<br />

vino d’origine. L’aceto Cabernet, invecchiato in barrique,<br />

assume un sapore morbido e delicato. Ha un colore rosso<br />

rubino e il suo aroma è forte e persistente, ma al contempo<br />

fine e delicato, il sapore asciutto e sapido <strong>di</strong> corpo, carico<br />

e avvolgente.<br />

Cabernet - IGT single wine<br />

vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

The techniques employed for the production are the slow<br />

natural fermentation on wooden chips and static fermentation<br />

in wooden casks, these leave the particular qualities<br />

of wine untouched and preserves the superior characteristics<br />

and particular precious famous quality with original<br />

taste of the wine. Cabernet vinegar, refined in barriques,<br />

has a soft and delicate taste. It has a ruby-red colour and<br />

the aroma is strong and constant, but at the end fine and<br />

delicate, it has a very dry, long lasting, robust taste.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino monovitigno “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> Cabernet - IGT<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA025B70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

47 cartoni/strato<br />

188 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140023393<br />

Cabernet - IGT single wine vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7%<br />

Futura 250ml<br />

Item code: VALA025B70-MN00FTVT6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

47 cases/layer<br />

188 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140023393<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.4<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino rosso <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto dal profumo delicato, dal sapore morbido,<br />

rotondo e vivace, prodotto secondo una consolidata<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zione, ottenuto da vini rossi selezionati. Un aceto<br />

vigoroso, ma dal gusto piacevole e delicato e con<br />

uno spiccato profumo.<br />

Red wine vinegar “ Villa <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A vinegar with a light scent, and a soft, round and<br />

bright taste, it is produced accor<strong>di</strong>ng to a well-established<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>tion, obtained from selected red wines.<br />

A strong vinegar with a pleasent and light taste and a<br />

particular scent.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino rosso “ Villa <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7,1%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA025R70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003470<br />

Red wine vinegar “ Villa <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7,1%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: VALA025R70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003470<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7,1%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA050R70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003401<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7,1%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Item code: VALA050R70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottile: 8005140003401<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.5<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino bianco “ Villa <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto dal profumo delicato, dal sapore morbido,<br />

rotondo e vivace, prodotto secondo una consolidata<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zione, ottenuto da vini bianchi selezionati. Un<br />

aceto vigoroso, ma dal gusto piacevole e delicato e<br />

con uno spiccato profumo.<br />

White wine vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A vinegar with a delicate scent, and a soft, round and<br />

bright taste, it is produced accor<strong>di</strong>ng to a well-established<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>tion, obtained from selected white wines. A<br />

strong vinegar with a pleasant and light taste.<br />

Aceti <strong>di</strong> vino

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino bianco <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7,1%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA025P70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

50 cartoni/strato<br />

200 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003463<br />

White wine vinegar <strong>“Villa</strong> <strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7,1%<br />

Solitude 250ml<br />

Item code: VALA025P70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

50 cases/layer<br />

200 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003463<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 7,1%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA050P70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

38 cartoni/strato<br />

114 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003395<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 7,1%<br />

Marasca 500ml<br />

Item code: VALA050P70-MN00SLTI6<br />

6 bottles/case<br />

38 cases/layer<br />

114 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003395<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

V.r<br />

Spie<strong>di</strong>ni <strong>di</strong> tacchino al granturco<br />

Per 4 persone: mettete in una ciotola 4 cucchiai d’olio, 1 <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>di</strong> vino bianco, sale, pepe, un cucchiaino <strong>di</strong> senape<br />

e un rametto <strong>di</strong> rosmarino. Emulsionate bene. Tagliate 300 gr <strong>di</strong> fesa <strong>di</strong> tacchino a cubetti, 2 zucchine a rondelle,<br />

4 pomodori a metà, 2 pannocchie <strong>di</strong> granturco a fette. Mettete tutto nella salsa e lasciate marinare un’ora<br />

abbondante. Su 8 spie<strong>di</strong>ni <strong>di</strong> legno infilate gli ingre<strong>di</strong>enti alternandoli, ma vicino al tacchino mettete 1 fettina <strong>di</strong><br />

speck. Cuocete gli spie<strong>di</strong>ni sulla griglia bagnandoli spesso con la marinata. Serviteli subito.<br />

Turkey skewers with corn<br />

Portion: 4 people. Place 4 tablespoons of oil in a bowl, 1 of white wine vinegar, salt, pepper and a teaspoon of<br />

mustard and rosemary. Mix well the above ingre<strong>di</strong>ents. Cut 300 gr of turkey breast into cubes, 2 zucchini into<br />

circular round pieces, 4 tomatoes cut in half, 2 ears of corn into slices. Place all of ingre<strong>di</strong>ents in the sauce and let<br />

it marinate for a good hour. On 8 wooden sticks alternating pieces of ingre<strong>di</strong>ents, but near turkey put a slice of<br />

speck. Cook skewers on barbecue or grill and perio<strong>di</strong>cally sprinkling them with marinade. Serve imme<strong>di</strong>ately.<br />

Brochettes de <strong>di</strong>nde au maïs<br />

Pour 4 personnes : prendre une terrine et y verser 4 cuillers d’huile, 1 cuiller de vinaigre de vin blanc, du sel et<br />

du poivre, une petite cuiller de moutarde et un brin de romarin. Bien émulsionner. Couper 300 g d’escalope de<br />

<strong>di</strong>nde en dés, 2 courgettes en rondelles, 4 tomates en deux, 2 épis de maïs en tranches. Verser le tout dans la sauce<br />

et laisser mariner abondamment pendant une heure. Prendre 8 brochettes en bois, enfiler les ingré<strong>di</strong>ents en les<br />

alternant et en plaçant 1 petite tranche de speck près du morceau de <strong>di</strong>nde. Cuire les brochettes au gril et les<br />

arroser souvent avec la marinade. Servir immé<strong>di</strong>atement.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Truthahnspießchen mit Mais<br />

Für 4 Personen: geben Sie 4 Esslöffel Öl, 1 Löffel Weißweinessig, Salz, Pfeffer, 1 kleinen Löffel Senf und einen<br />

Zweig Rosmarin in eine Schüssel. Mischen Sie alles gut durch. Schneiden Sie 300 g Truthahnnuss in Würfel, 2<br />

Zucchini und 2 Maiskolben in Scheiben und halbieren Sie 4 Tomaten. Geben Sie alles in <strong>di</strong>e Soße und lassen Sie<br />

alles reichlich eine Stunde marinieren. Spießen sie auf 8 Holzspieße <strong>di</strong>e Zutaten abwechselnd, neben dem Truthahnwürfel<br />

muss immer eine Scheibe Speck aufgesteckt werden. Die Spießchen grillen und häufig mit Marinade<br />

bestreichen. Tragen Sie dann sofort auf.<br />

Brochetas de pavo y maíz<br />

Para 4 personas: Colocar en un bol 4 cucharadas de aceite, 1 cucharada de vinagre de vino blanco, sal, pimienta,<br />

una cuchara<strong>di</strong>ta de mostaza y una ramita de romero. Emulsionar bien. Cortar 300 grs de pechuga de pavo en<br />

dados, 2 calabacines en rodajas, 4 tomates en mitades, 2 mazorcas de maíz en rodajas. Colocar todo dentro de la<br />

salsa y dejar marinar durante por lo menos una hora. Alternar los ingre<strong>di</strong>entes en 8 brochetas de madera, colocando<br />

una feta de jamón ahumado junto al pavo. Cocinar las brochetas en la parrilla, cubriéndolas varias veces<br />

con la marinada. Servir de inme<strong>di</strong>ato.<br />

Kalkoenspiesjes met maïs<br />

Voor 4 personen: doe in een kommetje 4 lepels olie, 1 lepel witte wijnazijn, zout, peper, een lepeltje gele mosterd<br />

en een takje rozemarijn. Goed mengen. Snij 300 gr kalkoenfilet in blokjes, 2 courgettes in schijfjes, 4 tomaten in<br />

twee, 2 maïskolven in plakjes. Doe <strong>di</strong>t alles in de saus en laat minstens een uur marineren. Verdeel de ingre<strong>di</strong>ënten<br />

afwisselend over 8 houten spiesjes, maar plaats naast de kalkoen een plakje gerookte ham. Braad de spiesjes<br />

op de barbecue of op een rooster, en bevochtig ze regelmatig met de marinade. Onmiddellijk op<strong>di</strong>enen.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

C.0<br />

Creme <strong>di</strong> balsamico<br />

Creme<br />

Sono prodotti altamente qualificati e professionali<br />

per i cuochi. La loro preparazione è stata stu<strong>di</strong>ata<br />

con la collaborazione dei più importanti chef europei.<br />

Sono sempre più apprezzati dal consumatore<br />

finale, che ama la loro consistenza cremosa,<br />

l’intenso sapore, e l’assenza <strong>di</strong> grassi, sostituendo le<br />

dressing con grassi vegetali.<br />

Creams<br />

Developed with the collaboration of important European<br />

chefs, these products represent the highest<br />

quality for the professional use. The consumers<br />

really appreciate their creamy consistency and the<br />

intense flavour. Thanks to their low-fat content are<br />

recommended in substitution of vegetable fat dressings.

Creme <strong>di</strong> balsamico<br />

Crèmes<br />

Ces sont des produits hautement qualifiés et professionnels,<br />

spécialement destinés aux chefs, dont<br />

la préparation a été étu<strong>di</strong>ée en collaboration avec<br />

les meilleurs chefs européens. Ils sont toujours<br />

plus appréciés par le consommateur qui aime<br />

leur consistance crémeuse, leur saveur intense et<br />

l’absence de graisses, ils permettent de remplacer<br />

graisses végétales des sauces.<br />

Cremen<br />

Hochqualifizierte und professionelle Produkte<br />

für <strong>di</strong>e Köche. Ihre Zubereitung wurde in Zusammenarbeit<br />

mit den bedeutendsten europäischen<br />

Küchenchefs erarbeitet. Die Cremen werden vom<br />

Endverbraucher immer mehr geschätzt, der <strong>di</strong>e<br />

Vorzüge in der cremigen Beschaffenheit, dem intensiven<br />

Geschmack und im Nullfettgehalt sieht.<br />

Die Cremen ersetzen <strong>di</strong>e pflanzenfetthaltigen<br />

Dressings.<br />

Cremas<br />

Son productos altamente cualificados y profesionales<br />

para los cocineros. Su preparación ha sido<br />

estu<strong>di</strong>ada con la colaboración de los más importantes<br />

chefs europeos. Cada vez son más reconocidos<br />

por el consumidor final, que aprecia su consistencia<br />

cremosa, su sabor intenso y la ausencia de<br />

grasas, reemplazando los con<strong>di</strong>mentos con grasas<br />

vegetales.<br />

Crèmes<br />

Erg gekwalificeerde en professionele producten,<br />

gebruikt door koks. De voorberei<strong>di</strong>ng van deze<br />

producten werd samen met de belangrijkste Europese<br />

chefs bestudeerd. Deze crèmes worden steeds<br />

meer geapprecieerd door de consument <strong>di</strong>e houdt<br />

van de crèmige consistentie, de intense smaak en<br />

de afwezigheid van vetten, een alternatief voor<br />

dressings met plantaar<strong>di</strong>ge vetten.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

C.1<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

La crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> è un prodotto a base <strong>di</strong> <strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong><br />

<strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, capace <strong>di</strong> insaporire, farcire e decorare pietanze.<br />

La sua composizione densa e aggrappante ed il particolare tappo a<br />

punta, permettono una decorazione precisa, omogenea e duratura.<br />

Viene prodotta me<strong>di</strong>ante preparazione a freddo, evitando così<br />

la carbonizzazione e quin<strong>di</strong> il gusto amaro che ne deriverebbe.<br />

La Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Bianco è ottenuta dalla lavorazione del<br />

con<strong>di</strong>mento balsamico bianco, un con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce <strong>di</strong> sapore<br />

fresco e vellutato addensato e reso cremoso.<br />

Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

The cream of Balsamic vinegar, is a product made with Balsamic<br />

vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> and used to flavour, fill and garnish any <strong>di</strong>sh.<br />

Its thick, flexible and long-lasting composition alongside with a<br />

thin tip <strong>di</strong>spenser allow fine, precise and lasting decorations. It is<br />

produced with a cold process preparation to avoid been charred<br />

and affect colour and taste.<br />

The white Balsamic cream is obtained from a white balsamic con<strong>di</strong>ment,<br />

a sweet and sour con<strong>di</strong>ment with a fresh and velvety taste,<br />

thick and creamy.<br />

Creme <strong>di</strong> balsamico

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Classica “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto classico: aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BCLA025NABA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005320<br />

Classic Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Classic flavour: Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong><br />

Item code: BCLA025NABA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005320<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Bianca “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto: <strong>Balsamico</strong> bianco<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BCLA025PABA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005269<br />

Withe Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Flavour: white Balsamic<br />

Item code: BCLA025PABA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005269<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

C.2<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

La Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Lampone è un con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce,<br />

fortemente caratterizzato dal lampone. Ottenuto per la lenta<br />

bollitura <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>di</strong> vino, succo <strong>di</strong> lampone e succo d’uva. Lasciato<br />

riposare alcuni mesi in fusti, per arrotondare l’agrodolce e<br />

rendere intimo il persistente sapore <strong>di</strong> lampone, viene in seguito<br />

addensato e reso cremoso.<br />

La Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Limone è un con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce <strong>di</strong><br />

sapore fresco, fortemente caratterizzato dai profumi del Limone.<br />

Ottenuto per lenta bollitura <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>di</strong> vino e succo d’uva, viene<br />

lasciato riposare alcuni mesi in fusti in intima infusione <strong>di</strong> succo<br />

<strong>di</strong> limone, per arrotondare l’agrodolce privilegiando il sapore intenso<br />

dell’agrume; viene in seguito addensato e reso cremoso.<br />

Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

The raspberry Balsamic cream is a sweet-sour con<strong>di</strong>ment, with a<br />

strong raspberry taste. It is produced by the slow boiling of wine<br />

vinegar, raspberry juice and grape juice. It is left to rest for several<br />

months in barrels, to decrease the sweet-sour taste so it becomes<br />

inner the wonderful raspberry taste, afterwards it is made more<br />

consistent and creamy.<br />

The lemon Balsamic Cream is a sweet-sour con<strong>di</strong>ment, with a<br />

fresh taste, characterized by lemon perfume. It is produced by the<br />

slow boiling of wine vinegar and grape juice. It is left to rest for several<br />

months in barrels in inner infusion with the lemon juice, to<br />

decrease the sweet-sour taste so the lemon taste becomes more<br />

powerful; afterwards it is made more consistent and creamy.<br />

Creme <strong>di</strong> balsamico

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> con lampone “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto: <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con lampone<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VCLA025OLM-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005030<br />

Raspberry Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Flavour: Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> with raspberry<br />

Item code: VCLA025OLM-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005030<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> con limone“<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto: <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con limone<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VCLA025PLN-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005115<br />

Lemon Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Flavour: Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> with lemon<br />

Item code: VCLA025PLN-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005115<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

C.3<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Il gusto vellutato della Crema <strong>di</strong> aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, incontra<br />

ed esalta il carattere deciso e persistente del tartufo, creando<br />

un connubio agrodolce piacevolmente marcato dal profumo<br />

e sapore intenso tipico del tartufo. Si ottiene per riduzione e addensamento<br />

dell’<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong>, mantecando a fine<br />

ebollizione il tubero <strong>di</strong> tartufo finemente tritato. Lasciato riposare<br />

viene successivamente addensato e reso cremoso.<br />

La Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> Basilico è un con<strong>di</strong>mento agrodolce con<br />

intenso sapore <strong>di</strong> basilico. Ottenuto per lunga macerazione <strong>di</strong><br />

“Ocimun basilicum” ligure in aceto <strong>di</strong> vino, maturato intimamente<br />

con succo d’uva, e in seguito addensato e reso cremoso.<br />

Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

The velvety taste of the Balsamic cream of <strong>Modena</strong> meets and<br />

exalts the <strong>di</strong>stinct and decisive taste of truffle, putting these two<br />

ingre<strong>di</strong>ents together creating a pleasant strong taste of truffle. Leaving<br />

it to rest for a while, makes it creamy and more dense.<br />

The Balsamic cream of basil is a sweet-sour con<strong>di</strong>ment with a<br />

strong basil taste. Obtained from a long maceration of Ligurian<br />

“Ocimun basilicum”, together with grape juice, and afterwards it’s<br />

made more consistent and creamy.<br />

Creme <strong>di</strong> balsamico

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> con tartufo “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto: <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con tartufo<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BCLA025NATF-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005245<br />

Truffle Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Flavour: Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> with truffle<br />

Item code: BCLA025NATF-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005245<br />

Crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> con basilico “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Flacone 250ml<br />

Gusto: <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> con basilico<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VCLA025OBA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

24 cartoni/strato<br />

144 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140005306<br />

Basil Balsamic cream “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Squeeze bottle 250ml<br />

Flavour: Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> with basil<br />

Item code: VCLA025OBA-MN01RLARC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

24 cases/layer<br />

144 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140005306<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

C.r<br />

Insalata <strong>di</strong> gamberi e porcini<br />

Per 4 persone: sbollentate per pochi minuti 8 bei gamberi, sgusciateli e tagliateli a tocchettini, tritate a pezzetti<br />

200 gr <strong>di</strong> insalatina, affettate sottili 400 gr <strong>di</strong> porcini giovani, mettete tutto in una ciotola e mescolate. Fate<br />

stemperare a fuoco lento 4 cucchiai <strong>di</strong> crema <strong>di</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> al tartufo con ½ bicchiere <strong>di</strong> olio d’oliva, sale e pepe,<br />

in modo da formare una vinaigrette con la quale con<strong>di</strong>re il contenuto della ciotola, servite guarnendo con delle<br />

fettine <strong>di</strong> porcini.<br />

Shrimp and porcini mushroom salad<br />

Portion: 4 people. Boil 4 large shrimp for few minutes, skin them and cut into pieces, cut 200 gr of salad very<br />

thin, cut 400 gr of young porcini mushroom very thin, place in a bowl and mix. Melt on low flame 4 tablespoon<br />

of truffle Balsamic cream with ½ glass of olive oil, salt, pepper so to form a vinaigrette sauce to put on the salad,<br />

serve topped with porcini slices.<br />

Salade d’écrevisses aux cèpes<br />

Pour 4 personnes : faire bouillir 8 belles écrevisses pendant quelques minutes, les décortiquer et les couper en<br />

morceaux ; hacher 200 g de salade et émincer 400 g de jeunes cèpes, mettre le tout dans une terrine et mélanger.<br />

Réduire à feu lent 4 cuillers de crème de balsamique à la truffe avec ½ verre d’huile d’olive, puis saler et poivrer de<br />

manière à former une vinaigrette pour assaisonner la préparation de la terrine. Garnir avec des petites tranches<br />

de cèpes et servir.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Salat mit Krebsen und Steinpilzen<br />

Für 4 Personen: 8 Krebse einige Minuten abbrühen, schälen und in Stücke schneiden, 200 g Salat in Stücke schneiden,<br />

400 g Steinpilze in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Alles in eine Schüssel geben und mischen. Auf kleiner Flamme<br />

4 Löffel Trüffel-Balsamcreme mit einem ½ Glas Olivenöl Salz und Pfeffer anrühren, sodass eine Vinaigrette<br />

entsteht, mit der der Inhalt der Schüssel angemacht wird. Garnieren Sie den Inhalt mit den Steinpilzscheiben.<br />

Ensalada de camarones y hongos “porcini”<br />

Para 4 personas: Hervir durante unos pocos minutos 8 camarones, pelarlos y cortarlos en trocitos, picar 200 grs<br />

de hojas verdes, cortar en láminas finas 400 grs de setas “porcini” pequeñas, mezclar todo en un bol. Calentar a<br />

fuego lento 4 cucharadas de crema de vinagre balsámico a la trufa con ½ vaso de aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta,<br />

de manera que se obtenga una vinagreta para con<strong>di</strong>mentar el contenido del bol, servir acompañando con algunas<br />

láminas de hongos “porcini”.<br />

Slaatje met kreeft en eekhoorntjesbrood<br />

Voor 4 personen: kook enkele minuten 8 mooie kreeften, pel ze en snij ze in stukjes, hak 200 gr sla fijn, snij 400<br />

gr jonge eekhoorntjesbrood paddestoelen in fijne schijfjes, doe <strong>di</strong>t alles in een kommetje en meng goed. Los op<br />

een laag vuur 4 lepels crème van balsamico azijn met truffels op in een ½ glas olijfolie, en voeg zout en peper toe<br />

zodat een vinaigrette wordt gevormd. Breng de inhoud van het kommetje op smaak met <strong>di</strong>t mengsel. Versier met<br />

de schijfjes eekhoorntjesbrood.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.0<br />

Linea catering<br />

Gran<strong>di</strong> formati<br />

Confezionati e stu<strong>di</strong>ati per specifici mercati e richieste<br />

dei clienti. Trovano un’ottima collocazione<br />

nelle attività <strong>di</strong> ristorazione e catering, conciliando<br />

praticità e qualità, elementi fondamentali<br />

per le aziende che desiderano mantenere elevato<br />

lo standard offerto alla propria clientela.<br />

Larger sizes<br />

Confectioned for special markets and clients’<br />

requests. They can be used in restaurant or for<br />

catering, for their performing packaging an their<br />

quality fundamental for certain costumers that<br />

wants to keep an high quality standard to offer to<br />

their customers.

Linea catering<br />

Grands formats<br />

Étu<strong>di</strong>és et con<strong>di</strong>tionnés pour des marchés et des<br />

exigences spécifiques de la part des clients. Emploi<br />

parfait dans le secteur de la restauration et du catering,<br />

car ils concilient praticité et qualité, éléments<br />

fondamentaux pour les entreprises qui souhaitent<br />

maintenir le haut standard offert à leur clientèle.<br />

Großformate<br />

Für spezifische Märkte und auf Anfrage der Kunden<br />

entworfen und abgepackt. Vor allem für Catering<br />

und in der Gastronomiebranche, eine Union<br />

von Zweckmäßigkeit und Qualität, grundlegende<br />

Faktoren für <strong>di</strong>ejenigen Unternehmen, <strong>di</strong>e den hohen<br />

Standard beibehalten wollen, den ihre Kundschaft<br />

gewohnt ist.<br />

Grandes formatos<br />

Envasados y estu<strong>di</strong>ados para determinados mercados<br />

y pe<strong>di</strong>dos especiales de los clientes. Se los<br />

utiliza con óptimos resultados en restaurantes y<br />

servicios de catering, dado que combinan practicidad<br />

y calidad, elementos fundamentales para las<br />

empresas que desean mantener elevados los estándares<br />

que ofrecen a sus clientes.<br />

Grote verpakkingen<br />

Verpakt en bestudeerd voor specifieke markten en<br />

op vraag van klanten. Ideaal voor restaurants en<br />

catering, praktisch en kwaliteitsvol, fundamenteel<br />

voor bedrijven <strong>di</strong>e een hoge kwaliteitsstandaard<br />

bieden aan hun klanten.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.1<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino rosso “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto dal profumo delicato, dal sapore morbido,<br />

rotondo e vivace, prodotto secondo una consolidata<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zione, ottenuto da vini selezionati. Un aceto vigoroso,<br />

ma dal gusto piacevole e delicato e con uno<br />

spiccato profumo.<br />

Red wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A vinegar with a light scent, and a soft, round and<br />

bright taste, it is produced accor<strong>di</strong>ng to a well-established<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>tion, obtained from selected wines. A<br />

strong vinegar with a pleasant and light taste and a<br />

particular scent.<br />

Linea catering

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino rosso “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> <strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino bianco “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 6%<br />

Toscana 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA050R60-MN00TOTIC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

10 cartoni/strato<br />

60 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140002039<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 6%<br />

Toscana 500ml<br />

Item code: VALA050R60-MN00TOTIC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

10 cases/layer<br />

60 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140002039<br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 6%<br />

Toscana 500ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA050P60-MN00TOTIC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

10 cartoni/strato<br />

60 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140002022<br />

Red wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong> White wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 6%<br />

Toscana 500ml<br />

Item code: VALA050P60-MN00TOTIC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

10 cases/layer<br />

60 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140002022<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.2<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino bianco “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto dal profumo delicato, dal sapore morbido,<br />

rotondo e vivace, prodotto secondo una consolidata<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zione, ottenuto da vini selezionati. Un aceto vigoroso,<br />

ma dal gusto piacevole e delicato e con uno<br />

spiccato profumo.<br />

White wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A vinegar with a light scent, and a soft, round and<br />

bright taste, it is produced accor<strong>di</strong>ng to a well-established<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>tion, obtained from selected wines. A<br />

strong vinegar with a pleasant and light taste and a<br />

particular sent.<br />

Linea catering

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino bianco “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA100P60-MN00STTEC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

10 cartoni/strato<br />

50 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140001216<br />

White wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Item code: VALA100P60-MN00STTEC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

10 cases/layer<br />

50 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140001216<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino rosso “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA100R60-MN00STTEC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

10 cartoni/strato<br />

50 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140001148<br />

Red wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Item code: VALA100R60-MN00STTEC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

10 cases/layer<br />

50 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140001148<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.3<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino decolorato “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto dal profumo delicato, dal sapore morbido,<br />

rotondo e vivace, prodotto secondo una consolidata<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zione, ottenuto da vini selezionati. Un aceto vigoroso,<br />

ma dal gusto piacevole e delicato e con uno<br />

spiccato profumo.<br />

Clear white wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A vinegar with a light scent, and a soft, round and<br />

bright taste, it is produced accor<strong>di</strong>ng to a well-established<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>tion, obtained from selected wines. A<br />

strong vinegar with a pleasant and light taste and a<br />

particular scent.<br />

Linea catering

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>di</strong> vino decolorato “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>tà: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: VALA100D60-MNITSTTIC<br />

12 bottiglie/cartone<br />

10 cartoni/strato<br />

50 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140001445<br />

Clear white wine vinegar “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Aci<strong>di</strong>ty: 6%<br />

Standard 1000ml<br />

Item code: VALA100D60-MNITSTTIC<br />

12 bottles/case<br />

10 cases/layer<br />

50 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140001445<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.4<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto a fermentazione naturale, ottenuto dai migliori<br />

vitigni, secondo le migliori tecniche degli acetai<br />

modenesi. Un perfetto equilibrio <strong>di</strong> gusto e aroma, in<br />

un packaging tra<strong>di</strong>zionale e classico.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A naturally fermented vinegar, obtained from the<br />

best wine with the utmost techniques of vinegar producers<br />

of <strong>Modena</strong>. Its a perfect harmony and combination<br />

of taste between sour and sweet, in a tra<strong>di</strong>tional<br />

and classic packaging.<br />

Linea catering

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Ferrochina 1000ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA100ST-MN00FRVI6<br />

6 bottiglie/cartone<br />

16 cartoni/strato<br />

64 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 800514002756<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Ferrochina 1000ml<br />

Item code: BALA100ST-MN00FRVI6<br />

6 cans/case<br />

16 cases/layer<br />

64 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 800514002756<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.5<br />

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Un aceto a fermentazione naturale, ottenuto da eccellenti<br />

vitigni, secondo le tecniche tra<strong>di</strong>zionali degli<br />

acetai modenesi. Un perfetto equilibrio <strong>di</strong> gusto e<br />

aroma, in un packaging semplice e pratico.<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

A naturally fermented vinegar, obtained from excellent<br />

wine with the tra<strong>di</strong>tional experience of vinegar<br />

producers of <strong>Modena</strong>. Its a perfect harmony and<br />

combination of taste between sour and sweet, in a<br />

simple and performing packaging.<br />

Linea catering

<strong>Aceto</strong> <strong>Balsamico</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

Tanica PET 5000ml<br />

Co<strong>di</strong>ce articolo: BALA500ST-MN00TAAP2<br />

2 bottiglie/cartone<br />

16 cartoni/strato<br />

80 cartoni/bancale<br />

EAN bottiglia: 8005140003104<br />

Balsamic vinegar of <strong>Modena</strong> “<strong>Lanfranca”</strong><br />

PET can 5000ml<br />

Item code: BALA500ST-MN00TAAP2<br />

2 cans/case<br />

16 cases/layer<br />

80 cases/pallet<br />

EAN bottle: 8005140003104<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

L.r<br />

Gelatina <strong>di</strong> miele all’aceto <strong>Balsamico</strong> e lamponi<br />

Per 4 persone: frullate insieme 100 gr <strong>di</strong> lamponi, 40 gr <strong>di</strong> zucchero semolato, 1 cucchiaino <strong>di</strong> succo <strong>di</strong> limone,<br />

passate la salsa al colino, sud<strong>di</strong>videtela in 4 coppette e mettete in congelatore. Preparate della crema pasticcera<br />

facendo bollire 45 cl <strong>di</strong> latte e ½ bastoncino <strong>di</strong> vaniglia; sbattete energicamente 5 tuorli d’uovo e 100 gr <strong>di</strong> zucchero,<br />

aggiungere 40 gr <strong>di</strong> farina e metà del latte bollente, mescolate e aggiungete al latte rimanente; cuocete a<br />

fuoco lento per 7 minuti mescolando continuamente, poi fate raffreddare in frigorifero. Preparate la gelatina <strong>di</strong><br />

miele riscaldando 20 cl d’acqua, 1 bastoncino <strong>di</strong> vaniglia e 80 gr <strong>di</strong> miele d’acacia, quin<strong>di</strong> aggiungete 50 gr <strong>di</strong> aceto<br />

<strong>Balsamico</strong>, lasciate ammollare 1 foglio e ½ <strong>di</strong> gelatina in acqua fredda e incorporatela al composto. Mescolate<br />

la crema pasticcera con 100 gr <strong>di</strong> panna montata. Togliete le coppette dal congelatore e sud<strong>di</strong>videtevi la crema.<br />

Disponete la crema <strong>di</strong> lamponi e ricopritele con gelatina <strong>di</strong> miele. Tenete in frigorifero 2 ore e servite.<br />

Honey jelly with Balsamic vinegar an raspberries<br />

Portion: 4 people. Beat together 100 gr of raspberries, 40 gr of white sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, put the<br />

mixture through a strainer, <strong>di</strong>vide into 4 serving cups and place in freezer. Prepare the pastry cream by boiling<br />

45 cl of milk and ½ vanilla stick; strongly beat together 5 egg yolks and 100 gr of sugar, add 40 gr of flour and half<br />

quantity of boiled milk mix and add the remaining milk; cook on a low flame for 7 minutes mixing continuously,<br />

then let cool in refrigerator. Prepare the honey jelly, warming 20 cl of water, 1 vanilla stick, and 80 gr of acacia<br />

honey, then add 50 gr of Balsamic vinegar, soak 1 sheet of gelatin in cold water and add to the mixture. Mix the<br />

pastry cream with 100 gr of whipped cream. Take the serving cups from freezer and <strong>di</strong>vide the cream into portions.<br />

Put the raspberry cream and cover each cup with any jelly. Keep in refrigerator for 2 hours and serve.<br />

Gelée de miel aux framboises et au vinaigre balsamique<br />

Pour 4 personnes : mixer 100 g de framboises avec 40 g de sucre en poudre et 1 petite cuiller de jus de citron.<br />

Passer cette préparation à la passoire, la verser dans 4 ramequins et placer au congélateur. Préparer une crème<br />

pâtissière en faisant bouillir 45 cl de lait et ½ bâton de vanille; fouetter énergiquement 5 jaunes d’œuf et 100 g<br />

de sucre, ajouter 40 g de farine ainsi que la moitié du lait bouillant, mélanger et ajouter au lait restant; cuire à<br />

feu doux pendant 7 minutes en mélangeant continûment, puis faire refroi<strong>di</strong>r au frigidaire. Préparer la gelée de<br />

miel en chauffant 20 cl d’eau, 1 bâton de vanille et 80 g de miel d’acacia, puis ajouter 50 g de vinaigre balsamique,<br />

laisser tremper 1 feuille et ½ de gelée en eau froide, puis l’incorporer au composé. Mélanger la crème pâtissière à<br />

100 g de crème fouettée. Retirer les ramequins du congélateur et y verser la crème obtenue. Disposer la crème de<br />

framboises et recouvrir avec la gelée de miel. Placer 2 heures au frigidaire et servir.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

Honiggelee mit Balsamessig und Himbeeren<br />

Für 4 Personen: 100 g Himbeeren, 40 g grober Zucker, 1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft verquirlen, <strong>di</strong>e Soße durch ein<br />

Sieb drücken und in 4 Schalen füllen und in das Kühlfach stellen. Die ‚Crema Pasticcera’ zubereiten: 45 cl Milch<br />

mit einer ½ Vanillestange kochen lassen; kräftig 5 Eigelb und 100 g Zucker schlagen, 40 g Mehl und <strong>di</strong>e Hälfte<br />

der gekochten Milch hinzugeben, mischen und <strong>di</strong>e restliche Milch zugießen; unter stän<strong>di</strong>gem Rühren auf kleiner<br />

Flamme 7 Minuten kochen lassen und dann im Kühlschrank abkühlen. Honiggelee zubereiten: 20 cl Wasser, 1<br />

Vanillestange und 80 g Akazienhonig aufkochen, 50 g Balsamessig hinzutun, 1 ½ Gelatineblätter in kaltem Wasser<br />

einweichen und der Masse beigeben. Vermengen Sie <strong>di</strong>e ‚Crema Pasticcera’ mit 100 g Schlagsahne. Nehmen<br />

Sie <strong>di</strong>e Schalen aus dem Kühlfach und verteilen Sie <strong>di</strong>e Creme darauf. Verteilen Sie <strong>di</strong>e Himbeercreme und machen<br />

Sie darüber eine Schicht mit Honiggelee. Lassen Sie <strong>di</strong>e Schalen 2 Stunden im Kühlschrank. Dann kann<br />

serviert werden.<br />

Gelatina de miel al vinagre balsámico con frambuesas<br />

Para 4 personas: Licuar 100 grs de frambuesas y 40 grs de azúcar con 1 cuchara<strong>di</strong>ta de zumo de limón; colar la<br />

salsa, <strong>di</strong>stribuirla en 4 copas y llevar al congelador. Preparar crema pastelera hirviendo 45 cl de leche con ½ vaina<br />

de vainilla; batir enérgicamente 5 yemas de huevo y 100 grs de azúcar, agregar 40 grs de harina y la mitad de la<br />

leche hirviendo, mezclar y agregar la leche restante; cocinar a fuego lento durante 7 minutos, mezclando continuamente;<br />

enfriar en la nevera. Preparar la gelatina de miel calentando 20 cl de agua, 1 vaina de vainilla y 80 grs<br />

de miel de acacia, agregar 50 grs de vinagre balsámico, <strong>di</strong>solver 1 hoja y ½ de gelatina en agua fría e incorporarla<br />

a la preparación. Mezclar la crema pastelera con 100 grs de nata montada. Retirar las copas del congelador y<br />

<strong>di</strong>stribuir la crema en las mismas. Agregar la crema de frambuesas y cubrirla con la gelatina de miel. Llevar a la<br />

nevera durante 2 horas y servir.<br />

Honinggelatine met balsamico azijn en frambozen<br />

Voor 4 personen: meng 100 gr frambozen, 40 gr basterdsuiker en 1 lepeltje citroensap, zeef het mengsel, verdeel<br />

in 4 kommetjes en stop ze in de <strong>di</strong>epvries. Voorberei<strong>di</strong>ng banketbakkerscrème: 45 cl melk en een ½ stokje vanille;<br />

klop 5 eierdooiers met 100 gr suiker, voeg 40 gr bloem en de helft van de kokende melk toe, meng en voeg daarna<br />

de resterende melk toe; kook 7 minuten op een laag vuur en meng voortdurend, laat daarna afkoelen in de<br />

koelkast. Voorberei<strong>di</strong>ng honinggelatine: verwarm 20 cl water, 1 stokje vanille en 80 gr acaciahoning, voeg 50 gr<br />

balsamico azijn toe, laat anderhalf blaadje gelatine week worden in koud water en voeg het toe aan het mengsel.<br />

Meng de banketbakkerscrème met 100 gr opgeklopte room. Haal de kommetjes uit de <strong>di</strong>epvries en verdeel de<br />

crème. Verdeel de frambozencrème en bedek met de honinggelatine. Stop de kommetjes 2 uren in de koelkast,<br />

en <strong>di</strong>en op.<br />

Via della Costituzione, 41/43 - 46010 Levata <strong>di</strong> Curtatone (MN) Italy - Tel. 0376 47444 - www.lanfranca.it - info@lanfranca.it

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