Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


76 P. JAKŠIĆ cea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida). Bollettino del Museo regionale di Scienze naturali,Torino,15(2): 279-297. PANDOURSKI, I., 1997b. Cyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines del’Albanie. Acta zoologica bulgarica 49: 64-67. PANDOURSKI, I., 1998. Catalogue of Stygobiontic higher Crutaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca) from Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica 50, 1: 23-33. PANDOURSKI, I. &A. APOSTOLOV, 1998a. Copepodes (Crustaces) des eaux souterraines du Pays Basque (Pays Basque Nord, Basse-Navarre). Ikartzaleak, Edition Musee Speologie, Mines & Biologie des Sols, Saint-Pierre d’Irube, 21:3-12. PANDOURSKI, I. &A. APOSTOLOV, 1998b. Marine Harpacticoids (Crustacea,Copepoda) from the littoral of the Livingston isl., Antartic. In: Bulg. Antartic Res., II PANDOURSKI, I. &A. BENDEREV, 1998. La faune stygobie de la montagne de Ponor et leur repartition en relation avec la structure geologique et la caracteristique hydrodynamique du karst. French-bulgarian Symposium OM2, Paris. Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM2, fascicule 7 - Observation de l’environement de montagne en Europe, Edite par Jean-Pierre Carbonnel et Jordan Stamenov, Sofia:141-147. PANDOURSKI, I. & S. BRESKOVSKI, 1995. Origine des Isopodes Cirolanides et Stenasellides dans les eaux souterraines karstiques de la montagne de Stara Planina occidentale et moyenne (Bulgarie) en relation avec l’histoire paleogeographique de la region. Mém. Biosp. XXII(22), 49:115-119. PANDOURSKI, I. & S. STOICHEV, 1999. Sur la faune de l’eau interstitielle littorale de la bande sableuse entre le systeme lacustre de “Chabla-Ezeretz” et la Mer Noire. Hist. Nat. Bulg., Sofia, 10: 125-132. PANDURSKA, R.S., 1992. Second record of Tadarida teniotis Rafinesque, 1814 (Chiroptera, Molossidae) from Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica 45: 102-103. PANDURSKA, R.S., 1993. Distribution and species diversity of cave-dwelling Bats in Bulgaria and some remarks on the microclimatic conditions of the hibernation. Trav. Inst. Spéol. “E. Racovitza”, Bucarest, XXXII(32): 155-163. PANDURSKA, R.S., 1996. Altitudinal distribution of bats in Bulgaria. Myotis, 34: 45-50. PANDURSKA, R.S., 1997. Preferred roosts and dispersal of Rhinolophus hipposideros (Bechstein, 1800) and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774) on the territory of Bulgaria. On the situation of the Rhinolophidae Workshop, Nebra, Deutschland: 119-124. PANDURSKA, R.S.,1997. Recent situation of the investigation of Rhinolopus euryale (Blasius,1853), Rhinolophus blasii (Peters, 1866) and Rhinolophus mehelyi (Matchie,1901) in Bulgaria. On the situation of the Rhinolophidae Workshop, Nebra, Deutschland: 125-128. PANDURSKA, R. & S.SHANOV, 1997. Seasonal changes of the body mass of some cave-dwelling Bat species (Chiroptera) from Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of speleology, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 10-17.VIII 1997, Natural History Museum, City of Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Speleological Society (SSS/SGH), 3, Symposium 9, Biospeleology: 367. PANDURSKA, R.S., 1998. Reproductive behaviour of nursery colonies of Myotis myotis in Bulgaria. Myotis, 36: 143-150. PANDURSKA, R.S. & V. BESHKOV, 1998. Bats (Chiroptera) of high mountains of southern Bulgaria. OM2 Symposium of Mountain Environments, Borovetz, Bulgaria, 14-18.X.1997. Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM2, fascicule 7 - Observation de l’environement de montagne en Europe, Edité par Jean-Pierre Carbonnel et Jordan Stamenov, Sofia: 135- 140. PANDURSKA, R.S. &V. BESHKOV,1998. Bat species diversity of bats in underground roosts of Western Stara Planina Mountain. Vespertilio 3: 136-145. PANDURSKA, R.S., V. BESHKOV &I. PANDURSKI, 1999. Bats (Chiroptera) from the karstic region of the Ginzi village (West Bulgaria). Acta zoologica bulgarica 55, 1. PANDURSKA, R.S. &T.IVANOVA, in press. Distribution and present status of Barbastella barbastellus (Shreber, 1774) in Bulgaria. On the situation of the Barbastelle, Workshop, Mansfeld, Germany, 5-7.IX.1997.

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 77 PANDURSKA, R.S. & M. PAUNOVIĆ, 1997. Bat news from Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Bat News, 47: 4- 5. PANDURSKA, R. &S.SHANOV, 1997. Seasonal changes of the body mass of some cave-dwelling Bat species (Chiroptera) from Bulgaria. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Speleology, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 10-17.VIII 1997, Natural History Museum, City of Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Speleological Society (SSS/SGH), 3, Symposium 9, Biospeology: 367. PANTIĆ, N., 1967. Die jungtertiaren Floren und der Klimawechsel im Balkanraum. Abh. Zentr. Geol. Inst., 10: 145-154. PAOLETTI, M.G., 1975. Una Phaneropella greca inedita della collezione Mü(e)ller (Coleopt., Bathysciinae). Atti Museo ou Boll. Mus. Civ. St. nat., Trieste, 29, 1: 1-6. PAPAPETROPOULOU, M. &J.ILIOPOULOU-GEORGUDAKI, 1991. Bacterial flora isolated from a cave environment (Limnon cave, Peloponnesus, Greece). Mém. Biospéol. XVIII(18), 45: 89-91. PARAGAMIAN, K. & A. LEGAKIS,1986. Ecological and faunistic investigations of cave Ag. Paraskevi near Skoteino (Crete, Greece). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Mediter., 30(2): 99. PARZEFALL, J., J. DURAND & B. SKET, 1999. Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 - Grottenolm. In: Grossenbacher K. & Thiesmeir B., (eds). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, 4/I: 57-76. PASSAUER, U., 1997. Die Pflanzen der Hermannshöhle, 233-252. In: (Hartmann, H., Hartmann W. & Mrkos, H. eds.) Die Hermannshöhle in Niederosterreich. Wiss. Beih. Zeits. Die Höhle, Wien, 1-264. PATZNER, R.A.,1999. Habitat utilization and depth distribution of small cryptobenthic fishes (Blenniidae, Gobiesocidae, Gobiidae, Tripterygiidae) in Ibiza (western Mediterranean Sea). Envir. Biol. Fish, 55: 207-215. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1983. Kopnene kornjače roda Testudo Linne, 1758. Iz pleistocenskih naslaga Crvene Stijene kod Petrovića u Crnoj Gori. Rad JAZU, Zagreb, 404: 109-123. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1983. Pleistocenska herpetofauna u špiljama jugoistočne Jgoslavije. Naš krš, Sarajevo, IX(14-15): 111-118. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1984. Fische, Amphibien und Reptilien aus oberpleistozanen Ablagerungen von Šandalja bei Pula (Istrien, Kroatien). Paleontol. Jugoslav., Zagreb, 31: 5-44. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1984. Ždrijelni zubi riba i njihovo značenje u paleontološkim proučavanjima spiljskih naslaga. Priroda, Zagreb, LXXIII(1): 18-19. PAUNOVIĆ, M. 1986. Rana arvalis Nilson, 1842 (Ranidae) aus oberpleistozanen ablagerungen von Bijambarenhohle bei Olivo (Mittelbosnien, Jugoslawien). JAZU, Razred prirodne znanosti, Zagreb, 424(21): 55-67. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1988. Prilog poznavanju gornjopleistocenskih anura Hrvatske, Rad JAZU, Zagreb, 441: 49-62. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1988. Morphometrische und morphogenetische Untersuchungen der Ursidenzahne aus den Hohlen Nordwestkroatiens. Palaeont. Jugoslav., Zagreb, 36: 1-40. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1996. Vindija Cave (Croatia) - site of fossil man (proposal for inclusion in the Worl Geological Heritage List. Geologica Balcanica, Sofia, 26(2): 15-24. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1990. Bufo viridis Laurenti i Emys orbicularis Linne iz spilje Kličevice kod Benkovca (Dalmacija, Hrvatska). Spelaeologia Croatica, Zagreb, 1: 43-44. PAUNOVIĆ M. & V. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, 1990. Gornjopleistocenska fauna nižih vertebrata iz Smolućke pećine u JZ Srbiji. Rad JAZU, Zagreb, 449/24. PAUNOVIĆ M. & S. PERCAĆ, 1994. Fossile Hominiden aus Kroatien. Evolutive Veranderungen in der Struktur der Unterkiefer. Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, 171: 237-239. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1994. Fauna ljiljaka (Chiroptera) Zlotske klisure i njenih pećina (Istočna Srbija). II naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine. Zbornik saopštenja, Borsko jezero, 127-128. PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1994. Novi nalazi povodnog šišmiša Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl, 1819) (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) u Srbiji. II naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine. Zbornik saopštenja, Borsko jezero, 129.

<strong>Biospeleological</strong> Bibliography of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Balkan</strong> Peninsula 77<br />

PANDURSKA, R.S. & M. PAUNOVIĆ, 1997. Bat news from Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. Bat News, 47: 4-<br />

5.<br />

PANDURSKA, R. &S.SHANOV, 1997. Seasonal changes of <strong>the</strong> body mass of some cave-dwelling Bat<br />

species (Chiroptera) from Bulgaria. Proceedings of <strong>the</strong> 12th International Congress of<br />

Speleology, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 10-17.VIII 1997, Natural History Museum,<br />

City of Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Speleological Society (SSS/SGH), 3, Symposium<br />

9, Biospeology: 367.<br />

PANTIĆ, N., 1967. Die jungtertiaren Floren und der Klimawechsel im <strong>Balkan</strong>raum. Abh. Zentr. Geol.<br />

Inst., 10: 145-154.<br />

PAOLETTI, M.G., 1975. Una Phaneropella greca inedita della collezione Mü(e)ller (Coleopt., Bathysciinae).<br />

Atti Museo ou Boll. Mus. Civ. St. nat., Trieste, 29, 1: 1-6.<br />

PAPAPETROPOULOU, M. &J.ILIOPOULOU-GEORGUDAKI, 1991. Bacterial flora isolated from a cave environment<br />

(Limnon cave, Peloponnesus, Greece). Mém. Biospéol. XVIII(18), 45: 89-91.<br />

PARAGAMIAN, K. & A. LEGAKIS,1986. Ecological and faunistic investigations of cave Ag. Paraskevi<br />

near Skoteino (Crete, Greece). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Mediter., 30(2): 99.<br />

PARZEFALL, J., J. DURAND & B. SKET, 1999. Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768 - Grottenolm. In:<br />

Grossenbacher K. & Thiesmeir B., (eds). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas,<br />

4/I: 57-76.<br />

PASSAUER, U., 1997. Die Pflanzen der Hermannshöhle, 233-252. In: (Hartmann, H., Hartmann W.<br />

& Mrkos, H. eds.) Die Hermannshöhle in Niederosterreich. Wiss. Beih. Zeits. Die Höhle,<br />

Wien, 1-264.<br />

PATZNER, R.A.,1999. Habitat utilization and depth distribution of small cryptobenthic fishes (Blenniidae,<br />

Gobiesocidae, Gobiidae, Tripterygiidae) in Ibiza (western Mediterranean Sea).<br />

Envir. Biol. Fish, 55: 207-215.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1983. Kopnene kornjače roda Testudo Linne, 1758. Iz pleistocenskih naslaga<br />

Crvene Stijene kod Petrovića u Crnoj Gori. Rad JAZU, Zagreb, 404: 109-123.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1983. Pleistocenska herpetofauna u špiljama jugoistočne Jgoslavije. Naš krš, Sarajevo,<br />

IX(14-15): 111-118.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1984. Fische, Amphibien und Reptilien aus oberpleistozanen Ablagerungen von<br />

Šandalja bei Pula (Istrien, Kroatien). Paleontol. Jugoslav., Zagreb, 31: 5-44.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1984. Ždrijelni zubi riba i njihovo značenje u paleontološkim proučavanjima<br />

spiljskih naslaga. Priroda, Zagreb, LXXIII(1): 18-19.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M. 1986. Rana arvalis Nilson, 1842 (Ranidae) aus oberpleistozanen ablagerungen von<br />

Bijambarenhohle bei Olivo (Mittelbosnien, Jugoslawien). JAZU, Razred prirodne znanosti,<br />

Zagreb, 424(21): 55-67.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1988. Prilog poznavanju gornjopleistocenskih anura Hrvatske, Rad JAZU, Zagreb,<br />

441: 49-62.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1988. Morphometrische und morphogenetische Untersuchungen der Ursidenzahne<br />

aus den Hohlen Nordwestkroatiens. Palaeont. Jugoslav., Zagreb, 36: 1-40.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1996. Vindija Cave (Croatia) - site of fossil man (proposal for inclusion in <strong>the</strong> Worl<br />

Geological Heritage List. Geologica Balcanica, Sofia, 26(2): 15-24.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1990. Bufo viridis Laurenti i Emys orbicularis Linne iz spilje Kličevice kod Benkovca<br />

(Dalmacija, Hrvatska). Spelaeologia Croatica, Zagreb, 1: 43-44.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ M. & V. DIMITRIJEVIĆ, 1990. Gornjopleistocenska fauna nižih vertebrata iz Smolućke<br />

pećine u JZ Srbiji. Rad JAZU, Zagreb, 449/24.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ M. & S. PERCAĆ, 1994. Fossile Hominiden aus Kroatien. Evolutive Veranderungen in der<br />

Struktur der Unterkiefer. Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main,<br />

171: 237-239.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1994. Fauna ljiljaka (Chiroptera) Zlotske klisure i njenih pećina (Istočna Srbija). II<br />

naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine. Zbornik saopštenja,<br />

Borsko jezero, 127-128.<br />

PAUNOVIĆ, M., 1994. Novi nalazi povodnog šišmiša Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl, 1819) (Vespertilionidae,<br />

Chiroptera) u Srbiji. II naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti<br />

životne sredine. Zbornik saopštenja, Borsko jezero, 129.

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