Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula

Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula Biospeleological Bibliographyof the Balkan peninsula


30 P. JAKŠIĆ DAFFNER, H., 1996. Revision der Anophthalmus Arten und-Rassen mit lang und dicht behaarter Koerperoberseite. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft. München. DAFFNER, H., 2000. Orotrechus koflerianus sp. n. aus Slowenien (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana, 8/2: 95-100. DANCAU, D. &S. ANDREEV,1973. Sur un nouvel Amphipode souterrain de Bulgarie: Niphargus kochianus melticensis n. sp. International Journal of Speleology, Amsterdam, 5: 135-142. D’ANCONA, U., 1942. I Niphargus italiani. Tentativo di valutazione critica delle minori unita sistematische. Mem. Ist. Ital. Speleologia, Ser. Biol., 4: 1-125. D’ANCONA, U., 1942. Variabilita, differenziamento di razze locali e di specie nel genere Niphargus. Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiologia Dott. Marco Se Marchi, Milano, 1(20): 145-167. DANIELOPOL, D.L. 1969. Un nouvel Ostracode des eaux souterraines de l’ile de Hvar. Ann. Spél., 24: 129-142. DANIELOPOL, D.L. 1977. On the origin and diversity of european freshwater interstitial Ostracods. In: LÖFFLER H. & DANIELOPOL D. (Eds.), 1977. Aspects of ecology and zoogeography of recent and fossil Ostracoda. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Ostracoda, Saalfelden, Salzburg, XII and 521: 295-305. DANIELOPOL, D.L., 1980. An essay to assess the age of the freshwater interstitial Ostracods of Europe. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 50: 2: 243-291. DANIELOPOL, D.L., 1981. Distribution of Ostracoda in the groundwater of the North Western Coast of Euboea (Greece). Int. J. Speleol. 11: 91-103. DANIELOPOL, D.L. & G. HARTMANN, 1986. Ostracoda. In: Stygofauna Mundi, 265-294. DANIELOPOL, D.L., P. MARMONIER, A.J. BOULTON &G. BONADUCE, 1994. World subterranean ostracod biogeography: dispersal or vicariance. Hydrobiologia, 287 (1): 119-129. DECOU, V. & L. BOTOSANEANU, 1964. Quelques donnees relatives à l’anatomie de Pheggomisetes bureschi Knirsch (Coleoptera,Trechinae). Annales de Speleologie XIX(19): 4: 759-768. DEDAJ, Z., 2003. Agreement on the conservation of populations of European Bats. Albania’s National Report on the Implementation of the Agreement 2003/MoP4. Internet file: Albania2003Report.pdf. URL: DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1965. Contribution a la connaissance du genre Asellus en Yougoslavie et en Turquie. Zool. Mededel., 40(20): 151-170. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1971a. Deux Monolistrini nouveaux (Crustacea, Isopoda) des eaux souterraines de Croatie. Int. J. Speleol., 3 (3-4):205-216. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD C.L., 1971b. A new species of Sulcia Kratochvil (Araneida, Leptonetidae) from Greece, and a discussion of some japanese cavernicolous Leptonetidae. Zool. Mededel., Leiden, 45, 25: 289-301. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L. 1971c. Beitrag zur Kenntnis höhlenbewohnender Dysderidae (Araneida) aus Jugoslawien. Raz. SAZU, Ljubljana, Cl. IV, 14 (4): 93-120. DEELERMAN-REINHOLD, C.L. 1972. Subterranean evolution and distribution pattern in the Linyphiid genus Troglohyphantes Joseph, with special reference to the Yugoslav. species. Proc. 5th Int. Congr. Arachnol. Brno 1971, Brno, 89-98. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1973. Relations taxonomiques entre les Troglohyphantes (Linyphiidae) cavernicoles et les formes habitant les terriers des petits mammiferes. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of speleology, sub-section Karst zoology, Olomouc- Praha, 51-56. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1973. Notes sur l’evolution regressive dans le genre Troglohyphantes Joseph (Araneae, Linyphiidae) dans les grottes Yougoslaves. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Speleology. sub-section Karst zoology, Olomouc-Praha, 57-63. DEELERMAN-REINHOLD, C.L. 1974. The Cave spider fauna of Montenegro (Araneae) Glasn. Rep. Zav. Zašt. prir. Prirodni Muz., Titograd, 6: 9-33. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1975. Cave spiders from the Balkan Peninsula I: Troglohyphantes Joseph (Linyphiidae) with special reference to the Dinaric Karst and Slovenia. Abstract and conclusions, 1-7. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1976. Distribution patterns of European cave spiders. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cave Biology, Oudtshoom, 25-36.

Biospeleological Bibliography of the Balkan Peninsula 31 DEELERMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1977. Notes sur la evolution regressive dans la genre Troglohyphantes Joseph (Araneae, Linyphiidae) dans la grottes yougoslaes. Acta VI Congr. Int. Speleol. Olomuc., Olomouc, 5: 59-63. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1977. On the affinities of some Yugoslavian troglobitic spiders. Proc. 7th Int. Speleol. Congr., Sheffield, 146-149. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1978. Revision of the cave-dweling and related species of the genus Troglohyphanthes Joseph (Linyphidae) with special reference to the Yugoslavian species. Dela SAZU, Ljubljana, Cl. IV, 23 (6): 1-221. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1981. Remarks on the origin and distribution of troglobitic spiders, Proceedings of the Eight International Congress of Speleology, Bowling Green (Kentucky, USA), 1: 305-308. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L.,1983. The genus Histopona (Araneae,Agelenidae) with description of two new cave-dweling species. Mém. Biosp., 10: 325-337. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1985. Contribution a la connaissance des Lepthyphantes du groupe pallidus (Aranea, Linyphidae) de Yougoslavie, Greece et Chypre. Mem. Biosp., 12: 37- 50. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L.,1989. Rhodera n. gen., hypogea n. sp., Araignee microphtalme de l’île de Crete, un fossile vivant? (Araneae, Dysderidae, Dysderinae). Mém. Biosp. XVI(16), 43: 47-51. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1993. The genus Rhode and the harpacteine genera Stalagtia, Folkia, Minotauria and Kaemis (Araneae,Dysderidae) of Yugoslavia and Crete, with remarks on the genus Harpactea. Rev. Arachn., Aramon, 10 (6): 105-135. DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., P. DEELEMAN, 1988. Revision des Dysderinae (Araneae, Dysderidae), les especes Mediterraneennes occidentales exceptees. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam, 131: 141-269. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1962. Ptitschata dupka. Turist, Sofia, VII, 11: 19. [en bulgare]. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1967. On the studies of Spiders (Araneae) in the Vitosha Mountain. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 24: 51-56. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1970. Neue Daten uber die Verbreitung der Gattung Meta (Araneae, Araneidae) in Bulgarischen Höhlen. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 32: 89-92. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1971 ou 1972. A review of Spiders (Aranea) from Bulgarian caves. Proc. 5th Int. Congr. Arachnol. ou Arachnol. Congressus Intern., Brno, V: 99-104. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1972a. A contribution to the study of Spiders (Araneae) from the caves in Bulgaria. Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus., Sofia, 34:171-175. DELTSHEV, C.D.,1972b. A contribution to the study of Spiders (Araneae) from the caves in Bulgaria. II Genus Lepthyphantes in Bulgarian caves. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 36: 137-147. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1972c. A new genus of Bulgarian cave Spiders Protoleptoneta bulgarica n. g., n. sp., Leptonetidae. International Journal of Speleology 4: 275-283. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973a. A new Troglohyphantes from Bulgarian caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International Journal of Speleology, Amsterdam, 5, 2 (August): 103-109. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973b. Redescription of Centromerus bulgarianus (Drensky, 1931) and Centromerus lakatnikensis (Drensky, 1931) (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International Journal of Speleology, Amsterdam, 5, 2: 117-126. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973c. A contribution to the study of Spiders (Araneae) from the caves in Bulgaria. III Ecological notes of Spiders (Araneae) from the entrance parts of the caves. Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus., Sofia, 38 DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973. Genus Nesticus (Nesticidae, Araneae) from bulgarian caves. International Speleology 1973 abstracts of papers. Abstracts of papers submitted to the 6th International Congress of Speleology 1973, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. V. Panos (ed.), Palacky University Olomouc. Publishing Centre, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. D-Biology, Paleontology. Sub-section b- Karstzoology: 73-78. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1974. A new Centromerus from Bulgarian caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International Journal of Speleology 6: 81-86. DELTSHEV, C.D., 1975a. A new species (Troglohyphantes bureschianus n. sp., Araneae, Linyphiidae). Acta zool. bulgarica 3: 99-104.

<strong>Biospeleological</strong> Bibliography of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Balkan</strong> Peninsula 31<br />

DEELERMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1977. Notes sur la evolution regressive dans la genre Troglohyphantes<br />

Joseph (Araneae, Linyphiidae) dans la grottes yougoslaes. Acta VI Congr. Int. Speleol.<br />

Olomuc., Olomouc, 5: 59-63.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1977. On <strong>the</strong> affinities of some Yugoslavian troglobitic spiders. Proc.<br />

7th Int. Speleol. Congr., Sheffield, 146-149.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1978. Revision of <strong>the</strong> cave-dweling and related species of <strong>the</strong> genus<br />

Troglohyphan<strong>the</strong>s Joseph (Linyphidae) with special reference to <strong>the</strong> Yugoslavian species.<br />

Dela SAZU, Ljubljana, Cl. IV, 23 (6): 1-221.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1981. Remarks on <strong>the</strong> origin and distribution of troglobitic spiders,<br />

Proceedings of <strong>the</strong> Eight International Congress of Speleology, Bowling Green (Kentucky,<br />

USA), 1: 305-308.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L.,1983. The genus Histopona (Araneae,Agelenidae) with description of<br />

two new cave-dweling species. Mém. Biosp., 10: 325-337.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1985. Contribution a la connaissance des Lepthyphantes du groupe<br />

pallidus (Aranea, Linyphidae) de Yougoslavie, Greece et Chypre. Mem. Biosp., 12: 37-<br />

50.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L.,1989. Rhodera n. gen., hypogea n. sp., Araignee microphtalme de l’île<br />

de Crete, un fossile vivant? (Araneae, Dysderidae, Dysderinae). Mém. Biosp. XVI(16),<br />

43: 47-51.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., 1993. The genus Rhode and <strong>the</strong> harpacteine genera Stalagtia, Folkia,<br />

Minotauria and Kaemis (Araneae,Dysderidae) of Yugoslavia and Crete, with remarks on<br />

<strong>the</strong> genus Harpactea. Rev. Arachn., Aramon, 10 (6): 105-135.<br />

DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, C.L., P. DEELEMAN, 1988. Revision des Dysderinae (Araneae, Dysderidae),<br />

les especes Mediterraneennes occidentales exceptees. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam,<br />

131: 141-269.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1962. Ptitschata dupka. Turist, Sofia, VII, 11: 19. [en bulgare].<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1967. On <strong>the</strong> studies of Spiders (Araneae) in <strong>the</strong> Vitosha Mountain. Bull. Inst.<br />

Zool., Sofia, 24: 51-56.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1970. Neue Daten uber die Verbreitung der Gattung Meta (Araneae, Araneidae)<br />

in Bulgarischen Höhlen. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 32: 89-92.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1971 ou 1972. A review of Spiders (Aranea) from Bulgarian caves. Proc. 5th Int.<br />

Congr. Arachnol. ou Arachnol. Congressus Intern., Brno, V: 99-104.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1972a. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of Spiders (Araneae) from <strong>the</strong> caves in Bulgaria.<br />

Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus., Sofia, 34:171-175.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D.,1972b. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of Spiders (Araneae) from <strong>the</strong> caves in Bulgaria.<br />

II Genus Lepthyphantes in Bulgarian caves. Bull. Inst. Zool., Sofia, 36: 137-147.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1972c. A new genus of Bulgarian cave Spiders Protoleptoneta bulgarica n. g., n.<br />

sp., Leptonetidae. International Journal of Speleology 4: 275-283.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973a. A new Troglohyphantes from Bulgarian caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International<br />

Journal of Speleology, Amsterdam, 5, 2 (August): 103-109.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973b. Redescription of Centromerus bulgarianus (Drensky, 1931) and Centromerus<br />

lakatnikensis (Drensky, 1931) (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International Journal of<br />

Speleology, Amsterdam, 5, 2: 117-126.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973c. A contribution to <strong>the</strong> study of Spiders (Araneae) from <strong>the</strong> caves in Bulgaria.<br />

III Ecological notes of Spiders (Araneae) from <strong>the</strong> entrance parts of <strong>the</strong> caves. Bull.<br />

Inst. Zool. Mus., Sofia, 38<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1973. Genus Nesticus (Nesticidae, Araneae) from bulgarian caves. International<br />

Speleology 1973 abstracts of papers. Abstracts of papers submitted to <strong>the</strong> 6th International<br />

Congress of Speleology 1973, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. V. Panos (ed.), Palacky<br />

University Olomouc. Publishing Centre, Palacky University Olomouc, Czechoslovak<br />

Socialist Republic. D-Biology, Paleontology. Sub-section b- Karstzoology: 73-78.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1974. A new Centromerus from Bulgarian caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). International<br />

Journal of Speleology 6: 81-86.<br />

DELTSHEV, C.D., 1975a. A new species (Troglohyphantes bureschianus n. sp., Araneae, Linyphiidae).<br />

Acta zool. bulgarica 3: 99-104.

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