gamocdili maswavlebeli

gamocdili maswavlebeli gamocdili maswavlebeli


Tavi 20 532 literatura Gould, Stephen Jay. Mismeasure of Man. New York: W.W. Norton, 1981 Herrnstein, Richard J. and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve. New York: Free Press, 1994. Howard, Jeff “You Can’t Get There From Here”. Daedalus 24, no. 4 (Fall, 1995): 85-92 _____. “The Social Construction of Intelligence”. Lexington, Mass: Efficacy, Inc., 1993 Jensen, Arthur R. “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” Harvard Education Review XXXIX (Winter, 1969): 1-123 McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”. Peace and Freedom (July- August, 1989): 10-12. Resnick, Laurence. “From Aptitude to Effort: A New Foundation for Our Schools” Daedalus 124, no. 4 (Fall 1995): 55-62. Rist, Ray. “Student Social Class and Teacher Expectations: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy in Ghetto Education.” Harvard Educational Review 40, no.3 (August, 1970): 411-451. Steele, Claude. “Race and Schooling of Black Americans”. The Atlantic Monthly (April, 1992): 68-78.

indeqsi wigns orgvari saZiebeli aqvs: saxelTa saZiebeli da avtorTa saZiebeli. saxelTa saZiebel- Si warmodgenilia wignSi ganxiluli yvela sakiTxi. avtorTa saZiebelSi mocemulia wignSi moxseniebuli yvela avtori da naSromi. abreviatura `Sen.~ gverdis cifrebTan aRniSnavs sqolioSi Camotanil SeniSvnas. a abstraqcia aRwera, 19; doneebi, saswavlo gamocdilebaSi, 396 administratori, skolis, 514-515, 523 avTentikuri Sefaseba. ix. Sefaseba avtoriteti, ignorireba, 140-141 azrobrivi xati, Semoqmedeba, 187-188 azrovnebis rukebi, 191 akademiuri swavlis dro, 70, 72 akademiuri unarebis transferi, 223-224, 225 akademiuri CarTulobis dro, 73-75 alternatiuli Sefaseba. ix. Sefaseba analogiebi, gamoyeneba, 255 arastruqturirebuli swavleba (swavlebis odeli), 255-256 araswori aRqma, Tanaziaroba, 183-185 araswori qceva mizezebi da Sedegebi, 109; Sedegebi sicxadis, 112; miwodebis, 113-114, 115-116; araefeqtiani, 116-117; SerCeva, 113-114; aTi mizezi, 107; ix. aseve jiuti moswavleebi araweriTi davalebebi, 346-347 artefaqtebis CanTa (TamaSi), 329-330 asoebiT Sefaseba, 290-291, 292, 460-461 atribuciis Teoria, 287-288, 289, 341 aqtebi Tanaziaroba, 28-29; gafrTxileba, 27-28; Sewyveta, 25-27; Sesatyvisi qcevis waxaliseba, 112-113; Cabma, 28; proceduruli, 400-401; miRweva, 29; ix. aseve unarebi aqtivobebi, saklaso miznis axsna, 197-198; miznebi, 363, 368-370 aqtiuri areebi klasSi, 59 aqtiuri monawileoba (swavlis principi), 225 aqtiuri mosmenis unari, 316-317 aqtiuri moswavlis modeli, 56 saxelTa saZiebeli aRiarebis aqtivobebi, 330, 331 aRqmis arxebi, 232, 233, 405-406 axsnis instrumentebi (swavlis principi), 344 axsnis instrumentebi, repertuari, 187-192 `akademiuri wiTeli perangis gadacma~, 294 b bundovani terminebi, 192, 193 g gacnobis aqtivobebi, 329-330 gagebaze mimarTuli kiTxvebi, 180-181, 182 gadasvla sacobebis Tavidan acileba, 44; kognituri, 205; ideaTa Soris, 204; axal aqtivobaze, 43-44; aqtivobis, tempis an donis cvlilebis Sesaxeb miniSneba, 204 gadafarva, unarebis, 40-41 gakveTilis dagegmva, 43, 370-371. ix. aseve saswavlo gegmis Sedgena gakveTilis dasruleba Sejamebis gareSe (swavlis principi), 235 gameoreba (swavlis principi), 235 gameoreba, 235 gameorebis teqnika, 113 ganmamtkicebeli cxrili, 203 ganmtkiceba (swavlis principi), 227-228 ganmtkicebis Teoria, 127-128 garegani jildo, 228 garegnoba, 315 garemos msgavseba (swavlis principi), 220- 221 garemoSi gamoyeneba (swavlis principi), 224 gasasvlelebi saklaso oTaxSi, 59 gasaSualoebuli Sefaseba, 290-291 gafrTxileba (sxva saqmianobaze gadasvlamde), 43-44 gafrTxilebis formebi, 27-28 gonebrivi warmosaxva, 187-188 grafikuli winmswrebi aqtivobebi, 189-192 ganmamtkicebeli cxrili, 203; miznebis Sesaxeb fiqris saSualeba, 369 `gagebis Semowmeba~, 180, 281-282 `gakveTilebis Semdeg datoveba~, 114 `gamocanebi~ aqtivoba, 332 533

Tavi 20<br />

532<br />

literatura<br />

Gould, Stephen Jay. Mismeasure of Man. New York: W.W. Norton, 1981<br />

Herrnstein, Richard J. and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve. New York: Free Press, 1994.<br />

Howard, Jeff “You Can’t Get There From Here”. Daedalus 24, no. 4 (Fall, 1995): 85-92<br />

_____. “The Social Construction of Intelligence”. Lexington, Mass: Efficacy, Inc., 1993<br />

Jensen, Arthur R. “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” Harvard Education<br />

Review XXXIX (Winter, 1969): 1-123<br />

McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”. Peace and Freedom (July-<br />

August, 1989): 10-12.<br />

Resnick, Laurence. “From Aptitude to Effort: A New Foundation for Our Schools” Daedalus 124,<br />

no. 4 (Fall 1995): 55-62.<br />

Rist, Ray. “Student Social Class and Teacher Expectations: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy in Ghetto<br />

Education.” Harvard Educational Review 40, no.3 (August, 1970): 411-451.<br />

Steele, Claude. “Race and Schooling of Black Americans”. The Atlantic Monthly (April, 1992): 68-78.

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