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sicxade<br />

Eylon, B., and M. C. Linn, "Learning and Instruction: An Examination of Four Research Perspectives in<br />

Science Education." Review of Educational Research 58, no. 3 (Fall 1988).<br />

Fogarty, Robin, and James Bellanca. Patterns for Thinking: Patterns for Transfer. Palatine, 111.: IRI Group,<br />

1987.<br />

Fortune, J. C, N. L. Gage, and R. E. Shute. "The Generality of the Ability to Explain." Paper presented<br />

at the A.E.R.A. Convention, Chicago, 1966.<br />

Friedrich, G. W., K. M. Galvin, and C. L. Book. Growing Together: Classroom Communication. Columbus,<br />

Ohio: Charles Merrill, 1976.<br />

Gage, N. L. "Exploration of Teachers' Effectiveness in Explaining." Tech. Report No. 4. Stanford: Stanford<br />

University Center for Research and Development in Teaching, 1961. ED028 147.<br />

Gagne, R. M. The Essentials of Learning for Instruction. Hinsdale, 111.: Dryden Press, 1974.<br />

Galyean, Beverly-Colleene." Guided Imagery in the Curriculum." Educational Leadership (March<br />

1983): 54-58.<br />

--------. Mind Sight, Learning Through Imaging. Berkeley, Calif.: Zephyr Press,<br />

1988.<br />

Garmston, Robert, and Diane Zimmerman. "Beyond Recipe: Teaching for Taste." California Catalyst<br />

(Spring 1993): 4-8.<br />

Geller, Linda Gibson. "Conversations in Kindergarten." Science and Children (April 1985): 30-32.<br />

Ghatala, Elizabeth S., et al. "Training Cognitive Strategy-Monitoring in Children." American Educational<br />

Research Journal 22, no. 2 (Summer 1985): 199-215.<br />

Goleman, Daniel. " Cues Are Easy to Misinterpret." New York Times, September 17, 1991.<br />

Good, T. H., and J. E. Brophy, Looking in Classrooms. New York: Harper and Row, 1978.<br />

Graham, S. "Teacher Feelings and Student Thoughts: An Attributional Approach to Affect in the Classroom."<br />

Elementary School Journal 85, no. 1): 91-104.<br />

Gregg, Charles I. "Teachers Also Must Learn." Harvard Educational Review 10 (1940): 30-47.<br />

Gregorc, A. "Learning/Teaching Styles: Potent Faces Behind Them." Educational Leadership (January<br />

1979).<br />

Hahn, A. L., and R. Gardner. "Synthesis of Research on Students' Ability to Summarize Text." Educational<br />

Leadership (February 1985): 52-55.<br />

Harris, Paulette, and Kevin Swick. "Improving Teacher Communications." Clearing House 59 (September<br />

1985): 13-15.<br />

Heimlich, Joan E., and Susan D. Pittelman. "Semantic Mapping: Classroom Applications." IRA Service<br />

Bulletin, Reading A ids Series. Newark, Del., 19 86.<br />

Harron, J. Dudley. "Piaget for Chemists." Journal of Chemical Education (1952): 146-150.<br />

Hess, Karin K. Enhancing Writing Through Imagery. New York: Trillium Press, 1987.<br />

Hesse, Joseph. "From Naive to Knowledgeable." Science Teacher (September 1989): 55-58.<br />

Hyerle, David. Designs for Thinking Connectively. Lyme, N.H.: Designs for Thinking, 1990.<br />


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