gamocdili maswavlebeli

gamocdili maswavlebeli gamocdili maswavlebeli


210 maswavlebeli jdeba masTan, rom ramdenime amocana erTad gaakeTon: `me es amocana ase amovxseni; vnaxoT, Senc Tu ase gaakeTe. amocanaSi naTqvamia: `sarecxi saSualebis 10 savse yuTi iwonis 100 girvanqas. calke sarecxi saSualeba iwonis 90 girvanqas. ramdens iwonis TiToeuli yuTi?~ kargi. es aris sarecxi sa- Sualebis gareSe...…ra SeiZleba gamovTvalo aq... mmm... Tu mTlianad iwonis 100 girvanqas da calke sarecxi saSualeba aris 90 girvanqa... mmm... me SemiZlia 100-s gamovaklo 90 da miviRo yuTebis mTliani wona. kargi, es iqneba 10. axla... ras gvekiTxeba amocana? TiToeuli yuTis wonas. kargi, Tu 10 aris yuTebis mTliani wona da aris 10 yuTi... me SemiZlia 10 gavyo 10-ze. miviReb 1-s. ase rom, es aris... erTi yuTi iwonis erT girvanqas~. 13. maswavlebeli mimarTavs klass: `am gakveTilze bevr amocanaze vimuSaveT da sxvadasxva gza viswavleT maT amosaxsnelad. modiT, erTad SevadginoT sia problemis gadaWris yvela im strategiisa, romlebic, Cveni azriT, efeqtiani iyo~. 14. moswavlem SecdomiT amoxsna maTematikis amocana saSinao davalebis furcelze. maswavlebeli masTan erTad muSaobs: `modi, vnaxoT, sad SegeSala. ramdeni kubi daiTvale?~ (`eqvsi~.) `kargi. ramdeni gverdi aqvs yovel kubs?~ (`eqvsi... oh!~) Sen gverdebis ra raodenoba gewera?~ (`sami~.) `ase rom, aq SegeSala. daimaxsovre, kubs eqvsi gverdi aqvs, eqvs kubs ki, eqvsjer eqvsi, anu 36 gverdi eqneba. xedav, sad SegeSala?~ 15. maswavlebeli mimarTavs klass: `gaxsovT, roca Cven davadgineT prezidentebis Sefasebis kriteriumebi, yovelma Tqvenganma erTi prezidenti airCia am kategoriebis mixedviT Sesafaseblad? iciT, dRes msgavsi ramis gakeTebas vapirebT _ davadgenT kanonmdeblobis Sesafasebel kriteriumebs da maTze dayrdnobiT Tqven SeafasebT konkretul kanonproeqts~. 16. algebris saSiano davalebaSi moswavle gamravlebis nacvlad gamudmebiT yofda. gakveTilis dawyebamde maswavlebelma moswavlesTan erTad gadaxeda samuSaos, Tumca Canda, rom moswavle ukve mixvda Tavis Secdomas. miuxedavad imisa, rom is gakveTili algebris sxva koncefciaze unda agebuliyo, maswavlebelma orjer gamoiZaxa es moswavle, roca saqme gamravlebas exeboda. Semdeg or punqtSi warmodgenilia sicxadis TvalsazrisiT SecdomaTa magaliTe- bi: 17. maswavlebeli mimarTavs klass: `wasakiTxad gaZlevT igav-araks da masTan dakavSirebiT samuSaos. raRac gamotovebulia igav-arakSi; Tqveni azriT, ra aris gamotovebuli?~ (`dialogi?~) `ara. igav-arakis raRac elementi, romelic yovelTvis aris masSi~. (`garemo?~) `ara~. (`siuJeti?~) `ara~. (`morali?~) `mar- Talia. Tqven mogiwevT moralis Camoyalibeba~. 18. maswavlebeli mimarTavs klass: `minda vnaxo, marTla gesmiT Tu ara fotosin- Tezi. ra ewodeba mcenaris nivTierebas, rac mas mwvane fers aZlevs?~ (`qlorofili~.) `kargi. ras niSnavs prefiqsi `foto~?~ (`sinaTles~.) `kargia. ra sWirdeba mcenares gasazrdelad?~ (`naxSirorJangi~.) `araCveulebrivia! Tqven namdvilad gesmiT. modi gavagrZeloT~

literatura: sicxade Abel, R. Robert, and Raymond W. Kulhavy. "Maps, Mode of Text Presentation and Children's Prose Learning." American Educational Research Journal 23, no. 2 (Summer 1986): 263-274. Anderson, L. M., C. M. Evertson, and J. E. Brophy. "An Examination of Classroom Context: Effects of Lesson Format and Teacher Training on Patterns of Teacher Student Contacts during Smallgroup Instruction." Journal of Classroom Interaction 15, no. 2 (Summer 1980): 21-26. Anderson, Linda M. et al. "Classroom Task Environments and Students' Task-related Beliefs." Elementary School Journal 88, no. 3 (1988): 281-295. Anderson, Valerie, and Suzanne Hidi. "Teaching Students to Summarize." Educational Leadership (December 1988/January 1989): 26-28. Armbruster, Bonnie, Thomas H. Anderson, and Joyce Ostertag. "Teaching Text Structure to Improve Reading and Writing." Reading Teacher (November 1989): 130-137. Ault, Charles R. Jr. "Intelligently Wrong. Some Comments on Children's Misconceptions." Science and Children (May 1984): 22-24. Ausubel, D. P. Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968. Bagley, Michael T., and Karin Hess. 200 Ways of Using Imagery in the Classroom. Monroe, N.Y.: Trillium Press, 1987. Barell, John. '"You Ask the Wrong Questions!"' Educational Leadership (May 1985): 18-23. Baroody, Arthur, and Herbert Ginsburg. "The Effects of Instruction on Children's Understanding of the 'Equals' Sign." Elementary School Journal 84, no. 2 (November 1983): 199-212. Belgard, M., B. Rosenshine, and N. L. Gage. "The Teacher's Effectiveness in Explaining: Evidence on Its Generality and Correlation with Pupils Ratings and Attention Score." In Research into Classroom Processes. Edited by A. Bellack. New York: Teachers College Press, 1971: 182-191. Bennett, Neville, and Charles Desforges. "Matching Classroom Tasks to Students' Attainments." Elementary School Journal 88, no. 3 (January 1988): 221-234. Black, H., and S. Black. Organizing Thinking, Book II. Graphic Organizers. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Midwest Publications, 1990. Bragstad, Bernice Jensen, and Sharyn M. Stumpf, "How a Map Is Born." In A Guidebook for Teaching Study Skills and Motivation. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1982. Brophy, Jere E. "How Teachers Influence What Is Taught and Learned in Classrooms." Elementary School Journal 83, no. 1 (1982): 1-13. Brophy, Jere. "Teacher Effects Research and Teacher Quality." Journal of Classroom Interaction 22, no. 1 (December 1986/January 1987): 14-23. Brophy, J. "Teacher Praise: A Functional Analysis." Review of Educational Research 51, no. 1 (Spring 1981): 5-32. Bulgrenjanis. "Teaching Concepts: Concept Diagramming and the Concept of Teaching Routine." Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, August 1991. 211

literatura:<br />

sicxade<br />

Abel, R. Robert, and Raymond W. Kulhavy. "Maps, Mode of Text Presentation and Children's Prose<br />

Learning." American Educational Research Journal 23, no. 2 (Summer 1986): 263-274.<br />

Anderson, L. M., C. M. Evertson, and J. E. Brophy. "An Examination of Classroom Context: Effects of<br />

Lesson Format and Teacher Training on Patterns of Teacher Student Contacts during Smallgroup<br />

Instruction." Journal of Classroom Interaction 15, no. 2 (Summer 1980): 21-26.<br />

Anderson, Linda M. et al. "Classroom Task Environments and Students' Task-related Beliefs." Elementary<br />

School Journal 88, no. 3 (1988): 281-295.<br />

Anderson, Valerie, and Suzanne Hidi. "Teaching Students to Summarize." Educational Leadership (December<br />

1988/January 1989): 26-28.<br />

Armbruster, Bonnie, Thomas H. Anderson, and Joyce Ostertag. "Teaching Text Structure to Improve<br />

Reading and Writing." Reading Teacher (November 1989): 130-137.<br />

Ault, Charles R. Jr. "Intelligently Wrong. Some Comments on Children's Misconceptions." Science and<br />

Children (May 1984): 22-24.<br />

Ausubel, D. P. Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968.<br />

Bagley, Michael T., and Karin Hess. 200 Ways of Using Imagery in the Classroom. Monroe, N.Y.: Trillium<br />

Press, 1987.<br />

Barell, John. '"You Ask the Wrong Questions!"' Educational Leadership (May 1985): 18-23.<br />

Baroody, Arthur, and Herbert Ginsburg. "The Effects of Instruction on Children's Understanding of<br />

the 'Equals' Sign." Elementary School Journal 84, no. 2 (November 1983): 199-212.<br />

Belgard, M., B. Rosenshine, and N. L. Gage. "The Teacher's Effectiveness in Explaining: Evidence on Its<br />

Generality and Correlation with Pupils Ratings and Attention Score." In Research into Classroom<br />

Processes. Edited by A. Bellack. New York: Teachers College Press, 1971: 182-191.<br />

Bennett, Neville, and Charles Desforges. "Matching Classroom Tasks to Students' Attainments." Elementary<br />

School Journal 88, no. 3 (January 1988): 221-234.<br />

Black, H., and S. Black. Organizing Thinking, Book II. Graphic Organizers. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Midwest<br />

Publications, 1990.<br />

Bragstad, Bernice Jensen, and Sharyn M. Stumpf, "How a Map Is Born." In A Guidebook for Teaching<br />

Study Skills and Motivation. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1982.<br />

Brophy, Jere E. "How Teachers Influence What Is Taught and Learned in Classrooms." Elementary<br />

School Journal 83, no. 1 (1982): 1-13.<br />

Brophy, Jere. "Teacher Effects Research and Teacher Quality." Journal of Classroom Interaction 22, no.<br />

1 (December 1986/January 1987): 14-23.<br />

Brophy, J. "Teacher Praise: A Functional Analysis." Review of Educational Research 51, no. 1 (Spring 1981):<br />

5-32.<br />

Bulgrenjanis. "Teaching Concepts: Concept Diagramming and the Concept of Teaching Routine." Institute<br />

for Research in Learning Disabilities, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, August 1991.<br />


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