nuovo manuale internazionale di notazione musicale braille

nuovo manuale internazionale di notazione musicale braille

nuovo manuale internazionale di notazione musicale braille


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Simboli Nazionali <strong>di</strong> 15 Paesi 136<br />

Fonti bibliografiche<br />

Fonti musicali<br />

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. E<strong>di</strong>to da Stanley Sa<strong>di</strong>e, London: Macmillan<br />

Press Limited, 1980.<br />

Apel, Willi. Harvard Dictionary of Music. Second E<strong>di</strong>tion, Cambridge, Massachussets: The<br />

Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1972.<br />

Appunti <strong>di</strong> incontri e gruppi <strong>di</strong> lavoro<br />

Braille Music Conference, 1992, Saanen Switzerland. Zürich: Braille Press Zürich, 1992.<br />

“Working Group Meeting on Braille Notation for the Accor<strong>di</strong>on”. Fredericia, Denmark, 1990.<br />

“Workshop on Organ Music and Music Theory”. Eastbourne, United Kingdom 1989.<br />

“Workshop Studying Specific Sign Notation for the Guitar”. Madrid, 1988.<br />

BRAMCE, Braille Music Conference, 1987. Marburg/Lahn: Deutsche Blindenstu<strong>di</strong>enanstalt e.<br />

V., Marburg/Lahn, 1991.<br />

“International Conference on Unification of Braille Music Notation and Publication of Music<br />

Literature for the Blind, 1982, Moscow”. Testi della conferenza raccolti da Gleb A. Smirnov,<br />

Mosca, 1982.<br />

Fonti delle illustrazioni a stampa in nero<br />

Associazione Valentin Haüy. Notation <strong>musicale</strong> Braille. Conforme alle decisioni del Congresso<br />

Internazionale convocato da American Braille Press, Inc. a Parigi, Aprile 1929. Parigi:<br />

American Braille Press, Inc.<br />

DeGarmo, Mary Turner. Introduction to Braille Music Transcription. Washington: Library of<br />

Congress, 1970.<br />

Kerkhof, F. and Slegers, A. het Braille Muziekschrift. Nijmegen: Instituut “Henricus” voor Visueel<br />

Gehan<strong>di</strong>capten, 1979.<br />

Nielsen, O. Kjær. Den Brailleske Nodeskrift. Dansk Revision, 1976. Kopenhagen: Statens bibliotek<br />

og trykkeri for blinde, 1978.<br />

Smirnov, Gleb A., Zappsy Not Po Sisteme Brailia. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1988.<br />

Spanner, H. V., comp. Revised International Manual of Braille Music Notation, 1956. Louisville,<br />

Kentucky: American Printing House for the Blind, 1961.

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