Greek New Testament.pdf

Greek New Testament.pdf Greek New Testament.pdf
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The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 4 Original Greek Text (Nestle) 2nd Corinthians 3 Return to Index Original Greek Text (Nestle) The Book of 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 1 dia touto econtev thn diakonian tauthn kaywv hlehyhmen ouk ekkakoumen 2 all apeipameya ta krupta thv aiscunhv mh peripatountev en panourgia mhde dolountev ton logon tou yeou alla th fanerwsei thv alhyeiav sunistwntev eautouv prov pasan suneidhsin anyrwpwn enwpion tou yeou 3 ei de kai estin kekalummenon to euaggelion hmwn en toiv apollumenoiv estin kekalummenon 4 en oiv o yeov tou aiwnov toutou etuflwsen ta nohmata twn apistwn eiv to mh augasai autoiv ton fwtismon tou euaggeliou thv doxhv tou cristou ov estin eikwn tou yeou 5 ou gar eautouv khrussomen alla criston ihsoun kurion eautouv de doulouv umwn dia ihsoun (1 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:24:11 p.m.]

The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 4 Original Greek Text (Nestle) 6 oti o yeov o eipwn ek skotouv fwv lamqai ov elamqen en taiv kardiaiv hmwn prov fwtismon thv gnwsewv thv doxhv tou yeou en proswpw ihsou cristou 7 ecomen de ton yhsauron touton en ostrakinoiv skeuesin ina h uperbolh thv dunamewv h tou yeou kai mh ex hmwn 8 en panti ylibomenoi all ou stenocwroumenoi aporoumenoi all ouk exaporoumenoi 9 diwkomenoi all ouk egkataleipomenoi kataballomenoi all ouk apollumenoi 10 pantote thn nekrwsin tou kuriou ihsou en tw swmati periferontev ina kai h zwh tou ihsou en tw swmati hmwn fanerwyh 11 aei gar hmeiv oi zwntev eiv yanaton paradidomeya dia ihsoun ina kai h zwh tou ihsou fanerwyh en th ynhth sarki hmwn 12wste o men yanatov en hmin energeitai h de zwh en umin 13 econtev de to auto pneuma thv pistewv kata to gegrammenon episteusa dio elalhsa kai hmeiv pisteuomen dio kai laloumen (2 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:24:11 p.m.]

The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 4 Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

2nd Corinthians 3<br />

Return to Index<br />

Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

The Book of 2nd Corinthians<br />

Chapter 4<br />

1 dia touto econtev thn diakonian tauthn kaywv<br />

hlehyhmen ouk ekkakoumen<br />

2 all apeipameya ta krupta thv aiscunhv mh<br />

peripatountev en panourgia mhde dolountev ton<br />

logon tou yeou alla th fanerwsei thv alhyeiav<br />

sunistwntev eautouv prov pasan suneidhsin<br />

anyrwpwn enwpion tou yeou<br />

3 ei de kai estin kekalummenon to euaggelion hmwn en<br />

toiv apollumenoiv estin kekalummenon<br />

4 en oiv o yeov tou aiwnov toutou etuflwsen ta<br />

nohmata twn apistwn eiv to mh augasai autoiv ton<br />

fwtismon tou euaggeliou thv doxhv tou cristou ov<br />

estin eikwn tou yeou<br />

5 ou gar eautouv khrussomen alla criston ihsoun<br />

kurion eautouv de doulouv umwn dia ihsoun<br /> (1 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:24:11 p.m.]

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