Greek New Testament.pdf

Greek New Testament.pdf Greek New Testament.pdf
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The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 3 Original Greek Text (Nestle) 2nd Corinthians 2 Return to Index Original Greek Text (Nestle) The Book of 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3 1 arcomeya palin eautouv sunistanein ei mh crhzomen wv tinev sustatikwn epistolwn prov umav h ex umwn sustatikwn 2 h epistolh hmwn umeiv este eggegrammenh en taiv kardiaiv hmwn ginwskomenh kai anaginwskomenh upo pantwn anyrwpwn 3 faneroumenoi oti este epistolh cristou diakonhyeisa uf hmwn eggegrammenh ou melani alla pneumati yeou zwntov ouk en plaxin liyinaiv all en plaxin kardiav sarkinaiv 4 pepoiyhsin de toiauthn ecomen dia tou cristou prov ton yeon 5 ouc oti ikanoi esmen af eautwn logisasyai ti wv ex eautwn all h ikanothv hmwn ek tou yeou (1 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:23:56 p.m.]

The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 3 Original Greek Text (Nestle) 6 ov kai ikanwsen hmav diakonouv kainhv diayhkhv ou grammatov alla pneumatov to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zwopoiei 7 ei de h diakonia tou yanatou en grammasin entetupwmenh en liyoiv egenhyh en doxh wste mh dunasyai atenisai touv uiouv israhl eiv to proswpon mwsewv dia thn doxan tou proswpou autou thn katargoumenhn 8 pwv ouci mallon h diakonia tou pneumatov estai en doxh 9 ei gar h diakonia thv katakrisewv doxa pollw mallon perisseuei h diakonia thv dikaiosunhv en doxh 10 kai gar oude dedoxastai to dedoxasmenon en toutw tw merei eneken thv uperballoushv doxhv 11ei gar to katargoumenon dia doxhv pollw mallon to menon en doxh 12econtev oun toiauthn elpida pollh parrhsia crwmeya 13 kai ou kayaper mwshv etiyei kalumma epi to proswpon eautou prov to mh atenisai touv uiouv israhl eiv to telov tou katargoumenou (2 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:23:56 p.m.]

The Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 3 Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

6 ov kai ikanwsen hmav diakonouv kainhv diayhkhv<br />

ou grammatov alla pneumatov to gar gramma<br />

apokteinei to de pneuma zwopoiei<br />

7 ei de h diakonia tou yanatou en grammasin<br />

entetupwmenh en liyoiv egenhyh en doxh wste mh<br />

dunasyai atenisai touv uiouv israhl eiv to<br />

proswpon mwsewv dia thn doxan tou proswpou<br />

autou thn katargoumenhn<br />

8 pwv ouci mallon h diakonia tou pneumatov estai en<br />

doxh<br />

9 ei gar h diakonia thv katakrisewv doxa pollw<br />

mallon perisseuei h diakonia thv dikaiosunhv en<br />

doxh<br />

10 kai gar oude dedoxastai to dedoxasmenon en toutw<br />

tw merei eneken thv uperballoushv doxhv<br />

11ei gar to katargoumenon dia doxhv pollw mallon to<br />

menon en doxh<br />

12econtev oun toiauthn elpida pollh parrhsia<br />

crwmeya<br />

13 kai ou kayaper mwshv etiyei kalumma epi to<br />

proswpon eautou prov to mh atenisai touv uiouv<br />

israhl eiv to telov tou katargoumenou<br /> (2 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:23:56 p.m.]

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