Greek New Testament.pdf

Greek New Testament.pdf

Greek New Testament.pdf


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The Book of Romans, Chapter 7 Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

22sunhdomai gar tw nomw tou yeou kata ton esw<br />

anyrwpon<br />

23 blepw de eteron nomon en toiv melesin mou<br />

antistrateuomenon tw nomw tou noov mou kai<br />

aicmalwtizonta me tw nomw thv amartiav tw onti en<br />

toiv melesin mou<br />

24 talaipwrov egw anyrwpov tiv me rusetai ek tou<br />

swmatov tou yanatou toutou<br />

25 eucaristw tw yew dia ihsou cristou tou kuriou<br />

hmwn ara oun autov egw tw men noi douleuw nomw<br />

yeou th de sarki nomw amartiav<br />

Romans 8<br />

Public Domain Software by www.johnhurt.com<br /> (4 of 4) [15/08/2003 10:15:00 p.m.]

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