Greek New Testament.pdf

Greek New Testament.pdf Greek New Testament.pdf
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The Book of John, Chapter 20 Original Greek Text (Nestle) John 19 Return to Index Original Greek Text (Nestle) The Book of John Chapter 20 1 th de mia twn sabbatwn maria h magdalhnh ercetai prwi skotiav eti oushv eiv to mnhmeion kai blepei ton liyon hrmenon ek tou mnhmeiou 2 trecei oun kai ercetai prov simwna petron kai prov ton allon mayhthn on efilei o ihsouv kai legei autoiv hran ton kurion ek tou mnhmeiou kai ouk oidamen pou eyhkan auton 3 exhlyen oun o petrov kai o allov mayhthv kai hrconto eiv to mnhmeion 4 etrecon de oi duo omou kai o allov mayhthv proedramen tacion tou petrou kai hlyen prwtov eiv to mnhmeion 5 kai parakuqav blepei keimena ta oyonia ou mentoi eishlyen (1 of 5) [15/08/2003 10:08:28 p.m.]

The Book of John, Chapter 20 Original Greek Text (Nestle) 6 ercetai oun simwn petrov akolouywn autw kai eishlyen eiv to mnhmeion kai yewrei ta oyonia keimena 7 kai to soudarion o hn epi thv kefalhv autou ou meta twn oyoniwn keimenon alla cwriv entetuligmenon eiv ena topon 8 tote oun eishlyen kai o allov mayhthv o elywn prwtov eiv to mnhmeion kai eiden kai episteusen 9 oudepw gar hdeisan thn grafhn oti dei auton ek nekrwn anasthnai 10 aphlyon oun palin prov eautouv oi mayhtai 11 maria de eisthkei prov to mnhmeion klaiousa exw wv oun eklaien parekuqen eiv to mnhmeion 12 kai yewrei duo aggelouv en leukoiv kayezomenouv ena prov th kefalh kai ena prov toiv posin opou ekeito to swma tou ihsou 13 kai legousin auth ekeinoi gunai ti klaieiv legei autoiv oti hran ton kurion mou kai ouk oida pou eyhkan auton 14 kai tauta eipousa estrafh eiv ta opisw kai yewrei ton ihsoun estwta kai ouk hdei oti o ihsouv estin (2 of 5) [15/08/2003 10:08:28 p.m.]

The Book of John, Chapter 20 Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

John 19<br />

Return to Index<br />

Original <strong>Greek</strong> Text (Nestle)<br />

The Book of John<br />

Chapter 20<br />

1 th de mia twn sabbatwn maria h magdalhnh ercetai<br />

prwi skotiav eti oushv eiv to mnhmeion kai blepei<br />

ton liyon hrmenon ek tou mnhmeiou<br />

2 trecei oun kai ercetai prov simwna petron kai prov<br />

ton allon mayhthn on efilei o ihsouv kai legei<br />

autoiv hran ton kurion ek tou mnhmeiou kai ouk<br />

oidamen pou eyhkan auton<br />

3 exhlyen oun o petrov kai o allov mayhthv kai<br />

hrconto eiv to mnhmeion<br />

4 etrecon de oi duo omou kai o allov mayhthv<br />

proedramen tacion tou petrou kai hlyen prwtov eiv<br />

to mnhmeion<br />

5 kai parakuqav blepei keimena ta oyonia ou mentoi<br />

eishlyen<br /> (1 of 5) [15/08/2003 10:08:28 p.m.]

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