Order form - Messe Stuttgart

Order form - Messe Stuttgart

Order form - Messe Stuttgart


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Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

A Basicdata<br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Your company data<br />

An order can only be placed if you tick the items on the following pages.<br />

To be entered alphabetically under<br />

□ We are main-exhibitor<br />

□ We are co-exhibitor<br />

□ We are a represented company at the booth of<br />

▶<br />

Company name<br />

▶<br />

Street<br />

▶ ▶ ▶<br />

Postcode City Country<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Phone Fax<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Email Website<br />

Contact person for query<br />

▶ ▶ ▶<br />

Madame/Sir Phone Email<br />

A. Sutter<br />

Fair Business GmbH<br />

HRB Essen 7588<br />

Steuer-Nr.: 11157 270033<br />

Ust-IdNr.: DE 811 116 027<br />

Executive Board<br />

Martin Sutter<br />

Günther Dilly<br />

Address<br />

Bottroper Straße 20<br />

45141 Essen<br />

Germany<br />

Kommunikation<br />

Tel. +49 (201) 52353-310<br />

Fax +49 (201) 52353-2310<br />

intergastra@sutter.de<br />

www.fair-business.de<br />

Banking<br />

National-Bank AG Essen<br />

(BLZ 360 200 30)<br />

Konto-Nummer: 216119<br />

IBAN: DE56 36020030 0000216119<br />


Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

B <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Alphabetical list of exhibitors<br />

□ Basic entry part of the exhibition media<br />

– this includes: company name, street, postal code, city, country<br />

□ Obligatory entry for represented companies part of the exhibition media<br />

– this includes: company name<br />

□ Communication data € 110.–<br />

– this includes: phone, fax number, email- and internetaddress<br />

□ Company logo crossmedia € 130.–<br />

□ Please use logo of 2010<br />

□ We will send the logo by email to: logo@sutter.de<br />

□ QR-Code logo incl. shortURL € 130.–<br />

□ Additonal text of 120 characters € 70.–<br />

Please send the text by email to: gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

List of trademarks<br />

□ Entry in the list of trademarks each € 250.–<br />

– this includes: your trademark as well as your complete company data<br />

Your trademark(s):<br />

NEW<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

C <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Hall plan / Visitors Guide / Interactive hall plan<br />

□ Your company logo in the hall plan, the separate Visitors Guide € 190.–<br />

as well as in the interactive hall plan in the online catalogue<br />

□ 1/1-page advertisement in the Visitors Guide € 1,950.–<br />

Advertisements and special pages<br />

□ 1/1-page advertisement € 950.–<br />

□ 1/2-page advertisement € 600.–<br />

□ Please send us your offer regarding special pages, supplements and bookmarks<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

D1 <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

List of products<br />

Short listing under one product group part of the exhibition media<br />

Each additional short listing under one product group each € 40.–<br />

Addition of address + communication data under one product group to our short listing each € 90.–<br />

Company logo under one product group* each € 75.–<br />

Top of the list position – crossmedia* each € 150.–<br />

* only possible in association with an ordered short listing<br />

Entry Please cross as appropiate!<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />


1.1 Basi per gelato<br />

□ G1.1.1, □ F1.1.1, □ K1.1.1; □ T1.1.1; 1.1.1 Additivi per gelato<br />

□ G1.1.2, □ F1.1.2, □ K1.1.2; □ T1.1.2; 1.1.2 Aromi<br />

1.2 Materie prime per gelato<br />

□ G1.2.1, □ F1.2.1, □ K1.2.1; □ T1.2.1; 1.2.1 Frutta (frutta secca, frutta fresca,<br />

succhi di frutta)<br />

□ G1.2.2, □ F1.2.2, □ K1.2.2; □ T1.2.2; 1.2.2 Preparati a base di nocciola e<br />

cioccolato<br />

□ G1.2.3, □ F1.2.3, □ K1.2.3; □ T1.2.3; 1.2.3 Materie semilavorati Prodotti<br />

semilavorati<br />

□ G1.2.4, □ F1.2.4, □ K1.2.4; □ T1.2.4; 1.2.4 Toppings<br />

1.3 Additivi<br />

□ G1.3.1, □ F1.3.1, □ K1.3.1; □ T1.3.1; 1.3.1 Sciroppo<br />

□ G1.3.2, □ F1.3.2, □ K1.3.2; □ T1.3.2; 1.3.2 Salse<br />

□ G1.3.3, □ F1.3.3, □ K1.3.3; □ T1.3.3; 1.3.3 Liquori<br />

NEW<br />


2.1 Refrigerazione e tecniche<br />

frigorifere Tecniche di raffreddamento<br />

e refrigerazione<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />

□ G2.1.1, □ F2.1.1, □ K2.1.1; □ T2.1.1; 2.1.1 Mobili frigorigeni Mobili - armadi<br />

frigoriferi<br />

□ G2.1.2, □ F2.1.2, □ K2.1.2; □ T2.1.2; 2.1.2 Vetrine frigorifere / banchi<br />

□ G2.1.3, □ F2.1.3, □ K2.1.3; □ T2.1.3; 2.1.3 Impianti di condizionamento<br />

□ G2.1.4, □ F2.1.4, □ K2.1.4; □ T2.1.4; 2.1.4 Elementi frigoriferi<br />

□ G2.1.5, □ F2.1.5, □ K2.1.5; □ T2.1.5; 2.1.5 Tavoli frigoriferi<br />

2.2 Mezzi aziendali per la preparazione<br />

del gelato Attrezzature per la<br />

preparazione del gelato<br />

□ G2.2.1, □ F2.2.1, □ K2.2.1; □ T2.2.1; 2.2.1 Macchine per gelato<br />

□ G2.2.2, □ F2.2.2, □ K2.2.2; □ T2.2.2; 2.2.2 Distributori automatici di panna<br />

Macchine per la produzione della<br />

panna<br />

□ G2.2.3, □ F2.2.3, □ K2.2.3; □ T2.2.3; 2.2.3 Distributori automatici di frutta<br />

Macchine per la lavorazione della<br />

frutta<br />

□ G2.2.4, □ F2.2.4, □ K2.2.4; □ T2.2.4; 2.2.4 Gelatiere mobili<br />

□ G2.2.5, □ F2.2.5, □ K2.2.5; □ T2.2.5; 2.2.5 Distributori automatici di gelato<br />

Macchine per gelato<br />

□ G2.2.6, □ F2.2.6, □ K2.2.6; □ T2.2.6; 2.2.6 Accessori per la produzione di gelato<br />

2.3 Preparazione<br />

□ G2.3.1, □ F2.3.1, □ K2.3.1; □ T2.3.1; 2.3.1 Piani di lavoro<br />

□ G2.3.2, □ F2.3.2, □ K2.3.2; □ T2.3.2; 2.3.2 Agitatori meccanici<br />

□ G2.3.3, □ F2.3.3, □ K2.3.3; □ T2.3.3; 2.3.3 Attrezzatura per la preparazione<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

D2 <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Entry Please cross as appropiate!<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />

□ G2.3.4, □ F2.3.4, □ K2.3.4; □ T2.3.4; 2.3.4 Forme scultoree di gelato<br />

□ G2.3.5, □ F2.3.5, □ K2.3.5; □ T2.3.5; 2.3.5 Materiali in acciaio e articoli da taglio<br />

2.4 Pulizia, ingegneria ambientale, igiene<br />

aziendale<br />

□ G2.4.1, □ F2.4.1, □ K2.4.1; □ T2.4.1; 2.4.1 Pulitrici per pavimento, spazzatrici,<br />

aspirapolveri<br />

□ G2.4.2, □ F2.4.2, □ K2.4.2; □ T2.4.2; 2.4.2 Pulitori a vapore, pulitori ad alta<br />

pressione<br />

□ G2.4.3, □ F2.4.3, □ K2.4.3; □ T2.4.3; 2.4.3 Prodotti disinfettanti<br />

□ G2.4.4, □ F2.4.4, □ K2.4.4; □ T2.4.4; 2.4.4 Asciugamani automatici<br />

□ G2.4.5, □ F2.4.5, □ K2.4.5; □ T2.4.5; 2.4.5 Dispensatori di asciugamani<br />

□ G2.4.6, □ F2.4.6, □ K2.4.6; □ T2.4.6; 2.4.6 Protezioni contro gli insetti,<br />

disinfestazione<br />

□ G2.4.7, □ F2.4.7, □ K2.4.7; □ T2.4.7; 2.4.7 Depuratori d‘aria, impianti di<br />

sterilizzazione<br />

□ G2.4.8, □ F2.4.8, □ K2.4.8; □ T2.4.8; 2.4.8 Detersivi, prodotti per la cura<br />

Detersivi, prodotto per l‘igiene<br />

□ G2.4.9, □ F2.4.9, □ K2.4.9; □ T2.4.9; 2.4.9 Attrezzi e macchine per la pulizia<br />

Attrezzature<br />

□ G2.4.10, □ F2.4.10, □ K2.4.10; □ T2.4.10; 2.4.10 Tappetini acchiappapolvere Zerbini<br />

acchiappapolvere/antisporco<br />

□ G2.4.11, □ F2.4.11, □ K2.4.11; □ T2.4.11; 2.4.11 Tecniche ambientali<br />

2.5 Tecniche di lavaggio e lucidatura<br />

□ G2.5.1, □ F2.5.1, □ K2.5.1; □ T2.5.1; 2.5.1 Lavaposate<br />

□ G2.5.2, □ F2.5.2, □ K2.5.2; □ T2.5.2; 2.5.2 Lavabicchieri<br />

□ G2.5.3, □ F2.5.3, □ K2.5.3; □ T2.5.3; 2.5.3 Lavastoviglie<br />

□ G2.5.4, □ F2.5.4, □ K2.5.4; □ T2.5.4; 2.5.4 Dispositivi di lavaggio<br />

□ G2.5.5, □ F2.5.5, □ K2.5.5; □ T2.5.5; 2.5.5 Lavastoviglie mobili<br />

□ G2.5.6, □ F2.5.6, □ K2.5.6; □ T2.5.6; 2.5.6 Piani di lavaggio<br />

□ G2.5.7, □ F2.5.7, □ K2.5.7; □ T2.5.7; 2.5.7 Macchine per la lucidatura delle<br />

posate<br />

2.6 Stoccaggio e confezionamento<br />

□ G2.6.1, □ F2.6.1, □ K2.6.1; □ T2.6.1; 2.6.1 Impianti di stoccaggio, trasporto e<br />

dosatura delle materie prime<br />

□ G2.6.2, □ F2.6.2, □ K2.6.2; □ T2.6.2; 2.6.2 Tecniche di confezionamento<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />

□ G2.6.3, □ F2.6.3, □ K2.6.3; □ T2.6.3; 2.6.3 Macchine per il confezionamento<br />

□ G2.6.4, □ F2.6.4, □ K2.6.4; □ T2.6.4; 2.6.4 Confezioni in materiale isolante<br />

□ G2.6.5, □ F2.6.5, □ K2.6.5; □ T2.6.5; 2.6.5 Confezioni per il gelato da asporto<br />

□ G2.6.6, □ F2.6.6, □ K2.6.6; □ T2.6.6; 2.6.6 Altre confezioni e accessori<br />


3.1 Arredamenti per gelateria<br />

□ G3.1.1, □ F3.1.1, □ K3.1.1; □ T3.1.1; 3.1.1 Sedie per esterno, tavoli<br />

□ G3.1.2, □ F3.1.2, □ K3.1.2; □ T3.1.2; 3.1.2 Sedie per interno, tavoli<br />

□ G3.1.3, □ F3.1.3, □ K3.1.3; □ T3.1.3; 3.1.3 Accessori per angoli da gioco per<br />

bambini (aree gioco)<br />

□ G3.1.4, □ F3.1.4, □ K3.1.4; □ T3.1.4; 3.1.4 Arredamenti completi<br />

3.2 Tecniche di illuminazione<br />

□ G3.2.1, □ F3.2.1, □ K3.2.1; □ T3.2.1; 3.2.1 Illuminazione interna<br />

□ G3.2.2, □ F3.2.2, □ K3.2.2; □ T3.2.2; 3.2.2 Illuminazione esterna<br />

□ G3.2.3, □ F3.2.3, □ K3.2.3; □ T3.2.3; 3.2.3 Illuminazione per banchi da negozio<br />


4.1 Equipaggiamenti di base<br />

□ G4.1.1, □ F4.1.1, □ K4.1.1; □ T4.1.1; 4.1.1 Carte Menu per gelato e ristorazione<br />

□ G4.1.2, □ F4.1.2, □ K4.1.2; □ T4.1.2; 4.1.2 Bicchieri e cucchiai per gelato Bicchieri<br />

e cucchiai monouso per gelato<br />

□ G4.1.3, □ F4.1.3, □ K4.1.3; □ T4.1.3; 4.1.3 Wafer per gelato<br />

□ G4.1.4, □ F4.1.4, □ K4.1.4; □ T4.1.4; 4.1.4 Salviette Tovaglioli<br />

□ G4.1.5, □ F4.1.5, □ K4.1.5; □ T4.1.5; 4.1.5 Stoviglie<br />

□ G4.1.6, □ F4.1.6, □ K4.1.6; □ T4.1.6; 4.1.6 Accessori per coppe da gelato<br />

□ G4.1.7, □ F4.1.7, □ K4.1.7; □ T4.1.7; 4.1.7 Decorazioni per biancheria da tavola<br />

4.2 Presentazione di prodotti e<br />

decorazioni<br />

□ G4.2.1, □ F4.2.1, □ K4.2.1; □ T4.2.1; 4.2.1 Articoli da decorazione<br />

□ G4.2.2, □ F4.2.2, □ K4.2.2; □ T4.2.2; 4.2.2 Accessori e articoli per il<br />

confezionamento di prodotti dolciari<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

D3 <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Entry Please cross as appropiate!<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />

□ G4.2.3, □ F4.2.3, □ K4.2.3; □ T4.2.3; 4.2.3 Altri accessori<br />

□ G4.2.4, □ F4.2.4, □ K4.2.4; □ T4.2.4; 4.2.4 Bomboniere, arte ceramica, vasellame<br />

di stagno duro e articoli d‘argento<br />

articoli in ceramica/ceramiche<br />

□ G4.2.5, □ F4.2.5, □ K4.2.5; □ T4.2.5; 4.2.5 Vasi di legno e vassoi Vaschette e<br />

vassoi<br />

□ G4.2.6, □ F4.2.6, □ K4.2.6; □ T4.2.6; 4.2.6 Cartelli pubblicitari Insegne<br />

pubblicitarie<br />

□ G4.2.7, □ F4.2.7, □ K4.2.7; □ T4.2.7; 4.2.7 Confezioni regalo<br />

4.3 Confezionamento e decorazione<br />

□ G4.3.1, □ F4.3.1, □ K4.3.1; □ T4.3.1; 4.3.1 Articoli da regalo<br />

□ G4.3.2, □ F4.3.2, □ K4.3.2; □ T4.3.2; 4.3.2 Sacchetti e borse vari<br />

□ G4.3.3, □ F4.3.3, □ K4.3.3; □ T4.3.3; 4.3.3 Confezioni da regalo<br />

□ G4.3.4, □ F4.3.4, □ K4.3.4; □ T4.3.4; 4.3.4 Confezioni in materiale isolante<br />

Confezioni monouso<br />

□ G4.3.5, □ F4.3.5, □ K4.3.5; □ T4.3.5; 4.3.5 Confezioni per il gelato da asporto<br />



5.1 Sistemi di cassa e di pagamento<br />

□ G5.1.1, □ F5.1.1, □ K5.1.1; □ T5.1.1; 5.1.1 Smartcard / rotoli scontini per casse<br />

registratori di cassa<br />

□ G5.1.2, □ F5.1.2, □ K5.1.2; □ T5.1.2; 5.1.2 Sistemi di cassa Registratori di cassa<br />

□ G5.1.3, □ F5.1.3, □ K5.1.3; □ T5.1.3; 5.1.3 Sistemi contabili<br />

□ G5.1.4, □ F5.1.4, □ K5.1.4; □ T5.1.4; 5.1.4 Sistemi di sorveglianza cassa<br />

□ G5.1.5, □ F5.1.5, □ K5.1.5; □ T5.1.5; 5.1.5 Sistemi contasoldi, trasporto di denaro<br />

5.2 Raccolta dati & software<br />

□ G5.2.1, □ F5.2.1, □ K5.2.1; □ T5.2.1; 5.2.1 Raccolta dati<br />

□ G5.2.2, □ F5.2.2, □ K5.2.2; □ T5.2.2; 5.2.2 Sistemi di tutela dei dati<br />

□ G5.2.3, □ F5.2.3, □ K5.2.3; □ T5.2.3; 5.2.3 Sistemi di controllo<br />

□ G5.2.4, □ F5.2.4, □ K5.2.4; □ T5.2.4; 5.2.4 Contabilità salariale e contabilità delle<br />

finanze<br />

□ G5.2.5, □ F5.2.5, □ K5.2.5; □ T5.2.5; 5.2.5 Software del personale Software per la<br />

gestione del personale<br />

Short listing<br />

Address + communication data<br />

Company logo<br />

Top of the list<br />

□ G5.2.6, □ F5.2.6, □ K5.2.6; □ T5.2.6; 5.2.6 Sistemi di gestione della merce<br />



6.1 Case editrici e prodotti editoriali<br />

□ G6.1.1, □ F6.1.1, □ K6.1.1; □ T6.1.1; 6.1.1 Riviste specializzate<br />

□ G6.1.2, □ F6.1.2, □ K6.1.2; □ T6.1.2; 6.1.2 Pubblicazioni online<br />

□ G6.1.3, □ F6.1.3, □ K6.1.3; □ T6.1.3; 6.1.3 Case editrici<br />

6.2 Imprese di progettazione e consulenza<br />

□ G6.2.1, □ F6.2.1, □ K6.2.1; □ T6.2.1; 6.2.1 Consulenza EDP EDV<br />

□ G6.2.2, □ F6.2.2, □ K6.2.2; □ T6.2.2; 6.2.2 Imprese di progettazione<br />

□ G6.2.3, □ F6.2.3, □ K6.2.3; □ T6.2.3; 6.2.3 Consulenza aziendale / addestramento<br />

<strong>form</strong>azione<br />

□ G6.2.4, □ F6.2.4, □ K6.2.4; □ T6.2.4; 6.2.4 Imprese finanziarie e assicurative<br />

□ G6.2.5, □ F6.2.5, □ K6.2.5; □ T6.2.5; 6.2.5 Finanziamenti leasing<br />

□ G6.2.6, □ F6.2.6, □ K6.2.6; □ T6.2.6; 6.2.6 Servizi di noleggio<br />

□ G6.2.7, □ F6.2.7, □ K6.2.7; □ T6.2.7; 6.2.7 Franchising<br />

6.3 Enti di <strong>form</strong>azione e addestramento<br />

□ G6.3.1, □ F6.3.1, □ K6.3.1; □ T6.3.1; 6.3.1 Enti di <strong>form</strong>azione<br />

□ G6.3.2, □ F6.3.2, □ K6.3.2; □ T6.3.2; 6.3.2 Scuole professionali<br />

□ G6.3.3, □ F6.3.3, □ K6.3.3; □ T6.3.3; 6.3.3 Corsi di addestramento Corsi di<br />

<strong>form</strong>azione<br />

□ G6.3.4, □ F6.3.4, □ K6.3.4; □ T6.3.4; 6.3.4 Mediazione del personale / consulenza<br />

per le questioni di personale Gestione<br />

del personale e consulenza<br />

□ G6.3.5, □ F6.3.5, □ K6.3.5; □ T6.3.5; 6.3.5 Enti di addestramento Istituti di<br />

<strong>form</strong>azione<br />

6.4 Organizzazioni, istituzioni,<br />

associazioni<br />

□ G6.4.1, □ F6.4.1, □ K6.4.1; □ T6.4.1; 6.4.1 Associazioni professionali Associazioni<br />

di categoria<br />

□ G6.4.2, □ F6.4.2, □ K6.4.2; □ T6.4.2; 6.4.2 Istituzioni<br />

□ G6.4.3, □ F6.4.3, □ K6.4.3; □ T6.4.3; 6.4.3 Organizzazioni<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

E <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Internet<br />

Button Banner Exhibitors’ search<br />

□ Package with 20,000 page impressions € 500.–<br />

□ Package with 40,000 page impressions € 1,000.–<br />

□ Package with 80,000 page impressions € 2,000.–<br />

Skyscraper Banner Exhibitors’ search<br />

□ Package with 20,000 page impressions € 800.–<br />

□ Package with 40,000 page impressions € 1,600.–<br />

□ Package with 80,000 page impressions € 3,200.–<br />

Hall sponsoring<br />

□ each booking € 250.–<br />

Web-Clip<br />

□ Production and upload in online catalogue according to stated range of activities € 850.–<br />

(see in<strong>form</strong>ation brochure page 9).<br />

After receipt of order, we will contact you regarding detailed agreements and appointments without any delay.<br />

□ Conversion and upload of existing material in online catalogue € 250.–<br />

Please send your video material to intergastra@sutter.de<br />

Download<br />

□ each booking € 150.–<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

F <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Your company data<br />

▶<br />

Company name<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Contact person Contact person during the fair<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Email Mobile<br />

Online press service at the fair<br />

□ Press infos at the fair – max. 2,000 characters and 1 picture each report € 100.–<br />

Press box in the press centre during the fair<br />

□ Press box (crimpted in alphabetical order) each € 50.–<br />

Job market<br />

Publish your vacancies in the online catalogue. free of charge<br />

□ Please send us the link with access data to:<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Contact person Email<br />

Event calendar<br />

In<strong>form</strong> the visitors about your activities at the booth in the online catalogue. free of charge<br />

□ Please send us the link with access data to:<br />

▶ ▶<br />

Contact person Email<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

Closing date 25-11-2011<br />

G <strong>Order</strong> <strong>form</strong><br />

Please return your order to:<br />

gelatissimo@sutter.de<br />

Fax +49 201 52353-2310<br />

Invoice recipient<br />

by bank transfer immediately after reception of invoice<br />

▶<br />

Company name<br />

▶<br />

Street<br />

▶ ▶ ▶<br />

Postcode City Country<br />

Since January 1, 2010, the MWStSystRL (the new Art 168a) will apply throughout the European Union. In<br />

order to guarantee a correct handling, we ask you to enter your VAT Registration Number.<br />

VAT Reg No:<br />

If the VAT Registration Number is not entered, we have no choice but to charge also our EU-customers<br />

with the German value added tax.<br />

By signing we acknowledge the General Terms (in the brochure on page 13) of<br />

Business of Landesmesse <strong>Stuttgart</strong> GmbH, represented by A. Sutter Fair Business<br />

GmbH. The contract shall be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany. Place of per<strong>form</strong>ance and the legal venue is Essen. Date Stamp and legally binding signature

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