Mysterion - rivista di spiritualità e mistica

Mysterion - rivista di spiritualità e mistica Mysterion - rivista di spiritualità e mistica


www.MYS W.R. STOEGER S.J. 66 1 (2008) 64-77 immediate ancestral primates for about four million years. Multi-cellular organisms have been around for only about a billion years. Before that there was only primitive plants, plankton and one-celled organisms. Earlier than about 3.9 billion years there was no life at all on Earth. Earlier than 5 billion years ago the Sun and the Earth did not exist. But there were other stars before our Sun which manufactured all the heavy elements (elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) of which our earth, all life and we ourselves are composed. So there was an time when there were no elements besides hydrogen, helium and a very little bit of lithium, the lightest metal. In fact, we know for sure that there was a time – the first several hundred million years after the Big Bang, when there were no stars or galaxies at all. Things were very different, and life was not yet possible. In fact for the first 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe was just an expanding, gradually cooling ball of hot ionized gas – very smooth and with practically no lumps in it. Fortunately for us, there were very slight over-densities and under-densities – we call them perturbations – in the hot ionized gas. Once the temperature of the universe fell below about 4,000 K, the electrons and protons and neutrons in the hot gas combined to form neutron hydrogen and helium atoms, the gas decoupled from the radiation in the universe, and for the first time the slight over-densities in the gas (overdensities of about 1 part in 100,000) began to grow. Only after hundreds of millions of years would they eventually collapse and fragment to form the first galaxies and stars. Only then were the carbon, oxygen, copper, phosphorous, iron, nitrogen and all the other heavier elements produced. Gradually – very gradually – the necessary components for the rich molecular mediums essential for the emergence of life were being generated. The picture which emerges from observational cosmology and astronomy is very simple and straightforward. At the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago, the universe was very, very hot – T> 1032K – so hot that not even space and time as we know them could exist, much less particles or any structure. In fact we do not have anything even approaching an adequate physical description of this extreme state. A quantum theory of gravity is needed. But immediately after the Big Bang, the universe – as just a homogeneous spherically symmetric ball of super-hot mass-energy – began to expand and cool quite rapidly. And as it cooled new things became possible. The lower the temperature, the more laws of nature themselves and the matter and energy they describe could differentiate and complexity. As an example, much later, as we have already seen, the cosmic plasma was cool enough to clump into stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies, and to organize itself into particles, atoms and primitive molecules. Thus, at the beginning the universe is very hot, very dense, very smooth, very simple and very undifferentiated. As it expands, it cools, become more lumpy, more complex, and more differentiated. The very fact that it fragments and condenses into hundreds of billions of galaxies and trillions of stars essentially means that trillions of separate evolutionary experiments are being carried out at the same time – each star and each planet in the universe is a separate, relatively isolated location where physical, chemical, and in some cases possibly biological evolution occurs. How do we know that this scenario of cosmic evolution is correct? What is the evidence for it? There are three major independent indications. The first is the systematic redshifts of distant galaxies, first discovered by Edwin Hubble and his colleague M.

www.MYS W.R. STOEGER S.J. 67 1 (2008) 64-77 L. Humason. The farther out a galaxy is, the larger is its redshift. This means that the more distant a galaxy is from us the faster it is travelling away from us. The universe is systematically expanding in all directions – and very close to the same amount in every direction. There is really very little doubt about this. So the universe is expanding? But what evidence is there that it has been cooling – that as we go back into the past we encounter a succession of ever hotter stages? First of all, there is the large abundance of helium in the universe, and the trace abundance of deuterium (the isotope of hydrogen with a proton and a neutron in the nucleus, instead of just one proton). 24 % by weight of all matter in the universe is helium. That’s a lot! If we calculate the amount of helium all the stars in cosmic history have produced, it amounts to only 5 to 7 % at most. So where did all the helium come from? It turns out that it was very easy to form lots of helium between 1 and 3 minutes after the Big Bang – the temperature and density of the universe would have been just right for that. And it’s easy also to produce a certain amount of deuterium at the same time. In some ways the abundance of deuterium was just as much of a problem as the large amount of helium – deuterium is a very fragile isotope, and stars are incapable of producing a net amount of it – rather they destroy it. Thus, the helium and deuterium abundances we observe throughout the universe strongly indicate that the temperature of the universe was once above a billion degrees Kelvin. Secondly, in 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMWBR), which is like the “afterglow” of the Big Bang. They detected a low level of microwave noise coming from all directions and having exactly the same amplitude in all directions. They also discovered that it was radiation with an exact blackbody, or equilibrium, spectrum. Thus, with the same amplitude in every direction, it has almost the same temperature in every direction, too. The CMW- BR is a bath of microwave radiation that pervades the entire universe which originates not from discrete sources like stars or galaxies but from the hot gas before the formation of galaxies, when the temperature of the universe fell to about 4000 K, and the matter decoupled from the radiation due recombination of electrons with protons and neutrons to form neutral atoms. This is the first moment at which the universe became transparent to light. Thus, as we look out farther and farther – between all the galaxies and stars – and thus back farther and farther in time [Since the velocity of light is finite, the farther out in space we peer, the farther back in time we are seeing.] we eventually see a “fog bank” in microwaves where the universe becomes opaque – where our line of sight encounters the primeval ionized plasma. Fog banks always emit a lot of diffuse light – we see clearly see the white light coming from it. The CMWBR fog bank is no different, except that we see microwaves coming from it and not optical light. This is due to the fact that the original light from the moderately hot plasma has been cosmologically redshifted into the microwave region of the spectrum by a factor of about 1300, due to the expansion of the universe since that time. Thus, the microwave background radiation assures us that the universe was once at least 4000 K, and more importantly that there was a time when there were no stars or galaxies. This is clear from the almost perfect smoothness of the CMWBR.

www.MYS<br />

W.R. STOEGER S.J.<br />

67<br />

1 (2008) 64-77<br />

L. Humason. The farther out a galaxy is, the larger is its redshift. This means that the<br />

more <strong>di</strong>stant a galaxy is from us the faster it is travelling away from us. The universe is<br />

systematically expan<strong>di</strong>ng in all <strong>di</strong>rections – and very close to the same amount in every<br />

<strong>di</strong>rection. There is really very little doubt about this.<br />

So the universe is expan<strong>di</strong>ng? But what evidence is there that it has been cooling –<br />

that as we go back into the past we encounter a succession of ever hotter stages? First of<br />

all, there is the large abundance of helium in the universe, and the trace abundance of<br />

deuterium (the isotope of hydrogen with a proton and a neutron in the nucleus, instead<br />

of just one proton). 24 % by weight of all matter in the universe is helium. That’s a lot!<br />

If we calculate the amount of helium all the stars in cosmic history have produced, it<br />

amounts to only 5 to 7 % at most. So where <strong>di</strong>d all the helium come from? It turns out<br />

that it was very easy to form lots of helium between 1 and 3 minutes after the Big Bang<br />

– the temperature and density of the universe would have been just right for that. And<br />

it’s easy also to produce a certain amount of deuterium at the same time. In some ways<br />

the abundance of deuterium was just as much of a problem as the large amount of<br />

helium – deuterium is a very fragile isotope, and stars are incapable of producing a net<br />

amount of it – rather they destroy it. Thus, the helium and deuterium abundances we<br />

observe throughout the universe strongly in<strong>di</strong>cate that the temperature of the universe<br />

was once above a billion degrees Kelvin.<br />

Secondly, in 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson <strong>di</strong>scovered the cosmic microwave<br />

background ra<strong>di</strong>ation (CMWBR), which is like the “afterglow” of the Big Bang.<br />

They detected a low level of microwave noise coming from all <strong>di</strong>rections and having<br />

exactly the same amplitude in all <strong>di</strong>rections. They also <strong>di</strong>scovered that it was ra<strong>di</strong>ation<br />

with an exact blackbody, or equilibrium, spectrum. Thus, with the same amplitude in<br />

every <strong>di</strong>rection, it has almost the same temperature in every <strong>di</strong>rection, too. The CMW-<br />

BR is a bath of microwave ra<strong>di</strong>ation that pervades the entire universe which originates<br />

not from <strong>di</strong>screte sources like stars or galaxies but from the hot gas before the formation<br />

of galaxies, when the temperature of the universe fell to about 4000 K, and the matter<br />

decoupled from the ra<strong>di</strong>ation due recombination of electrons with protons and neutrons<br />

to form neutral atoms. This is the first moment at which the universe became<br />

transparent to light. Thus, as we look out farther and farther – between all the galaxies<br />

and stars – and thus back farther and farther in time [Since the velocity of light is finite,<br />

the farther out in space we peer, the farther back in time we are seeing.] we eventually<br />

see a “fog bank” in microwaves where the universe becomes opaque – where our line of<br />

sight encounters the primeval ionized plasma. Fog banks always emit a lot of <strong>di</strong>ffuse<br />

light – we see clearly see the white light coming from it. The CMWBR fog bank is no<br />

<strong>di</strong>fferent, except that we see microwaves coming from it and not optical light. This is<br />

due to the fact that the original light from the moderately hot plasma has been cosmologically<br />

redshifted into the microwave region of the spectrum by a factor of about 1300,<br />

due to the expansion of the universe since that time. Thus, the microwave background<br />

ra<strong>di</strong>ation assures us that the universe was once at least 4000 K, and more importantly<br />

that there was a time when there were no stars or galaxies. This is clear from the almost<br />

perfect smoothness of the CMWBR.

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