È in corso il restauro conservativo del Duomo di Milano. Un ... - Eni

È in corso il restauro conservativo del Duomo di Milano. Un ... - Eni È in corso il restauro conservativo del Duomo di Milano. Un ... - Eni


SCENARI - SCENARIOS CARATTERE INTERDISCIPLINARE. La precedente edizione dell’enciclopedia promossa da Enrico Mattei era organizzata per accumulazione di voci e concetti; l’attuale enciclopedia affronta temi complessi nelle loro trasversalità e interconnessioni, offrendo sintesi concettuali e tematiche sempre organicamente collegate. INTERDISCIPLINARY CHARACTER. The previous edition of the encyclopaedia promoted by Enrico Mattei was structured by accrual of items and concepts. The new encyclopaedia deals with complex subjects in their transversal aspects and their interconnections, providing conceptual and thematic syntheses organically linked. oscillare tra due estremi. Da un lato l’emergere di tematiche innovative e nuovi protagonisti, che prefigurano sviluppi radicalmente diversi rispetto al passato; dall’altro il riproporsi di problematiche irrisolte che hanno periodicamente costellato la storia degli idrocarburi. Guardando ai fenomeni nuovi, lo scenario che si prospetta nell’evoluzione del sistema economico appare caratterizzato da una costante crescita della domanda di energia, con tassi di incremento e provenienze geografiche profondamente diversi rispetto al passato. La strategia dell’industria oil and gas nei prossimi decenni è dominata da due elementi: il primo, tradizionale, è rendere disponibili ai mercati quantità crescenti di idrocarburi; il secondo, nuovo, è operare in linea con la forte richiesta di qualità ambientale. Verso questi obiettivi convergono i radicali progressi delle scienze e la rapididell’innovazione tecnologica, la pervasività della nuova dimensione informatica e della comunicazione, l’entrata in gioco di fonti energetiche alternative, il cui sviluppo viene valutato soprattutto in base alla necessità e all’urgenza di conseguire una elevata compatibilità ambientale. Accanto a questi elementi fortemente innovativi, lo scenario energetico internazionale vede il riemergere di paure e problemi irrisolti che hanno accompagnato tutta la storia dell’industria petrolifera e che, generando atteggiamenti e reazioni di conservazione, possono offuscare la comprensione del nuovo e lo sviluppo delle sue opportunità. È il caso dei timori relativi all’esaurimento delle risorse, del ritorno da parte di alcuni Stati alla ricerca dell’autosufficienza energetica, del ruolo cruciale giocato dal petrolio nelle aspirazioni e nell’instabilità di ampie regioni del nostro pianeta. Il sovrapporsi di vecchio e nuovo rischia di ingenerare, nel dibattito culturale come nelle politiche pubbliche e nelle scelte aziendali, viscosità di valutazione delle opportunità e di rallentare la capacità di rispondere positivamente alla domanda di energia, così come si presenta in questo secolo per provenienza, quantità e qualità. Le compagnie, in particolare, si trovano a fronteggiare una situazione in cui convivono e si influenzano reciprocamente scarsità di buone opportunità d’investimento nell’upstream, incertezza degli scenari, forte competitività in tutti i settori della filiera oil and gas, processi di liberalizzazione dei mercati, crescente regolamentazione ambientale. Per vincere tali sfide è indispensabile una riflessione sulle strategie da perseguire e sulle nuove modalità di generazione del valore in un settore in cui – più che in qualsiasi altro business – il tradizionale dilemma tra crescita e redditività è reso più critico, in misura superiore oggi rispetto al secolo appena trascorso, dall’intensità dei capitali richiesti dai nuovi investimenti e dalla durata dei progetti. Altrettanto importante è che questi temi strategi- I CONTENUTI. L’opera, prodotta in occasione del 50° anniversario della costituzione dell’Eni, punta ad accrescere la conoscenza delle problematiche del settore oil&gas e a informare sui rilevanti cambiamenti geopolitici, economici e tecnologici in atto, a partire dalla rilevanza strategica della questione ambientale. Sopra, il Presidente dell’Eni, Roberto Poli e, a sinistra, l’Amministratore Delegato, Paolo Scaroni. CONTENTS. The Encyclopaedia, meant to mark the 50th anniversari of Eni’s establishment, aims at improving the knowledge of oil&gas issues and inform about the noticeable geopolitical, economic and technological changes now underway, starting with the strategic bearing of the environmental question. Above, Eni Roberto Poli and, left, Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni. THE CULTURE OF ENERGY The first volume of the Encyclopedia of Hydrocarbons, published by Istituto dell’Enciclopaedia italiana Treccani and sponsored by Eni, has come out. Here follows the foreword to the Encyclopedia, signed by the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the group. by ROBERTO POLI and PAOLO SCARONI IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY HYDROCARBONS WERE, AND will continue to be in the coming decades, by far the most important energy source, the engine of economic and industrial development, a decisive factor in social organization, and a strategic raw material, with whose destiny alliances, conflicts and geopolitical and security issues are closely interwoven. No other sector of the economy has comparable levels of complexity and uncertainty, and yet is able to play such an important role in the international arena. Knowledge of the world of hydrocarbons, their history, technical characteristics and prospects is crucial to understanding current international systems and their future development. The aim of Eni’s Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons is to offer readers, whether specialists or otherwise, a clear and detailed insight into this sector, addressing the aspects relating to historical events, scientific knowledge, the elements and the interrelations, through which the value chain of the oil and gas industry is organized, the ongoing and foreseeable technological developments, and the economic and legal aspects that influence their prospects. The first edition of this work was the brainchild of Enrico Mattei – founder and first chairman of Eni, then called E.N.I (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) – who, introducing in 1962 the Encyclopaedia of Petroleum and Natural Gas, stressed its features of technical and scientific innovation, strategic necessity and an urgency for ideas. Scientific innovation refers to it being the first in-depth, systematic collection of monographs in the fields of study relating to research and to the use of hydrocarbons in various industrial sectors, as well as the technological knowledge forming the basis of the oil industry. A strategic necessity for a country – Italy at the time was “the last to appear on the world oil scene” – signifies Eni’s deeply rooted mission to contribute to the country’s economic development, operating actively at the international level. An urgency for ideas, lastly, relates to the need to illustrate the “enterprises and the characters of those who devoted their utmost energy to putting this resource to its best use”, and to concretize the vocation to spread knowledge as an innate objective of industrial success. In its fifty years of history, starting just after the end of the Second World War in a country poor in raw materials, Eni has become one of the major international oil and gas companies in the world. Today Eni is present in some seventy countries, where it operates responsibly towards its stakeholders, investing in people and their enhancement, participating in sustainable development by means of integrating social and environmental themes into its growth process. Looking back at the starting phases of its activities, the extent of the road covered by Eni, and its capacity to successfully tackle the many challenges that have strewn this road, appear in their real dimension. The technological, entrepreneurial and cultural assets achieved to date are an essential requisite for successfully facing up to the complex future prospects. At the start of the new millennium, the energy system seems to be oscillating between two extremes. On the one hand, there is an emergence of innovative themes and new protagonists, foreshadowing radically different solutions with respect to the past; and, on the other hand, the recurrence of unsolved problems which have periodically accompanied the history of hydrocarbons. Looking at the new phenomena, the scenario looming in the evolution of the economic system appears to be characterized by a constant growth in energy demand, with rates of increase and geographical origins profoundly different from those of the past. In the forthcoming decades the strategy of the oil and 40 Eni’s Way Eni’s Way 41

SCENARI - SCENARIOS UPSTREAM. Il primo volume dell’enciclopedia è dedicata al settore petrolifero dell’upstream. Nella foto, Kazakhstan, Mar Caspio, isola artificiale per la perforazione e messa in produzione di Kashagan, il più grande giacimento al mondo scoperto negli ultimi trent’anni. L’attività è condotta da una joint venture cui partecipa Eni che svolge il ruolo di operatore unico. UPSTREAM. The first volume of the encyclopaedia is devoted to the upstream petroleum sector. In the picture, Kazakhstan, Caspian Sea, an artificial island to drill and develop Kashagan, the largest oil field discovered in the last thirty years worldwide. Work is carried out by a joint venture with Eni as single operator. ci e questi dilemmi siano al centro delle riflessioni dei decisori pubblici, delle istituzioni finanziarie, delle organizzazioni sociali sulla base di una cultura condivisa, di un insieme di informazioni aggiornate, serie ed esaurienti, capaci di dar conto delle interrelazioni nuove che si stanno determinando tra energia, sviluppo e ambiente. Per questo motivo l’Eni ha dato vita a questa nuova Enciclopedia degli Idrocarburi, per offrire a un ampio pubblico internazionale tutti gli elementi conoscitivi indispensabili a comprendere le potenzialità e le sfide di un settore decisivo per lo sviluppo equilibrato delle nostre economie e delle nostre società. Con questa iniziativa culturale l’Eni si è posta in una direttrice sia di continuità con l’intuizione e l’opera editoriale promossa da Enrico Mattei, sia di rinnovata prospettiva. Per l’Eni oggi, in continuità con il passato, resta prioritario mantenere attivi i canali di comunicazione con tutte le realtà e i soggetti esterni, individuali e sociali, che dal suo operato derivano servizi, prodotti, ricchezza, ma anche opinioni, stimoli e reazioni in quanto cittadini e istituzioni. Al tempo stesso, per l’Eni continua a essere connaturato al proprio stile di impresa l’obiettivo di fornire un modello di lettura trasparente del proprio modo di operare sui fronti della scienza, della tecnologia e del mercato. Presentare in modo articolato e rigoroso il bagaglio delle conoscenze legate agli idrocarburi e all’energia costituisce una ulteriore manifestazione della politica dell’Eni di diffusione della cultura e della conoscenza connessa con il successo economico. Se da un lato infatti ricerca e innovazione pervadono e sostengono tutte le attività industriali, dall’altro formazione e addestramento per la valorizzazione delle risorse umane interne ed esterne costituiscono elementi indispensabili perché l’impresa consegua pienamente la propria missione. L’inevitabile evoluzione di impostazione dell’opera si coglie invece nel fatto che concepire all’inizio del nuovo millennio un progetto di enciclopedia, per quanto settoriale, significa accettare la sfida di mettere a sistema contenuti e prospettive in rapidissimo cambiamento, confidando di raggiungere un obiettivo di completezza. Il progetto, certamente ambizioso, è stato affrontato non tanto operando – come in passato – per semplice accumula- zione di voci e concetti quanto attraverso una mappatura delle trasversalità e interconnessioni di temi complessi, al cui interno grandi sintesi concettuali e tematiche organicamente collegate possono trovare la propria specifica declinazione. Il tratto più innovativo dell’Enciclopedia degli Idrocarburi è la pervasività, in tutti i volumi e i capitoli in cui si articola l’opera, della questione della sostenibilità ambientale. Lungi dall’essere una problematica separata e aggiuntiva, la tutela della salute, della sicurezza e dell’ambiente è considerata e trattata come una modalità intrinseca del sapere e dell’operare dell’Eni in questo settore. Ciò a cui si mira è far emergere un corpus di saperi aggiornato e pienamente rappresentativo della molteplice natura – tecnologica, industriale, economica e geopolitica – degli idrocarburi nel contesto delle nuove tematiche globali che intrecciano energia e ambiente e che sono destinate a influenzare in maniera sempre più radicale lo sviluppo del settore, dei sistemi produttivi, delle economie e delle società nelle diverse aree del mondo. Questo sapere è offerto a tutti i soggetti interessati, sia nel campo specifico, sia nella società, perché ne possano trarre informazioni, conoscenza, spunti di riflessione e di consapevolezza. Roberto Poli e Paolo Scaroni sono rispettivamente Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Eni. gas industry will be dominated by two elements: the first, traditional one is the supply of increasing quantities of hydrocarbons on the market; the second, new one is operating in line with the strong demand for environmental quality. Converging on this objective are various factors: the radical progress of science and rapid technological innovation, the spread of computer and communication technology, and alternative energy sources coming onto the scene, above all because of the need and urgency to achieve a high level of environmental compatibility. Alongside these strongly innovative elements, the international energy scenario is witnessing the reemergence of fears and unresolved problems that have accompanied the entire history of the oil industry. Such fears and unresolved problems generate attitudes and reactions of pure conservation, which can obscure both our understanding of what is new and the development of such opportunities. This is the case of fears that resources will become exhausted; of the return by some States to the search for energy self-sufficiency; of the crucial role played by oil, regarding both the aspirations and the instability in vast regions of our planet. In the cultural debate, public policies and company choices, the overlapping of old and new runs the risk of hampering a clear assessment of opportunities. This can slow down the capacity to provide positive responses to the demand for energy, as occurs in this century in terms of geographical origin, quantity and quality. The companies, in particular, find themselves facing a situation in which several factors co-exist and influence each other: the scarcity of sound investment opportunities in the upstream, the uncertain nature of the scenarios, strong competitiveness in every sector of the oil and gas industry, market deregulation processes and increasing environmental regulation. To meet these challenges, it is necessary to rethink strategies and new ways of generating value in a sector in which – more than in any other business – the traditional dilemma between growth and profitability is made more critical, to a greater extent today than in the century that has just ended, by the intensity of capital required for new investments and by the duration of the projects. It is equally important that these strategic themes and dilemmas should be the primary reflections of public decisionmakers, financial institutions and social organizations on the basis of a shared culture, an ensemble of updated, serious and exhaustive elements of information, taking into account the new interrelations that are emerging between energy, development and environment. For this reason Eni has promoted this new Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons, to offer a wide-ranging international public all the elements of knowledge essential for understanding the potential and challenges of a sector that is decisive for the balanced development of our economies and of our societies. With this cultural initiative Eni has taken up a position both of continuity, with the intuition and the publishing work promoted by Enrico Mattei, and of renewed perspectives. In line with the past, Eni’s priority today is to stay in touch with all external institutions and people, that derive services, products and wealth from Eni’s work, but also opinions, stimuli and reactions in their capacity as citizens and communities. At the same time, the objective of providing a transparent model of operating on the scientific, technological and market fronts, continues to be part and parcel of Eni’s business style. Presenting its wealth of knowledge linked with hydrocarbons and energy in an articulate, rigorous manner is a further manifestation of Eni’s policy of disseminating culture and knowledge bound up with its economic success. While, on the one hand, research and innovation pervade and sustain all industrial activities, on the other hand, coaching and training to maximize its internal and external human resources are indispensable elements for the company to fully accomplish its mission. The inevitable evolution of Eni’s approach and method in writing this work is observed in the fact that, at the beginning of the new millennium, the conception of an encyclopaedia project, albeit of a sectoral nature, entails taking on the challenge of systemizing contents and prospects that are in a state of very rapid change, trusting that its objective of completeness is achieved. The project, surely an ambitious one, has been tackled not simply by putting together – as in the past – an accumulation of ideas and concepts, but rather by mapping out the transversal nature and interlinking of complex themes, within which great conceptual syntheses and organically connected subjects can find their own specific exposition. The most innovative feature of the Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons is the pervasive presence, in all the volumes and chapters, of the issue of environmental sustainability. Far from being considered as a separate, additional problem, the safeguarding of health, safety and the environment is regarded and treated as an intrinsic way of understanding and operating in this sector by Eni. The aim is to compile a body of up-to-date knowledge fully representative of the manifold nature – technological, industrial, economic and geopolitical – of hydrocarbons within the context of the new global themes in which energy and the environment are interwoven, and which are bound to influence ever more radically the development of the sector, the systems of production, the economies and societies in various areas of the world. This knowledge is offered to all those who are interested, both in the specific field and in society at large, so that they may glean information, knowledge, and ideas for reflection and added awareness. Roberto Poli and Paolo Scaroni are respectively Eni Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. 42 Eni’s Way Eni’s Way 43


CARATTERE INTERDISCIPLINARE. La precedente e<strong>di</strong>zione<br />

<strong>del</strong>l’enciclope<strong>di</strong>a promossa da Enrico Mattei era organizzata<br />

per accumulazione <strong>di</strong> voci e concetti; l’attuale enciclope<strong>di</strong>a affronta<br />

temi complessi nelle loro trasversalità e <strong>in</strong>terconnessioni, offrendo<br />

s<strong>in</strong>tesi concettuali e tematiche sempre organicamente collegate.<br />

INTERDISCIPLINARY CHARACTER. The previous e<strong>di</strong>tion<br />

of the encyclopae<strong>di</strong>a promoted by Enrico Mattei was structured by accrual<br />

of items and concepts. The new encyclopae<strong>di</strong>a deals with complex subjects<br />

<strong>in</strong> their transversal aspects and their <strong>in</strong>terconnections, provid<strong>in</strong>g<br />

conceptual and thematic syntheses organically l<strong>in</strong>ked.<br />

osc<strong>il</strong>lare tra due estremi. Da un lato l’emergere <strong>di</strong> tematiche<br />

<strong>in</strong>novative e nuovi protagonisti, che prefigurano sv<strong>il</strong>uppi ra<strong>di</strong>calmente<br />

<strong>di</strong>versi rispetto al passato; dall’altro <strong>il</strong> riproporsi<br />

<strong>di</strong> problematiche irrisolte che hanno perio<strong>di</strong>camente costellato<br />

la storia degli idrocarburi.<br />

Guardando ai fenomeni nuovi, lo scenario che si prospetta<br />

nell’evoluzione <strong>del</strong> sistema economico appare caratterizzato<br />

da una costante crescita <strong>del</strong>la domanda <strong>di</strong> energia, con tassi<br />

<strong>di</strong> <strong>in</strong>cremento e provenienze geografiche profondamente <strong>di</strong>versi<br />

rispetto al passato. La strategia <strong>del</strong>l’<strong>in</strong>dustria o<strong>il</strong> and<br />

gas nei prossimi decenni è dom<strong>in</strong>ata da due elementi: <strong>il</strong> primo,<br />

tra<strong>di</strong>zionale, è rendere <strong>di</strong>sponib<strong>il</strong>i ai mercati quantità<br />

crescenti <strong>di</strong> idrocarburi; <strong>il</strong> secondo, nuovo, è operare <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>ea<br />

con la forte richiesta <strong>di</strong> qualità ambientale.<br />

Verso questi obiettivi convergono i ra<strong>di</strong>cali progressi <strong>del</strong>le<br />

scienze e la rapi<strong>di</strong>tà <strong>del</strong>l’<strong>in</strong>novazione tecnologica, la pervasività<br />

<strong>del</strong>la nuova <strong>di</strong>mensione <strong>in</strong>formatica e <strong>del</strong>la comunicazione,<br />

l’entrata <strong>in</strong> gioco <strong>di</strong> fonti energetiche alternative, <strong>il</strong> cui<br />

sv<strong>il</strong>uppo viene valutato soprattutto <strong>in</strong> base alla necessità e all’urgenza<br />

<strong>di</strong> conseguire una elevata compatib<strong>il</strong>ità ambientale.<br />

Accanto a questi elementi fortemente <strong>in</strong>novativi, lo scenario<br />

energetico <strong>in</strong>ternazionale vede <strong>il</strong> riemergere <strong>di</strong> paure e problemi<br />

irrisolti che hanno accompagnato tutta la storia <strong>del</strong>l’<strong>in</strong>dustria<br />

petrolifera e che, generando atteggiamenti e reazioni<br />

<strong>di</strong> conservazione, possono offuscare la comprensione<br />

<strong>del</strong> nuovo e lo sv<strong>il</strong>uppo <strong>del</strong>le sue opportunità. <strong>È</strong> <strong>il</strong> caso dei timori<br />

relativi all’esaurimento <strong>del</strong>le risorse, <strong>del</strong> ritorno da parte<br />

<strong>di</strong> alcuni Stati alla ricerca <strong>del</strong>l’autosufficienza energetica,<br />

<strong>del</strong> ruolo cruciale giocato dal petrolio nelle aspirazioni e nell’<strong>in</strong>stab<strong>il</strong>ità<br />

<strong>di</strong> ampie regioni <strong>del</strong> nostro pianeta.<br />

Il sovrapporsi <strong>di</strong> vecchio e nuovo rischia <strong>di</strong> <strong>in</strong>generare, nel<br />

<strong>di</strong>battito culturale come nelle politiche pubbliche e nelle<br />

scelte aziendali, viscosità <strong>di</strong> valutazione <strong>del</strong>le opportunità e<br />

<strong>di</strong> rallentare la capacità <strong>di</strong> rispondere positivamente alla domanda<br />

<strong>di</strong> energia, così come si presenta <strong>in</strong> questo secolo per<br />

provenienza, quantità e qualità.<br />

Le compagnie, <strong>in</strong> particolare, si trovano a fronteggiare una<br />

situazione <strong>in</strong> cui convivono e si <strong>in</strong>fluenzano reciprocamente<br />

scarsità <strong>di</strong> buone opportunità d’<strong>in</strong>vestimento nell’upstream,<br />

<strong>in</strong>certezza degli scenari, forte competitività<br />

<strong>in</strong> tutti i settori <strong>del</strong>la f<strong>il</strong>iera o<strong>il</strong> and gas, processi<br />

<strong>di</strong> liberalizzazione dei mercati, crescente regolamentazione<br />

ambientale.<br />

Per v<strong>in</strong>cere tali sfide è <strong>in</strong><strong>di</strong>spensab<strong>il</strong>e una riflessione<br />

sulle strategie da perseguire e sulle nuove modalità<br />

<strong>di</strong> generazione <strong>del</strong> valore <strong>in</strong> un settore <strong>in</strong> cui<br />

– più che <strong>in</strong> qualsiasi altro bus<strong>in</strong>ess – <strong>il</strong> tra<strong>di</strong>zionale<br />

d<strong>il</strong>emma tra crescita e red<strong>di</strong>tività è reso più critico,<br />

<strong>in</strong> misura superiore oggi rispetto al secolo appena<br />

tras<strong>corso</strong>, dall’<strong>in</strong>tensità dei capitali richiesti dai<br />

nuovi <strong>in</strong>vestimenti e dalla durata dei progetti.<br />

Altrettanto importante è che questi temi strategi-<br />

I CONTENUTI. L’opera, prodotta <strong>in</strong> occasione <strong>del</strong> 50° anniversario <strong>del</strong>la costituzione <strong>del</strong>l’<strong>Eni</strong>,<br />

punta ad accrescere la conoscenza <strong>del</strong>le problematiche <strong>del</strong> settore o<strong>il</strong>&gas e a <strong>in</strong>formare sui<br />

r<strong>il</strong>evanti cambiamenti geopolitici, economici e tecnologici <strong>in</strong> atto, a partire dalla r<strong>il</strong>evanza<br />

strategica <strong>del</strong>la questione ambientale. Sopra, <strong>il</strong> Presidente <strong>del</strong>l’<strong>Eni</strong>, Roberto Poli e, a s<strong>in</strong>istra,<br />

l’Amm<strong>in</strong>istratore Delegato, Paolo Scaroni.<br />

CONTENTS. The Encyclopae<strong>di</strong>a, meant to mark the 50th anniversari of <strong>Eni</strong>’s establishment, aims at<br />

improv<strong>in</strong>g the knowledge of o<strong>il</strong>&gas issues and <strong>in</strong>form about the noticeable geopolitical, economic and<br />

technological changes now underway, start<strong>in</strong>g with the strategic bear<strong>in</strong>g of the environmental question.<br />

Above, <strong>Eni</strong> Roberto Poli and, left, Chief Executive Officer Paolo Scaroni.<br />


The first volume of the Encyclope<strong>di</strong>a<br />

of Hydrocarbons, published by Istituto<br />

<strong>del</strong>l’Enciclopae<strong>di</strong>a italiana Treccani<br />

and sponsored by <strong>Eni</strong>, has come out.<br />

Here follows the foreword to the Encyclope<strong>di</strong>a,<br />

signed by the Chairman<br />

and the Chief Executive Officer of the group.<br />



w<strong>il</strong>l cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be <strong>in</strong> the com<strong>in</strong>g decades, by far the most<br />

important energy source, the eng<strong>in</strong>e of economic and<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustrial development, a decisive factor <strong>in</strong> social<br />

organization, and a strategic raw material, with whose dest<strong>in</strong>y<br />

alliances, conflicts and geopolitical and security issues are<br />

closely <strong>in</strong>terwoven.<br />

No other sector of the economy has comparable levels of<br />

complexity and uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty, and yet is able to play such an<br />

important role <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternational arena. Knowledge of the<br />

world of hydrocarbons, their history, technical characteristics<br />

and prospects is crucial to understand<strong>in</strong>g current <strong>in</strong>ternational<br />

systems and their future development.<br />

The aim of <strong>Eni</strong>’s Encyclopae<strong>di</strong>a of Hydrocarbons is to offer<br />

readers, whether specialists or otherwise, a clear and<br />

deta<strong>il</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>sight <strong>in</strong>to this sector, address<strong>in</strong>g the aspects<br />

relat<strong>in</strong>g to historical events, scientific knowledge, the<br />

elements and the <strong>in</strong>terrelations, through<br />

which the value cha<strong>in</strong> of the o<strong>il</strong> and gas<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustry is organized, the ongo<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

foreseeable technological developments, and<br />

the economic and legal aspects that<br />

<strong>in</strong>fluence their prospects.<br />

The first e<strong>di</strong>tion of this work was the<br />

bra<strong>in</strong>ch<strong>il</strong>d of Enrico Mattei – founder and first<br />

chairman of <strong>Eni</strong>, then called E.N.I (Ente<br />

Nazionale Idrocarburi) – who, <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

1962 the Encyclopae<strong>di</strong>a of Petroleum and<br />

Natural Gas, stressed its features of<br />

technical and scientific <strong>in</strong>novation, strategic<br />

necessity and an urgency for ideas.<br />

Scientific <strong>in</strong>novation refers to it be<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

first <strong>in</strong>-depth, systematic collection of<br />

monographs <strong>in</strong> the fields of study relat<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

research and to the use of hydrocarbons <strong>in</strong><br />

various <strong>in</strong>dustrial sectors, as well as the<br />

technological knowledge form<strong>in</strong>g the basis of<br />

the o<strong>il</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustry.<br />

A strategic necessity for a country – Italy at<br />

the time was “the last to appear on the<br />

world o<strong>il</strong> scene” – signifies <strong>Eni</strong>’s deeply<br />

rooted mission to contribute to the country’s<br />

economic development, operat<strong>in</strong>g actively at<br />

the <strong>in</strong>ternational level.<br />

An urgency for ideas, lastly, relates to the<br />

need to <strong>il</strong>lustrate the “enterprises and the<br />

characters of those who devoted their utmost<br />

energy to putt<strong>in</strong>g this resource to its best<br />

use”, and to concretize the vocation to spread knowledge as<br />

an <strong>in</strong>nate objective of <strong>in</strong>dustrial success.<br />

In its fifty years of history, start<strong>in</strong>g just after the end of the<br />

Second World War <strong>in</strong> a country poor <strong>in</strong> raw materials, <strong>Eni</strong> has<br />

become one of the major <strong>in</strong>ternational o<strong>il</strong> and gas companies<br />

<strong>in</strong> the world.<br />

Today <strong>Eni</strong> is present <strong>in</strong> some seventy countries, where it<br />

operates responsibly towards its stakeholders, <strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

people and their enhancement, participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> susta<strong>in</strong>able<br />

development by means of <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g social and<br />

environmental themes <strong>in</strong>to its growth process.<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g back at the start<strong>in</strong>g phases of its activities, the<br />

extent of the road covered by <strong>Eni</strong>, and its capacity to<br />

successfully tackle the many challenges that have strewn this<br />

road, appear <strong>in</strong> their real <strong>di</strong>mension. The technological,<br />

entrepreneurial and cultural assets achieved to date are an<br />

essential requisite for successfully fac<strong>in</strong>g up to the complex<br />

future prospects.<br />

At the start of the new m<strong>il</strong>lennium, the energy system seems<br />

to be osc<strong>il</strong>lat<strong>in</strong>g between two extremes.<br />

On the one hand, there is an emergence of <strong>in</strong>novative themes<br />

and new protagonists, foreshadow<strong>in</strong>g ra<strong>di</strong>cally <strong>di</strong>fferent<br />

solutions with respect to the past; and, on the other hand,<br />

the recurrence of unsolved problems which have perio<strong>di</strong>cally<br />

accompanied the history of hydrocarbons.<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g at the new phenomena, the scenario loom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the<br />

evolution of the economic system appears to be characterized<br />

by a constant growth <strong>in</strong> energy demand, with rates of <strong>in</strong>crease<br />

and geographical orig<strong>in</strong>s profoundly <strong>di</strong>fferent from those of the<br />

past. In the forthcom<strong>in</strong>g decades the strategy of the o<strong>il</strong> and<br />

40 <strong>Eni</strong>’s Way<br />

<strong>Eni</strong>’s Way<br />


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