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<strong>FONDAZIONE</strong> <strong>ADK<strong>IN</strong>S</strong> <strong>CHITI</strong>: <strong>DONNE</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>MUSICA</strong><br />


<strong>FONDAZIONE</strong><br />



THE UNITED K<strong>IN</strong>GDOM<br />

JAPAN<br />


ITALY (CENTRO VENETO PER LE <strong>DONNE</strong> <strong>IN</strong><br />

<strong>MUSICA</strong>)<br />


SPA<strong>IN</strong><br />



Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma Tel/Fax 0039 06 39 75 17 63<br />

info@donneinmusica.org controcanto@donneinmusica.org<br />

www.donneinmusica.org www.womenandmedia-europe.org<br />

September 2 / Settembre 2 2007<br />

Notizie non devono eccedere 10 righe.<br />

forum@donneinmusica.org<br />

News items should not exceed 10 lines in any<br />

language to forum@donneinmusica.org.<br />




"ParnasusDonneinMusica Artistecreatrici di Puglia con l'EurOrchestra”.<br />

String orchestra with or without winds (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and with or without soloists:<br />

TWO MARIMBAS or Solo SAXOPHONE. Duration 9 minutes.<br />

Send 2 copies of score and a set of instrumental parts with curriculum vitae and list of works to:<br />

Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica - Via Riboty 23 - 00195 Roma – by the 20TH<br />

December 2007.. Works chosen will be performed during the “Concerto di San Valentino”, 14<br />

February 2008, Bari,<br />


"ParnasusDonneinMusica Artistecreatrici di Puglia con l'EurOrchestra"<br />

lavori per orchestra d'archi con o senza fiati (flauto, oboe, clarinetto, fagotto) e con o senza<br />

solisti: due marimba o sassofono solo Durata 9 minuti.<br />

Mandate 2 copie della partitura ed un gruppo di parti strumentali insieme con curriculum vitae<br />

ed elenco di lavori a: Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica, - Via Riboty 23, -<br />

00195 Roma entro il 20 dicembre 2007 I lavori scelti saranno presentati nel “Concerto di<br />

San Valentino”, il 14 febbraio 2008, Bari,<br />


If you have solo piano works for children (all levels) up to 10 years, please send in double copies with

curriculum to Rome Office, Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma marked “musica infanzia”. We have a<br />

request from a record company that will producine a CD at the end of this year. The materials will<br />

be read in December. Last date for sending 30th Novembre.<br />


Cerchiamo musiche pianistiche per ragazzi (di ogni livello) fino a 10 anni. Le musiche servono per<br />

una casa discografica italiana che produrrà un CD alla fine di quest’anno. Prego inviare le vostre<br />

proposte in doppia copia alla Fondazione a Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma in una busta contrassegnata<br />

musica infanzia”. L’ultima data per l’arrivo dei materiali il 30 novembre ed andranno in<br />

commissione in Dicembre.<br />

Call from our affiliate in Mexico / Chiamata dalla nostra affiliata in Messico:<br />

El Colectivo de Mujeres en la Música A. C. Coordinadora Internacional de Mujeres en el Arte,<br />

ComuArte- XII Encuentro Internacional –VIII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte<br />

México-Chiapas-España 2008 Mujer, arte, justicia y paz<br />

En colaboración con la Secretaría de Cultura del Distrito Federal, el Instituto de las Mujeres del<br />

Distrito Federal, El Consejo de los Pueblos Indios y Barrios Originarios del Distrito Federal, el<br />

Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México<br />

(UNAM), Difusión Cultural y TV UNAM, la Embajada de España en México, la Universidad Autónoma<br />

de Madrid, la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, la Universidad de Almagro; invitan a todas la<br />

mujeres dedicadas al arte al XII Encuentro Internacional de Mujeres en el Arte-VIII Encuentro<br />

Iberoamericano de Mujeres en el Arte que se llevará a cabo en marzo del año 2008 en la Ciudad de<br />

México y España respectivamente..…<br />

Compositoras con un máximo de dos composiciones con las siguientes dotaciones: piano, dos<br />

pianos, tríos (violín, cello y piano), Cuarteto de clarinetes, Coros, Orquesta: Piccolo, Flauta, Oboe,<br />

Corno Inglés, Clarinete en sib, Saxofón, Fagot, Corno, Trompeta, 3 percusionistas, piano, arpa y<br />

orquesta de cuerdas.<br />

Las interesadas deberán enviar su documentación a la siguiente dirección. La fecha límite para<br />

recepción de propuestas será hasta el 30 de octubre de 2007. Se tomará en cuenta la fecha del<br />

matasellos. http://www.comuarte.org. El Colectivo de Mujeres en la Música A.C.- Coordinadora<br />

Internacional de Mujeres en el Arte, ComuArte- Apartado Postal 21-500 - 04021 Coyoacán, México<br />

D. F.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

<strong>IN</strong> EACH EDITION OF THE NOTIZIARIO WE SHALL BE GIV<strong>IN</strong>G<br />




<strong>IN</strong> OGNI EDIZIONE DEL NOTIZIARIO <strong>IN</strong>CLUDEREMO<br />



D’ONORE <strong>IN</strong>TERNAZIONALE DELLA <strong>FONDAZIONE</strong><br />

IMPORTANT: from the United Kingdom<br />

Women in Music UK is a national membership organisation that celebrates women's music-making<br />

across all genres of music. The organisation raises awareness of gender issues in music and<br />

supports women musicians in their professional development. Suzanne Chawner is the professional<br />

web editor who recently has revised the web site, www.womeninmusic.org.uk<br />

The site contains:<br />

a ‘What’s On’ section to which members regularly submit details of their activities;

a ‘Resources’ section written by Margaret Lucy Wilkins and containing useful bibliographic<br />

information on the history of women composers;<br />

a ‘Proms 2006 Report’ written by Jennifer Fowler in which she details press coverage of the<br />

notorious 2006 BBC Proms season which contained no music by women composers;<br />

a ‘Comps and Ops’ section, which is probably the best on-line list of competitions and opportunities<br />

for composers, also regularly up-dated by Jennifer Fowler.<br />

Socially, Women in Music UK has organised a series of WiM Teas. These are held prior to important<br />

concerts in which music by women is programmed and are attended by members of Women in<br />

Music. WiM Teas have been held at the BBC SO three day festival of Sofia Gubaidulina’s music<br />

(The Hour of the Soul) at the Barbican, London, January 2007; the concert to celebrate the<br />

centenary of the birth of Elisabeth Maconchy and 60 th birthday of her daughter, Nicola Lefanu, given<br />

at the Purcell Room, London.<br />

Throughout this decade, Angela Willes has been Chair of Women in Music, giving tirelessly of herself<br />

for the benefit of British women musicians. In 2007, she decided to retire as Chair. At the 2007 AGM,<br />

Sarah Coles was elected as the new Chair, along with several new committee members, bringing<br />

with them fresh ideas and new expertise.<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />


Women and Music Study Forum (Japan) has 30 members including teachers, performers,<br />

librarians, and musical lovers. Our objectives at this moment is to compile a music textbook focusing<br />

on women. The current representative is Yuko Tamagawa.<br />

notes from Taeko Nishizaka YRX03524@nifty.ne.jp nishizaka@lib.kunitachi.ac.jp<br />

女性と音楽研究ネァーラメムヘWomen & Music Study Forum<br />

過去2 年の活動<br />

公開活動としては、2007 年3 月24 日、「女性と仕事の未来館」(The Center for the<br />

Advancement of Working Women)との共催によより、「昭和を生きた二人の女性作曲家:レクェ<br />

スャホーコカンルサキーダ」(Lecture & Concert: Two Japanese Women Composers of the Showa<br />

Era)を行った。(会場:女性と仕事の未来館ビール・東京)。沖縄出身で沖縄音楽の世界的伝<br />

播に努めた金井喜久子(KANAI Kikuko 1906-1986)、およよび、反戦と女性の自立を解き続け<br />

た吉田隆子(YOSHIDA Takako 1910-1956)の歌曲とピアノテ曲が演奏された。こじんまりし<br />

た会場で100人余りの聴衆がレクェスャホーにも演奏にも熱心に耳を傾けた。聴衆のアンルケォ<br />

ーダには演奏への感動等が書かれており、主催者としては女性作曲家への関心が少しでも<br />

広まったことに安堵を覚えた。また音楽女性団体と働く女性を支援する組織の共催によよる<br />

企画は稀であり、貴重な体験となった。演奏は福成紀美子(FUKUNARI Kimiko)のソサプハラメ<br />

ノテ、三好優美子(MIYOSHI Yumiko)のピアノテ、講師は辻浩美(TSUJI Hiromi)。<br />

日常の活動としては、例会を概ね隔月開催し、会員の研究発表や情報交換を行っている。<br />

当団体は女性を主とする音楽史のゾキゥケダ作成を目標としており、現在の教科書の問題分<br />

析や欧米の先行例の紹介などを行っている。その他、最近の研究発表・報告のゾーマブとし<br />

て、クェラメラメ・シュポーマブンルの居住地の変遷、大正・昭和期の音楽雑誌における女性執筆者に<br />

よよる記事の分析、グェゟンルダー視点でみるアヒラメ、グュポタ゛ケ・バトダラメー講演会報告などが<br />

ある。<br />

___________________________________________________________________________<br />


Activities of International Women in Jazz New York, New York - 2005-2007 Dotti Anita Taylor,<br />

President<br />

International Women in Jazz was founded in September of 1995. We have 158 members We are<br />

open to all categories<br />

Three most important objectives for the next five years<br />

1) Foster a greater awareness of the diverse contributions women make to jazz worldwide<br />

2) Increase membership<br />

3) Develop chapters of IWJ across the world

August 2005 - December 2005<br />

___Monthly meetings called First Mondays were held providing members the opportunity to network<br />

and perform live or share music from their CDs<br />

___The IWJ newsletter, Quarter Notes, was revived by two IWJ members<br />

___Jam sessions were held once a month<br />

___IWJ members performed in a concert celebrating the 40th anniversary of Saint Peter’s Church<br />

and the 10th anniversary of International Women in Jazz<br />

___Master class conducted by the vocalist Sheila Jordan<br />

2006<br />

___IWJ had an exhibitors booth at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference to<br />

promote our organization and our members<br />

___Quarter Notes, the IWJ newsletter, was published quarterly<br />

___Master class conducted by vocalist Sheila Jordan<br />

___A workshop entitled "Making a Living in Music Wellness: A Workshop for Professional<br />

Performers" was led by flautist Jan Leder<br />

___A workshop entitled "Goin’ Out Of My Head: Releasing the Music Within With Spontaneity and<br />

Freedom was led by vocalist Andrea Wolper<br />

___A master class entitled "It Takes Two" was conducted by pianist Norman Simmons<br />

___IWJ members performed in the JVC Jazz Festival at Saint Peter’s Church’s "Jazz On The Plaza"<br />

___IWJ ensemble performed in the Jazz Concert Series at MACY’s Department Store which was<br />

part of the JVC Jazz Festival<br />

___A jam sessions were held at the Bacchus Room and The Triad - clubs in Manhattan<br />

2007<br />

___IWJ had an exhibitors booth at the International Association for Jazz Education Conference to<br />

promote our organization and our members<br />

___Quarter Notes, the IWJ newsletter, was published quarterly<br />

___Monthly meetings called First Mondays were held providing members the opportunity to network<br />

and perform live or share music from their CDs<br />

___A jam session was held at Big Apple Jazz, a club in Manhattan<br />

___A master class entitled "It Takes Two"-Part II was conducted by pianist Norman Simmons<br />

___A workshop entitled "The Represented Artist vs. the Self-Represented Artist" was led by vocalist<br />

Catherine Russell and manager Paul Kahn<br />

___IWJ produced a three-day Women in Jazz Festival in partnership Saint Peter’s Church and the<br />

Midtown Arts Common<br />

___IWJ members performed in the JVC Jazz Festival at Saint Peter’s Church’s "Jazz On The Plaza"<br />

___IWJ ensemble performed in the Jazz Concert Series at MACY’s Department Store which was<br />

part of the JVC Jazz Festival<br />

Importante: news dal Centro Veneto<br />

Il Centro Veneto per le Donne in Musica nel suo primo anno di attività ha avviato una ricerca in<br />

ambito regionale relativa alla presenza di giovani strumentiste e compositrici presenti e attive nei<br />

Conservatori. E' emersa la presenza di ensembles già formati da sole donne, in particolare trio e<br />

quartetto d'archi, interessate ad ampliare il loro repertorio con composizioni di donne.<br />

Molte le pianiste che già studiano le compositrici "storiche" come Clara Schumann e Fanny<br />

Mendelshon e interessate a collaborare con l'associazione.per quel che riguarda le studentesse di<br />

composizione sono poche e non attive durante saggi o manifestazioni esterne.<br />

Il CEVEDIM fa parte della Consulta delle Donne di Venezia e ha partecipato alle riunioni finalizzate al<br />

progetto per l'apertura a Venezia della "Città Internazionale delle Donne"; il progetto, oltre che<br />

lavorare alla ricerca di una sede per le attività, si è concretizzato in una prima manifestazione che ha<br />

visto la partecipazione di alcune associazioni veneziane per le donne e per la pace.<br />

A questo scopo. il nostro Centro ha preso parte ad una manifestazione svoltasi a Venezia il 9<br />

ottobre 2006, presso l'Arsenale, in cui arte visiva, poesia e musica al femminile sono state proposte<br />

al pubblico come un mezzo per l'incontro tra culture diverse per costruire un pensiero di pace.<br />

Hanno partecipato: - Joyce Kozloff, artista visiva del gruppo "Artist against the War di New York

- Laura Guadagnin e Grazia Sterlocchi dell'associazione "Settima stanza " con letture di poetesse di<br />

tutto il mondo sul tema della guerra - Francesca Viola, Annunziata Dellisanti alle percussioni e<br />

Orsola Bollettini, soprano, dell'Associazione CEVEDIM, in una perfomance musicale che<br />

accompagnava i momenti di lettura.<br />

Dal 15 al 18 giugno si è svolta la prima manifestazione organizzata in collaborazione con il Comune<br />

di Spinea e il settore didattico dei Musei Civici Veneziani.In questi giorni si è svolta una Clinic di<br />

percussioni e danza terapia tenuta da Alessandra Belloni presso l'Oratorio di Santa Maria Assunta di<br />

Spinea (Venezia)e il concerto finale "One woman show. Taranta-Dance of the ancient spider".<br />

Alessandra Belloni da più di venti anni svolge accurate ricerche sul campo dedicandosi allo studio<br />

dell'origine della tarantella - pizzica come danza di guarigione soprattutto per le donne.<br />

Professionista affermata a livello internazionale propone nei suoi concerti i ritmi e le danze del Sud<br />

Italia in un viaggio "focoso e percussivo" che riscopre antichi riti femminili magico-religiosi, canti<br />

processionali in onore della Madonna Nera, tammorriate e canti di lavoro femminili. Compone inoltre<br />

brani originali ispirandosi alle diverse culture musicali del mondo studiate durante i suoi numerosi<br />

viaggi.<br />

Il 18 giugno a Venezia, nel prestigioso Palazzo di Cà Rezzonico sede del Museo del Settecento, è<br />

stata presentata l'associazione che è affiliata alla Fondazione Adkins Chiti Donne in Musica dalla<br />

presidente Patricia Chiti che ha presentato il progetto "Music for the Mind" che propone di inviare<br />

materiali musicali all'Accademia Nazionale di Montenegro grazie all'aiuto di BRESCE (Unesco di<br />

Venezia). La Signora Adkins Chiti ha inoltre presentato una relazione sulla presenza femminile nella<br />

storia della musica.<br />

Questi eventi, seguiti con molto entusiasmo da molte donne, hanno dimostrato un notevole interesse<br />

nel territorio per gli argomenti trattati e la richiesta di avere ulteriori manifestazioni simili e soprattutto<br />

il desiderio di creare una rete di donne che si occupi del "settore musicale al femminile" poco<br />

conosciuto rispetto ad altre forme d'arte.<br />

IMPORTANT: FROM République Démocratique du Congo<br />

Regroupement des Femmes dans la Musique« Groupe JANR Musik » RAPPORT 2005 - 2007<br />

a. Création<br />

Le Regroupement des Femmes dans la Musique est une initiative de Mlle Jolie ODIA Mbuyi qui y a<br />

associé ses trois compères, ressortissants, comme elle, de l’Institut National des Arts (<strong>IN</strong>A). Pour<br />

mettre en exécution cet outil de promotion de la femme et de ses œuvres dans le domaine de la<br />

Musique, le 28 Août 2005, ce rêve sera effectif avec la mise sur pied du Groupe« JANR Musik », qui<br />

soit à même de faire connaître l’association et qui soit un canal de production et promotion de la<br />

femme et de ses œuvres créatrice dans tous les styles, genres et formes mais en promouvant notre<br />

culturel intangible qui tend à disparaître pour laisser la place à cette musique dite moderne mais qui<br />

au fond n’a rien de telle qualificatif et c’est celle là qui capte plus la population, qui, à mon humble<br />

avis a besoin d’un autre son de cloche. Pour cela, les femmes ont un grand rôle a joué dans tous le<br />

domaine de la vie en générale et dans la musique en particulier. D’où la création de cette plate<br />

forme.<br />

b. Membres<br />

Le Regroupement des Femmes dans la Musique compte à ces jours sept (7) membres effectifs et<br />

plusieurs collaborateurs que nous faisons intervenir par rapport au besoin selon les compétences à<br />

mettre à la disposition de l’activité ou événements à réaliser. Parce que n’ayant pas déjà les moyens<br />

de fonctionner régulièrement, c’est-à-dire, l’association n’a pas un espace qui lui soit propice à<br />

organiser des activités d’autofinancement pour subvenir à toute les dépenses qui couvre ne serait-ce<br />

qu’une motivation, petite soit-elle, de ses administrés et assurer le fonctionnement administratif<br />

conséquent ; toujours en quête des productions qui ne payent toujours pas bien (soit disant que le<br />

groupe n’étant pas connu,…) et parfois, c’est gratuitement que nous nous produisons pour nous faire<br />

juste un nom. Or, à ce stade, l’on devrait considérer le travail artistique et donner une chance aux<br />

femmes de croire en ce qu’elles font. Et aussi, à ces dernières d’être convaincues et de convaincre<br />

en mettant de côté toute considération de sa personne.<br />

c. Catégories professionnelles des membres

Nous avons dans notre association : Six (6) artistes, une (1) Enseignante, deux Chercheuses, 1<br />

Bibliothécaire, 1 Ethnomusicologue, 1 Chef d’orchestre, 2 Animatrices Culturelles, 6 Interprètes…<br />

d. Projets<br />

Depuis, notre création nous n’avons rencontré que des difficultés d’ordre organisationnel et<br />

fonctionnel de tous genres. Pour cela, l’association ne pouvant couvrir ces frais, les membres n’ayant<br />

pas de ressources pour les cotisations, doivent chercher ailleurs ou faire des extra moros que nous<br />

appelons communément « zonzing » du moment où il est aussi difficile de trouver un marcher de<br />

production qui nous permette de satisfaire tant soit peu le chef de tout un chacun. Nous avons<br />

pensés qu’il serait mieux pour nous de créer d’autres activités à caractères culturelles au-delà de la<br />

musique afin de permettre à notre association de vivre et de faire vivre celle qui ont les mêmes<br />

problèmes que nous, c’est-à-dire les femmes dans la musique. Sur ce, pour les cinq ans à venir :<br />

production et diffusion de nos œuvres sur supports CD, DVD, K7 ;<br />

nous initions déjà un projet de festival pour les femmes qui débutera par des ateliers de<br />

formation, résidence de création et séminaire en faveur des femmes dans la musique dans tout le<br />

domaine pour la première étape en mars 2008 et la deuxième étape marquera la restitution et les<br />

spectacles en Août 2008.<br />

créer une chorale d’enfants à qui nous voulons transmettre une culture musicale qui<br />

transformera la manière d’appréhender la musique, de défendre notre culture tant soit peu, qui ne<br />

sera possible qu’avec une acquisition d’un espace pour notre association car c’est enfin de<br />

compte la clef qui nous permettra de créer des activités d’autofinancement pour le<br />

fonctionnement régulier et l’amélioration des conditions de travail que nous ne pouvons détailler<br />

en si peu des lignes.<br />

Fait à Kinshasa, le 26 août 2007<br />

Jolie ODIA Mbuyi/Présidente<br />

République Démocratique du Congo<br />

IMPORTANT: FROM SPA<strong>IN</strong><br />

La Asociación Mujeres en la Música a lo largo de estos dos últimos años ha continuado con su labor<br />

de dar a conocer la música de compositoras de todos los tiempos. Con ese fin, los conciertos se han<br />

venido dedicando tanto al estreno de obras de compositoras contemporáneas como a la difusión de la<br />

música de compositoras históricas. Entre otras, se ha programado música de Mel Bonis, Marianna<br />

Martines, Fanny Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann, Cécile Chaminade, etc. así como de nuestras socias<br />

Mercé Torrents, Anna Bofill, M. Dolores Malumbres, Teresa Borrás, Alicia Coduras, Mercedes Zavala,<br />

Encarna Beltrán-Huertas, Sonia Megías, Iluminada Pérez Frutos, Diana Pérez Custodio y M. Luisa<br />

Ozaita, entre otras.<br />

Los conciertos incluyen una breve presentación con el fin de contextualizar las obras que a<br />

continuación van a escucharse.<br />

Conciertos y actividades realizados en 2006<br />

• Marzo 2006: Flauta y Piano – Antonio Arias y Gerardo López Laguna. Fundación Canal –<br />

Madrid; VI Festival de Mujeres en la Música. Aula de Cultura de Getxo – Vizcaya; Dúo de<br />

Violín y Piano –Iñaki Lagos y Arkaitz Mendoza. ; Concierto de Guitarra - René Mora. ;<br />

Concierto de la Orquesta de Cámara de Pamplona.; Exposición “La otra Historia de la<br />

Música.”<br />

• Abril 2006 - Homenaje a Mª Dolores Malumbres. Conservatorio Profesional de Logroño – Logroño;<br />

Concierto de la Orquesta Elena Romero. Auditorio Conde Duque - Madrid.<br />

Conciertos realizados en 2007<br />

• Marzo 2007 - Concierto de la Orquesta Elena Romero. Centro Cultural Nicolás Salmerón –<br />

Madrid; Concierto de piano – Ana Vega Toscano. Centro Conde Duque – Madrid.<br />

• Abril 2007 - VII Festival de Mujeres en la Música. Aula de Cultura de Getxo – Vizcaya; Concierto<br />

de voz y piano – Alicia Molina y M. Del Carmen Pérez; Concierto saxo y piano – Manuel Miján y<br />

Sebastián Mariné; Concierto de piano – Sara Olleros.<br />

• Mayo 2007 _ Concierto de piano – Sara Olleros. Centro Cultural El Torito – Madrid;<br />

Concierto de flauta y piano – Antonio Arias y Gerardo López Laguna. Centro Cultural.<br />

Nicolás Salmerón - Madrid<br />

• Octubre 2007 - Concierto de piano – Sara Olleros. Centro Cultural Nicolás Salmerón - Madrid


Marina Valmaggi ha spesso associato l'espressione figurativa a quella musicale. Alcune sue<br />

composizioni corali hanno lo stesso titolo delle sue pitture ( "Vere languores nostros").<br />

www.artedeoaxaca.com cliccando su CATALOGO DE OBRA, si trova il nome MAR<strong>IN</strong>A<br />

VALMAGGI, con una presentazione in italiano, inglese e spagnolo, oltre alle immagini di 6 quadri,<br />

pubblicati da una prestigiosa Galleria d'arte che ha sede a Oaxaca in Messico.<br />

Notizie da Marcela Pavia 20 settembre 2007: Rassegna "Quaranta anni di AVANT-GARDE 1967-<br />

2007 dello Studio 2B". Nella serata conclusiva presnetazione del video artistico "Danzando attorno<br />

all'UNO" di Leonilde Carabba, musica di Marcela Pavia. Sala Meeting, Elena Resort Club- Silvi<br />

Marina, Abruzzo- Ore 18.00<br />

28 settembre 2007: "Shalott" per legni, celesta, glockenspiel ed archi di Marcela Pavia sarà eseguita<br />

dalla Kharkov Philarmonic Orchestra diretta da Michael Wheatley presso la Kharkov Philarmonic<br />

Hall, Rymarska street 21, Kharkov, Ukraina, ore 18.00<br />

3-7 Ottobre 2007: After Urban-International ArtExpo Collection. NOMAD urban video Festival.<br />

Presentazione del DVD "Danzando attorno all'UNO" di Leonilde Carabba e musica di Marcela<br />

Pavia. Timberetului Park e Herastru Park, Bucharest, Romania.<br />

1-9 Dicembre: Biennale di Firenze. Presentazione del DVD "Danzando attorno alkl'UNO" di<br />

Leonilde Carabba musica di Marcela Pavia<br />

7-23 Dicembre: After Urban- Video Art and Architecture. Presentazione del DVD "Danzando<br />

attorno all'UNO" di Leonilde Carabba, musica di Marcela Pavia presso Monkeytown in<br />

Williamsburg. Brooklyn, New York.<br />

CONGRATULAZIONI AD Alessandra Bellino, segnalazione con diploma di merito al Concorso<br />

Internazionale di Composizione Egidio Carella 2007e Finalista al concorso Internazionale di<br />

Composizione Earplay 2007 S. Francisco<br />

From our affiliate in Austria - FIFTITU% - NEWSLETTER Nr.14/07 fiftitu@servus.at<br />

WILD DOG <strong>IN</strong>C. CALL FOR PROPOSALS Wild Dog Inc. is a multimedia project by<br />

Microtonal Projects Ltd. Proposals for microtonal music performance, microtonal sonic art, live<br />

art, silent film, film with music and dance. Proposals are sought on a no-fee basis, but ideas<br />

which may lead to funding applications are welcome. Kontakt: info@microtonalprojects.co.uk<br />

http://www.womeninmusic.org.uk/compsandops.asp<br />

New internet forum for European Women's and Gender Studies Calls for papers,<br />

symposia, reports, comments, discussions internet forum Salon 21 offers the possibility to<br />

announce events, conferences, workshops and seminars (in the conference languages and,<br />

if not identical, in German or English) as well as to publish calls for papers, reports, and<br />

commentshttp://www.univie.ac.at/Geschichte/Neuverortung-Geschlechtergeschichte<br />

Steirischen herbst 2007 Workshops zum Thema Performance, Musik und Architektur<br />

Im Rahmen der Herbst-Akademie des steirischen herbst 2007 werden auch<br />

heuer wieder drei internationale Workshops zum Thema Performance, Musik und Architektur<br />

für je zwanzig Studierende, KünstlerInnen TheoretikerInnen veranstaltet. Die Workshops<br />

bieten Platz für jeweils ca. 20 Personen und werden in englischer Sprache gehalten. Die<br />

Kosten betragen 150 EUR, es werden jeweils 5 Stipendien vergeben. Anmeldeschluss ist der<br />

16/07/2007. Detaillierte Informationen mit Biografien der Workshopleitenden und -<br />

teilnehmenden, sowie dieAnmeldungsmodalitäten finden unter:<br />

http://www.steirischerherbst.at/2007/deutsch/micro/ausschreibung.php<br />

First Black European Women's Congress Vienna 2007 Europe-wide networking meeting of

Black Women Black women's contribution to the European Year for Equal Opportunities for<br />

All. Im Garten Hotel Altmannsdorf, Hoffingergasse 26, 1120 Wien Telefon + 43 (1) 80 123,<br />

Telefax + 43 (1) 80 123 DW 51, AFRA -- International Center for Black Women's<br />

Perspectives, Graumanngasse 7/D/1, 1150 Wien call for participation:<br />

http://www.blackwomencenter.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=<br />

51<br />

CUBE Contemporary Chamber Ensemble brings music of today to Chicago audiences. Within its<br />

varied and imaginative programs, the ensemble explores music from around the world - as well as<br />

local works from Chicago's estimable music community. Specializing in chamber music for winds,<br />

piano, and percussion, performances may also include dance, performance art, and sculpture. The<br />

members of CUBE are Caroline Pittman, flute, Janice Misurell-Mitchell, flute/voice, Patricia<br />

Morehead, oboe/English horn, Christie Miller, clarinets, Douglas Brush and Dane Richeson,<br />

percussion, Lawrence Axelrod, composer/pianist/conductor, and Philip Morehead,<br />

keyboards/conductor. In addition to its concerts CUBE publishes CUBE<br />

Circuits, a twice-annual journal of articles on new music.Músicas Latinas: MUSIC OF LAT<strong>IN</strong>-<br />

AMERICAN WOMANCOMPOSERS co-produced by CUBE and MAVerick Ensembles<br />

Free Admission Sunday, November 18, 2007, 3 PM Gottlieb Hall, Merit School of Music<br />

38 S. Peoria, Chicago<br />


Music will not be silenced: New Freemuse report With 14 video interviews and written overviews<br />

of music censorship in countries as diverse as Algeria, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Ivory<br />

Coast and Cuba, the new Freemuse report is the closest you get to a global overview of music<br />

censorship today. And it is not a pretty picture! Based on the sessions at the 3rd Freemuse World<br />

Conference on Music & Censorship in Istanbul last November, the new report 'Music will not be<br />

silenced' gives an insight to a world unknown by many. For the first time in history Turkish musicians<br />

and composers aging from 20 to 85 testified in public about their trials, torture and censorship in<br />

Turkey. And for the first time we include a CD-R with video testimonies by artists, researchers and<br />

journalists from more than a dozen countries. The report also includes two songs composed and<br />

recorded specifically for Freemuse. Read more: www.freemuse.org/sw21038.asp<br />

13 th International Festival of Contemporary Arts ¯ City of Women 3 rd to 13 th October 2007,<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenia The programme for is being composed under the motto Laugh Out Loud!<br />

Humour and art have something in common - what some find funny, others find sad or even scary,<br />

and the other way around. There will be a lot of things at the 13 th City of Women to make us laugh:<br />

the surprise of nonsense discovered within apparent common-sense, contrasting presentations, lighthearted<br />

judgements, the combining of the allegedly incompatible and some brutally frank<br />

discoveries… The Festival will present around 45 women artists from Australia, Austria, Bahrain,<br />

Bangladesh, Belgium, BH, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, India, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Romania,<br />

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA. The City of Women anticipates a fruitful<br />

interdisciplinary exchange! The Festival programme: http://www.cityofwomen.org/2006/en<br />

ECPNM Bulletin 2007<br />

European competition for live-electronic music projects<br />

Results of the jury selection of the European Live Electronics Competition.<br />

Out of 29 entries the jury has selected the following 6 proposals:<br />

1. FLYERS, for alto saxophone and live electronics<br />

Malle Maltis, composer; Jandra Puusepp, saxophone; Tammo Sumera, technician<br />

(Estonia)<br />

2. ENVOYS, for female voice, winds, audio sequencing and live electronics<br />

Antonino Chiaramonte, composer/performer; Elisabetta Nora Tigges Mazzone,<br />

voice; Renato Vecchio, saxophone/shawms (Italy)<br />

3. Duo con:Fusion<br />

Marcia Lemke-kern + Sascha Lemke, composers/performers (Germany)

4. GROENE RUIS, for sounding tree<br />

Cathy van Eck, composer/performer (Netherlands)<br />

5. staTdT_kunst: Amsterdam 08-09-07, audio-visual live-performance Hannes<br />

Raffaseder, composer/sound design/performer; Kurt Hörbst, visuals/performer<br />

(Austria)<br />

6. P_ano Project, for piano solo, live and real-time electronics and public<br />

interaction Simao Costa, composer/pianist; Agata Mandillo, stage<br />

design/technician (Portugal)<br />

The performances of all these 6 works are scheduled in a concert on Saturday afternoon 8<br />

September 2007 as part of the International Gaudeamus Music Week in Amsterdam. After the<br />

performances the jury will award one work as prize winner of this competition; that work will<br />

then be invited by several members of the ECPNM for a performance in their festival or<br />

concert series.<br />

JUDI SILVANO (singer, composer, lyricist) has released a new CD in JUNE 2007 called WOMEN'S<br />

WORK (JSL Records #006) which was recorded LIVE at Sweet Rhythm jazz club in Greenwich<br />

Village, New York City with an all-woman band including Janice Friedman (piano), Jennifer Vincent<br />

(bass) and Allison Miller (drums). The repertoire features under-recorded songs by respected<br />

American Women Jazz Composers, including Mary Lou Williams, Blossom Dearie, Abbey<br />

Lincoln, Bessie Smith, Sheila Jordan, Meredtih D'Ambrosio, Carla Bley and by bandmembers<br />

Janice Friedman and Silvano. Reviews, sound clips and video can be seen at<br />

www.judisilvano.com, www.myspace.com/judisilvano, www.jslrecords.com and on YouTube. You<br />

can purchase the CD on www.CDBaby.com/judisilvano7 and on www.Amazon.com<br />

.Ms. Zaimont’s Wizards – Three Magic Masters will be performed by pianist<br />

Young-Ah Tak at her concerts on Friday, September 7 at 8:00 PM and Saturday, September 8 at 1<br />

PM, both at the Walton Art Center Starr Theater, 495 W. Dickson Street in Fayetteville, Arkansas.<br />

This program will be repeated on Saturday, Sept. 8th - 7:30pm at the<br />

University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in Little Rock,<br />

Arkansas. Ms. Zaimont’s Snazzy Sonata for Piano Four Hands will be performed on September 8<br />

and 9 by Teresa Yu and Paul Hersh at Washington State’s Olympic Music Festival<br />

(http://www.olympicmusicfestival.org/index.php). The World Premiere of The Figure, a new quartet<br />

will be given by the Harlem String Quartet on Saturday, September 15 – 8 PM at Setnor Auditorium,<br />

Crouse College on the campus of Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.This 15-minute-long<br />

quartet, commissioned by The Mellon Foundation, explores the dramatic potential of its core material<br />

– a tripartite 'figure' – in two contrasting movements titled In Shadow and In Bright Light.Other<br />

Zaimont works that will be performed at the September 15 concert are Reflective Rag and<br />

Hesitation Rag, both for solo piano, and the World Premiere of Serenade for Violin and Organ.<br />

The composer will also deliver a pre-concert talk that evening at 7:45.Her Parallel Play for<br />

saxophone quartet and Calendar Collection for piano solo will be performed at a special afternoon<br />

concert on the 15th, also at Setnor Auditorium, Crouse College. The Harlem Quartet will perform the<br />

work on Sunday, September 16 – 3 PM at the Eastman School of Music’s Kilbourn Hall in Rochester,<br />

New York and on Monday, September 17 – 8 PM at Cornell University ‘s Barnes Auditorium in<br />

Ithaca, New York More information WITH sound clips of her compositions, http://www.jzaimont.com/.<br />

The AUB Summer Vocal Ensemble presentsWomen of Note Works by women composers,<br />

including Hildegard of Bingen, Meredith Monk and a new work by<br />

Beirut composer Joelle Khoury, based on The waves by Virginia Woolf<br />

Tuesday, October 220h00 precisely Assembly Hall AUB All Are Welcome<br />

Sonia Bo - La composizione "Intermezzo"per violoncello solo verrà presentata in prima esecuzione<br />

assoluta sabato 15 settembre presso la Fondazione Calderara a Vacciago d'Orta dal<br />

violoncellista Andrea Favalessa. "...Nivee le fila" per ensemble sarà eseguito lunedì 24<br />

settembre a Sofia presso l'Auditorium dell' Unione Compositori in Bulgaria

forum@donneinmusica.org<br />


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