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a case report - Pacini Editore

a case report - Pacini Editore


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pathologica 2008;100:1<br />

Ed i t o r i a lE<br />

Nel 2008 la Rivista Pathologica<br />

compie 100 anni di pubblicazione<br />

Durante questo lungo periodo la Rivista ha accompagnato<br />

l’attività dei Patologi italiani fornendo informazioni<br />

scientifiche e contribuendo alla creazione di una<br />

Società Scientifica coesa e molto produttiva quale è la<br />


In corrispondenza di questa importante ricorrenza il<br />

Direttivo della SIAPEC-IAP, raccogliendo la richiesta<br />

di numerosi Soci, ha voluto proporre un rinnovamento<br />

per rilanciare Pathologica a livello nazionale ed internazionale,<br />

introducendo significative modifiche che<br />

consentano un incremento della qualità e la quantità dei<br />

contributi scientifici.<br />

Nell’individuare le innovazioni proposte da Roberto<br />

Fiocca, Direttore Scientifico, e da Marco Chilosi (che<br />

subentrerà nella Direzione Scientifica di Pathologica) si<br />

è tenuto conto delle molteplici aspettative ed esigenze<br />

dei Soci, dell’evoluzione delle tecnologie, del crescente<br />

impatto della Patologia italiana a livello scientifico internazionale<br />

nonché di favorire una maggiore collocazione<br />

“mediterranea” della Rivista.<br />

Le innovazioni comprendono:<br />

Lingua<br />

La Rivista pubblicherà solamente articoli in lingua<br />

inglese. L’attuale opzione “lingua italiana / lingua inglese”<br />

si è dimostrata infatti limitativa sulla quantità<br />

e qualità dei contributi scientifici e sulla loro visibilità<br />

internazionale. La pubblicazione in lingua inglese consentirà<br />

di estendere le aree di affluenza a livello europeo<br />

ed extraeuropeo. Sarà disponibile un servizio di editing,<br />

a carico della Società Scientifica, per incrementare la<br />

qualità dei lavori pubblicati da ricercatori non di madre<br />

lingua inglese.<br />

È prevista comunque la pubblicazione di numeri speciali<br />

(in particolare gli atti di convegni e congressi organizzati<br />

dalla Società) e di inserti di carattere normativo<br />

o prettamente organizzativo in lingua italiana.<br />

Pubblicazione online<br />

La Rivista sarà pubblicata in versione cartacea ed in<br />

versione online, accessibile su PubMed gratuitamente.<br />

Questa innovazione, che ha ricevuto il generoso assenso<br />

del Direttivo SIAPEC-IAP, è un servizio importante<br />

per i lettori di Pathologica, e potrà garantire un’elevata<br />

visibilità internazionale a quanti vorranno pubblicare su<br />

Pathologica.<br />

Segreteria Editoriale<br />

La Segreteria Editoriale sarà riorganizzata centralizzando<br />

presso la <strong>Pacini</strong> <strong>Editore</strong> (Pisa) il sistema di ricezione<br />

e revisione dei manoscritti (esclusivamente via internet).<br />

Questa innovazione consentirà di snellire e rendere più<br />

efficaci i processi di revisione e di editing con notevole<br />

ridimensionamento dei tempi di pubblicazione.<br />

Siamo fiduciosi che queste innovazioni saranno apprezzate<br />

dai Soci di SIAPEC-IAP e consentiranno a Pathologica<br />

di affrontare con rinnovata energia le sfide di un<br />

nuovo secolo di attività scientifica.<br />

Roberto Fiocca<br />

Marco Chilosi<br />

Oscar Nappi (past-President)<br />

Gianluigi Taddei (President)

pathologica 2008;100:2<br />

Ed i t o r i a l<br />

In 2008, Pathologica celebrates<br />

its 100 th year of publication<br />

During the last century, the Journal has accompanied<br />

the activity of Italian pathologists, providing scientific<br />

information and contributing substantially to the<br />

creation of a solid and productive scientific society,<br />

the SIAPEC-IAP. In celebration of this milestone, the<br />

directing members of the SIAPEC-IAP, following the<br />

requests of many members, have decided to renew<br />

Pathologica at the national and international level by<br />

significantly modifying both the quality and quantity of<br />

scientific contributions.<br />

The changes proposed by Roberto Fiocca (Scientific<br />

Director) and Marco Chilosi (who will take over as new<br />

Scientific Director) have considered the needs and expectations<br />

of the members of SIAPEC-IAP, continually<br />

evolving technologies and the increasingly important<br />

impact of Italian pathologists at the international level,<br />

in addition to the desire to give the journal a more Mediterranean<br />

viewpoint.<br />

The innovations include:<br />

Language<br />

Pathologica will be published exclusively in English.<br />

The current option of English or Italian poses limits on<br />

the quality and quantity of scientific contributions, and<br />

international visibility. The publication of all articles in<br />

English will allow more ample diffusion on a European<br />

and extra-European level. All contributions will now<br />

be copyedited in order to improve the overall quality of<br />

publications submitted by non-native English speakers.<br />

Nonetheless, special issues (e.g. abstract books from<br />

meetings and congresses organised by the SIAPEC-<br />

IAP), normatives and organisational material will continue<br />

to be published in Italian.<br />

Publication online<br />

While the Journal will continue to be published in a printed<br />

version, it will also be offered online and can be accessed<br />

freely through PubMed. This advance was openly<br />

welcomed by the directing members of the SIAPEC-IAP,<br />

and is viewed as an important service for our readership.<br />

It will also guarantee more international visibility for<br />

those considering publication in Pathologica.<br />

Publisher<br />

Publishing will be reorganised using <strong>Pacini</strong> <strong>Editore</strong>,<br />

located in Pisa, and manuscripts will be submitted and<br />

revised exclusively via Internet. This innovation will<br />

considerably increase the efficiency of all phases of<br />

the publication process, and will considerably reduce<br />

publication times.<br />

We are confident that these changes will be greatly appreciated<br />

by all members of the SIAPEC-IAP, which<br />

will allow Pathologica to face the scientific challenges<br />

of the next 100 years with renewed energy.<br />

Roberto Fiocca<br />

Marco Chilosi<br />

Oscar Nappi (past-President)<br />

Gianluigi Taddei (President)

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:3-5<br />


Genomic pathology for genomic biology<br />

Patologia genomica per biologia genomica<br />

R.D. CARDIFF<br />

Center for Comparative Medicine and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Davis CA<br />

Tremendous advances in our understanding of the mammalian<br />

genome have led to new enthusiasm for molecular-based<br />

medicine. Indeed, genomic biology is now the<br />

driving force in health sciences and medical research,<br />

and meetings are convened to discuss the topic of<br />

“Genomic Medicine”. New Institutes and Centers have<br />

proliferated to take advantage of the technology. But,<br />

in their euphoria, have the new “genomic biologists”<br />

forgotten pathology, the study of disease? Or, has pathology<br />

forgotten them? More cynically, do molecular<br />

biologists truly believe that their technology can replace<br />

the pathologist with machines? In their ignorance, their<br />

technology is underserved.<br />

Is this “disconnect” based on arrogance or ignorance?<br />

The ignorance is evident in the current enthusiasm for<br />

creating more mutant mice. The animal houses in Universities<br />

are already overflowing with mice 1 . Now, a<br />

new international consortium is intent on knocking out<br />

the entire mouse genome, thus creating, gene by gene,<br />

thousands of new mutant mouse strains. This program<br />

is certain to establish the experimental mouse resources<br />

that can potentially form the basis for understanding the<br />

genetic and molecular biology of disease. Enthusiastic<br />

planners, in some countries, indicate that they are prepared<br />

to study the diseases in these mice. The question is<br />

whether pathology is prepared for Genomic Biology 2 ?<br />

Genome-based biology, founded initially on the mouse<br />

and eventually on humans, will require comparative pathologists<br />

who can recognize the gross and microscopic<br />

patterns of disease in both species and who can integrate<br />

the disease patterns with the genomic changes 2 . In the<br />

past, comparative pathologists have served as the gatekeepers<br />

of disease models, validating the similarity to,<br />

or divergence from, human diseases. Now they will be<br />

asked to recognize the sometimes subtle histopathological<br />

variations related to minor changes in the genome.<br />

Historically, the ancients recognized no difference<br />

between healing animals or man and most “healers”<br />

treated both 3 . Later, interested observers frequently<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

The Author appreciates the numerous suggestions and editorial<br />

comments from the members of the Academy of Genomic Pathology<br />

that served as the foundation for this essay.<br />

used animals for experimental observation of anatomy,<br />

physiology and pathology. When unable to dissect human<br />

cadavers, they resorted to animals, leading to numerous<br />

erroneous assumptions about human anatomy.<br />

Two examples are the bicornuate uterus of the cow<br />

and the spiral intestine of the pig, both of which are<br />

frequently found in medieval depictions of human anatomy.<br />

In fact, it has been said that veterinary medicine<br />

was based on observation and facts during eras when<br />

human medicine was based on theory and incantations.<br />

With high economic and sometimes spiritual value, animals<br />

were the leading resource for the study of biology<br />

and pathology.<br />

Modern comparative pathology originated with Rudolph<br />

Virchow, the “Founder of Modern Pathology”,<br />

who stated that “there is little difference” between diseases<br />

in animals and in man 2 . The theme was taken up<br />

by William Osler, the “Founder of Modern Medicine”,<br />

who started a Veterinary College at McGill and is given<br />

credit for coining the term “one medicine”. Interestingly,<br />

Osler is also considered by many as the “Founder<br />

of Veterinary Pathology”. Sadly, we lost the enthusiasm<br />

exhibited by our predecessors.<br />

Regrettably, the disciplines of medical and veterinary<br />

pathology have drifted apart, leaving the field of comparative<br />

pathology to a dedicated few. As documented<br />

elsewhere, neither group of pathologists is training<br />

protégées for the modern form of comparative pathology,<br />

Genomic Pathology 2 . This form of pathology<br />

requires an appreciation of the effects of molecular<br />

changes on the pathobiology of the individual. In some<br />

countries, veterinary pathologists are almost extinct.<br />

Pathology training in veterinary medicine emphasizes<br />

exotic and domestic animals. Laboratory animal training<br />

is targeted to assist in board certification. While in high<br />

demand in industry, the majority of veterinary pathologists<br />

are reduced to mind-numbing, high throughput<br />

toxicological screening in the business environment.<br />

Pathology training in human medicine also emphasizes<br />

Correspondence<br />

R.D. Cardiff, Center for Comparative Medicine and Department<br />

of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California,<br />

Davis, CA 95616 USA - E-mail: rdcardiff@ucdavis.edu

4<br />

high-throughput diagnosis that merely demands pattern<br />

recognition, leaving little time for the appreciation of<br />

the natural history or molecular biology of disease. Very<br />

few medical training programs offer exposure to veterinary<br />

pathologists or to animal diseases. The same can be<br />

said of veterinary programs.<br />

The development of genetic engineering in the mouse<br />

has created an opportunity to test molecular-based<br />

hypotheses on living mammals 2 . The study of these<br />

animals is critical to achieving progress in human medicine.<br />

Investigators now can control the mouse genome<br />

by targeting, inserting or deleting specific genes, and<br />

even controlling the temporal expression of genes. As a<br />

result, the mouse has become the surrogate for human<br />

disease. The optimism of current knock-out projects is<br />

based on these genetically manipulated mice. The proposed<br />

programs offer to knock-out the entire mouse genome,<br />

ultimately creating between 10,000 and 200,000<br />

new strains of mice.<br />

Therefore, genetic manipulation targeting rodents now<br />

enters the mix. Scientists can test their favorite molecule<br />

in the context of a living mammal. They can separate<br />

and isolate variables experimentally. They can study the<br />

natural history of the disease from origin to the ultimate<br />

consequence. Genomic biologists truly need the pathologists<br />

they previously ignored. Workforce studies in the<br />

United States and Europe have documented a shortage<br />

of qualified, experienced mouse pathologists 1 2 (http://<br />

www.prime-eu.org/D02). The question is: Who is going<br />

to identify, classify and study the genome-based<br />

diseases in the new generations of mice 1 2 4 ?<br />

Our lack of preparation in pathology, unfortunately, has<br />

left the majority of North American and European research<br />

scientists without comparative pathologists who<br />

are qualified to examine the diseases in their molecularly-manipulated<br />

mice. This shortage has led to what has<br />

been, somewhat sarcastically, called “Do-it-Yourself”<br />

pathology 2 , performed by untrained and under-trained<br />

investigators with little access to widely dispersed and<br />

qualified pathologists. Do-it-Yourself pathology has led<br />

to the publication of a number of serious errors. Normal<br />

organs such as nipples and preputial glands have been described<br />

as neoplasms. Neuroendocrine tumors have been<br />

misdiagnosed as adenocarcinomas. Misuse of terminology<br />

by well-intended but inexperienced investigators has<br />

become another problem 2 5 6 . Unfortunately, the already<br />

lengthy list of published errors continues to grow.<br />

As a result of the genomic revolution, we are entering<br />

an exciting period where comparative, Genomic<br />

Pathologists will be in great demand. Imagine the exciting<br />

opportunities when every slide examined reveals<br />

pathologic phenomena never previously observed. Examples<br />

from our own <strong>case</strong>s involve the recognition that<br />

different genes cause different and unique microscopic<br />

mammary tumor phenotypes in genetically engineered<br />

R.D. CARDIFF<br />

mice (GEM) 7-9 . These GEM tumors are unique and<br />

quite different from the spontaneous tumors observed in<br />

mammary tumor virus-infected mice. The identification<br />

of unique genotype-specific “signature” phenotypes was<br />

reinforced by the observation that tumors resulting from<br />

activations of whole pathways could share one or more<br />

phenotypic features. The concepts in mammary gland<br />

pathology are applicable to tumors in other organs 7 .<br />

Some mice develop tumors that are exact histological<br />

phenocopies of human cancer. The unique genotyperelated<br />

phenotypes observed in mice will soon be the<br />

basis for modern pathology. These genotype-phenotype<br />

correlations are the basis for Genomic Pathology.<br />

What is the pathology of the future? The new pathology<br />

will require integration of evidence from diverse<br />

“-omic” sources with the natural history of disease and<br />

the microscopic changes. The various “-omics” are subheadings<br />

under the general heading of genomics 10 . The<br />

next generation of pathologists will need to understand<br />

how genes and their products affect the disease processes.<br />

They will be the Genomic Pathologists.<br />

However, experienced genomic pathologists are so<br />

widely dispersed that our medical and veterinary training<br />

programs lack faculty capable of teaching the subject<br />

matter. Without rapid identification and deployment<br />

of the available resources, the current scientific community<br />

will continue to be subject to serious errors. The<br />

pathological conditions of the numerous new mouse<br />

strains will continue to be misinterpreted and chaos<br />

shall reign.<br />

How can the current generation of pathologists prepare<br />

itself and the next generation of pathologists? Modern<br />

dilemmas require modern solutions. We have proposed<br />

that those interested and qualified genomic pathologists<br />

join together in an International Academy of Genomic<br />

Pathology 1 2 . Such a group will become a society of<br />

like-minded people who will share experiences and<br />

teach each other the nuances of our discipline. The<br />

group can be geographically dispersed but remain connected<br />

through the modern marvel of communications,<br />

the Internet. Existing technology permits whole slide<br />

imaging that can be placed on the Internet to be shared<br />

and annotated. Since whole slide images can be viewed<br />

at any magnification anywhere on the slide, they are like<br />

meeting with your friends, colleagues and students over<br />

a multi-headed microscope.<br />

Further, the gathering of people with mutual interests represents<br />

an educational opportunity for the next generation.<br />

If we can meet and discuss <strong>case</strong>s, certainly our students can<br />

do likewise. The Academy of Genomic Pathology can become<br />

the faculty of an international university that teaches<br />

the principles of our discipline. We invite like-minded<br />

pathologists to join us in sharing experiences and opinions.<br />

We invite the yet unskilled to attend our courses to learn<br />

from the very best. It will be a great adventure.


References<br />

1 Barthold SW, Borowsky AD, Brayton C. From whence will they<br />

come? – A perspective on the acute shortage of pathologists in<br />

biomedical research. J Vet Diagn Invest 2007;19:455-6.<br />

2 Cardiff RD, Ward JM, Barthold SW. One medicine-One pathology:<br />

Are veterinary and medical pathology prepared? Lab Invest<br />

2008 (in press).<br />

3 Schwabe CW. Cattle, priests, and progress in medicine. Minneapolis:<br />

Univ of Minnesota Press 1978.<br />

4 Cardiff RD. Pathologists needed to cope with mutant mice. Nature<br />

2007;447:528.<br />

5 Cardiff RD, Rosner A, Hogarth MA, Galvez JJ, Borowsky AD,<br />

Gregg JP. Validation: the new challenge for pathology. Toxicol<br />

Pathol 2004;32(Suppl 1):31-9.<br />

6 Lensch MW, Ince TA. The terminology of teratocarcinomas and<br />

teratomas. Nat Biotechnol 2007;25:1211.<br />

7 Cardiff RD, Munn RJ, Galvez JJ. The tumor pathology of genetically<br />

engineered mice: a new approach to molecular pathology.<br />

In: Fox JG, Davisson MT, Quimby FW, Barthold SW, Newcomer<br />

CE, Smith AL, eds. The mouse in biomedical research: experimental<br />

biology and oncology. Second Ed. New York: Elsevier, Inc<br />

2006, p. 581-622.<br />

8 Cardiff RD, Sinn E, Muller W, Leder P. Transgenic oncogene<br />

mice. Tumor phenotype predicts genotype. Am J Pathol<br />

1991;139:495-501.<br />

9 Rosner A, Miyoshi K, Landesman-Bollag E, Xu X, Seldin DC,<br />

Moser AR, et al. Pathway pathology: histological differences<br />

between ErbB/Ras and Wnt pathway transgenic mammary tumors.<br />

Am J Pathol 2002;161:1087-97.<br />

10 Barthold SW. “Muromics”: genomics from the perspective of the<br />

laboratory mouse. Comp Med 2002;52:206-23.<br />


PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:6-8<br />


Smooth muscle differentiation in ovarian<br />

granulosa-cell tumours: a new <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong><br />

Differenziazione del muscolo liscio in tumori ovarici a cellule della granulosa:<br />

un nuovo caso clinico<br />

Introduction<br />


Department of Cytology and Surgical Pathology, Salah Azaiez Institute, Bab Saadoun, 1006 Tunis, Tunisia<br />

Various types of metaplasia have been demonstrated<br />

within normal and hyperplastic ovarian stroma as well<br />

as in ovarian tumours, including osseous, fat, decidual<br />

and smooth muscle metaplasia 1 . Muscle fibres have been<br />

identified on ultrastructural examination within the normal<br />

theca externa of the follicles and cortical stroma 2-4 .<br />

Smooth muscle differentiation has been also described in<br />

some ovarian tumours such as granulosa-cell tumours of<br />

both juvenile and adult types 3 4 . This type of metaplasia<br />

is often under-recognized and has been described only<br />

rarely. Its frequency has been estimated to be around 1.5<br />

among all ovarian metaplasia 4 .<br />

Case <strong>report</strong><br />

Key words<br />

Granulosa-cell tumor • Smooth muscle metaplasia • Ovary<br />

Summary<br />

Smooth muscle differentiation in stromal ovarian tissue has rarely<br />

been described in normal and tumoural ovaries, especially in<br />

granulosa-cell tumours.<br />

A moderately differentiated adult granulosa-cell tumour in an 83year-old-woman<br />

is <strong>report</strong>ed. Tumoural stroma included clusters<br />

of regular smooth muscle cells stained positively for smooth<br />

muscle actin.<br />

The presence of smooth muscle differentiation in an ovarian<br />

granulosa-cell tumour should be taken into consideration during<br />

diagnosis.<br />

An 83-year-old woman presented with a 1-year history<br />

of a painful latero-uterine mass. Ultrasonographic examination<br />

revealed the presence of abundant acites associated<br />

with a heterogeneous right ovarian tumour pre-<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Tumore a cellule della granulosa • Metaplasia del muscolo liscio •<br />

Ovaio<br />

Riassunto<br />

Raramente è stato descritto muscolo liscio differenziato in tessuto<br />

ovarico stromale di ovaie normali o tumorali, specialmente<br />

nei tumori a cellule della granulosa.<br />

Riportiamo il caso di un tumore a cellule della granulosa<br />

dell’adulto in una donna di 83 anni. Lo stroma del tumore conteneva<br />

grappoli di cellule proprie del muscolo liscio positivamente<br />

colorate per l’actina del muscolo liscio.<br />

Durante la diagnosi sarebbe da tenere in considerazione la<br />

presenza di muscolo liscio differenziato in un tumore ovarico a<br />

cellule della granulosa.<br />

senting both solid and cystic components. The patient<br />

underwent hysterectomy and died immediately after<br />

intervention due to a pulmonary vascular embolism.<br />

Gross examination of the surgical specimen revealed an<br />

encapsulated ovarian tumour measuring 30 x 15 x 13<br />

cm with a smooth and lobulated surface. Its sectioned<br />

surface was yellow to tan with an admixture of cystic<br />

and solid hemorrhagic areas.<br />

The contralateral ovary and the 2 fallopian tubes were<br />

macroscopically normal.<br />

Microscopically, there was an ovarian tumoural proliferation<br />

arranged into cords and trabeculae in a background<br />

of cellular stroma (Fig. 1). The tumoural cells presented<br />

a scant cytoplasm and a round to ovoid nucleus with fine<br />

chromatin and a longitudinal groove. Mitotic activity<br />

was estimated at 5 per 10 high power fields. Tumoural<br />

stroma included long fascicles of spindled cells with<br />

eosinophilic cytoplasm and elongated nuclei with cigarshaped<br />

ends (Fig. 2). These cells were immunoreactive<br />

for smooth muscle actin (Fig. 3).<br />

The contralateral ovary and the 2 fallopian tubes were<br />

free of tumoural invasion.<br />

Correspondence<br />

Dr Imen Abbes, Department of Cytology and Surgical Pathology,<br />

Salah Azaiez Institute, Bab Saadoun, 1006 Tunis, Tunisia<br />

- Tel. +216 22 589364 - Fax +216 71 571380 - E-mail: imen.<br />



Fig. 1. Tumoural proliferation arranged into cords and trabeculae<br />

in a background of cellular stroma (haematoxylin and eosin, x 40).<br />

Fig. 2. Clusters of smooth muscle cells within stroma (haematoxylin<br />

and eosin, x 400).<br />

Fig. 3. Spindle cells stained with antibodies against smooth muscle<br />

actin (visualisation with 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine, x 400).<br />

Discussion<br />

This <strong>case</strong> highlights the possible existence of stromal<br />

smooth muscle differentiation within a granulosa-cell<br />

tumour, which may cause diagnostic difficulties. In fact,<br />

due to a biphasic cellular pattern, granulosa-cell tumours<br />

may be misdiagnosed as carcinosarcoma, poorly differentiated<br />

carcinoma or Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours.<br />

The presence of stromal smooth muscle actin immunostaining<br />

favours a diagnosis of granulosa-cell tumour<br />

over that of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour.<br />

Furthermore, in contrast to both carcinosarcoma and<br />

poorly differentiated carcinoma, granulosa-cell tumours<br />

do not show cyto-nuclear atypia, and the tumour cells<br />

are often immunoreactive for inhibin 5-10 .<br />

It should be pointed out that a wide variety of primary<br />

and metastatic ovarian tumours may contain significant<br />

numbers of positively staining luteinized cells for inhibin<br />

8 . Accordingly, careful examination should be made<br />

in the interpretation of inhibin positive cells.<br />

Smooth muscle differentiation was originally described<br />

using light microscopy in normal ovarian stroma 2 11 .<br />

More recently, it has been confirmed by ultrastructural<br />

and immunohistochemical analyses 3 12 . Smooth muscle<br />

fibres are <strong>report</strong>edly located in the theca externa of<br />

secondary follicles and in deep cortical stroma, theoretically<br />

accounting for the contractile properties of perifollicular<br />

ovarian stroma 3-5 .<br />

On the other hand, the absence of smooth muscle actin<br />

in the normal outer ovarian cortex and theca interna,<br />

as well as in stromal hyperplasia, suggests that sex<br />

hormones may have no role in the genesis of smooth<br />

muscle metaplasia 2 .<br />

Doss et al. 4 <strong>report</strong>ed that smooth muscle metaplasia<br />

may occur as a response to the presence of a coexistent<br />

physiologic or pathologic process. Pathologic ovarian<br />

lesions include ovarian endometriosis, hyperthecosis,<br />

massive ovarian oedema, mucinous cystadenomas, thecomas,<br />

Brenner tumours and granulosa-cell tumour of<br />

both juvenile and adult types 3 4 .<br />

In conclusion, the present <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> draws attention<br />

to the pitfalls encountered in histological diagnosis of<br />

granulosa-cell tumours due to the possible existence of<br />

stromal smooth muscle differentiation.<br />


8<br />

References<br />

1 Kurman RJ. Blaustein’s pathology of the female genital tract. New<br />

York: Springer 2001.<br />

2 Okamura H, Virutamasen P, Wright KH, Wallach EE. Ovarian<br />

smooth muscle in the human being, rabbit and cat. Am J Obstet<br />

Gynecol 1972;112:183-91.<br />

3 Santini D, Ceccareli C, Leone O, Pasquinelli G, Piane S, Marabini<br />

A, et al. Smooth muscle differentiation in normal human ovaries,<br />

ovarian stromal hyperplasia and ovarian granulosa-stromal cells<br />

tumors. Mod Pathol 1995;8:25-30.<br />

4 Doss BJ, Wanek SM, Jacques SM, Qurashi F, Ramirez NC,<br />

Lawrence WD. Ovarian smooth muscle metaplasia: an uncommon<br />

and possibly under recognized entity. Int J Gynecol Pathol<br />

1999;18:58-62.<br />

5 Costa MJ, De Rose PB, Roth LM, Brescia RJ, Zaloudek CJ, Cohen<br />

C. Immunohistochemical phenotype of ovarian granulosa cell<br />

tumors: absence of epithelial membrane antigen has diagnostic<br />

value. Hum Pathol 1994;25:60-6.<br />

6 Rishi M, Howard LN, Bratthauer GL, Tavassoli FA. Use of monoclonal<br />

antibody against human inhibin as a marker for sex cordstromal<br />

tumors of the ovary. Am J Surg Pathol 1997;21:583-9.<br />

I. ABBES ET AL.<br />

7 Aguirre P, Thor AD, Scully RE. Ovarian endometrioid carcinoma<br />

resembling sex cord-stromal tumors. An immunohistochemical<br />

study. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1989;8:364-73.<br />

8 Hldebrandt RH, Rouse DV, Longacre TA. Value of inhibin in the<br />

identification of granulosa cell tumors of the ovary. Hum Pathol<br />

1997;28:1387-95.<br />

9 Costa MJ, Ames PF, Walls J, Roth LM. Inhibin immunohistochemistry<br />

applied to ovarian neoplasms: a novel, effective, diagnostic<br />

tool. Hum Pathol 1997;28:1247-54.<br />

10 Otis CN, Powell JL, Barbuto D, Carcangiu ML. Intermediate filamentous<br />

proteins in adult granulosa cell tumors. An immunohistochemical<br />

study of 25 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol 1992;16:962-8.<br />

11 Czernobilsky B, Moll R, Levy R, Franke WW. Co-expression<br />

of cytokeratin and vimentin filaments in mesothelial, granulosa<br />

and rete ovarii cells of the human ovary. Eur J Cell Biol<br />

1985;37:175-90.<br />

12 Czernobilsky B, Shezen E, Lifschitz-Mercer B, Fogel M, Luzon<br />

A, Jacob N, et al. Alpha smooth muscle actin (α SM actin) in normal<br />

human ovaries, in ovarian stromal hyperplasia and in ovarian<br />

neoplasms. Virch Archiv B Cell Pathol 1989;57:55-61.

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:9-12<br />


Carcinoma squamoso in situ insorto su teratoma cistico<br />

maturo ovarico<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma in situ arising in ovarian mature cystic teratoma<br />


Dip. “G.F. Ingrassia”, Anatomia Patologica, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria Policlinico “G. Rodolico”, Catania<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Carcinoma squamoso • In situ • Teratoma cistico maturo<br />

Riassunto<br />

Il teratoma cistico maturo è una neoplasia quasi sempre benigna,<br />

ma nel 2% dei casi può andare incontro a degenerazione maligna<br />

di una delle sue componenti. Sebbene vari tipi di carcinoma<br />

possono insorgere nel contesto di un teratoma maturo, la trasformazione<br />

maligna interessa più frequentemente, nell’80% dei<br />

casi, la componente squamosa con l’insorgenza di un carcinoma<br />

squamoso invasivo. Nonostante l’alta incidenza di carcinoma<br />

squamoso, sorprendentemente, il riscontro di carcinoma squamoso<br />

in situ è eccezionale; solo rari casi sono riportati in letteratura.<br />

Descriviamo un caso di carcinoma squamoso in situ insorto su di<br />

un teratoma cistico maturo senza componente invasiva.<br />

Introduzione<br />

Il teratoma cistico maturo o cisti dermoide, caratterizzato<br />

dalla predominanza di tessuto maturo di derivazione<br />

ectodermica, è la forma più comune di teratoma ovarico<br />

e rappresenta circa il 20% di tutte le neoplasie ovariche.<br />

È quasi sempre benigno, ma nel 2% dei casi si può<br />

riscontrare la trasformazione maligna di una delle sue<br />

componenti. La frequenza di degenerazione maligna aumenta<br />

con l’età con una media dell’1,8%. In questi casi<br />

la prognosi dipende dallo stadio ed è scarsa nei casi estesi<br />

oltre l’ovaio. La componente che più frequentemente<br />

va incontro a degenerazione, in circa l’80% dei casi, è<br />

quella squamosa con l’insorgenza di un carcinoma squamoso<br />

invasivo, mentre solo raramente è stato riportato<br />

in letteratura il carcinoma squamoso in situ. Tuttavia, altri<br />

tumori possono insorgere nel contesto di un teratoma<br />

cistico maturo: carcinoidi, carcinoma indifferenziato a<br />

piccole cellule, carcinomi tiroidei, carcinomi basocellulari,<br />

carcinomi annessiali, vari tipi di adenocarcinoma,<br />

eventualmente associati alla componente squamosa<br />

Key words<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma • In situ • Mature cystic teratoma<br />

Summary<br />

Mature cystic teratoma is a benign neoplasm, but malignant<br />

transformation of one component may occur in 2% of <strong>case</strong>s.<br />

Although very different types of carcinomas may be arise from<br />

mature cystic teratoma, invasive squamous cell carcinoma is the<br />

most frequent type of malignancy found, comprising about 80%<br />

of all malignancies arising from dermoid tumours. Although<br />

invasive squamous cell carcinoma is relatively frequent, it is<br />

surprising that so few <strong>case</strong>s of squamous cell carcinoma in situ<br />

in mature cystic teratoma have been <strong>report</strong>ed. We describe a <strong>case</strong><br />

of squamous cell carcinoma in mature cystic teratoma without<br />

an invasive component.<br />

(carcinomi adeno-squamosi), carcinomi mucoepidermoidi,<br />

melanomi e vari tipi di sarcomi, leiomiosarcomi,<br />

condrosarcomi e angiosarcomi.<br />

Viene descritto un caso di carcinoma squamoso in situ<br />

insorto su cisti dermoide dell’ovaio.<br />

Caso clinico<br />

Una donna di 48 anni presentava una tumefazione pelvica,<br />

in sede annessiale destra che all’esame TC appariva<br />

ipodensa, delle dimensioni di circa 20 cm. Fu eseguita<br />

una istero-annessiectomia bilaterale.<br />


L’esame macroscopico evidenziava nell’ovaio destro<br />

una neoformazione cistica delle dimensioni di 20 x 17 x<br />

12 cm a superficie esterna liscia e regolare con reticolo<br />

vascolare evidente; al taglio era presente abbondante<br />

materiale pilo-sebaceo; la superficie interna non mostrava<br />

aree nodulari protrudenti in cavità e appariva in<br />

Corrispondenza<br />

Dott.ssa Alessandra Gurrera, Dip. “G.F. Ingrassia”, Anatomia<br />

Patologica, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria Policlinico “G.<br />

Rodolico”, via S. Sofia 87, 95123 Catania, Italia - Tel. +39 095<br />

3782030 - Fax +39 095 3782023 - E-mail: gurrera@policlinico.<br />


10<br />

gran parte liscia e regolare, ad eccezione di un’area di<br />

circa 5 cm che si presentava irregolare e ricoperta da<br />

fini granulazioni; nella spessore della parete era incuneato<br />

un abbozzo dentale. Nulla da rilevare nell’ovaio<br />

sinistro. L’utero presentava tre leiomiomi, intramurali e<br />

sottosierosi, endometrio lievemente ispessito; la cervice<br />

non mostrava lesioni macroscopicamente evidenti.<br />


L’esame istologico rivelava un teratoma cistico maturo<br />

monodermico costituito esclusivamente da componente<br />

ectodermica (cisti dermoide) nell’ovaio destro. La cisti<br />

era rivestita da epitelio squamoso cheratinizzante con<br />

riconoscibili strutture annessiali pilosebacee; l’area<br />

irregolare descritta macroscopicamente appariva disepitelizzata<br />

e sostituita da flogosi cronica granulomatosa<br />

con istiociti e cellule giganti plurinucleate tipo corpo<br />

estraneo frammiste a strutture pilari, nel cui contesto<br />

si riconosceva epitelio cheratinizzante residuo (Fig. 1).<br />

Nel contesto della flogosi granulomatosa, come reperto<br />

inusuale, si reperiva un focolaio di circa 1 cm di carcinoma<br />

squamoso in situ (Fig. 2) caratterizzato da disor-<br />

Fig. 1. Teratoma cistico rivestito da epitelio squamoso cheratinizzante<br />

maturo alternato ad aree disepitelizzate rivestite da flogosi<br />

granulomatosa.<br />

Fig. 2. Focolaio di carcinoma squamoso in situ nel contesto di<br />

flogosi granulomatosa.<br />


dine cito-architetturale con stratificazione dell’epitelio,<br />

atipie cito-nucleari e mitosi (Figg. 3A e 3B). Un esteso<br />

ricampionamento dell’area nodulare non evidenziava<br />

altre aree di carcinoma squamoso in situ, né alcuna<br />

componente invasiva. Non era presente inoltre alcuna<br />

componente epiteliale cilindrica, né mesodermica. Non<br />

si evidenziava alcun focolaio di endometriosi. L’utero<br />

presentava leiomiomi, iperplasia ghiandolare complessa<br />

atipica dell’endometrio e cervicite cronica cistica<br />

papillare.<br />


Sulle sezioni del carcinoma squamoso in situ venivano<br />

effettuate indagini immunoistochimiche per la determinazione<br />

delle citocheratine 10 e 18 e per la proteina<br />

p16 per dimostrare l’eventuale origine dal rivestimento<br />

epidermico o da aree di metaplasia della lesione; queste<br />

davano esito negativo.<br />

Discussione<br />

La maggior parte dei carcinomi squamosi primitivi<br />

dell’ovaio insorge nel contesto di una cisti dermoide,<br />

presentandosi generalmente sottoforma di un nodulo<br />

intramurale che protrude all’interno della cavità cistica,<br />

talvolta associato ad aree di emorragia o necrosi, o come<br />

ispessimento della parete, raramente come aree a superficie<br />

irregolare. I rimanenti o insorgono nel contesto di<br />

endometriosi per trasformazione neoplastica squamosa<br />

della componente endometrioide, o nel contesto di un<br />

tumore di Brenner oppure fanno parte di un tumore<br />

misto mesodermico. Esistono infine dei rari carcinomi<br />

squamosi che si presentano in forma pura; l’istogenesi<br />

di quest’ultimo gruppo è poco chiara.<br />

La degenerazione maligna di un teratoma cistico maturo<br />

è rara, potendosi verificare nel 2% dei casi 1 2 . Fattori di<br />

rischio includono l’età (> 45 anni), le dimensioni (> 10<br />

cm) ed elevati livelli di SCC-antigene (> 2,5 ng/mL).<br />

Sebbene vari tipi di carcinoma possono insorgere in una<br />

cisti dermoide, quali vari tipi di adenocarcinoma, derivati<br />

sia dall’epitelio bronchiale che gastro-intestinale,<br />

carcinoidi, carcinoma indifferenziato a piccole cellule,<br />

carcinomi tiroidei, carcinomi basocellulari, carcinomi<br />

annessiali, carcinomi mucoepidermoidi, melanomi 3 e<br />

vari tipi di sarcomi, leiomiosarcomi, condrosarcomi e<br />

angiosarcomi, la componente che più frequentemente<br />

va incontro a degenerazione maligna, in circa l’80% dei<br />

casi, è quella squamosa con l’insorgenza di un carcinoma<br />

squamoso invasivo; in letteratura ne sono descritti<br />

diversi casi 4 5 . Istologicamente possono presentare diversi<br />

pattern: papillare o polipoide, cistico con aree di<br />

necrosi, talvolta di tipo comedonico, verrucoso, infiltrativo,<br />

insulare e sarcomatoide. Talvolta, la componente<br />

squamosa può essere frammista ad elementi ghiandolari<br />

con aspetti di carcinoma adenosquamoso. La prognosi<br />

del carcinoma squamoso invasivo insorto su cisti dermoide<br />

dipende dallo stadio con una sopravvivenza a<br />

5 anni del 50%, 25%, 12% e 0% rispettivamente negli


Fig. 3. (A) Carcinoma in situ, con stratificazione dell’epitelio, atipie cito-nucleari e mitosi (B).<br />

A B<br />

stadi I, II, III e IV; altri fattori prognostici includono il<br />

grading tumorale, il pattern di crescita, la rottura capsulare<br />

e l’invasione vascolare 5 .<br />

Nonostante il carcinoma squamoso invasivo sia la forma<br />

di tumore maligno più frequentemente riscontrato<br />

nel contesto di cisti dermoide 1 2 , il carcinoma squamoso<br />

in situ, sia puro che associato alla componente invasiva<br />

6 7 , è raro; in letteratura sono descritti solo 11 casi<br />

di carcinoma squamoso in situ puro 8-15 (Tab. I); in due<br />

di questi casi è stata anche segnalata l’associazione con<br />

un adenocarcinoma endometrioide 11 14 , ma tale reperto<br />

sembra essere occasionale; in un altro, è stata riportata<br />

una associazione con un leiomiosarcoma 12 . Nel caso<br />

da noi descritto era presente una iperplasia complessa<br />

atipica dell’endometrio.<br />

Per spiegare la bassa incidenza del carcinoma squamoso<br />

in situ su teratoma cistico maturo si può ipotizzare<br />

che o il carcinoma invasivo si sviluppa indipendentemente<br />

da lesioni precursori o la sua bassa incidenza<br />

è solo espressione di un insufficiente campionamento<br />

della lesione.<br />

In letteratura non esistono dati che spiegherebbero<br />

l’eventuale differenza biologica tra il carcinoma<br />

squamoso insorto in un teratoma cistico maturo<br />

e quello insorto in altre sedi, compresa la cervice<br />

uterina, pertanto, la sua origine è da attribuire, ed è<br />

preceduta da aree di displasia e di carcinoma in situ<br />

insorte dal rivestimento epidermico 4 14 , che può essere<br />

di tipo maturo e immaturo 16 , o più frequentemente<br />

da aree di metaplasia dell’epitelio colonnare, ciliato<br />

e non 14 17 18 . La prima ipotesi sarebbe supportata dal<br />

riscontro di aree di carcinoma in situ in continuità<br />

con l’epitelio epidermico, anche se nei casi descritti<br />

in letteratura aree di transizione sono descritte solo<br />

raramente 4 14 , e dalla positività immunoistochimica<br />

per la citocheratina 10. L’origine dall’epitelio metaplasico<br />

può essere invece dimostrata dal riscontro di<br />

epitelio colonnare residuo e dalla positività immunoistochimica<br />

per la citocheratina 18 18 ; alcuni studi<br />

11<br />

hanno però evidenziato che solo la componente invasiva<br />

esprime la positività per la citocheratina, mentre<br />

le lesioni displastiche/in situ risultano negative 18 .<br />

Inoltre, studi di citometria a flusso hanno dimostrato<br />

che il carcinoma squamoso in situ insorto su di un<br />

teratoma cistico maturo presenta una perdita della<br />

aneuploidia analoga a quella delle lesioni displastiche<br />

di altro grado e dei carcinomi in situ della cervice,<br />

confermando, quindi, la loro analogia 11 . Nel caso da<br />

noi descritto il carcinoma in situ appariva separato<br />

Tab. I. Carcinoma squamoso in situ in teratoma cistico maturo.<br />

Anno Autori N. casi Carcinoma<br />

in situ<br />

Comp.<br />

invasiva<br />

1956 Peterson 2 * *<br />

1958 Marcial 1 *<br />

1972 Klionsky<br />

et al.<br />

1<br />

1983 Maeyama 1 * *<br />

1989 Peuchmaur<br />

et al.<br />

1991 Tobon et al. 1 *<br />

1993 Tyagi et al. 1 *<br />

1994 Kuwashima<br />

et al.<br />

1995 Fujiit et al. 1 *<br />

1996 Pins et al. 3 *<br />

2002 Dadhval<br />

et al.<br />

2007 Gurrera<br />

et al.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />

*<br />


12<br />

dall’epidermide circostante senza aree di transizione,<br />

alternato a tessuto granulomatoso, morfologicamente<br />

ricordava il carcinoma squamoso insorto su epitelio<br />

metaplasico, ma non era presente epitelio cilindrico<br />

residuo; inoltre le colorazioni immunoistochimiche<br />

per le citocheratine 10 e 18 risultavano negative. Non<br />

era possibile pertanto dimostrare con certezza l’origine<br />

della neoplasia.<br />

Conclusioni<br />

Considerando che la storia naturale del carcinoma<br />

squamoso insorto su cisti dermoide è simile a quella<br />

Bibliografia<br />

1 Scully RE, Young RH, Clement PB. Atlas of Tumor Pathology<br />

Third Series. Tumors of the ovary, maldeveloped gonads, falloppian<br />

tube, and broad ligament. Washington: American Registry of<br />

Pathology 1996.<br />

2 Nogales F, Talerman A, Kubik-Huch RA, Tavassoli FA, Devouassoux-Shisheboran<br />

M. Germ cell Tumours. In: Tavassoli FA,<br />

Devilee P, eds. Pathology and Genetics. Tumors of the breast and<br />

female organs. Lyon: IARC Press 2000, p. 163-79.<br />

3 Davis GL. Malignant melanoma arising in mature cystic teratoma<br />

(dermoid cyst). Report of two <strong>case</strong>s and literature analysis. Int J<br />

Gynecol Pathol 1996;15:356-62.<br />

4 Tangjitgamol S, Manusirivithaya S, Sheanakul C, Leelahakorn<br />

S, Thawaramara T, Jesadapatarakul S. Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

arising from dermoid cyst: <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>s and review of literature.<br />

Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003;13:558-63.<br />

5 Dos Santos L, Mok E, Iasonos A, Park K, Soslow R, Aghajanian<br />

C, et al. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature cystic<br />

teratoma of the ovary: A <strong>case</strong> series and review of the literature.<br />

Ginecologic Oncol 2007; (in press).<br />

6 Peterson WF, et al. Epidermoid carcinoma arising in a benign<br />

cystic teratoma: <strong>report</strong> of 15 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Obstet Ginec<br />

1956;71:173-89.<br />

7 Maeyama M, Miyazaki K, Oka M, Higashi K, Nakayama M,<br />

Iwamasa T. Malignant degeneration of benign cystic teratoma<br />

of the bilateral avaries: adenosquamous carcinoma in the right<br />

tumor and squamous carcinoma in the left tumor. Nippon Sanka<br />

Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi 1983;35:331-4.<br />

8 Marcial-Rojas RA, Medina R. Cystic teratomas of the ovary. A<br />

clinical and pathological analysis of 268 tumors. Arch Pathol<br />

1958;66:577-89.<br />

9 Klionsky BL, Nickens OJ, Amortegui AJ. Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

in situ arising in adult cystic teratoma of the ovary. Arch<br />

Path 1972;93:161-3.<br />


dei carcinomi squamosi insorti in altra sede, la forma<br />

invasiva è verosimilmente preceduta da lesioni displastiche<br />

e da carcinoma in situ; probabilmente, la bassa<br />

incidenza del carcinoma squamoso in situ su teratoma<br />

cistico maturo è da attribuire al fatto che questa lesione<br />

spesso possa sfuggire ad una osservazione macroscopica<br />

e che solo un campionamento esteso e meticoloso<br />

possa svelarla. Nel caso da noi descritto, non era presente<br />

alcuna lesione nodulare, o aree di ispessimento<br />

della parete, ma solo un’area di disepitelizzazione della<br />

parete cistica; istologicamente, il focolaio di carcinoma<br />

squamoso in situ veniva riscontrato frammisto a tessuto<br />

granulomatoso e svelato con un campionamento esteso<br />

della lesione.<br />

10 Peuchmaur M, Reynes M. Squamous cell carcinoma in situ<br />

developing in dermoid cyst of the ovary: <strong>report</strong> of a <strong>case</strong> with<br />

laminin immunohistochemical staining demonstrating basement<br />

membrane integrity. Pathol Res Pract 1989;185:251-4.<br />

11 Tobon H, Surti U, Naus GJ, Hoffner L, Hemphill RW. Squamous<br />

cell carcinoma in situ arising in an ovarian mature cystic<br />

teratoma. Report of one <strong>case</strong> with histopathologic, cytogenetic,<br />

and flow cytometric DNA content analysis. Arch Pathol Lab Med<br />

1991;115:172-4.<br />

12 Tyagi SP, Maheshwari V, Tyagi N, Tewari K. Double malignancy<br />

in a benign cystic teratoma of the ovary (a <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>). Indian J<br />

Cancer 1993;30:140-2.<br />

13 Kuwashima Y, Uehara T, Kishi K, Nishimura T, Shiromizu K,<br />

Matsuzawa M, et al. Malignant squamous cell elements in the<br />

ovarian cancer: <strong>report</strong> of 5 <strong>case</strong>s and review of the literature. In<br />

vivo 1994;8:1063-6.<br />

14 Pins MR, Young RH, Daly WJ, Scully RE. Primary squamous<br />

cell carcinoma of ovary. Report of 37 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol<br />

1996;20:823-33.<br />

15 Dadhwal V, Sarkar SK, Arora V, Mittal S. Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

in situ arising in mature cystic teratoma. Indian J Pathol<br />

Microbiol 2002;45:345-6.<br />

16 Czernobilsky B, Lifschitz-Mercer B, Luzon A, Jacob N, Benhur<br />

H, Gorbacz S, et al. Cytokeratin patterns in the epidermis<br />

of human ovarian mature cystic teratoma. Hum Pathol<br />

1989;20:185-92.<br />

17 Hirakawa T, Tsuneyoshi M, Enjoji M. Squamous cell carcinoma<br />

arising in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary. Clinicopathologic<br />

and topographic analysis. Am J Surg Pathol 1989;13:397-405.<br />

18 Iwasa A, Oda Y, Kaneki E, Ohishi Y, Kurihara S, Yamada T, et<br />

al. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in mature teratoma of the<br />

ovary: an immunohistochemical analysis of its tumorigenesis.<br />

Histopathology 2007;51:98-104.

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:18-20<br />


Collision epithelial and stromal tumours<br />

of the stomach: a <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong><br />

Concomitanza di tumore epiteliale e tumore stromale dello stomaco: un caso clinico<br />


Department of Pathology, CHU Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia<br />

Key words<br />

Collision tumour • Stomach • Stromal tumour • Carcinoma<br />

Summary<br />

Collision epithelial and stromal tumours of the stomach are uncommon,<br />

and only a few <strong>case</strong>s have been <strong>report</strong>ed in the literature.<br />

We describe a new <strong>case</strong> of a 54-year-old man who presented<br />

with bloody emesis. An oesophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed<br />

a stomach induration, and preoperative histological diagnosis<br />

was signet ring carcinoma. Total gastrectomy was performed<br />

and histological examination revealed a gastric collision tumour<br />

composed of gastrointestinal stromal tumour intermixed with a<br />

primary signet ring carcinoma. The neoplastic cells of the gastrointestinal<br />

stromal tumour were diffusely positive for CD117,<br />

while the signet ring cells were positive for cytokeratin. There<br />

was no transition between the two components.<br />

Introduction<br />

The synchronous development of epithelial and stromal<br />

tumours has been <strong>report</strong>ed only rarely in the<br />

literature 1-5 . We describe a new <strong>case</strong> of a 54-year-old<br />

man who presented with bloody emesis. Histological<br />

examination revealed a gastric signet-ring carcinoma<br />

admixed with benign stromal tumour.<br />

Methods<br />

Specimens were fixed in 4% formaldehyde. Sections<br />

were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Gastric carcinoma<br />

was classified according to Lauren’s criteria 6 .<br />

The stromal component was classified according to the<br />

WHO classification 3 .<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Tumori concomitanti • Stomaco • Tumore stromale • Carcinoma<br />

Riassunto<br />

La concomitanza di tumore epiteliale e tumore stromale è rara,<br />

in letteratura sono stati riportati solo pochi casi. Descriviamo<br />

il caso di un uomo di 54 anni che aveva presentato emesi<br />

con sangue. L’esofagogastroduodenoscopia aveva rilevato un<br />

indurimento dello stomaco, la diagnosi istologica preoperatoria<br />

era di carcinoma a cellule ad anello con castone. Fu eseguita<br />

una gastrectomia totale e l’esame istologico rivelò una concomitanza<br />

di tumori gastrici composta da un tumore stromale<br />

gastrointestinale mescolato a un carcinoma primitivo a cellule<br />

ad anello con castone. Le cellule tumorali del tumore stromale<br />

gastrointestinale erano diffusamente positive per CD117, mentre<br />

le cellule ad anello con castone erano positive per citocheratina.<br />

Non c’era transizione tra le due componenti.<br />

Case <strong>report</strong><br />

A 54-year-old man presented with bloody emesis for<br />

two weeks. An oesophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed<br />

an induration that occupied the entire stomach; preoperative<br />

histological diagnosis was signet ring carcinoma.<br />

A total gastrectomy was performed. Macroscopic<br />

appearance revealed diffuse thickening of the gastric<br />

wall. Microscopic examination showed signet-ring cells<br />

invading the entire gastric wall (fundus and antrum),<br />

which extended to the surgical margin. In the fundus,<br />

an occult benign submucosal stromal measuring 10 mm<br />

was found, composed of sheets of spindle cells without<br />

atypia or mitoses (Fig. 1). These cells were diffusely<br />

positive for C-kit (CD117) (Fig. 2) and Cytokeratine<br />

(Fig. 3), and negative for CD34, S100 protein and<br />

smooth muscle actin. There was no transition between<br />

the two components. In no-neoplastic gastric mucosa,<br />

active chronic gastritis was detected and Helicobacter<br />

pylori were observed. Five of 7 perigastric lymph nodes<br />

were positive for metastatic carcinoma.<br />

Correspondence<br />

Amel Trabelsi, Department of Pathology, CHU Farhat Hached,<br />

Sousse, Tunisia - Tel. +216 98 931610 - E-mail: trabelsiamel@<br />



Tab. I. Synchronous occurrence of stomach epithelial and stromal tumours in the literature.<br />

Author, year N. of <strong>case</strong>s Histologic subtype<br />

Maiorana et al, 2000 6 5 <strong>case</strong>s stromal tumour + adenocarcinoma and 1 <strong>case</strong> stromal tumour + carcinoid<br />

Andea et al., 2001 1 Stromal tumour + carcinoid<br />

Liu et al., 2002 1 Stromal tumour + adenocarcinoma<br />

Kaffes et al., 2002 1 Stromal tumour + adenocacinoma + MALT lymphoma<br />

Bircan et al., 2004 2 Stromal tumour + adenocarcinoma<br />

Discussion<br />

The synchronous occurrence of epithelial and stromal<br />

tumours in the stomach is uncommon 1-5 ; few <strong>case</strong>s have<br />

described the simultaneous development of stromal<br />

tumour with adenocarcinoma or carcinoids 1-5 (Tab. I).<br />

Collision tumours of gastric carcinoma and stromal<br />

neoplasms are extremely rare and to our knowledge,<br />

this is only the second <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>ed. As with our <strong>case</strong>,<br />

there was no transition between the different components<br />

of the tumour in the other <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>ed 3 . In our<br />

<strong>case</strong>, the stromal tumour was occult on pathologic<br />

examination.<br />

The admixture of gastric epithelial and stromal<br />

tumours raises the question of whether such an occurrence<br />

is a simple coincidence or whether the two<br />

lesions were influenced by the same unknown carcinogen,<br />

inducing the development of tumours of different<br />

histological subtypes (epithelial and stromal)<br />

in the same organ 2 7 8 .<br />

Because of the rarity of gastric collision tumours, it is<br />

difficult to determine their biologic behaviour 7 . In our<br />

<strong>case</strong>, the stromal tumour was benign, and the carcinoma<br />

had a larger impact on prognosis because of perigastric<br />

lymph node metastasis.<br />

Fig. 1. Spindle cell tumour intermixed with signet ring cell carcinoma<br />

(haematoxylin and eosin, x100).<br />

Fig. 2. Spindle cells are immunoreactive to c-Kit (x400).<br />

Fig. 3. Signet ring cells are positive for cytokeratin (x400).<br />

Conclusion<br />

19<br />

Gastric collision epithelial and stromal tumours are<br />

extremely rare; more <strong>case</strong>s will have to be evaluated to<br />

better understand their pathogenesis.

20<br />

References<br />

1 Maiorana A, Fante R, Maria Cexnaro A, Adriana Fauo R. Synchronous<br />

occurance of epithelial and stromal tumors in the stomach.<br />

Arch Pathol Lab Med 2000;124:682-6.<br />

2 Andea AA, Lucas C, Cheng JD, Adsay NV. Synchronous occurrence<br />

of epithelial and stromal tumors in the stomach. Arch Pahol<br />

Lab Med 2001;125:318-9.<br />

3 Liu SW, Chen GH, Hsieh PP. Collision tumor of the stomach: a<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> of mixed gastrointestinal stromal tumor and adenocarcinoma.<br />

J Clin Gastroenterol 2002;35:332-4.<br />

4 Kaffes A, Hughes L, Hollinshead J, Katelaris P. Synchronous<br />

primary adenocarcinoma, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue<br />

lymphoma and a stromal tumor in a Helicobacter pylori-infected<br />

stomach. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17:1033-6.<br />


5 Bircan S, Candir O, Aydin S, Baspinar S, Bulbul M, Kapucuoglu<br />

N, et al. Turk J Gastroenterol 2004;15:187-91.<br />

6 Lauren P. The two histoogical main types of gastric carcinoma:<br />

diffuse and so-called intestinal-type carcinoma: an attempt at<br />

a histo-clinical classification. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand<br />

1965;64:31-49.<br />

7 Liu S-W, Chen GH, Hsieh P-P. Collision tumor of the stomach. A<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> of mixed gastrointestinal stromal tumor and adenocarcinoma.<br />

J Clin Gastroenterol 2002;35:332-4.<br />

8 Cohen A, Geller SA, Horowitz Toth LS, Werther JL. Experimental<br />

models for gastric leiomyosarcoma: the effects of N-methyl-<br />

N-nitro-N-nitro-sognanidine in combination with stress, aspirin,<br />

orsodiom Taurocholate. Cancer 1984;53:1088-92.

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:21-24<br />


Sarcoma mieloide in leiomioma del miometrio<br />

Myeloid sarcoma in uterine leiomyoma<br />


Ospedale Civile Vimercate, Presidio di Desio-Università Milano-Bicocca, Desio (MI)<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Sarcoma mieloide • Leiomioma • Leucemia mieloide • Sarcoma<br />

granulocitico • MPO<br />

Riassunto<br />

In questo <strong>report</strong> presentiamo il caso di una donna di 44 anni con<br />

sanguinamento vaginale da due settimane. L’esame ginecologico<br />

aveva rilevato la presenza di una neoformazione polipoide nella<br />

cavità endometriale con diametro massimo di 4 cm. L’esame<br />

istologico aveva rivelato un leiomioma classico infiltrato da una<br />

altra neoplasia monomorfa , altamente indifferenziata.<br />

L’analisi immunoistochimica aveva rilevato una reazione negativa<br />

per citocheratina, CD10, inibina, CD99, CD20, CD3, TdT<br />

e CD34, e una positività per CD45, MPO, CD68 e CD117. Fu<br />

fatta diagnosi di sarcoma mieloide in leiomioma del miometrio.<br />

I giorni seguenti la paziente aveva mostrato l’inizio di una leucemia<br />

mieloide M5a. Quaranta giorni dopo la diagnosi la paziente<br />

è morta per le complicanze legate all’immunodeficienza causata<br />

dalla terapia. Questo caso sottolinea l’importanza di considerare<br />

un sarcoma mieloide nella diagnosi differenziale di tumori indifferenziati<br />

che insorgano in un sito extramidollare, specialmente<br />

quando l’ordinario pannello anticorpale rivela negatività per i<br />

marker epiteliali, mesenchimali e linfoidi, al fine di evitare errori<br />

e permettere un ottimale management terapeutico.<br />

Introduzione<br />

Presentiamo in questo <strong>report</strong> un caso atipico di sarcoma<br />

mieloide, una neoplasia altamente maligna composta da<br />

elementi mieloidi maturi ed immaturi che proliferano in<br />

sito anatomico diverso dal midollo osseo. Questa rara<br />

neoplasia coinvolge maggiormente le ossa del cranio,<br />

lo sterno, le coste, le vertebre, la cute, i linfonodi, i seni<br />

paranasali, l’intestino ma rare sono le localizzazioni<br />

nel distretto ginecologico riportate in letteratura 1 2 e, in<br />

particolare, è del tutto eccezionale la segnalazione di<br />

sarcoma mieloide insorto in concomitanza con patologia<br />

benigna miometriale come invece descriviamo in questo<br />

caso peculiare. Per le caratteristiche di estrema immaturità<br />

degli elementi neoplastici, che possono sviare il patologo<br />

nella diagnosi differenziale e per le conseguenze<br />

Key words<br />

Myeloid sarcoma • Leiomyoma • Myeloid leukemia • Granulocytic<br />

sarcoma • MPO<br />

Summary<br />

In this <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> we present a 44-year-old woman with a<br />

2-weekhistory of vaginal bleeding. Gynaecological examination<br />

revealed the presence of a polypoid neoformation in<br />

the endometrial cavity with a maximum diameter of 4 cm.<br />

Histological analysis showed a classic leiomyoma infiltrated<br />

by a second monomorphic, highly undifferentiated neoplasia.<br />

Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a negative reaction for<br />

cytokeratin, CD10, inhibin, CD99, CD20, CD3, TdT and CD34,<br />

and positivity for CD45, MPO, CD68 and CD117. A diagnosis<br />

of myeloid sarcoma in myometrial leiomyoma was made. The<br />

following days the patient showed the onset of an acute myeloid<br />

leukaemia M5a. Forty days after diagnosis the patient died for<br />

complications related to immunodeficiency caused by therapy.<br />

Especially when a common antibody panel reveals negativity<br />

for epithelial, mesenchymal and lymphoid markers, this <strong>case</strong><br />

underlines the importance of considering myeloid sarcoma in<br />

differential diagnosis of undifferentiated tumours arising in an<br />

extramedullary site in order to avoid errors and permit optimal<br />

therapeutic management.<br />

decisive che un pronto riconoscimento di questa lesione<br />

ha sull’outcome dei pazienti, questo lavoro evidenzia<br />

l’importanza di utilizzare un pannello immunoistochimico<br />

minimo che comprenda marker di derivazione<br />

mielo-monocitaria soprattutto qualora i pannelli immunoistochimici<br />

di base risultino negativi nei confronti di<br />

antigeni epiteliali, mesenchimali e linfoidi nel contesto<br />

di una neoplasia maligna indifferenziata con sospetto<br />

morfologico di origine mieloide.<br />

Materiali e metodi<br />

Gli anticorpi utilizzati nella definizione immunoistochimica<br />

della lesione in esame sono stati: CD3 (Policlonal,<br />

histoline), CD 10 (56C6, NovoCastra), CD20 (L26,<br />

Corrispondenza<br />

Dott. Fabio Pagni, Ospedale Civile Vimercate, Presidio di Desio-<br />

Università “Bicocca”, via Mazzini 1, Desio (MI), Italia - Tel. +39<br />

338 1833651 - E-mail: petala.83@tiscali.it

22<br />

Histoline), CD34 (QBE nd/10, BioOptyca), CD45-LCA<br />

(2B11, Dako), CD68 (PG-M1, Dako) CD79a (JCB117,<br />

Dako), CD117 (policlonal, Dako), CK pool (AE1-AE3,<br />

Dako), Chromogranine-A (Policlonal, Histoline), Ki67<br />

(MIB1, Dako), Inhibin (R1, BioOptyca), MPO (policlonal,<br />

Dako), Synaptophysine (Policlonal, Histoline),<br />

NSE (BBS/NC, Dako), CD99 (HO 36-1,1 NovoCastra),<br />

alfa smooth-muscle actin (1A4, BioOptyca).<br />

Risultati e discussione<br />


Una donna di 44 anni di età si presentava all’attenzione<br />

del ginecologo per irregolare sanguinamento vaginale<br />

da circa 2 settimane. L’esame ecografico della cavità<br />

uterina rivelava la presenza di una neoformazione aggettante<br />

nel lume endometriale e misurante 4 cm di diametro<br />

massimo. Un emocromo di routine pre-operatorio<br />

non evidenziava alterazioni di rilievo del quadro ematologico<br />

con GB 3.700/mm 3 (61% neutrofili, 22% linfociti,<br />

9% monociti, 3% eosinofili), piastrine 148.000/mm 3 ,<br />

GR 4.280.000/mm 3 , Hb 10 g/dl. La paziente veniva<br />

quindi sottoposta all’exeresi chirurgica della formazione<br />

polipoide.<br />


L’esame istologico della lesione rivelava in prima<br />

istanza la presenza di un leiomioma sottomucoso (Fig.<br />

1). Tuttavia, nel contesto del leiomioma sottomucoso,<br />

a maggior ingrandimento (Fig. 2), si evidenziava la<br />

presenza di una proliferazione neoplastica sincrona<br />

con caratteri di crescita infiltrativi ed arrecante diffusi<br />

fenomeni di aggressione delle strutture ghiandolari<br />

endometriali limitrofe e del miometrio. La neoplasia<br />

presentava elementi altamente indifferenziati ed era<br />

costituita da cellule monomorfe, di media-grande taglia,<br />

atipiche, con abbondante rima citoplasmatica eosinofila<br />

Fig. 1. Evidenza di leiomioma sottomucoso della cavità endometriale<br />

(H&E, 2x).<br />

F. PAGNI ET AL.<br />

Fig. 2. Infiltrazione delle ghiandole endometriali da parte di<br />

popolazione neoplastica maligna, indifferenziata, altamente monomorfa<br />

(H&E, 10x).<br />

periferica e con nucleo irregolare, talora indentato, con<br />

cromatina dispersa e uno o due nucleoli. Erano inoltre<br />

presenti frequenti mitosi atipiche (Fig. 3). L’indice di<br />

proliferazione cellulare valutato con Mib1 era pari circa<br />

Fig. 3. Le cellule neoplastiche mostrano abbondante citoplasma,<br />

nucleo ovalare, nucleoli incospicui e numerose figure mitotiche<br />

(H&E, 20x) – inset 3: all’interno della neoplasia rari elementi mieloidi<br />

maturi sono evidenti ad alto ingrandimento (H&E, 40x).


all’80%. La definizione immunofenotipica della lesione<br />

rivelava negatività delle cellule neoplastiche per CK<br />

AE1/AE3 escludendo almeno in prima battuta un carcinoma<br />

indifferenziato dell’endometrio. La successiva<br />

ipotesi diagnostica era volta ad un sarcoma dello stroma<br />

endometriale ma le colorazioni negative per CD10 e<br />

inibina la escludevano. Inoltre la negatività per CD20,<br />

CD3 escludevano un linfoma non Hodgkin a cellule B<br />

mature, quella per TDT una forma a precursori e quella<br />

di CD138 una neoplasia a differenziazione plasmacellulare.<br />

Il campione risultava inoltre non immunoreattivo<br />

per marker di derivazione neuroendocrina come sinaptofisina<br />

e cromogranina A. Negativa anche la colorazione<br />

per CD99, parametro importante, soprattutto volto<br />

all’esclusione in età giovanile del sarcoma di Ewing e<br />

di PNET. In questo senso va anche ricordato che CD99<br />

può essere positivo nel 50% dei sarcomi mieloidi e in altre<br />

neoplasie ematologiche, causando possibili problemi<br />

diagnostici 3 . α-actina muscolare liscia rivelava il controllo<br />

positivo interno negli elementi leiomiomatosi ma<br />

la negatività nelle cellule tumorali maligne era completa.<br />

Come quella per CD34, positivo nel controllo interno<br />

delle strutture endoteliali, ma negativo nelle cellule<br />

tumorali. Nell’ottica della diagnosi finale la negatività<br />

di CD34 complicava ulteriormente la possibilità di una<br />

neoplasia mieloide trattandosi di marker diffusamente<br />

espresso in neoplasie ematologiche blastiche. La chiave<br />

di risoluzione del quesito diagnostico derivò da una<br />

debole positività per CD 45/LCA (Fig. 4a). Questa positività,<br />

associata ad un’attenta rivalutazione del quadro<br />

morfologico in ematossilina-eosina, che evidenziava la<br />

rara presenza di elementi granulocitari maturi nel centro<br />

della lesione, talora esprimenti granuli citoplasmatici<br />

di possibile derivazione mieloide (Fig. 3-inset), impose<br />

l’effettuazione di colorazioni immunoistochimiche<br />

di conferma in questa direzione diagnostica. MPO e<br />

CD117 (Fig. 4b, c) dimostrarono una diffusa reattività<br />

Fig. 4a. debole positività per CD45/LCA; punto di partenza per la<br />

corretta diagnosi (CD45/LCA, 10x); 4b: Punto fondamentale della<br />

diagnosi: positività di MPO (20x); 4c: CD117 come marker mieloide<br />

rivela la natura delle cellule neoplastiche (CD117/Ckit, 40x); 4d:<br />

Positività focale per CD68 (CD68PGM-1, 20x).<br />

23<br />

nella popolazione tumorale accertando l’origine mieloide<br />

del sarcoma. Una debole positività era inoltre<br />

reperibile per CD68PGM1 (Fig. 4d) anche se si deve<br />

ammettere che parte della positività era da attribuirsi ad<br />

elementi istiocitari reattivi frammisti alle cellule neoplastiche.<br />

L’esame istopatologico definitivo era dunque<br />

compatibile con sarcoma mieloide in leiomioma del<br />

miometrio.<br />

Conclusione clinica<br />

Circa due settimane dopo l’effettuazione della miomectomia<br />

la paziente sviluppò anche nel sangue periferico i segni<br />

di una leucemia mieloide acuta M5a (WHO, 2001).<br />

Questo evento è peraltro possibile sia in simultaneità che<br />

in epoca metacrona rispetto all’insorgenza di un sarcoma<br />

mieloide 4 . La paziente fu immediatamente posta in terapia<br />

per LMA secondo GIMEMA EORTC ma durante il<br />

regime di condizionamento in previsione del trapianto di<br />

midollo sviluppò quadro di shock settico ed exitus. Nonostante<br />

l’esito infausto sottolineiamo con questo lavoro<br />

la portata clinica di una diagnosi corretta di questa entità<br />

patologica specialmente per le conseguenze critiche che<br />

possono derivare, come già evidenziato in letteratura,<br />

da una percorso diagnostico tardivo 5-7 in particolare<br />

quando, come in questo caso, la neoplasia anticipa la<br />

comparsa di una leucosi acuta periferica o quando viene<br />

ad insorgere in sito francamente atipico come il distretto<br />

ginecologico. Si sottolinea inoltre dal punto di vista<br />

anatomopatologico l’importanza di un pannello minimo<br />

immunoistochimico che comprenda CD34, MPO,<br />

CD117 e CD68 per evidenziare l’origine mieloide di un<br />

clone neoplastico indifferenziato, specialmente quando<br />

sviluppatosi in sede extramidollare e qualora, in prima<br />

battuta, risultino negativi i più comuni marker di origine<br />

epiteliale, linfoide e mesenchimale. Il sarcoma mieloide<br />

infatti può essere variabilmente costituito da una quota<br />

di mieloblasti, promielociti ed elementi granulocitari<br />

maturi come già proposto dalla classificazione WHO<br />

2001. Da quest’aspetto morfologico derivano tre categorie<br />

classificative: blastica, immatura e differenziata.<br />

Una recente review 8 ha peraltro evidenziato l’assenza di<br />

significato clinico-prognostico di questa classificazione<br />

sottolineando invece la sempre maggiore importanza di<br />

detezione di alterazioni molecolari con tecniche citogenetiche<br />

come FISH per rilevare la presenza di aberrazioni<br />

cromosomiche con incidenza preferenziale nel cluster<br />

dei geni sui cromosomi 8 e 11 9 . Le conseguenze della<br />

detezione di queste mutazioni potrebbero avere inoltre<br />

possibili implicazioni terapeutiche nel futuro prossimo.<br />

Attualmente la prognosi di queste lesioni è peraltro<br />

ancora molto infausta peggiorando quella del quadro<br />

mieloide associato. In questo senso, come questo caso<br />

permette di evidenziare, la presenza di un clone mieloide<br />

maligno in un sito extramidollare come l’utero trasforma<br />

quest’ultimo in un “santuario farmacologico” rendendo<br />

imperativo il prima possibile l’isterectomia come trattamento<br />

elettivo complementare.

24<br />

Bibliografia<br />

1 Oliva E, Ferry JA, Young RH, Prat J, Srigley JR, Scully RE. Granulocytic<br />

sarcoma of the female genital tract: a clinicopathologic<br />

study of 11 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol 1997;21:1156-65.<br />

2 Garcia MG, Deavers MT, Knoblock RJ, Chen W. Myeloid sarcoma<br />

involving the gynaecologic tract: a <strong>report</strong> of 11 <strong>case</strong>s an<br />

review of the literature. Am J Clin Pathol 2006;125:783-90.<br />

3 Jaffe ES, Harris NL, Stein H, Vardiman JW. Pathology and Genetics.<br />

Tumours of haematopoietic lymphoid tissues. Lyon: IARC<br />

Press 2001, p. 104-5.<br />

4 Glaser C, Michelon B, Peltier JY, Duboucher C, Bernheim A,<br />

Perie G. Pre-leukemic granulocytic sarcoma of the uterus. Report<br />

of a <strong>case</strong>. Ann Pathol 1998;18:187-91.<br />

5 Breccia M, Mandelli F, Petti MC, D’Andrea M, Pescarmona E,<br />

Pileri SA. Clinico-pathological characteristics of myeloid sarco-<br />

F. PAGNI ET AL.<br />

ma at diagnosis and during follow-up: <strong>report</strong> of 12 <strong>case</strong>s from a<br />

singleinstitution. Leuk Res 2004;28:1165-9.<br />

6 Kamble R, Kochupillai V, Sharma A, Kumar L, Thulkar S, Sharma<br />

MC, et al. Granulocytic sarcoma of uterine cervix as presentation<br />

of acute myeloid leukaemia: a <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> and review of<br />

literature. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1997;23:261-6.<br />

7 Yamauchi K, Yasuda M. Isolated extramedullary relapse of acute<br />

myelogenous leukemia as a uterine granulocytic sarcoma in ana<br />

allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipient. Yonsei<br />

Med J 2004;30;45:330 e segg.<br />

8 Pileri SA, Ascani S, Campidelli C, Bacci F. Myeloid sarcoma: clinico-pathologic,<br />

phenotypic and cytogenetic analysis of 92 adult<br />

patients. Leukemia 2007;21:340-50.<br />

9 Pullarkat V, Veliz L, Chang K, Mohrbacher A, Teotico AL.<br />

Therapy – related mixed-lineage leukaemia translocation – positive,<br />

monoblastic myeloid sarcoma of the uterus. J Clin Pathol<br />


PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:25-30<br />


Glomus tumour of the lung:<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> and literature review<br />

Tumore glomico polmonare: caso clinico e revisione della letteratura<br />


Dipartimento di Chirurgia, Sezione di Anatomia Patologica; * Dipartimento CardioToracico, Sezione di Chirurgia Toracica,<br />

Università di Pisa<br />

Key words<br />

Glomus tumours • Pulmonary tumours • Immunohistochemistry<br />

Summary<br />

Glomus tumours are uncommon neoplasms usually arising in the<br />

dermis and subcutaneous tissues where glomus bodies are generally<br />

found. Occasionally glomus tumours can occur in extracutaneous<br />

sites such as the gastrointestinal tract, bone, genitourinary<br />

system and respiratory tract. Primary pulmonary glomus tumours<br />

are very rare (only 17 <strong>case</strong>s <strong>report</strong>ed in the literature), and are<br />

often confused with other solid neoplasms such as carcinoids,<br />

hemangiopericytomas and tumours belonging to the family of<br />

Ewing’s sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumours. We present<br />

a <strong>case</strong> of a primary pulmonary glomus tumour originating in<br />

the right main bronchus with focal invasion of the submucosa in a<br />

69-year-old man. Histological and immunohistochemical features<br />

are <strong>report</strong>ed. The current literature is briefly reviewed, with special<br />

attention to differential diagnosis and malignancy criteria.<br />

Introduction<br />

Glomus tumours originate from glomus cells, which<br />

form glomus bodies and are involved in thermoregulation.<br />

They are relatively frequent in the dermis and subcutaneous<br />

tissues, but are extremely rare in deeper tissues<br />

1 . Because of their rarity, primary visceral glomus<br />

tumours are often confused with carcinoids, hemangiopericytomas,<br />

smooth muscle neoplasms, primitive<br />

neuroectodermal tumours (PNETs), paragangliomas<br />

and other solid tumours. Differential diagnosis is based<br />

on morphological and immunohistochemical features.<br />

To date, only 17 primary pulmonary <strong>case</strong>s have been<br />

<strong>report</strong>ed in the literature (11 benign, 4 malignant and<br />

2 with local infiltration) 2-12 . In this <strong>report</strong> we present a<br />

<strong>case</strong> of primary pulmonary glomus tumour originating<br />

in the right main bronchus.<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Tumore glomico • Neoplasie polmonari • Immunoistochimica<br />

Riassunto<br />

I tumori glomici sono neoplasie rare che originano generalmente<br />

a livello del derma e del tessuto sottocutaneo, dove<br />

abitualmente sono localizzati i corpuscoli glomici. Raramente<br />

si possono trovare anche in sedi extracutanee, come il tratto<br />

gastroenterico, l’osso, il tratto genitourinario e l’albero respiratorio.<br />

I tumori glomici polmonari primitivi sono molto rari<br />

(solo 17 casi attualmente riportati in letteratura) e vanno posti<br />

in diagnosi differenziale con altre neoplasie quali i carcinoidi,<br />

gli emangiopericitomi e le neoplasie della famiglia Sarcoma di<br />

Ewing/Primitive NeuroEctodermal Tumors. Presentiamo un caso<br />

di tumore glomico polmonare primitivo originato a livello del<br />

bronco principale destro in un uomo di 69 anni, con descrizione<br />

degli aspetti istologici ed immunoistochimici. Il tutto è corredato<br />

da una revisione della letteratura con particolare attenzione alla<br />

diagnosi differenziale e ai criteri di malignità.<br />

Clinical history<br />

A 69-year-old man with haemoptysis underwent a chest<br />

x-ray that was negative for pleuro-pulmonary disease.<br />

At bronchoscopy, a hypervascularised polypoid vegetation<br />

that nearly completely occluded the right main<br />

bronchus was found (Fig. 1). A biopsy specimen revealed<br />

an angiomatous, benign neoformation. A chest<br />

CT showed an endobronchial tumour, highlighted by<br />

contrast media, and without any spread outside the<br />

bronchial tree. Through a posterolateral thoracotomy<br />

a sleeve resection of the right main bronchus was performed,<br />

without parenchymal resection. The post-operative<br />

course was uneventful.<br />

Correspondence<br />

Prof.ssa Gabriella Fontanini, Dipartimento di Chirurgia, Divisione<br />

di Anatomia Patologica, Università di Pisa, via Roma 57,<br />

56126, Pisa, Italia - Tel. +39 050 992983 - Fax +39 050 992942<br />

- E-mail: g.fontanini@med.unipi.it

26<br />

Fig. 1. Bronchoscopic image showing the endobronchial lesion in<br />

the right main bronchus.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Macroscopically, a soft endoluminal lesion, with a<br />

uniform grey-white cut surface of 2 x 1.5 x 1 cm, was<br />

detected; paraffin sections were prepared according to<br />

standard procedures and stained with haematoxylin and<br />

eosin<br />

Immunohistochemical staining was performed using<br />

monoclonal antibodies against smooth muscle actin<br />

(Dako ® ; 1:30; no heat induced epitope retrieval – HIER),<br />

vimentin (Ventana ® ; ready to use; HIER), CD56 (Ventana<br />

® ; ready to use; HIER), synaptophysin (Ventana ® ;<br />

ready to use; HIER), pan-cytokeratin (Ventana ® ; ready<br />

to use; enzyme digest), thyroid transcription factor-1<br />

(TTF-1) (Dako ® ; 1:30; HIER and Amplified), epithelial<br />

membrane antigen (EMA) (Ventana ® ; ready to use; no<br />

HIER), chromogranin A (Ventana ® ; ready to use; no<br />

HIER) and factor-VIII related antigen (Ventana ® ; ready<br />

to use; no HIER), all performed with the Ventana ®<br />

Medical System, according to standard procedures.<br />

Results<br />

Histologically, the lesion was constituted of closely<br />

apposed epithelioid round cells with scanty eosinophilic<br />

cytoplasm. Nuclei were round or oval, with dispersed<br />

chromatin and poor mitotic activity (Fig. 2A).<br />

Supporting stroma consisted of delicate fibrovascular<br />

septa, with occasional dilatated vessels. The lesion<br />

showed a prevalently submucosal location with focal<br />

infiltrative behaviour through the bronchial cartilage.<br />

No lymph node dissemination was present in the 8<br />

nodes examined. The lesion showed positivity for<br />

M.E. FILICE ET AL.<br />

smooth muscle actin and a typical cytoplasmic positivity<br />

pattern for vimentin; all others markers were<br />

negative (Fig. 2B, C, D).<br />

Discussion<br />

Glomus tumours originate from glomus cells. They are<br />

modified smooth muscle cells forming glomus bodies, a<br />

specialised form of arteriovenous anastomosis involved<br />

in thermal regulation, located in the reticularis stratum<br />

of the dermis 1 .Tumours arising from glomus cells are<br />

relatively frequent in the skin and in superficial soft tissues,<br />

but are very rare in deeper tissues and in visceral<br />

organs, such as the stomach, rectum, heart, uterus, mediastinum<br />

and lung 10 .<br />

Histologically, glomus tumours are subdivided into<br />

three types: common, glomangioma and glomangiomyoma,<br />

depending on the prevalence of glomus cells,<br />

vessels or smooth muscle cells, respectively 1 5 .<br />

The histologic features of pulmonary glomus tumours<br />

are the same as those of other sites. Macroscopic features<br />

include a nodular configuration, with a uniform<br />

grey-white or yellow cut surface. Microscopically,<br />

these lesions are constituted of compact polygonal or<br />

round cells that are closely apposed. Nuclei are round<br />

or oval with dispersed chromatin, scarce or absent<br />

mitotic activity, and little or no pleomorphism; scant<br />

cytoplasm is amphophilic or eosinophilic. Supporting<br />

stroma consists of delicate septa. In the “glomangioma”<br />

pole of the spectrum, dilatated vascular spaces are<br />

evident in the lesion 1 .<br />

Glomus tumours show strong cytoplasmic positivity<br />

for smooth-muscle and muscle-specific actin, mild to<br />

moderate cytoplasmic positivity for vimentin and inconsistent<br />

positivity for desmin. All <strong>case</strong>s <strong>report</strong>ed in<br />

the literature present a typical pseudomembranous pattern<br />

of positivity for collagen IV, consisting of a strong<br />

pericellular staining. Neuroendocrine, epithelial, neural<br />

and histiocytic markers are usually negative.<br />

Ultrastructurally, glomus cells have features of smooth<br />

muscle cells: a polygonal shape with a round central<br />

nucleus and prominent nucleolus, a cytoplasm containing<br />

numerous thin microfilaments and rare pinocytotic<br />

vesicles, but no neurosecretory granulus 1 5 13 .<br />

The clinical presentation of the tumour depends on its<br />

localization. Pulmonary glomus tumours, when symptomatic,<br />

are usually associated with chest pain, cough,<br />

fever (obstructive pneumonia), dyspnea, and pneumothorax;<br />

hoarseness and dysphagia are characteristic of<br />

the malignant variants 5 .<br />

To date, 17 <strong>case</strong>s of primitive glomus tumours have been<br />

<strong>report</strong>ed arising from the tracheo-broncheal three (Tab.<br />

I). The large majority of patients were adults (range 20-<br />

73 years), with only one child (9 years). Twelve patients<br />

were male and 5 were female. Twelve tumours arose<br />

in the lung parenchyma, 4 in the bronchi and 1 in the<br />

trachea. Histology revealed 11 glomus and 4 glomangiosarcoma<br />

types; 2 <strong>case</strong>s showed local infiltration. For


Fig. 2. (A) H&E section (20x) showing typical glomus cells with a characteristic perinuclear halo; (B) tumour cells show strong positivity for<br />

actin smooth muscle (40x); (C) tumour cells are negative for F-VIII, which stains blood vessels (20x); (D) positivity for Vimentin (40x).<br />

A B<br />

C D<br />

the majority of the <strong>case</strong>s, immunohistochemistry was<br />

available with positivity for smooth muscle actin and<br />

vimentin, while cytokeratins, neuroendocrine markers<br />

and vascular markers were all negative 2-12 .<br />

Pulmonary primary glomus tumours are rare lesions.<br />

The differential diagnosis includes carcinoids, hemangiopericytoma,<br />

smooth muscle neoplasms, PNETs,<br />

paraganglioma and metastases. In all the <strong>case</strong>s morphological<br />

and immunohistochemical characteristics are the<br />

basis for differential diagnosis.<br />

Pulmonary typical carcinoids are usually composed of<br />

uniform groups of cells sustained by a fibrovascular<br />

stroma with small centrally placed nuclei and eosinophilic<br />

or amphophilic granular cytoplasm 14 . They<br />

appear cytologically similar to glomus tumours, but<br />

the cells of the latter present a finer chromatin pattern<br />

and do not show an organoid arrangement of tumour<br />

cells 5 9 . Immunohistochemical features distinguish<br />

the two neoplasms: carcinoids show a neuroendocrine<br />

phenotype with chromogranin A, synaptophisin and<br />

neuron-specific enolase positivity 14 ; most carcinoid<br />

27<br />

tumours stain for cytokeratin, although 20% may be<br />

keratin negative 15 .<br />

A typical architectural vascular pattern, associated<br />

with a monomorphous population of mesenchymal<br />

cells, defines hemangiopericytoma occurring in the<br />

lung. The vessels form a continuous ramifying vascular<br />

network that has a “staghorn” configuration<br />

and a striking variation in calibre 1 . Glomus tumours<br />

can present a hemangiopericytomatous vascular pattern,<br />

with prominent “staghorn-type” vessels; however<br />

spindle cells with elongated nuclei are observed in<br />

hemangiopericytoma tumour cells, in contrast to the<br />

epithelioid round central nuclei of glomus neoplastic<br />

cells 5 9 . Immunohistochemistry is very useful for distinguishing<br />

the two types of tumours: hemangiopericytomas<br />

usually express vimentin and CD34, and only<br />

rarely actin and desmin 1 .<br />

Extraskeletal Ewing’s sarcomas/primitive neuroectodermal<br />

tumours may also be confused with glomus<br />

tumours. The ES/PNET family usually occurs in adolescent<br />

or young adults, although PNETs may arise in

28<br />

Tab. I. Clinical features and immunophenotype compared to other <strong>case</strong>s <strong>report</strong>ed in the literature.<br />


Synaptophisin CD34 Factor<br />

VIII<br />

Chromogranin<br />

A<br />

vimentin desmin CK<br />

cocktail<br />

MS<br />

Actin<br />

author age sex diagnosis location SM<br />

Actin<br />

67 M glomus tumor left lower lobe * * * * * * * * *<br />

Tang<br />

(1978)<br />

34 M glomus tumor right upper lobe * * * * * * * * *<br />

Alt<br />

(1983)<br />

50 M glomus tumor right lung * * * * * * * * *<br />

Koss<br />

(1998)<br />

41 M glomus tumor right lower lobe * * * * * * * * *<br />

Koss<br />

(1998)<br />

20 M glomus tumor left mainstem + + + + - - - * *<br />

bronchus<br />

65 F glomus tumor right lung + + * - - - * - *<br />

Gaertner<br />

(2000)<br />

Gaertner<br />

(2000)<br />

40 M glomus tumor right lower lobe + + + - - - - - *<br />

Gaertner<br />

(2000)<br />

69 M glomangiosarcoma right upper lobe + + + - - - - - -<br />

Gaertner<br />

(2000)<br />

73 M glomus tumor trachea * + * * - - - * -<br />

29 F glomus tumor left main<br />

* * + * - - * * *<br />

bronchus<br />

53 M glomangiosarcoma right lower lobe + + + * - - * * *<br />

38 M glomangiosarcoma lung + + + * - * * * *<br />

Gowan<br />

(2001)<br />

Yilmaz<br />

(2002)<br />

Hishida<br />

(2003)<br />

Folpe<br />

(2001)<br />

9 F glomangiosarcoma lung + + + * - * * * *<br />

Folpe<br />

(2001)<br />

+ * + + - - - - *<br />

right mainstem<br />

bronchus<br />

29 M glomus tumor with<br />

atypical features<br />

+ * + * - - - - *<br />

37 M glomus tumor right bronchus<br />

intermedius<br />

Zhang<br />

(2003)<br />

De Weerdt<br />

(2004)<br />

62 F glomus tumor left lower lobe * * * * * * * * *<br />

Sousa<br />

(2006)<br />

M.E. FILICE ET AL.<br />

56 F glomangiomyoma right lower lobe * * * * * * * * *<br />

Katabami<br />

(2006)<br />

(plus sign) positive staining, (minus sign) negative staining, * immunohistochemistry not available


Tab. II. Immunophenotype of the glomus tumour in the present<br />

study.<br />

Antibody staining<br />

SM Actin +<br />

Vimentin +<br />

CD56 -<br />

Synaptophisin -<br />

CK cocktail -<br />

TTF1 -<br />

EMA -<br />

Chromogranin A -<br />

Factor VIII -<br />

(plus sign) positive staining, (minus sign) negative staining<br />

older patients; however, ES and PNET have rarely been<br />

described in the lung. For both ES and PNET, immunohistochemistry<br />

is very useful: CD99 is usually positive<br />

in contrast to glomus tumours 1 .<br />

Among small round cells tumours, mediastinal paraganglioma<br />

1 , alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 1 and neuroblastoma<br />

1 should also be excluded. In all of these <strong>case</strong>s immunohistochemical<br />

and histochemical analyses are mandatory.<br />

Other rare tumours can be considered for differential diagnosis,<br />

such as solitary fibrous tumour, an uncommon<br />

spindle-cell mesenchymal tumour that often presents a<br />

prominent hemangiopericytoma-like vascular pattern.<br />

Usually these tumours arise in the visceral pleura, but<br />

may also originate in the lung parenchyma. They are<br />

well circumscribed and often pedunculated. These lesions<br />

stain typically with CD34 and bcl-2, and are negative<br />

for keratins 15 .<br />

Clear cell tumours are benign tumours probably arising<br />

from perivascular epithelioid cells. The abundant<br />

cytoplasmatic glycogen contained in the neoplastic cells<br />

References<br />

1 Weiss SW, Goldblum JR. Enzinger and Weiss’s Soft tissues tumors.<br />

St Louis, London, Philadelphia, Sydney, Toronto: Mosby<br />

2001.<br />

2 Tang CK, Toker C, Foris NP, Trump BF. Glomangioma of the<br />

lung. Am J Surg Pathol 1978;2:103-9.<br />

3 Alt B, Huffer WE, Belchis DA. A vascular lesion with smooth<br />

muscle differentiation presenting as a coin lesion in the lung:<br />

glomus tumor vs. hemangiopericytoma. Am J Clin Pathol<br />

1983;80:765-71.<br />

4 Koss M, Hochholzer L, Moran C. Primary pulmonary glomus<br />

tumor: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of two<br />

<strong>case</strong>s. Mod Pathol 1998;11:253-8.<br />

5 Gaertner EM, Steinberg DM, Huber M, Hayashi T, Tsuda N,<br />

Askin FB, et al. Pulmonary and Mediastinal Glomus Tumors. Am<br />

J Surg Pathol 2000;24:1105-14.<br />

29<br />

stains with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). Tumours stain<br />

also for HMB45 and are negative for keratins 15 .<br />

The patient’s clinical history must be always evaluatedin<br />

order to exclude metastatic lesions.<br />

The majority of glomus tumours are benign. Only a<br />

few <strong>case</strong>s of malignancy, associated with local invasion,<br />

widespread metastases and exitus of the patients,<br />

have been <strong>report</strong>ed 1 5 16 17 . Atypical glomus tumours are<br />

classified as infiltrative glomus tumours, glomangiosarcoma<br />

arising from a glomus tumour, and de novo<br />

glomangiosarcoma 9 17 . Currently, universally accepted<br />

criteria for distinguishing benign from malignant visceral<br />

glomus tumours are not available due to the small number<br />

of <strong>case</strong>s <strong>report</strong>ed. Folpe et al. 18 , in 2001, proposed a reclassification<br />

of malignancy criteria for glomus tumours<br />

after a review of 52 <strong>case</strong>s. All glomus tumours with<br />

atypical features were subdivided into four categories<br />

described below.<br />

– Malignant glomus tumours (reserved for lesions with<br />

a marked risk of metastasis): tumours with deep location<br />

and a diameter greater than 2 cm, or atypical<br />

mitotic figures, or a combination of moderate to high<br />

nuclear grade and mitotic activity (5 mitoses x 50<br />

high power fields [HPF]);<br />

– Glomus tumours of uncertain malignant potential:<br />

tumours with superficial location, associated with<br />

high mitotic rate (> 5/50 HPF) or large size only or<br />

deep location only;<br />

– Symplastic glomus tumours: lesions with marked<br />

nuclear atypia as their only unusual feature;<br />

– Glomangiomatosis: diffusely infiltrating neoplasms,<br />

similar to some vascular tumours and malformations,<br />

probably the glomoid counterpart of angiomatosis;<br />

this is a rare variant, with only 5% of glomus<br />

tumours having atypical features; may be more frequent<br />

during childhood 1 .<br />

The rarity of these tumours makes it difficult to predict<br />

prognosis. Of the malignant <strong>case</strong>s previously described<br />

in the literature, one treated with surgery and chemotherapy<br />

had a fatal outcome because of widespread<br />

metastasis 17 months after surgery 5 8 16 . Therefore, close<br />

follow-up is recommended.<br />

6 Gowan RT, Shamji FM, Perkins DG, Maziak DE. Glomus tumor<br />

of the trachea. Ann Thorac Surg 2001;72:598-600.<br />

7 Yilmaz A, Bayramgurler B, Aksoy F, Yagci Tuncer L, Selvi A,<br />

Uzman Ö. Pulmonary glomus tumor: a <strong>case</strong> initially diagnosed as<br />

carcinoid tumor. Respirology 2002;7:369-71.<br />

8 Hishida T, Hasegawa T, Asamura H. Malignant glomus tumor of<br />

the lung. Pathol Int 2003;53:632-6.<br />

9 Zhang Y and Douglas M. Primary pulmonary glomus tumor with<br />

contiguous spread to a peribronchial lymph node. Ann Diagn<br />

Pathol 2003;7:245-8.<br />

10 De Weerdt S, Noppen M, De Boosere E, Goossens A, Remels<br />

L, Meysman M, et al. Cough, fatigue and fever. Eur Respir J<br />

2004;23:786-9.<br />

11 Sousa V, Carvalho L. Glomic tumor: presentation of an infrequent<br />

<strong>case</strong>. Rev Port Pneumol 2006;12:269-74.<br />

12 Katabami M, Okamoto K, Ito K, Kimura K, Kaji H. Bronchogenic

30<br />

glomangiomyoma with local intravenous infiltration. Eur Respir J<br />

2006;28:1060-4.<br />

13 Wick MR, Mills SE. Benign and borderline tumors of the lungs<br />

and pleura. In: Leslie KO, Wick MR, eds. Practical pulmonary<br />

pathology- A diagnostic approach. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone-Elsevier<br />

2005, p. 687-9.<br />

14 Patchefsky AS, Ehya H, Wu H. Localized disease of the bronchi<br />

and lung. In: Silverberg’s principles and practice of surgical pathology<br />

and cytopathology. Fourth edition. Churchill Livingston<br />

Elsevier 2006, p. 982-6.<br />

15 Travis WD, Brambilla E, Müller-Hermelink HK, Harris CC. Pa-<br />

M.E. FILICE ET AL.<br />

thology & genetics tumors of the lung, pleura, thymus and heart.<br />

Lyon: IARC press 2004.<br />

16 Miettinen M, Paal E, Lasota J, Sobin LH. Gastrointestinal glomus<br />

tumors: A clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular<br />

genetic study of 32 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:301-11.<br />

17 Gould EW, Manivel C, Albores-Saaverda J, Monforte H. Locally<br />

infiltrative glomus tumors and glomangiosarcomas. Cancer<br />

1990;65:310-8.<br />

18 Folpe AL, Fanburg-Smith JC, Miettinem M, Weiss SW. Atypical<br />

and malignant glomus tumors: analysis of 52 <strong>case</strong>s, with a proposal<br />

for the reclassification of glomus tumors. Am J Surg Pathol<br />


PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:31-35<br />


Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma:<br />

a <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> and literature review<br />

Angiomiolipoma renale a cellule epiteliodi:<br />

un caso clinico e revisione della letteratura<br />


Department of Pathology, Hospital La Rabta, 1007 Bab Saadoun Tunis; * Department of Urology, Hospital La Rabta, 1007 Bab<br />

Saadoun Tunis<br />

Key words<br />

Angiomyolipoma epithelioid cells • Kidney • Immunohistochemistry<br />

Summary<br />

Background<br />

Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma is a recently recognized variant<br />

of angiomyolipoma, closely simulating renal cell carcinoma<br />

both clinically and histologically. Only a relatively small number<br />

of <strong>case</strong>s of epithelioid angiomyolipoma of the kidney have been<br />

<strong>report</strong>ed.<br />

Aim<br />

To highlight clinicopathological features of this rare tumour.<br />

Observation<br />

We <strong>report</strong> herein a new <strong>case</strong> of renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma<br />

in a 38-year-old male with no stigmata of tuberous sclerosis.<br />

The tumour was composed of diffuse sheets of epithelioid cells,<br />

small numbers of adipocytes and occasional blood vessels. Immunohistochemically,<br />

neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for<br />

HMB-45, but negative for cytokeratin. The patient showed no<br />

evidence of recurrence or metastatic disease one year after radical<br />

nephrectomy.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Epithelioid angiomyolipoma may be locally aggressive and can<br />

metastasise; therefore, long-term post-operative follow-up is<br />

mandatory.<br />

Introduction<br />

Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma (EAML) is a rare,<br />

potentially malignant mesenchymal neoplasm, characterised<br />

by proliferation of predominantly epithelioid<br />

cells displaying positive immunoreactivity for melanoma<br />

and smooth muscle markers. Although diagnosis<br />

of angiomyolipoma (AML) is usually straightforward,<br />

the epithelioid variant can clinically and pathologically<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Angiomiolipoma a cellule epiteliodi • Rene • Immunoistochimica<br />

Riassunto<br />

Premessa<br />

L’angiomiolipoma renale a cellule epitelioidi è una variante<br />

recentemente riconosciuta di angiomiolipoma, che simula da<br />

vicino il carcinoma renale sia clinicamente che istologicamente.<br />

È stato riportato solo un numero relativamente esiguo di casi di<br />

angiomiolipoma a cellule epitelioidi del rene.<br />

Scopo<br />

Dare rilievo alle caratteristiche clinicopatologiche di questo<br />

raro tumore.<br />

Osservazioni<br />

Qui riportiamo un nuovo caso di angiomiolipoma epitelioide<br />

renale in un maschio di 38 anni senza stigmate di sclerosi<br />

tuberosa. Il tumore era composto da diffusi strati di cellule<br />

epitelioidi, un piccolo numero di adipociti e da occasionali vasi<br />

sanguigni. All’immunoistochimica, le cellule neoplastiche erano<br />

immunoreattive per HBM-45, ma negative per citocheratina. Un<br />

anno dopo una nefrectomia radicale, il paziente non mostrava<br />

evidenza di recidive di malattia o di metastasi.<br />

Conclusioni<br />

L’angiomiolipoma epitelioide può essere localmente aggressivo<br />

e può metastatizzare; perciò, è obbligatorio un follow-up postoperatorio<br />

a lungo termine.<br />

resemble carcinoma, often generating diagnostic problems.<br />

Only a limited number of <strong>report</strong>s of EAML are<br />

present in the literature. Herein, we <strong>report</strong> herein a new<br />

<strong>case</strong> of renal EAML which clinically and pathologically<br />

mimicked renal cell carcinoma; we also highlight the<br />

pathological and immunohistochemical profile of renal<br />

EAML with a review of the current literature.<br />

Correspondence<br />

Faten Limaïem, 4, impasse Tarek Ibn Zied Mutuelleville, Tunis<br />

1082, Tunisia - Tel. +216 96 552057 - E-mail: fatenlimaiem@<br />


32<br />

Case <strong>report</strong><br />

A 38-year-old previously healthy man with no stigmata<br />

of tuberous sclerosis, presented with a 3-month history<br />

of right lumbar pain. Physical examination revealed a<br />

non-tender, non-distended abdomen. Abdominal ultrasonography<br />

showed a hyperechoic round lesion involving<br />

the upper pole of the right kidney devoid of fat<br />

density. Computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated<br />

a heterogeneous enhancing mass suggestive of renal<br />

cell carcinoma. Laboratory tests were within normal<br />

limits. The patient underwent right radical nephrectomy.<br />

Grossly, the tumour was well circumscribed, measuring<br />

9 cm in diameter. Its cut surface was solid and whitish,<br />

with focal yellowish areas. No extension into the<br />

renal pelvis or capsule was observed. Microscopically,<br />

the tumour was composed of densely packed epithelioid<br />

cells arranged in sheets, solid islands and cords<br />

with occasional adipocytes and scattered thick-walled<br />

blood vessels (Fig. 1). Most epithelioid cells showed<br />

a vesicular nucleus with a centrally located nucleolus,<br />

and a very abundant and finely granular eosinophilic<br />

or clear cytoplasm (Fig. 2). Mitotic figures were rare<br />

(less than 1 per 10 high power fields). Nuclear pleomorphism<br />

and necrosis were absent. No capsular, vascular<br />

or lymphatic invasion was seen. The surrounding renal<br />

parenchyma was unremarkable. Immunohistochemical<br />

analysis was performed using the avidin-biotin complex<br />

technique with antibodies against HMB-45, vimentin<br />

and cytokeratin. Tumour cells were positive for HMB-<br />

45 (Fig. 3) and negative for cytokeratin and vimentin.<br />

The confirmed pathological diagnosis was epithelioid<br />

angiomyolipoma. The patient had an uneventful recovery<br />

and is symptom free one year post-operatively with<br />

no evidence of recurrence or metastasis.<br />

Fig. 1. The tumour is composed of densely packed epithelioid<br />

cells arranged in sheets intermingled with adipocytes and thickwalled<br />

blood vessels (haematoxylin and eosin, original magnification<br />

x 100).<br />

Discussion<br />


Fig. 2. Epithelioid tumour cells showing abundant and granular<br />

cytoplasm with occasional mitotic figures (arrow) (haematoxylin<br />

and eosin, original magnification x 400).<br />

Fig. 3. Positive immunostaining of tumour cells with HMB 45<br />

(haematoxylin and eosin, original magnification x 400).<br />

Epithelioid angiomyolipoma is a recently identified<br />

variant of angiomyolipoma characterised by proliferation<br />

of predominantly epithelioid smooth muscle cells<br />

and producing an appearance distinctly different from<br />

angiomyolipoma. Only a relatively small number of<br />

<strong>case</strong>s of renal EAML have been <strong>report</strong>ed (Tab. I). However,<br />

because it may be frequently misdiagnosed as renal<br />

cell carcinoma, this tumour might be more frequent than<br />

<strong>report</strong>ed in the literature. More than 50% of patients with<br />

EAML have a history of tuberous sclerosis with a significantly<br />

higher association than classic AML 1 . Both sexes<br />

are equally affected, and the mean age at diagnosis is 38<br />

years 1 . Although its aetiology and pathogenesis have not<br />

been fully elucidated, EAML has recently been shown to<br />

be clonal. Both immunohistochemical and ultrastructural<br />

studies have supported the histogenesis from a single


Tab. I. Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma: review of the literature 1 2 6 10-27 .<br />

Authors/year Age/sex TS Size (cm) Treatment Follow-up<br />

Hartwick (1989) 2 <strong>case</strong>s (NA) - NA N NA<br />

Ferry (1991) 49/F - 15 N Dead<br />

Ashfaq (1993) 2 <strong>case</strong>s (NA) - 15 N NA<br />

- 20 N NA<br />

Mai (1996) 40/M - 15 RN 9 months<br />

Eble (1997) 43/F + 10.2 PN 69 months<br />

38/F - 10 N Lost to follow-up<br />

20/F - 16 N 66 months<br />

30/F - 13 N NA<br />

48/M - 5.5 RN NA<br />

Martignoni (1998) 60/M - 6 N Dead<br />

36/F - 8 N 26 months<br />

31/M - 10 N 10 months<br />

Pea (1998) 18/F + NA N NA<br />

24/F + N Dead 12 months<br />

29/M + N Dead 18 months<br />

Al-Saleem (1998) 21/F + NA RN Dead<br />

Moch (1998) 19/M - NA RN NA<br />

Delgado (1998) 6/F + 20 RN NED at 8 years<br />

12/M - 15 RN NED at 7 years<br />

34/M - 4.5 RN NED at 4 years<br />

37/M - 3 RN NED at 1 year<br />

16/F - 6 RN NA<br />

L’Hostis (1999) 72/F - 9 NA DOD (24 months)<br />

Christiano (1999) 42/M - 20.5 RN AWD<br />

Mojica (2000) NA - NA NA NA<br />

Cibas (2001) 49/M - NA PN Liver metastases<br />

3 years AWD<br />

Yip (2001) 75/M - 20 RN DWD<br />

Radin (2001) 21/M + NA RN NA<br />

Mai (2001) 47/M - NA N Recurrence 9 months<br />

Mene (2001) NA + NA N NA<br />

Yamamoto (2002) NA - NA RN Dead of metastasis (3<br />

months)<br />

Hino (2002) 34/M + NA RN Hepatic & peritoneal<br />

Metastases (11 years)<br />

Kawaguchi (2002) 28/F + NA RN Dead<br />

Ong (2003) 74/F - 9 N NA<br />

Marcus (2005) 42/F - 9.5 RN 2 months<br />

Ma (2005) 44/F + 22 RN 17 months<br />

Svec (2005) 47/F - 4.2 NA NA<br />

Hung (2005) 17/F - 16 RN 12 months<br />

Morioka (2006) 62/F - 20 RN 21 months<br />

Park (2007) 69/M - 13 N NA<br />

37/F + 4 PN NA<br />

45/F - 1.4 PN NA<br />

46/F - 17 N NA<br />

Present <strong>case</strong><br />

AML: angiomyolipoma<br />

AWD: alive with disease<br />

DOD: dead of disease<br />

EAML: epithelioid angiomyolipoma<br />

N: nephrectomy<br />

NA: not available<br />

NED: no evidence of disease<br />

PN: partial nephrectomy<br />

RN: radical nephrectomy<br />

TS: tuberous sclerosis<br />

38/M - 9 RN 3 months<br />


34<br />

cell, specifically the perivascular epithelioid cell. It therefore<br />

belongs to the family of the perivascular epithelioid<br />

cell tumours (PEComas) 2 3 . Patients with renal EAML<br />

are often symptomatic presenting with lumbar pain.<br />

Laboratory tests are usually within normal limits; however,<br />

a unique <strong>case</strong> of a renal EAML associated with<br />

elevated serum prolactin levels has been <strong>report</strong>ed in a<br />

42-year-old woman 4 . Imaging findings closely mimic<br />

renal cell carcinoma because of the paucity of adipose<br />

tissue, as in our patient 5 .<br />

Macroscopically, EAML are usually large with infiltrative<br />

growth and a grey-tan white, brown or haemorrhagic<br />

appearance. Necrosis may also be present 1 .<br />

Microscopically, this variant often poses diagnostic<br />

problems because the adipose tissue and tortuous thickwalled<br />

blood vessels are not evident, in contrast to<br />

conventional angiomyolipoma. EAML is characterised<br />

by proliferation of predominantly epithelioid cells arranged<br />

in sheets, often with perivascular cuffing of<br />

epithelioid cells. The latter may surround blood vessels<br />

and have thus been labelled perivascular epithelioid<br />

cells (PEC). Tumour cells are round to polygonal with<br />

abundant granular cytoplasm and enlarged vesicular<br />

nuclei containing prominent nucleoli 1 . Multinucleated<br />

and enlarged ganglion-like cells may be present.<br />

A population of short spindle cells is seen in many<br />

tumours, which may also display nuclear anaplasia, mitotic<br />

activity, vascular invasion, necrosis and infiltration<br />

of the perirenal fat. Haemorrhage is often prominent. A<br />

few <strong>case</strong>s have focal areas of classic AML. Variations<br />

in histology include variable admixtures of clear cells<br />

although occasionally they may predominate, as in the<br />

present <strong>case</strong> 1 .<br />

EAML displays positive immunoreactivity for melanocytic<br />

markers (HMB-45, HMB-50, Melan A) with<br />

variable expression of smooth muscle markers (SMA,<br />

muscle specific actin). Allelic losses of the short arm of<br />

chromosome 16 have been observed in areas of classic,<br />

epithelioid and sarcomatoid AML, indicating the clonality<br />

of all these tumours 1 6 . P53 mutations have also been<br />

References<br />

1 Eble JN, Sauter G, Epstein JL, Sesterhenn IA. World Health<br />

Organisation of Tumours. Pathology and genetics of tumours of<br />

the urinary system and male genital organs. Lyon: IARC Press<br />

2004.<br />

2 Ong A, Pinto P, Kim F, Kavoussi L. Recurrent renal epithelioid<br />

angiomyolipoma. Urology 2003;61:1035iii-1035v.<br />

3 Belanger EC, Dhamanaskar PK, Mai KT. Epithelioid angiomyolipoma<br />

of the kidney mimicking renal sarcoma. Histopathology<br />

2005;47:429-41.<br />

4 Quek ML, Soni RA, Hsu J, Skinner DG. Renal epithelioid<br />

angiomyolipoma associated with hyperprolactinemia. Urology<br />

2005;65:797-7.<br />

5 Vander Brink BA, Munver R, Tash JA, Sosa RE. Renal angiomyolipoma<br />

with contrast-enhancing elements mimicking renal<br />

malignancy: radiographic and pathologic evaluation. Urology<br />

2004;63:584-6.<br />

6 Ma L, Kowalski D, Javed K, Hui P. Atypical angiomyolipoma of<br />


detected in EAML, but not in classic AML, suggesting<br />

an important role in the malignant transformation of the<br />

tumour 6 . Histologically, the lesions most commonly<br />

confused with renal EAML are renal cell carcinoma,<br />

oncocytoma, medullary carcinoma and renal sarcomas.<br />

Immunohistochemistry is particularly useful for distinguishing<br />

EAML from renal cell carcinoma. The latter<br />

is immunoreactive with cytokeratins and epithelial<br />

membrane antigen, which is not observed in EAML.<br />

In contrast to EAML, which consists of cells showing<br />

diffuse cytoplasmic acidophilia and pleomorphic nuclei,<br />

oncocytomas are composed of cells with acidophilic<br />

granular cytoplasm and regular nuclei. Furthermore,<br />

oncocytoma differ from EAML in their architectural<br />

pattern and immunophenotypic profiles characterised<br />

by the positivity of tumour cells for cytokeratins, epithelial<br />

membrane antigen and their lack of staining with<br />

HMB-45. Medullary carcinomas are composed of cells<br />

arranged in solid nests or irregular tubules, and microcystic<br />

or reticular growth is common. Careful attention<br />

to these architectural characteristics, coupled with clinical<br />

features, readily distinguishes medullary carcinoma<br />

from renal EAML. Moreover, large cells resembling<br />

ganglion cells and multinucleate giant cells, which are<br />

generally present in renal EAML, are not features of<br />

medullary carcinoma.<br />

Owing to the frequent ambiguity of the preoperative<br />

diagnosis and the potentially aggressive clinical<br />

course of these tumours, surgical resection remains the<br />

mainstay therapy. For patients with metastases or local<br />

recurrence, renal EAML has been <strong>report</strong>ed to respond<br />

to doxorubicin 7 8 . Approximately one-third of patients<br />

with renal EAML present with lymph node, lung, liver<br />

or spinal cord metastases 9 . No prognostic parameters<br />

have been <strong>report</strong>ed, but the presence within the tumour<br />

of necrosis, mitosis, nuclear anaplasia, and extrarenal<br />

dissemination appear to be correlated with a poorer<br />

outcome 9 . Currently, the only accepted criterion for<br />

malignancy in AML is distant metastases (mainly lung<br />

and liver) 7 .<br />

kidney in a patient with tuberous sclerosis. A <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> with p53<br />

gene mutation analysis. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2005;129:676-9.<br />

7 Acikalin MF, Tel N, Öner Ü, Pasaoglu Ö, Donmez T. Epithelioid<br />

angiomyolipoma of the kidney. Int J Urol 2005;12:204-7.<br />

8 Meng YH, Pei F, Lu P, Yu JY, Zheng J. Epithelioid angiomyolipoma<br />

of kidney: clinicopathologic study of two <strong>case</strong>s and review<br />

of literature. Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi 2007;36:19-23.<br />

9 Serrano P, Del Agua C, Jesus M. Controversies related to epithelioid<br />

variant of renal angiomyolipoma: A review of the literature.<br />

Urology 2006;67:846.e3-846.e5.<br />

10 Morioka M, Kinugawa K, Funabiki S, Matsuda T, Furukawa Y,<br />

Wani Y. Monotypic epithelioid angiomyolipoma of the kidney: A<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>. Int J Urol 2006;13:1240-2.<br />

11 Park HK, Zhang S, Wong MK, Kim HL. Clinical presentation of<br />

epithelioid angiomyolipoma. Int J Urol 2007;14:21-5.<br />

12 Hino A, Hirokawa M, Takamura K, Sano T. Imprint cytology of<br />

epithelioid angiomyolipoma in a patient with tuberous sclerosis. A<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>. Acta Cytol 2002;46:545-9.


13 Radin R, Ma Y. Malignant epithelioid renal angiomyolipoma<br />

in a patient with tuberous sclerosis. J Comput Assist Tomogr<br />

2001;25:873-5.<br />

14 Kawaguchi K, Oda Y, Nakanishi K, Saito K, Tamiya T, Nakahara<br />

S, et al. Malignant transformation of renal angiomyolipoma: a<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>. Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:523-9.<br />

15 Hung MS, Hueimei J, Chang CP, Tai HL. Massive epithelioid<br />

angiomyolipoma of the kidney in a young girl. Int J Urol<br />

2005;12:998-1000.<br />

16 Svec A, Velenska Z. Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma a close<br />

mimic of renal cell carcinoma. Report of a <strong>case</strong> and review of the<br />

literature. Pathol Res Pract 2005;200:851-6.<br />

17 Mai KT, Parkins DG, Collins JP. Epithelioid cell variant of renal<br />

angiomyolipoma. Histopathology 1996;28:277-80.<br />

18 Pea M, Bonetti F, Martignoni G, Henske EP, Manfrin E, Colato<br />

C, et al. Apparent renal cell carcinomas in tuberous sclerosis are<br />

heterogeneous. Am J Surg Pathol 1998;22:180-7.<br />

19 Christiano AP, Yang X, Gerber GS. Malignant transformation of<br />

renal angiomyolipoma. J Urol 1999;161:1900-1.<br />

20 Martignoni G, Pea M, Rigaud G, Manfrin E, Colato C. Renal<br />

angiomyolipoma with epithelioid sarcomatous transformation and<br />

metastases. Am J Surg Pathol 2000;24:889-94.<br />

35<br />

21 Cibas ES, Goss GA, Kulke MH, Demetri GD, Fletcher CD. Malignant<br />

epithelioid angiomyolipoma of the kidney. A <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> and<br />

review of the literature. Am J Surg Pathol 2001;25:121-6.<br />

22 L’Hostis H, Deminiere C, Ferriere JM, Coindre JM. Renal<br />

angiomyolipoma. A clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical,<br />

and follow-up study of 46 <strong>case</strong>s. Am J Surg Pathol<br />

1999;23:1011-20.<br />

23 Al-Saleem T, Wessner LL, Scheithauer BW. Malignant tumors<br />

of the kidney, brain, and soft tissues in children and<br />

young adults with the tuberous sclerosis complex. Cancer<br />

1998;83:2208-16.<br />

24 Yip SK, Sim CS, Tan BS. Liver metastasis and local recurrence<br />

after radical nephrectomy for an atypical angiomyolipoma. J Urol<br />

2001;165:898-9.<br />

25 Hartwick RWJ, Srigley J, Shaw P. Uncommon histologic patterns<br />

mimicking malignancy in angiomyolipoma. Modern Pathol<br />

1989;2:39A.<br />

26 Ashfaq R, Weinberg AG, Albores-Saavedra J. Renal angiomyolipomas<br />

and HMB 45 reactivity. Cancer 1993;71:3091-7.<br />

27 Yamamoto T, Ito K, Suzuki K, Yamanaka H, Ebihara K, Sasaki A.<br />

Rapidly progressive malignant epithelioid angiomyolipoma of the<br />

kidney. J Urol 2002;168:190-1.

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:36-40<br />


Angiolipoleiomioma cutaneo: segnalazione di un caso<br />

e revisione della letteratura<br />

Cutaneous angiolipoleiomyoma: a <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong> and literature review<br />


Unità Operativa di Anatomia Patologica, Ospedale di Vallecamonica, Esine, Brescia; * Divisione di Chirurgia, Ospedale di Vallecamonica,<br />

Esine, Brescia; ** Unità Operativa di Anatomia Patologica, Ospedale “S. Giovanni di Dio”, Crotone<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Angiomiolipoma • Neoplasie cutanee • Angiolipoleiomioma<br />

Riassunto<br />

Gli Autori descrivono un caso raro di angiolipoleiomioma (ALL)<br />

cutaneo ad insorgenza acrale e riassumono la letteratura sull’argomento.<br />

Il paziente, maschio di 62 anni, presentava un nodulo<br />

asintomatico, a lenta e progressiva crescita, del diametro di 2,2<br />

cm, nel sottocute del polpaccio sinistro. Dieci mesi dopo l’escissione<br />

chirurgica della neoformazione, il paziente sta bene ed è<br />

libero da malattia.<br />

Istologicamente la lesione, ben delimitata, risultava costituita da<br />

tre componenti fra loro frammiste: aree di tessuto adiposo maturo<br />

alternate a fascicoli di cellule fusate con citoplasma eosinofilo e<br />

numerosi canali vascolari ad architettura variabile. All’indagine<br />

immunoistochimica, la componente cellulare fusata della lesione<br />

risultava positiva per vimentina e actina muscolo liscio, negativa<br />

per proteina S-100, HMB45, MART1 e recettori estro-progestinici.<br />

Viene anche discussa la diagnosi differenziale tra angiolipoleiomioma<br />

ed altre neoplasie benigne, quali l’angioleiomioma e<br />

l’angiomiolipoma sottocutaneo.<br />

Introduzione<br />

L’angiomiolipoma (AML) è un tumore mesenchimale<br />

benigno costituito da tessuto adiposo maturo e tessuto<br />

muscolare liscio intimamente compenetrati da una ricca<br />

componente vascolare. È una neoplasia rara, dell’età<br />

adulta. Più frequentemente si localizza nel rene dove<br />

rappresenta lo 0,7-3% di tutti i tumori renali e si associa<br />

spesso con la sclerosi tuberosa e più raramente con<br />

altri disordini quali la malattia policistica dell’adulto, la<br />

neurofibromatosi di tipo I e la sindrome di von Hippel-<br />

Lindau 1 2 . Recentemente questo tipo di neoplasia viene<br />

identificato con frequenza sempre maggiore anche in<br />

siti extrarenali. Per entità clinico-patologiche morfologicamente<br />

similari, con esclusivo coinvolgimento<br />

Key words<br />

Angiomyolipoma • Skin neoplasms • Angiolipoleiomyoma<br />

Summary<br />

The Authors describe a rare <strong>case</strong> of cutaneous angiolipoleiomyoma<br />

in an acral location together with a brief literature review.<br />

A 62-year-old male presented with a slow-growing asymptomatic<br />

nodule, 2.2 cm in diameter, located in the subcutaneous tissue<br />

of the left calf. Ten months after surgical excision, the patient is<br />

alive and free of disease.<br />

Histologically, the lesion was well-circumscribed and contained<br />

three components: areas of mature fat tissue were intermingled<br />

with cellular areas of spindle eosinophilic cells, reminiscent of<br />

smooth muscle cells, and a complex mixture of vessels of different<br />

types and sizes.Immunohistochemically, the cellular spindle<br />

component was positive for vimentin and smooth muscle actin,<br />

and negative for S-100, HMB-45, MART-1 and oestrogen and<br />

progesterone receptors.<br />

The Authors discuss differential diagnosis with other benign<br />

lesions such as angioleiomyoma and subcutaneous angiomyolipoma.<br />

cutaneo e sottocutaneo e immunoprofilo divergente per<br />

negatività ai marcatori melanocitari, è stata opportunamente<br />

e pertinentemente proposta l’etichetta di angiolipoleiomiomi<br />

(ALL) 3-5 . In questo lavoro viene segnalato<br />

un caso di ALL cutaneo con revisione della casistica<br />

sull’argomento e ne vengono analizzati i problemi di<br />

diagnosi differenziale, tenendo conto delle indicazioni<br />

della recente letteratura.<br />

Caso clinico<br />

Paziente di sesso maschile di 62 anni con anamnesi<br />

patologica remota positiva per epatite C, in regime di ricovero<br />

presso la Divisione di Chirurgia dell’Ospedale di<br />

Corrispondenza<br />

Dott. Salvatore Squillaci, Unità Operativa di Anatomia Patologica,<br />

Ospedale di Vallecamonica, via Manzoni 142, 25040 Esine<br />

(BS), Italia - Tel. +39 0364 369256 - Fax +39 0364 369257 - Email:<br />



Vallecamonica per il trattamento resettivo transuretrale<br />

di un quadro di ipertrofia prostatica, riferisce ai sanitari<br />

la presenza di una neoformazione intradermica a livello<br />

della gamba sinistra a contatto con il ventre posteriore<br />

del muscolo gastrocnemio. La lesione presente da 12<br />

anni, non dolente, aveva subito un lento e progressivo<br />

aumento di volume nel tempo, raggiungendo le dimensioni<br />

di un uovo di quaglia. Il paziente non presentava<br />

lesioni in altre parti del corpo e non riferiva segni di<br />

altre malattie. All’esame obiettivo, la lesione appariva<br />

come un nodulo di forma rotondeggiante di circa 2 cm<br />

di diametro, ricoperto da cute leggermente sollevata e<br />

di colore rosa-porpora. Alla palpazione risultava ben<br />

delimitata, di consistenza duro-elastica e mobile rispetto<br />

ai piani profondi e superficiali. L’esame clinico<br />

orientava verso un lipoma. La lesione veniva asportata<br />

chirurgicamente e risultava facilmente enucleabile. A 10<br />

mesi dall’intervento il paziente è in buona salute e non<br />

presenta segni di recidiva.<br />

Materiali e metodi<br />

Le sezioni istologiche di routine sono state ottenute da<br />

blocchetti di tessuto fissato in formalina tamponata al<br />

10% ed incluso in paraffina. I preparati istologici così<br />

ottenuti sono stati colorati con ematossilina-eosina ed<br />

orceina per le fibre elastiche. Le analisi immunoistochimiche<br />

sono state condotte per vimentina (V9, Novocastra,<br />

prediluito), actina muscolo liscio (Neomarkers, clone<br />

1A4, 1:100), recettori progestinici (PG) (Biogenex,<br />

PR88, prediluito), recettori estrogenici (ER) (Zymed,<br />

6F11, prediluito), HMB-45 (Enzo Diagnostic, HMB 45,<br />

prediluito), MART1 (Dako, clone A-103, 1:50), proteina<br />

S-100 (Biogenex, 15E2E2, prediluito).<br />

Risultati<br />

Macroscopicamente il nodulo, unico, di cm 2,2 x 1,4 x<br />

0,7, di forma rotondeggiante, di colore grigio-giallastro<br />

e consistenza duro-elastica, ha un aspetto uniforme,<br />

piuttosto omogeneo e appare discretamente delimitato<br />

(Fig. 1).<br />

La neoformazione interessa il tessuto sottocutaneo;<br />

l’epidermide e il derma risultano indenni. Il quadro<br />

istologico è caratterizzato dalla presenza di fasci di<br />

tessuto muscolare liscio maturo commisti con tessuto<br />

adiposo (Fig. 2). La componente adiposa è composta<br />

da adipociti maturi tra loro omogenei e con piccoli nuclei<br />

eccentrici. I vasi sanguigni intimamente frammisti<br />

alla trama muscolo-adiposa sono di forma e calibro<br />

altamente variabili; alcuni di essi ectasici, con lume a<br />

“corna d’alce” e parete sottile, che si alternano ad altri<br />

con parete muscolare spessa e lume di foggia rotonda o<br />

ristretto, oblungo e deformato (Fig. 3). La colorazione<br />

istochimica per orceina rivela la scarsa ed irregolare<br />

rappresentazione della lamina elastica nei vasi a parete<br />

ispessita, alcuni dei quali ne risultano privi (Fig. 4). Le<br />

Fig. 1. Visione panoramica del nodulo che mostra contorni netti<br />

e appare costituito da aree adipose alternate ad aree cellulate.<br />

Fig. 2. Aree solide a struttura fascicolata composte da elementi<br />

con citoplasma ampio, eosinofilo e nucleo allungato “a sigaro”<br />

(EE, 100X).<br />

37<br />

cellule muscolari lisce tendono a sfumare impercettibilmente<br />

con lo strato muscolare esterno dei vasi. Sono<br />

presenti alcuni linfociti spesso aggregati e rari mastociti,<br />

specie in sede perivascolare. Il lume dei vasi non risulta<br />

trombizzato. Non sono presenti emorragie, necrosi,<br />

calcificazioni. Non si rilevano atipie cellulari né figure<br />

mitotiche. Alla periferia della neoformazione è presente

38<br />

Fig. 3. Le aree cellulate appaiono costituite da fasci disordinati<br />

di cellule fusate in continuità con le pareti dei vasi e commiste a<br />

lobuli di tessuto adiposo (EE, 100X).<br />

Fig. 4. Alcuni vasi a parete spessa appaiono del tutto privi di<br />

lamina elastica (Orceina, 200X).<br />

un sottile e discontinuo rivestimento capsulare connettivale<br />

risparmiato dalla proliferazione tumorale.<br />

Le indagini immunoistochimiche evidenziano positività<br />

per vimentina in tutte le aree, per actina muscolo-liscio<br />

lungo le pareti ispessite dei vasi e nella componente<br />

muscolare e negatività per ER, PgR, HMB-45, MART-1<br />

e proteina S-100 (quest’ultima presenta focalmente una<br />

debole positività degli adipociti) (Fig. 5).<br />

Discussione<br />

L’AML è la più frequente neoplasia mesenchimale del<br />

rene. Considerato fino a poco tempo fa un amartoma di<br />

recente ne è stata dimostrata la natura neoplastica (clonalità<br />

evidenziata dalla inattivazione di tipo non random<br />

del cromosoma X). L’AML renale si presenta in forma<br />

sporadica (poco più del 50% dei casi) ovvero in asso-<br />


Fig. 5. La componente a cellule fusate appare intensamente positiva<br />

all’actina muscolo liscio (Dako EnVision, 200X).<br />

ciazione con il complesso della sclerosi tuberosa (TSC)<br />

in circa un terzo dei pazienti. La TSC è una facomatosi<br />

(sindrome familiare neurocutanea) con doppia marcatura<br />

genetica: 9q34 e 16p13 (geni TSC1 e TSC2) 4 .<br />

Lesioni morfologicamente indistinguibili dall’AML renale<br />

sono riportate in altre sedi seppure con minore frequenza:<br />

sono stati descritti casi a livello retroperitoneale,<br />

nel fegato, nella milza, nei linfonodi, nel polmone,<br />

nella parete addominale, nel cuore, nel mediastino, nel<br />

funicolo spermatico, nella salpinge, nell’utero e nella<br />

parete vaginale, nel pene, nelle cavità nasale e orale e<br />

nella galea capitis 6 7 .<br />

L’ALL cutaneo, pur in presenza di evidenti similarità<br />

istomorfologiche, differisce per molte caratteristiche<br />

dall’AML renale 1-6 8-10 . È una lesione rara, descritta<br />

per la prima volta da Argenyi et al. 11 nel 1986 come<br />

angiomiolipoma cutaneo. Da allora hanno fatto seguito<br />

sporadiche segnalazioni, tanto che nel mondo sono<br />

stati 24 i casi a tutt’oggi pubblicati 1-4 6-15 . Le principali<br />

caratteristiche cliniche dei casi descritti sono riassunte<br />

in Tabella I. L’ALL cutaneo si presenta di solito in<br />

soggetti di età adulta, con picco nella V e VI decade<br />

di vita. L’età media alla diagnosi è di 51 anni, con un<br />

range compreso tra 16 e 77 anni (1-4,6-15). Predilige<br />

il sesso maschile (con un rapporto maschi: femmine di<br />

3:1) 1-4 6-15 . Non sono descritti casi in età pediatrica o associati<br />

a sclerosi tuberosa e ad altre sindromi familiari.<br />

La neoformazione è sempre situata nel derma profondo<br />

e/o nel sottocute con dimensioni comprese tra 0,4 e 4<br />

cm 1 2 4 6 8-12 14 . Dall’analisi dei casi (compreso il nostro)<br />

riportati in letteratura risulta che il distretto della testa<br />

è la sede più colpita seguita dalle regioni acrali con il<br />

maggior numero dei casi riscontrati all’orecchio e ai<br />

tegumenti periauricolari 1-4 6-15 . La presentazione clinica<br />

è aspecifica in forma di massa palpabile, non dolente e<br />

spesso mobile sui piani profondi; il decorso è piuttosto<br />

lento e graduale con un intervallo pre-operatorio che<br />

può raggiungere i 40 anni 1-3 6-9 11-14 .


Tab. I. Caratteristiche cliniche dei 25 casi di angiolipoleiomioma cutaneo descritti in letteratura.<br />

Autore Età Sesso Dimensioni<br />

(cm)<br />

Sede Tempo<br />

intercorso tra<br />

esordio del<br />

tumore e Ch.<br />

Diagnosi clinica<br />

Argenyi et al. 11 67 M 1 Elice orecchio dx 40 anni Cisti epidermoidale<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 77 M NR NR Lipoma vs. cisti<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 63 M NR 6 mesi GCTTS ** vs. ganglio<br />

tenosinoviale<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 50 M NR NR Massa<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 59 F NR NR Nodulo<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 52 M NR 1 anno Lipoma<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 33 M NR 3 anni Cisti epidermoidale<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3 * 48 M NR 2 mesi Lipoma<br />

Fitzpatrick et al. 3* 39 M NR NR Nodulo sottocutaneo<br />

Mehregan et al. 15 49 M NR Elice orecchio dx NR Cisti epidermoidale<br />

Rodriguez-Fernandez<br />

et al. 14<br />

58 M 4 Gomito 15 anni NR<br />

Van-Bernal et al. 6 49 M 2 Lobulo orecchio dx 5 anni Tumore vascolare<br />

Buyukbabani et al. 9 38 M 2,5 Solco retroauricolare dx 10 anni NR<br />

Buyukbabani et al. 9 36 M 1,5 Naso 3 anni NR<br />

Obata et al. 7 54 F NR Faccia laterale sx<br />

del naso<br />

Lin et al. 8 65 F 2 Area pre-auricolare sx 10 anni NR<br />

Tsuruta et al. 13 75 M NR Faccia laterale sx<br />

del naso<br />

5 anni Lipoma vs. emangioma<br />

10 anni Lipoma<br />

Beer et al. 1 43 M 0,4 Orecchio sx 6 mesi NR<br />

Beer et al. 1 56 M 0,6 Mento Parecchi anni NR<br />

Beer et al. 1 44 F 0,5 Orecchio sx 3 mesi Cisti epidermoidale<br />

Hatori et al. 10 38 M 4 Ginocchio 5 anni Sarcoma<br />

Del Sordo et al. 12 58 M 2 Padiglione orecchio dx. 3 anni Lesione angiomatosa<br />

Makino et al. 4 16 F 2,5 Gluteo dx NR Emangioma<br />

Debloom et al. 2 50 F 3 Coscia 5 anni Lipoma, cisti<br />

epidermoidale,<br />

angiolipoma<br />

Squillaci et al. 62 M 2,2 Polpaccio sx 12 anni Lipoma<br />

* 3 casi erano insorti al capo (naso, orecchio dx, solco retroauricolare dx), 4 agli arti superiori (2 ai gomiti e 2 al IV e V dito mano dx), 1 agli arti inferiori<br />

(alluce piede dx); ** GCTTS = tumore a cellule giganti delle guaine tendinee; M = maschio; F = femmina; NR = non riportato; Ch = intervento chirurgico;<br />

sx = sinistro; dx = destro<br />

Le diagnosi cliniche poste più frequentemente sono state:<br />

cisti epidermoidale, lipoma ed emangioma 1-4 6 7 11-13 15 . Altre<br />

patologie che sul piano clinico possono entrare nella<br />

diagnosi differenziale con l’ALL, qualora insorgente alle<br />

39<br />

dita, sono il tumore a cellule giganti della guaina tendinea<br />

e il ganglio tenosinoviale 3 . Nel nostro caso viene formulata<br />

diagnosi clinica di sospetto lipoma.

40<br />

Le tecniche di immagini convenzionali quali la TAC e<br />

la RM forniscono quadri non specifici e non indicativi<br />

di ALL 4 7 10 . Infatti, aspetti di buona circoscrizione e<br />

ipointensità in T1 con aree granulari di iperintensità in<br />

T2 evidenziabili alla RM non sono elementi sufficienti<br />

per una diagnosi conclusiva di natura della lesione 4 7 . In<br />

un caso viene effettuata una biopsia incisionale pre-operatoria<br />

da cui risulta la diagnosi di sospetto sarcoma 10 .<br />

L’escissione chirurgica completa della lesione appare il<br />

trattamento di scelta. Tutti i pazienti riportati fino ad ora<br />

in letteratura, compreso il nostro, hanno goduto di un<br />

andamento clinico benigno 1-4 6-8 10-14 . Due recidive locali<br />

sono state descritte in un solo caso, verosimilmente conseguenti<br />

a mancata radicalizzazione chirurgica 9 .<br />

L’aspetto istologico dell’ALL con la peculiare commistione<br />

di vasi, tessuto adiposo e tessuto muscolare liscio, ne<br />

consente una diagnosi agevole nella maggior parte dei casi.<br />

Un aspetto interessante, osservato in una segnalazione,<br />

è la presenza di cellule multinucleate con nuclei polimorfi<br />

e bizzarri nella componente mioide 14 . Queste alterazioni<br />

citologiche rappresentano aspetti degenerativi, benigni,<br />

analogamente a quanto si osserva in altre lesioni 14 . Tuttavia<br />

la loro presenza può porre problemi di diagnosi differenziale<br />

con il lipoma pleomorfo. Le cellule plurinucleate<br />

di quest’ultima lesione (c.d. floret cells) sono adipociti e<br />

presentano citoplasma vacuolizzato e positività immunoistochimica<br />

alla proteina S-100 14 . Un’altra lesione che più<br />

frequentemente può entrare in diagnosi differenziale con<br />

l’ALL è l’angiolipoma, se presenta fibrosi perivascolare<br />

ed interstiziale 3 5 6 8-10 12 15 . L’assenza di una componente<br />

muscolare liscia e la struttura a parete sottile dei vasi,<br />

con frequenti trombi di fibrina intraluminali, sono caratteristiche<br />

morfologiche che consentono un corretto<br />

riconoscimento 5 .<br />

I casi di miolipoma sono distinguibili dall’ALL per<br />

l’assenza della tipica componente artero-venosa 6 12 .<br />

Ma forse i problemi più complessi di diagnosi diffe-<br />

Bibliografia<br />

1 Beer TW. Cutaneous Angiomyolipomas are HMB-45 negative, not<br />

associated with tuberous sclerosis, and should be considered as<br />

angioleiomyomas with fat. Am J Dermatopathol 2005;27:418-21.<br />

2 Debloom JR, Friedrichs A, Swick BL, Whitaker DC. Management<br />

of cutaneous angiomyolipoma and its association with tuberous<br />

sclerosis. J Dermatol 2006;33:783-6.<br />

3 Fitzpatrick JE, Mellette JR, Hwang RJ, Golitz LE, Zaim MT,<br />

Clemons D. Cutaneous angiolipoleiomyoma. J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

1990;23:1093-8.<br />

4 Makino E, Yamada J, Tada J, Arata J, Iwatsuki K. Cutaneous<br />

angiolipoleiomyoma. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54:167-71.<br />

5 Mentzel T. Cutaneous lipomatous neoplasms. Sem Diagn Pathol<br />

2001;18:250-7.<br />

6 Van-Bernal JF, Mira C. Cutaneous angiomyolipoma. J Cutan<br />

Pathol 1996;23:364-8.<br />

7 Obata C, Murakami Y, Furue M, Kiryu H. Cutaneous angiomyolipoma.<br />

Dermatology 2001;203:268-70.<br />

8 Lin SJ, Chiu HC. An asymptomatic preauricular subcutaneous<br />

nodule in a 65-year-old woman. Arch Dermatol 2003;139:382-6.<br />

9 Buyukbabani N, Tetikkurt S, Ozturk S. Cutaneous angiomyoli-<br />


renziale si pongono con l’angioleiomioma (leiomioma<br />

vascolare) e con l’angiomiolipoma sottocutaneo sporadico<br />

1-3 5 6 8-12 15 16 .<br />

All’interno di un angioleiomioma possono essere presenti<br />

aree di tessuto adiposo come ben evidenziato da<br />

Hachisuga et al. 17 che hanno notato la presenza di adipociti<br />

maturi in 16 casi su 562 esaminati; tuttavia questa<br />

entità si differenzia per un minor grado di “lipidizzazione”<br />

1 3 5-7 11 12 15 17 . È possibile che l’ALL cutaneo possa<br />

essere l’espressione terminale di un percorso patologico<br />

partito da un angioleiomioma successivamente andato<br />

incontro nel tempo a sostituzione adiposa, forse causata<br />

da ripetuti traumatismi 1 7 12 . L’ipotesi istogenetica alternativa<br />

sull’ALL cutaneo è che si tratti di un processo<br />

amartomatoso 9 15 .<br />

Una ulteriore lesione cutanea, recentemente descritta<br />

(2007) da Magro e Lanzafame 16 come angiomiolipoma<br />

(AML) sottocutaneo sporadico, presenta evidente somiglianza<br />

morfologica con l’ALL ma diverge da esso<br />

per la presenza di cellule epitelioidi eosinofile, la positività<br />

all’HMB-45 ed ai recettori per estrogeni e progesterone.<br />

Nel nostro caso, la negatività per i marcatori<br />

melanocitari è ulteriormente avvalorata dall’assenza di<br />

immunoreattività per il MART-1 con ciò sottolineando<br />

la differenza immunofenotipica tra l’ALL e altre forme<br />

di AML renale e cutaneo.<br />

In conclusione, con questo lavoro abbiamo cercato sia<br />

di offrire una revisione dei dati pubblicati nel mondo<br />

su ALL cutaneo, che di definire gli aspetti clinico-patologici<br />

di questa entità. Tale lesione è spesso riportata<br />

in letteratura come AML cutaneo, termine che a nostro<br />

avviso dovrebbe essere esclusivamente utilizzato per tumori,<br />

istologicamente simili, derivati dalla proliferazione<br />

delle cellule epitelioidi perivascolari (PEC). È importante<br />

che il patologo riconosca l’ALL e lo differenzi da<br />

queste forme neoplastiche che potrebbero rappresentare<br />

una spia morfologica di un grave disordine genetico 16 .<br />

poma: <strong>report</strong> of two <strong>case</strong>s with emphasis on HMB-45 utility. J Eur<br />

Acad Dermatol 1998;11:151-4.<br />

10 Hatori M, Watanabe M, Kokubun S. Angiomyolipoma in the knee.<br />

A <strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>. Ups J Med Sci 2005;110:245-9.<br />

11 Argenyi ZB, Piette WW, Goeken JA. Cutaneous angiomyolipoma.<br />

A light-microscopic, immunohistochemical, and electron-microscopic<br />

study (abstract). J Cutan Pathol 1986;13:434.<br />

12 Del Sordo R, Colella R, Leite S, Sidoni A. Angiomiolipoma cutaneo:<br />

descrizione di un caso e revisione della letteratura. Pathologica<br />

2005;97:137-40.<br />

13 Tsuruta D, Maekawa N, Ishii M. Cutaneous angiomyolipoma.<br />

Dermatology 2004;208:231-2.<br />

14 Rodriguez-Fernandez A, Caro-Mancilla A. Cutaneous angiomyolipoma<br />

with pleomorphic changes. J Am Acad Dermatol<br />

1993;29:115-6.<br />

15 Mehregan DA, Mehregan DR, Mehregan AH. Angiomyolipoma. J<br />

Am Acad Dermatol 1992;27:331-3.<br />

16 Magro G, Lanzafame S. Sporadic subcutaneous angiomyolipoma<br />

with expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Virchows<br />

Arch 2007;450:123-5.<br />

17 Hachisuga T, Hashimoto H, Enjoji M. Angioleiomyoma: a clinicopathologic<br />

reappraisal of 562 <strong>case</strong>s. Cancer 1984;54:126-30.

PATHOLOGICA 2008;100:41-42<br />


Aneurysmal bone cyst of the parietal bone. Case <strong>report</strong><br />

Cisti aneurismatica dell’osso parietale: caso clinico<br />


Dipartimento di Neurochirurgia, Ospedale “Santa Maria alle Scotte”, Siena; * Dipartimento di Patologia,<br />

Ospedale “Santa Maria alle Scotte”, Siena<br />

Key words<br />

Aneurysmal bone cyst • Bone tumour • Surgery<br />

Summary<br />

Aneurysmal bone cyst is a benign lesion of unknown pathogenesis<br />

seen more often in vertebrae and flat bones, and less commonly<br />

in the shaft of long bones. Skull involvement is rare and<br />

accounts for only 3-6% <strong>case</strong>s 1 , generally in the first three decades<br />

of life. Histologically, the lesion is characterised by the presence<br />

of multiple localisations, filled with venous blood and lined by<br />

spindle-shaped fibroblasts with scattered multinucleated giant<br />

cells and stromal cells. An unusual <strong>case</strong> of aneurismal bone cyst<br />

of the parietal bone is <strong>report</strong>ed.<br />

Introduction<br />

Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) are lytic, expansile,<br />

non-neoplastic bone lesions consisting of multiple thinwalled,<br />

cystic cavities containing blood. Three to 6%<br />

of ABS occur in the skull convexity, whereas the skull<br />

base is an unusual site. ABC have been <strong>report</strong>ed at various<br />

locations in the calvarium and skull base, including<br />

the occipital bone, the frontal bone and, less frequently,<br />

the parietal bone. Hypotheses regarding its pathogenesis<br />

include vascular anomalies of bone, reaction to intramedullary<br />

haemorrhage, or a primary neoplastic bone<br />

lesion; local trauma prior to the development of ABC<br />

has also been <strong>report</strong>ed 2 . Some bony lesions, such as<br />

fibrous dysplasia or chondroblastoma, have been found<br />

in association with ABC. These may have preceded the<br />

appearance of the lesion, predisposing its development.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Aneurysmal bone cyst of a skull bone is a rare entity and<br />

occurs mainly in the first 3 decades of life; diagnosis<br />

and treatment are discussed.<br />

Parole chiave<br />

Cisti aneurismatica • Tumore osseo • Chirurgia<br />

Riassunto<br />

La cisti aneurismatica ossea è una neoplasia benigna ad eziogenesi<br />

sconosciuta, con localizzazione cranica rara (solo nel 3-6%<br />

dei casi) e di più frequente riscontro nelle prime tre decadi di<br />

vita. Ben riconoscibile istologicamente con peculiari caratteristiche,<br />

riportiamo un caso giunto alla nostra osservazione di cisti<br />

aneurismatica in sede parietale.<br />

Case <strong>report</strong><br />

A 61-year-old woman presented with a slow-growing<br />

mass on the right side and a history of headache lasting<br />

a few months. Upon admission, neurological examination<br />

revealed no neurological deficits, and blood routine<br />

investigations were within normal limits. Radiographs<br />

of the skull in lateral and anteroposterior views revealed<br />

expansion, sclerosis and thickening of the frontal and<br />

parietal bone. CT scans showed an osteolytic lesion in<br />

the right parietal region with inhomogeneous content<br />

with solid and calcified cystic components (Fig. 1); MRI<br />

confirmed that there was no infiltration of the dura. The<br />

tumour was excised through a right fronto-parietal flap<br />

with a large craniotomy following acrylic cranioplasty.<br />

On histopathologic examination, large vascular spaces<br />

separated by fibrous septa containing spindly and ovoid<br />

stromal and multinucleated giant cells were visible;<br />

inflammatory cells, haemosiderin and granulation tissue<br />

were seen in the stroma (Fig. 2). The post-operative<br />

course was uneventful and patient was discharged after<br />

5 days.<br />

Correspondence<br />

Dott. Simone Ulivieri, Dipartimento di Neurochirurgia, Ospedale<br />

“Santa Maria alle Scotte”, 53100 Siena, Italia - E-mail: simone.<br />


42<br />

Fig. 1. CT scans showing an osteolytic lesion in the right parietal<br />

region with inhomogeneous content with solid and calcified<br />

cystic components.<br />

Discussion<br />

Aneurysmal bone cyst belongs to the group of benign<br />

fibro-osseous lesions that also includes fibrous dysplasia,<br />

ossifying fibroma, cementifying fibroma and benign osteoblastoma<br />

3 . Jaffe and Lichtenstein 4 coined the term in 1942<br />

to describe an atypical bone lesion with a vascular lining<br />

and a characteristic “soap bubble” radiologic picture of expanded<br />

bone. A review of the published literatureafter 1960<br />

revealed 44 <strong>case</strong>s of ABC involving the skull, of which only<br />

4 <strong>case</strong>s involved the parietal bone 5-8 . The lesion is more<br />

common in women than men, and in young individuals in<br />

References<br />

1 Giovanni L, Maurizio F, Mario S. Angiography and computerized<br />

tomography in the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst of the skull.<br />

Case <strong>report</strong>. J Neurosurg 1980;53:113-6.<br />

2 Ameli NO, Abbasioun K, Azod A, Saleh H. Aneurysmal bone cyst<br />

of the skull. Can J Neurol Sci 1984;11:466-71.<br />

3 Saito K, Fukuta K, Takahashi M, Seki Y, Yoshida J. Benign fibro<br />

osseous lesions involving the skull base, paranasal sinuses and<br />

nasal cavity. J Neurosurg 1998;88:1116-9.<br />

4 Jaffe HL, Lichtenstein L. Solitary unicameral bone cyst with emphasis<br />

on the roentgen picture, the pathologic appearance and the<br />

pathogenesis. Arch Surg 1942;44:1004-102.<br />


Fig. 2. Histopathologic examination: large vascular spaces separated<br />

by fibrous septa containing spindly and ovoid stromal and<br />

multinucleated giant cells were visible; inflammatory cells, haemosiderin<br />

and granulation tissue were seen in the stroma.<br />

the first three decades of life Radiography usually shows an<br />

expansile cystic lesion with a honeycomb appearance; CT<br />

studies can delineate the bone architecture of the tumour,<br />

with a thin cortex of newly formed bone surrounding the<br />

mass with contents of heterogeneous densities. MRI shows<br />

a high signal intensity within the lesion, suggesting previous<br />

clot formation and a low intensity peripheral rim suggesting<br />

bone encapsulation. Histological examination shows bloodfilled<br />

spaces surrounded by compressed fibrous tissue rather<br />

than endothelium. Multinucleated giant cells of the osteoclast<br />

type throughout the fibrous stroma are also common.<br />

Haemosiderin laden macrophages and new bone formation<br />

is found within the stromal matrix.<br />

The treatment of choice for these lesions is total excision.<br />

Long-term outcome, without the necessity of adjuvant<br />

therapy (radiation therapy or chemotherapy), while simple<br />

curettage or partial resection has a high recurrence rate 9 .<br />

5 Alessio L, Iob I, Mottaran R, Salar G, Fiore D. Aneurysmal cysts<br />

of the fronto-parietal bone. Riv Neurol 1989;59:53-7.<br />

6 Oki S, Shima T, Uozumi T. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the skull – a<br />

<strong>case</strong> <strong>report</strong>. No Shinkei Geka 1978;6:1197-201.<br />

7 Branch CL Jr, Challa VR, Kelly DL Jr. Aneurysmal bone cyst<br />

with fibrous dysplasia of the parietal bone. Report of two <strong>case</strong>s. J<br />

Neurosurg 1986;64:331-5.<br />

8 Cacdac MA, Malis LI, Anderson PJ. Aneurysmal parietal bone<br />

cyst. Case <strong>report</strong>. J Neurosurg 1972;37:237-41.<br />

9 El Deeb M, Sedano HO, Waite DE. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the<br />

jaws. Report of a <strong>case</strong> associated with fibrous dysplasia and review<br />

of literature. Int J Oral Surg 1980;9:301-11.

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