vocabolario greco-italiano del Nuovo Testamento

vocabolario greco-italiano del Nuovo Testamento vocabolario greco-italiano del Nuovo Testamento

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legiîna: acc. sing. legiînaj: acc. pl. legione: 4 Totale: 4 lšgw (legô) una radice TDNT - 4: 69,505 Numero Strong: 3004 verbo 1) dire, parlare 1a) affermare, ritenere 1b) insegnare 1c) esortare, consigliare, comandare, dirigere 1d) segnalare con parole, intendere, volere dire 1e) chiamare per nome, chiamare, nominare 1f) parlare forte, parlare di, menzionare epa: 1sing. att. aor. ind. epan: 3pl. att. aor. ind. epaj: 2sing. att. aor. ind. e‡paj: att. aor. ptc. nom. sing. masc. e‡pate: 2pl. att. aor. imptv., 2pl. att. aor. ind. e‡patš: 2pl. att. aor. imptv. e„p£tw: 3sing. att. aor. imptv. e„p£twsan: 3pl. att. aor. imptv. e„p, e„pš: 2sing. att. aor. imptv. e„pe‹n: att. aor. inf. epen, epšn: 3sing. att. aor. ind. epej: 2sing. att. aor. ind. e‡pV: 3sing. att. aor. cong. e‡pVj: 2sing. att. aor. cong. e‡phte, e‡phtš: 2pl. att. aor. cong. epon, epÒn: 1sing. att. aor. ind. e„pÒn, e„pÕn: 2sing. att. aor. imptv. e„pÒnta: att. aor. ptc. acc. sing. masc. e„pÒntej: att. aor. ptc. nom. pl. masc. e„pÒntoj: att. aor. ptc. gen. sing. masc. e„poàsa: att. aor. ptc. nom. sing. femm. e‡pw: 1sing. att. aor. cong. e‡pwmen: 1pl. att. aor. cong. e„pèn, e„pën: att. aor. ptc. nom. sing. masc. e‡pwsin: 3pl. att. aor. cong. e‡rhka: 1sing. att. pf. ind. e‡rhkan: 3pl. att. pf. ind. e‡rhkaj: 2sing. att. pf. ind. e„r»kasin: 3pl. att. pf. ind. e„r»kate: 2pl. att. pf. ind.

e„r»kei: 3sing. att. ppf. ind. e‡rhken, e‡rhkšn: 3sing. att. pf. ind. e„rhkšnai: att. pf. inf. e„rhkÒtoj: att. pf. ptc. gen. sing. masc. e„rhmšnon: pass. pf. ptc. acc. sing. neut., pass. pf. ptc. nom. sing. neut. e‡rhtai: 3sing. pass. pf. ind. œlegen: 3sing. att. impf. ind. lšgete: 2pl. att. impf. ind. œlegon: 1sing. att. impf. ind., 3pl. att. impf. ind. re‹: 3sing. att. fut. ind. re‹j: 2sing. att. fut. ind. re‹te, re‹tš: 2pl. att. fut. ind. roàmen: 1pl. att. fut. ind. roàsin, roàs…n: 3pl. att. fut. ind. rršqh: 3sing. pass. aor. ind. rršqhsan: 3pl. pass. aor. ind. rî: 1sing. att. fut. ind. lšge: 2sing. att. pres. imptv. lšgei: 3sing. att. pres. ind. lšgein: att. pres. inf. lšgeij: 2sing. att. pres. ind. lšgesqai: pass. pres. inf. lšgetai: 3sing. pass. pres. ind. lšgete: 2pl. att. pres. imptv., 2pl. att. pres. ind. lšgetš: 2pl. att. pres. imptv. legštw: 3sing. att. pres. imptv. lšgV: 3sing. att. pres. cong. lšghte: 2pl. att. pres. cong. lšgomen: 1pl. att. pres. ind. legÒmena: pass. pres. ptc. acc. pl. neut. legomšnh: pass. pres. ptc. nom. sing. femm. legomšnhn: pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. femm. legomšnhj: pass. pres. ptc. gen. sing. femm. legÒmenoi: pass. pres. ptc. nom. pl. masc. legomšnoij: pass. pres. ptc. dat. pl. neut. legÒmenon: pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc., pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. neut. legÒmenoj: pass. pres. ptc. nom. sing. masc. legomšnou: pass. pres. ptc. gen. sing. masc. lšgon: att. pres. ptc. nom. sing. neut. lšgonta: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc., att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. neut. lšgont£: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc. lšgontaj: att. pres. ptc. acc. pl. masc. lšgontej: att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. masc., att. pres. ptc. voc. pl. masc. lšgonti: att. pres. ptc. dat. sing. masc. lšgontoj: att. pres. ptc. gen. sing. masc., att. pres. ptc. gen. sing. neut. legÒntwn: att. pres. ptc. gen. pl. masc. lšgousa: att. pres. ptc. nom. sing. femm. lšgousai: att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. femm. lšgousan: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. femm.

e„r»kei: 3sing. att. ppf. ind.<br />

e‡rhken, e‡rhkšn: 3sing. att. pf. ind.<br />

e„rhkšnai: att. pf. inf.<br />

e„rhkÒtoj: att. pf. ptc. gen. sing. masc.<br />

e„rhmšnon: pass. pf. ptc. acc. sing. neut., pass. pf. ptc. nom. sing. neut.<br />

e‡rhtai: 3sing. pass. pf. ind.<br />

œlegen: 3sing. att. impf. ind.<br />

lšgete: 2pl. att. impf. ind.<br />

œlegon: 1sing. att. impf. ind., 3pl. att. impf. ind.<br />

re‹: 3sing. att. fut. ind.<br />

re‹j: 2sing. att. fut. ind.<br />

re‹te, re‹tš: 2pl. att. fut. ind.<br />

roàmen: 1pl. att. fut. ind.<br />

roàsin, roàs…n: 3pl. att. fut. ind.<br />

rršqh: 3sing. pass. aor. ind.<br />

rršqhsan: 3pl. pass. aor. ind.<br />

rî: 1sing. att. fut. ind.<br />

lšge: 2sing. att. pres. imptv.<br />

lšgei: 3sing. att. pres. ind.<br />

lšgein: att. pres. inf.<br />

lšgeij: 2sing. att. pres. ind.<br />

lšgesqai: pass. pres. inf.<br />

lšgetai: 3sing. pass. pres. ind.<br />

lšgete: 2pl. att. pres. imptv., 2pl. att. pres. ind.<br />

lšgetš: 2pl. att. pres. imptv.<br />

legštw: 3sing. att. pres. imptv.<br />

lšgV: 3sing. att. pres. cong.<br />

lšghte: 2pl. att. pres. cong.<br />

lšgomen: 1pl. att. pres. ind.<br />

legÒmena: pass. pres. ptc. acc. pl. neut.<br />

legomšnh: pass. pres. ptc. nom. sing. femm.<br />

legomšnhn: pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. femm.<br />

legomšnhj: pass. pres. ptc. gen. sing. femm.<br />

legÒmenoi: pass. pres. ptc. nom. pl. masc.<br />

legomšnoij: pass. pres. ptc. dat. pl. neut.<br />

legÒmenon: pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc., pass. pres. ptc. acc. sing. neut.<br />

legÒmenoj: pass. pres. ptc. nom. sing. masc.<br />

legomšnou: pass. pres. ptc. gen. sing. masc.<br />

lšgon: att. pres. ptc. nom. sing. neut.<br />

lšgonta: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc., att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. neut.<br />

lšgont£: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. masc.<br />

lšgontaj: att. pres. ptc. acc. pl. masc.<br />

lšgontej: att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. masc., att. pres. ptc. voc. pl. masc.<br />

lšgonti: att. pres. ptc. dat. sing. masc.<br />

lšgontoj: att. pres. ptc. gen. sing. masc., att. pres. ptc. gen. sing. neut.<br />

legÒntwn: att. pres. ptc. gen. pl. masc.<br />

lšgousa: att. pres. ptc. nom. sing. femm.<br />

lšgousai: att. pres. ptc. nom. pl. femm.<br />

lšgousan: att. pres. ptc. acc. sing. femm.

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