0 Cop CAPRI 25 - Caesar Augustus

0 Cop CAPRI 25 - Caesar Augustus

0 Cop CAPRI 25 - Caesar Augustus


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L’offerta<br />

di pietanze<br />

di pesce<br />

nei ristoranti<br />

dell’isola<br />

è molto ampia.<br />

The restaurants<br />

on the island serve<br />

a huge variety<br />

of fish dishes.<br />

anche marinate con il limone o cucinate con<br />

il pangrattato. La vera squisitezza sono i ciacianielli,<br />

in italiano bianchetti, mentre il prodotto<br />

più trendy che si ricava dalle alici è la<br />

colatura, una salsa di pesce che i roma- ▼<br />

AS BLUE AS A ... FISH<br />


Tips on how to cook one<br />

of the mainstays of Capri’s<br />

cuisine<br />

Aggiungetevi un mestolo dell’acqua di cottura della pasta e un pizzico di<br />

sale. Fate cuocere i paccheri al dente, scolateli e saltateli in padella con il<br />

sugo. Decorate ogni piatto con tre spunzilli e una foglia di basilico.<br />

Paccheri con tonno e peperoncini verdi<br />

Ingredienti per 4 persone: 400 gr di paccheri, 400 gr di tonno fresco, 5<br />

peperoncini verdi dolci, 16 pomodorini del piennolo, olio extravergine di<br />

oliva, 1 spicchio di aglio, sale q.b.<br />

Fate rosolare uno spicchio di aglio in un grosso tegame con dell’olio<br />

d’oliva, tagliate a grosse rondelle i peperoncini verdi dolci e lasciateli<br />

appassire per qualche minuto con i pomodorini tagliuzzati e il tonno<br />

precedentemente sfilettato. Fate cuocere il tutto per un quarto d’ora<br />

circa. Nel frattempo portate a cottura i paccheri in abbondante acqua<br />

salata e, prima di servirli mantecateli per un minuto in padella con la<br />

salsa di tonno.<br />

Spaghetti con colatura di alici<br />

Ingredienti per 4 persone: 400 gr di spaghetti, 2 cucchiai di colatura di<br />

When you sit down to eat after your trip to<br />

the market you can be sure of one<br />

thing: bluefish will always be freshly<br />

caught in the Mediterranean. Although many<br />

Neapolitans may consider sea bass and gilthead<br />

the finest fish to be caught in the Gulf’s waters,<br />

the tiny anchovy, bluefish, little tuna, and grey<br />

mullet reign supreme in local sea cuisine.<br />

Cianciola e orto, “fishing boats and vegetable<br />

gardens”, is the winning combination, that’s why:<br />

after some fruit and vegetables, you set off in<br />

your little boat to fish near the Faraglioni, making<br />

sure that you only cross the stretch of water<br />

between the marina and Punta Campanella on<br />

calm sunny days so as to avoid unpleasant<br />

surprises. The traditional local diet was mainly<br />

vegetarian completed with quails caught on the<br />

slopes of Monte Solaro, goat meat and the fourlegged<br />

inhabitants that gave the island its name<br />

and humbler though tasty fish that went down<br />

well with the vegetables grown on the terraces<br />

dug out of the rock.<br />

The expression “bluefish” does not actually refer<br />

to a specific category of fish and is a generic<br />

term a bit like “seafood”. These fish get their<br />

name from the dark bluish-green colour of their<br />

backs while their bellies are pale silver. Fish<br />

belonging to this category are the gar fish,<br />

Spanish sardine, anchovy, needlefish, Spanish<br />

mackerel, sprat and horse mackerel. A number<br />

of other fish are also considered part of this<br />

group by virtue of their colour, despite their lack<br />

of similarity in terms of size or shape; they<br />

include the albacore, little tuna, bullet tuna,<br />

dolphin fish, bonito, swordfish and tuna fish.<br />

As we all know by now, bluefish contain oils<br />

mainly composed of unsaturated compounds,<br />

the most famous of which is Omega 3, believed<br />

by modern science to be extremely important for<br />

the development of the brain and protection of<br />

heart and arteries. Fresh fish – which can be<br />

recognised by their bright eyes, shiny skin and<br />

red gills – provides a good supply of vitamin E<br />

and B as well as minerals like selenium,<br />

phosphorus, fluoride and iodine. It is an<br />

antioxidant-rich food. How should we store blue<br />

fish? Being a fatty fish it must be stored correctly<br />

to prevent it from deteriorating: it should be<br />

gutted and washed before being placed in the<br />

refrigerator or freezer (preferably wrapped in<br />

cling film or in a lidded container to prevent fishy<br />

smells). It can only be frozen at home if you buy<br />

it fresh then immediately put in the freezer. But<br />

make sure you eat it within three months<br />

because its fat content doesn’t make it suitable<br />

for longer storage.<br />

Main species<br />

Various species of fish belong to this category.<br />

The most well known is the anchovy, a “poor”<br />

fish that can be prepared in a vast variety of<br />

ways. Anchovies are often prepared in oil or<br />

salted, but they can also be marinaded with<br />

lemon juice or cooked with breadcrumbs. Other<br />

speciality dishes are ciacianielli, or whitebait,<br />

while the gourmet food product of the moment is<br />

colatura, similar to the ancient Roman<br />

garum, a strongly flavoured sauce made<br />

mackerel, silver scabbard fish, sardine, ▼<br />

alici, 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva, prezzemolo, 1 spicchio di<br />

aglio, pinoli e noci (a piacere).<br />

Fate bollire l’acqua per gli spaghetti. Nel frattempo preparate il<br />

condimento a crudo: in una zuppiera mettete l’olio, la colatura di alici,<br />

l’aglio schiacciato a mano e un po’ di prezzemolo tritato. Ricordate di non<br />

aggiungere sale all’acqua di cottura. Scolate gli spaghetti al dente e conditeli<br />

nella zuppiera. A piacere potete addocire il piatto con pinoli o noci tritate.<br />

Tubettoni con alici fresche, capperi e pomodorini<br />

Ingredienti per 4 persone: 300 gr di tubettoni, 400 gr di alici fresche, 1<br />

spicchio di aglio, 50 gr di capperi, 300 gr di pomodorini freschi, olio<br />

extravergine di oliva.<br />

Preparate una salsetta fresca con i pomodorini tagliuzzati, dopo aver<br />

fatto soffriggere uno spicchio di aglio in una padella con dell’olio.<br />

Aggiungete i capperi e le alici fresche avendo cura di lasciar cuocere e<br />

insaporire solo per pochi minuti. Fate cuocere i tubettoni e una volta<br />

cotti fateli saltare in padella con la salsa di alici. Servite il piatto ben<br />

caldo.<br />


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