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Daniele/note storiche 28-07-2004 9:59 Pag<strong>in</strong>a 470<br />


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C.H.H.WRIGHT - Daniel and His Prophecies, Londra 1906.<br />

E. YAMAUCHI - “Archaeological Background of Daniel, <strong>in</strong> Grece and Babylon,<br />

Grand Rapids, Michigan 1967.<br />

E.J. YOUNG - The Prophecy of Daniel: A Commentary, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1949.<br />

E.J. YOUNG - “Daniel”, Introduzione e commento <strong>in</strong> The New Bible Commentary Revised,<br />

Londra.1970.<br />

S. ZEDDA - “L’Escatologia dell’Antico Testamento”, <strong>in</strong> Escatologia Biblica, vol. I,<br />

Brescia 1972.<br />

O.ZIMMERMAN - “The Aramaic Orig<strong>in</strong> of Daniel 8:12”, <strong>in</strong> Journal of Biblical Literature 57,<br />

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O.ZOECKLER - The Book of Daniel, New York 1915.<br />

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Basilea 1861.<br />

Testi di storia e Cronologia Antica<br />

F.A. ARBORIO MELLA - Dai Sumeri a Babele, Milano 1978.<br />

F.A. ARBORIO MELLA - L’impero persiano, Milano 1979.<br />

AUTORI VARI - Storia Universale Rizzoli Larousse (4voll.), Milano 1973.<br />

AUTORI VARI - Storia universale Feltr<strong>in</strong>elli; Milano 1968.<br />

J.BOTTERO - Mesopotamia, la scrittura, la mentalità, gli dèi, Tor<strong>in</strong>o 1991.<br />

G.CONTENAU - La Mesopotamia prima di Alessandro, Milano 1961.<br />

ERODOTO, Le Storie (<strong>in</strong> IX libri), Milano 1956.<br />

E.GIBBON - Decadenza e caduta dell’Impero Romano (5 voll.), Roma 1968.<br />

C. GRIMBERG - Storia Universale (12 voll.), Milano, senza data.<br />

S.HELLMANN - Storia del Medioevo, Genova 1990.<br />

L.W. KING - A History of Babylon, Londra 1919.<br />

G.PETTINATO - Babilonia, centro dell’Universo, Milano 1988.<br />

G.TOURN - I Valdesi, Tor<strong>in</strong>o 1981.<br />

A.S. TURBERVILLE - L’<strong>in</strong>quisizione spagnola, Milano 1957.<br />

P.VILLARI - Le <strong>in</strong>vasioni barbariche <strong>in</strong> Italia, Milano 1905<br />

E.J. BICKERMANN - Chronology of the Ancient World, Londra 1968.<br />

J.FINEGAN - Handbook of the Bible Chronology, Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton 1964.<br />

A.PARKER e W.H. DUBBERSTEIN - Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C. - A.D.45 Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton 1956.<br />

E.THIELE - The Misterious Numbers of the Hebrew K<strong>in</strong>g, Chicago 1951.<br />

D.J. WISEMAN - Chronocles of the Chaldean K<strong>in</strong>gs 626-556 B.C. <strong>in</strong> the British Museum,<br />

Londra, 1956.<br />

Grammatiche e Lessici delle L<strong>in</strong>gue Ebraica e Aramaica<br />

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