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Daniele/note storiche 28-07-2004 9:59 Pag<strong>in</strong>a 467<br />


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J.FABRE D’ENVIEU - Le Livre du prophète Daniel, 2 voll. , Parigi 1888 - 1890<br />

F.W. FARRAR - The Book of Daniel , 1895.<br />

A.J. FERCH - Daniel on Sound Ground, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton D.C. 1988.<br />

A.J. FERCH - “ Commencement Date for the Seventy Week Prophecy “ <strong>in</strong> Seventy week,<br />

Leviticus, Nature of Prophecy a cura di Holbrook KF. , Wash<strong>in</strong>gton D.C. 1986.<br />

A.J. FERCH - “The Judjement Scene <strong>in</strong> Daniel 7” <strong>in</strong> The Sanctuary and the Atonement,<br />

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A.J. FERCH - “The Book of Daniel and the Maccabean Thesis” <strong>in</strong> Andrews University<br />

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A.GAEBALEIN - Il Profeta Daniele, Valenza 1989.<br />

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