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La risposta immunitaria a stressori infettivi e noninfettivi<br />

nel suino: distinzione tra la risposta<br />

costitutiva in interferon-alfa rispetto a quella virusindotta<br />

Massimo Amadori, Elisabetta Razzuoli<br />

IZSLER - Brescia<br />

Background<br />

Established view<br />

A new conceptual<br />

framework<br />

Open problems<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Introduzione: l’allevamento del suino<br />

Allevamento suino e uso del farmaco veterinario<br />

Punti critici del ciclo zootecnico: lo svezzamento<br />

Conseguenze fisio-patologiche sugli animali<br />

Possibili strategie per un aumentato benessere e<br />

riduzione dell’uso del farmaco<br />

IZSLER Brescia

L’allevamento del suino in Italia<br />

Suino pesante: 10 milioni capi macellati / anno<br />

Circuiti esterni: 3 milioni capi macellati / anno<br />

Scrofe: 800.000 circa<br />

Suini prodotti: 18 milioni nel complesso<br />

Mancano all’ “appello” 5 milioni di animali !!<br />

Di questi è interessante la scomposizione<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Gli aspetti preoccupanti<br />

(Candotti P., Rota Nodari S., 2006)<br />

Categorie: morti, “scarti” o “declassati”. Quindi:<br />

1,8 milioni morti durante l’allattamento<br />

0,25 milioni di scrofe e verri macellati<br />

0,72 milioni morti entro 80 giorni di vita<br />

0,54 milioni morti nel restante periodo<br />

Rapporto ISTAT 2005: segnalati 800.000 lattoni<br />

e 1.200.000 magroni macellati<br />

2 milioni di suini macellati come “scarti” (11%)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Motivi di tali perdite ?<br />

Impianti tecnologici avanzati<br />

Riduzione ore lavoro / capo<br />

Strutture “hard”, alta competizione per risorse<br />

e zone riposo<br />

Qualità aria e pavimentazioni<br />

Fasi giovanili: patologie sistemiche (PMWS)<br />

Accrescimento: forme respiratorie<br />

Scrofe: rimonta al 35%, sindromi mammarie,<br />

osteo-articolari<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Uso degli antibiotici<br />

Condizioni attuali: uso di mangimi medicati su<br />

larga scala<br />

Uso profilattico: inaccettabile<br />

Farmaci iniettabili long acting : soggetti < 40<br />

Kg<br />

Soggetti malati: comunque numerosi<br />

Il trattamento di questi è obbligatorio (D.Lvo<br />

146/2001)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Resistenza agli antibiotici<br />

Parere Scientifico Congiunto 2009 di: ECDC,<br />


Antibiotico-resistenza di agenti di zoonosi:<br />

in aumento in tutto il mondo<br />

E’ necessario rafforzare la sorveglianza<br />

Sviluppare nuovi antibiotici<br />

Sviluppare nuove strategie di controllo<br />

della antibiotico-resistenza<br />

(http://www.efsa.europa.eu/cs/BlobServer/Scientific_O<br />

pinion/1372.pdf?ssbinary=true )<br />

IZSLER Brescia

La situazione attuale<br />

Preoccupanti i livelli di resistenza osservati con<br />

Salmonella e Campylobacter spp<br />

Possibile contributo di biocidi (disinfettanti,<br />

antisettici e conservanti)<br />

Livelli diversi nei Paesi UE<br />

Difficile adozione di strategia unitaria<br />

Fonti principali di contagio alimentare: macello<br />

e processazione di alimenti<br />

Precauzioni per fluorochinoloni e cefalosporine<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Ceppi Salmonella resistenti a Chinolonici<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Resistenze agli antibiotici e sanità pubblica:<br />

un’incognita?<br />

The New England Journal of Medicine<br />

342: 1242-1249, 2000<br />

Ceftriaxone-resistent salmonella infection<br />

acquired by a child from cattle<br />

Paul D. Fey et al.<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Fabbisogno di antibiotici: fronti di<br />

intervento<br />

Igiene zootecnica e benessere animale<br />

Tempestività degli accertamenti diagnostici<br />

Genetica animale e adattamento ambientale<br />

(“forbice” da controllare)<br />

Funzionalità del sistema immunitario innato ed<br />

adattativo<br />

Immuno-modulazione mirata in fasi critiche<br />

dei cicli zootecnici<br />

Quali basi concettuali ?<br />

IZSLER Brescia

stimoli<br />

psicosensoriali<br />


sistema neuroendocrino<br />


stimoli<br />

antigenici<br />

risposte<br />

comportamentali<br />

risposta<br />

immunitaria<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The stress response<br />

Immune response, stress and inflammation:<br />

ancestral set of responses neutralization of<br />

noxae perturbing body homeostasis<br />

Cytokines : homeostatic agents<br />

Effector mechanisms: similar in infectious and<br />

non-infectious stress<br />

For instance: IL-1 HPA + cerebral NA after<br />

infection, electric shock or restraint<br />

Brain IFN-α after infectious and noninfectious<br />

stimuli<br />

IZSLER Brescia

La risposta immunitaria<br />

Può essere rivolta verso:<br />



Degenerazione, stress e distruzione tissutale<br />

da cause varie (es. : alterazioni e disfunzioni<br />

metaboliche, stress ox, lesioni articolari,<br />

disturbi vascolari, ecc.)<br />

IZSLER Brescia


Sistema deputato al riconoscimento delle componenti<br />

estranee all’organismo animale<br />

Componenti della “clearance “ degli agenti di infezione<br />

Fase Caratteristiche Meccanismo<br />

Immediata (96 ore)<br />

Non specifica<br />

Inducibile<br />

Non da memoria<br />

Specifica, inducibile, dà<br />

memoria, Comporta<br />

linfociti specifici<br />

Interferon, cellule NK<br />

attivate da IFN<br />

Linfociti T Citotossici,<br />

interferon, anticorpi<br />

specifici<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Attivazione del Sistema Immunitario Innato<br />

1)PAMPs: strutture microbiche tipiche (LPS)<br />

Riconoscimento mediato da: PRP (es. TLR),<br />

RIG-like helicases (RIG-1 e MDA-5 per ac.<br />

Nucleici virali), NLRs (es. per PG batterico)<br />

2) DAMPS: da cellule danneggiate (es. acido<br />

urico) segnalazione del “pericolo”<br />

Quale teoria alla base del modello ?<br />

IZSLER Brescia

An innate sense of danger<br />

(Matzinger P., 2002, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 961, 341-342)<br />

Il paradigma “self – not self” è insufficiente<br />

Presenza fisiologica di cellule T e B autoreattive<br />

ma innocue, proteine del latte, Ag<br />

alimentari, batteri commensali, feti, sperma:<br />

fenomeni non spiegati dal paradigma<br />

Driving force: riconoscimento del “pericolo”<br />

Danger: stress e/o distruzione tissutale:<br />

rilascio di segnali (alarmine o DAMPs)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Il ruolo delle “alarmine”<br />

DAMPs o “alarmine”: prodotto di cellule<br />

necrotiche, stressate e degenerate<br />

Alarmine: HMGB1 (e istoni in generale): lega<br />

TLR2 e 4, RAGE<br />

ROS ciclofillina A, proteine S100 (A8, A9):<br />

legame a TLR-4<br />

Trasduzione di potenti segnali in senso proflogistico:<br />

SAPK cJun NH2, p38 MAPK<br />

HSP72: antagonista naturale di tali risposte<br />

(vedi bovine da latte !)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Alarmine: secrezione di istoni in cellule BHK-21<br />

infettate da FMDV O1 Losanna<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

30’ k30 120’ k120’ 240’ k240’ 360 k360’<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Infiammazione mortale, no infezione.<br />

Il mistero SIRS<br />

(Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)<br />

Esempio: pazienti con gamba rotta, dopo 2 giorni<br />

febbre altissima, shock, resp. artificiale<br />

Ipotesi trad. Ridotto flusso ematico all’intestino,<br />

aumento permeab. Intestinale, batteriemia<br />

In realtà: quadro plasmatico sterile in vena porta<br />

Plasma: alto contenuto di DNA, MITOCONDRI !<br />

Per SII: mitocondri = Batteri = risposta flogistica<br />

HBS (Hemorragic Bowel Syndrome) nelle bovine da<br />

latte ??<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Organizzazione della risposta flogistica:<br />

il ruolo dell’inflammosoma<br />

Indotto da segnali di PAMPs e DAMPs<br />

Complesso di oligomeri NLRs/adattatore (ASC)<br />

caspasi 1 IL-1β<br />

3 classi: Nalp1, Nalp3, IPAF (diverso effettore)<br />

IL-1β MyD88: trasduzione di segnale come<br />

PAMP !!<br />

Attivazione: variazioni ioniche (K+), ATP, acido<br />

urico, stress ox<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Ruolo degli inflammosomi<br />

Discriminare l’ambiente microbico e non<br />

microbico per individuare le condizioni di<br />

“pericolo” (Danger Theory)<br />

Repertano segnali infiammatori endogeni in<br />

assenza di infezioni microbiche (vedi SIRS!)<br />

Sono alla base dell’efficacia di alcuni adiuvanti<br />

come Al (OH) 3 DC inflammosoma<br />

NALP3 IL-1β<br />

Collegamento immunità innata / adattativa<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Come si manifesta la risposta a<br />

stressor non-infettivi ?<br />

1) Fenomeno flogistico citochine e chemochine<br />

circuiti regolazione omeostatica<br />

2) Risposta linfocitaria allo stress (specie linf. T γδ):<br />

Riconoscimento di “neo-antigeni” e antigeni da stress:<br />

T10, T22, CD1c (DC!), IPP, ATPseF1, altri Ag MHC-like<br />

(MICA, MICB, H60). Ovvero:<br />

Danno epit. Linf.Tγδ DC risposta T conv.<br />

(inversione del flusso consueto)<br />

Lymphoid Stress-Surveillance Response<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Una nuova frontiera: il concetto di<br />

“Behavioral Immunization”<br />

Precedenti blandi stress sono “educativi”<br />

Fenomeni immunitari implicati ?<br />

Topi deficitari di cellule T fronteggiano peggio lo<br />

stress mentale<br />

Stress: aumentato traffico di linfociti al cervello<br />

Effetto protettivo verso nuovo stress<br />

Minore ansietà dopo vaccinazione con peptide<br />

SNC<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Esistono evidenze in medicina veterinaria?<br />

Lymphoid Stress-Surveillance Response: modelli<br />

umani e murini<br />

Secrezione di citochine in risposta a stressors<br />

non-infettivi: evidenziata anche in bovini e suini<br />

Interferon I (specie IFN-α) gioca un ruolo<br />

regolatorio centrale<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Interferon: a dogma in immunology<br />

Dogmas / paradigms = serendipitous<br />

Discovery of new components of the immune<br />

system<br />

Interferon = no exception to this rule<br />

1957 = Isaacs and Lindenmann discovery of<br />

a potent antiviral substance accumulated in<br />

embryonated eggs<br />

50 years later: most immunologists share the<br />

same view: antiviral activity + “accessory<br />

properties”<br />

IZSLER Brescia

IFNs as homeostatic agents<br />

Three types of IFNs (I, II and III)<br />

Type I IFN: 10 sub-families (α, β, ω, τ, etc.); many α subtypes<br />

IFN-α : a highly diversified system (13 genes and 5 pseudogenes<br />

in humans; at least 14 genes and 2 pseudogenes in pigs) should<br />

serve diverse functions and effector mechanisms<br />

Low levels of IFN α/β in tissues of healthy subjects:<br />

constitutive expression<br />

Steady-state role under health conditions<br />

Most important: frequent involvment in the stress<br />

response<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The physiological IFN response<br />

IFN is produced under health conditions: e.g.<br />

after meals and drinking<br />

Not obligatorily related to infection status<br />

This is true of the whole type I family<br />

IFN-β : maintenance of memory T cells<br />

IFN-τ : survival of the conceptus in ruminants<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Aims of the physiological IFN response<br />

Strong cellular responses to viruses and<br />

cytokines<br />

To control the effects of growth factors<br />

To prevent unnecessary harmful inflammatory<br />

responses in tissues<br />

Default function of IFN-α<br />

It would complement other established<br />

biological activities after infectious and noninfectious<br />

IFN-inducing stimuli<br />

IZSLER Brescia

In vitro activity of IFN-α<br />

Very low concentrations (0.05 – 5 U/ml)<br />

down-regulate CD14 expression in swine<br />

PBMC and PAM, as opposed to higher<br />

concentrations<br />

Signalling by LPS/LPS binding protein is<br />

inhibited<br />

Released CD14: potent scavenging system for<br />

LPS<br />

IZSLER Brescia

How does the control action take place?<br />

A direct modulation of the inflammatory<br />

response in target cells<br />

Release of second messengers for<br />

neighbouring cells<br />

Neighbouring cells would be thus instructed to<br />

down-regulate the inflammatory response<br />

An in vivo propagation of these signals to<br />

distant sites would be possible as well.<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The IFN-α response in farm animals<br />

Low-titered IFN-α response in pigs after early<br />

weaning and transportation (calves, too)<br />

Early weaning: activation of inflammatory<br />

cytokine genes in the small intestine and upregulation<br />

of IFN-γ in PBMC<br />

IFN-α at weaning: (1) A SPF pig model . (2) A<br />

conventional pig model<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The SPF pig study<br />

1 litter of L x Lw SPF piglets (n. 8)<br />

Matched for weight at day 20 of age (4.9±0.9 versus<br />

5.4±0.8 Kg in treatment and control groups, respectively)<br />

and weaned one day later.<br />

At weaning, 4 piglets: 20 IU freeze-dried human IFNalpha<br />

/ Kg b.w. for 10 days in RG lactose per os. 4 piglets:<br />

placebo (the same mass of RG lactose) in a separate cage.<br />

Daily clinical inspections. Blood samples at days –1 / +3 /<br />

+21 with respect to weaning<br />

Individual weight controls at days –1/ +21 / +30<br />

RT real time PCR for inflammatory cytokine genes in<br />

PBMC. Interferon-α and TNF-α bio-assays on serum<br />

samples (MDBK and WEHI 164 cells).<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Results obtained on SPF piglets<br />

No clinical difference between treated and control animals<br />

Daily weight gain greater in IFN alpha-treated groups between days -1<br />

and +21 and also between days 21 and 30; the effect of the treatment between<br />

days –1 and + 30 was almost significant (p

log2(n-fold)<br />

N-fold gene expression values by the 2 -ΔΔCt method<br />

(basis: mean value at day -1)<br />

Housekeeping gene: TATA box-binding protein gene (TBP)<br />

2.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.0<br />

-1.0<br />

-2.0<br />

-3.0<br />

-4.0<br />

-5.0<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

IFNA<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

IFNG IL1B IL6<br />

TNF<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

α<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

β<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

b<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

a<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

3d 21d 3d 21d 3d 21d 3d 21d 3d 21d<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

-hIFN-alpha<br />

+hIFN-alpha<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Aims:<br />

The conventional pig model<br />

1) To check the oral, IFN-α treatment under<br />

practical, large-scale conditions (in drinking<br />

water)<br />

2) To evaluate the endogenous IFN-α<br />

response<br />

3) To assess the influence of the weaning age<br />

4) To characterize such a stress-induced<br />

response<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The field trial: role of the endogenous IFN-α response<br />

39, LxLW piglets, of a healthy, farrow-to-finish<br />

herd, randomly allocated to:<br />

Group 1: weaned at 28 days (19 pigs, 2 litters)<br />

Group 2: weaned at 22 days (20 pigs, 2 litters)<br />

Group 3: weaned at 22 days and orally treated<br />

with hIFN-α in drinking water (1 IU / Kg<br />

b.w. over 10 days) (20 piglets, 2 litters).<br />

Clinical checks and blood samplings at days -1 /<br />

+6 / +12 with respect to weaning<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Clinical findings<br />

All piglets remained healthy during the trial<br />

No clinical difference between early and late weaning<br />

groups. DMWG: greater in the late weaning group<br />

(28 days) and in IFN-treated animals (both: +1.5<br />

Kg on average at 48 days of age) (p

The IFN-α response in serum samples<br />

Interferon alpha-positive<br />

alpha positive pigs out of the total<br />

Groups Day -1 Day + 6 Day + 12<br />

1 (weaned at 28 days) 1/19 7/19* 0/19<br />

2 (weaned at 22 days) 1/20 20/20 1/20<br />

3 (weaned at 22 days<br />

and IFN alphatreated)<br />

0/20 18/20 0/20<br />

*Significantly different, p

Gel-filtration<br />

Gel filtration on a Sephadex G-75 75 column of IFN-α IFN in samples<br />

from group 2 pigs at day + 6<br />

Kav<br />

0,8<br />

0,7<br />

0,6<br />

0,5<br />

0,4<br />

0,3<br />

0,2<br />

0,1<br />

Fractions checked by a bioassay<br />

on MDBK cells<br />

Serum<br />

* Also shown by rec. IFN-α 1<br />

0<br />

y = -0,5959x+3,1898<br />

27-30 27 30 kDa*<br />

17-18 17 18 kDa*<br />

< 14 kDa<br />

(Apparent MW)<br />

R 2 = 0,9909<br />

4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 4,9<br />

PM log<br />

Log MW<br />

Fractions checked by ELISA<br />

with mAbs F17 and K9<br />

PBMC NP-40 lysates<br />

Also: 58 kDa (dimer)<br />

and 41 kDa<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Flow Cytometry: Cytometry:<br />

analysis of intracellular IFN-α in<br />

fixed and permeabilized swine PBMC at day +6<br />

IFN-α positive samples out of the total:<br />

• Group 1: 4 / 19 (0.6 – 3.9% positive cells)<br />

• Group 2: 10 / 20 (0.6 – 8.8% positive cells)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Control<br />

Anti-IFN α mAb<br />

Flow cytometry assay for intracellular porcine IFN-α<br />

in fixed and permeabilized swine PBMC at day +6<br />

2% IFN α−positive cells on average<br />

(0.1 – 0.3% in 2-3 month-old pigs)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

RT real time PCR for IFN-α IFN genes (group group 2 pigs) pigs<br />

Day -1<br />

Campione IFN-α 1 IFN-α 2 IFN-α 3 IFN-α 4 IFN-α 5/6 IFN-α 7/11 IFN-α 8 IFN-α12<br />

25T0 - - - - + - - +<br />

26T0 - - - - + - - +<br />

28T0 - - - - - - - +<br />

29T0 - - - - + - - +<br />

30T0 - - - - + + - +<br />

31T0 + - - - + - - -<br />

32T0 + + - - - + - -<br />

33T0 - - - - + - - -<br />

34T0 + + - - + + - +<br />

Day +6: no expression evidenced<br />

Day +12<br />

Campione IFN-α 1 IFN-α 2 IFN-α 3 IFN-α 4 IFN-α 5/6 IFN-α 7/11 IFN-α 8 IFN-α12<br />

25T+12 + + - - - - - -<br />

26T+12 + + - - - - - -<br />

28T+12 + + - - + - - +<br />

29T+12 - - - + - - -<br />

30T+12 - - - - + - - -<br />

31T+12 - + - - + - - +<br />

32T+12 + + - - - - - -<br />

33T+12 - - - - + - - -<br />

34T+12 + + - - + + - +<br />

Assays carried out according to Cheng G. et al., (2006), Gene 382, 28-38<br />

(No valid results for IFN α 10 gene)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

IFN-α gene expression at days -1, +6, +12<br />

Day -1<br />

Day +12<br />

Day +6<br />

Day +12<br />

Day +12<br />

Day -1<br />

Day +6<br />

Day -1<br />

RT real time PCR for IFN-α 5/6<br />

The test was carried out on<br />

PBMC of the same pig at days –1<br />

/ +6 / +12 with respect to weaning<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Constitutive and virus-induced expression<br />

Previous data on PK-15 cells in vitro:<br />

Virus-induced expression: IFN-α 2/3/4/8/9/10/13<br />

Constitutive expression: IFN-α 1/2/5/6/7/11/12<br />

Truncated Porcine IFN-α genes: IFN-α 1/2/3/11<br />

Genes with N-glycosylation site: IFN-α 7/9/10/11<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Issues raised by the field trial and in vitro tests<br />

Is this pattern of response also applied to<br />

infectious (viral) stressors ?<br />

Are inflammatory cytokines released at<br />

weaning implied in the modulation of type I<br />

IFN system ?<br />

This is the reason why we investigated IFN<br />

genes and proteins in a relevant model of in<br />

vitro cultured swine PBMC from healthy, 70 to<br />

80-day old animals, far away from the<br />

weaning stress.<br />

IZSLER Brescia

In vitro tests<br />

IFN proteins (α nd γ) and IFN-α gene expression<br />

in PBMC cultures of 70/80-day old pigs<br />

Time 0<br />

Unstimulated control<br />

Priming (100 IU/ml IFN-a)<br />

Priming + Paramixovirus (NDV) stimulation<br />

NDV, only<br />

Supernatant collection / RNA extraction after 18<br />

hours of culture<br />

IZSLER Brescia

In vitro results<br />

IFN-α1, α2, α4, α5/6 and α7/11 genes were shown to be<br />

involved in constitutive expression in uncultured PBMC<br />

(Time 0 samples).<br />

Further IFN-α genes were then expressed in culture.<br />

Interestingly, expression was often shown in unstimulated<br />

cultures, as well.<br />

As a result, NDV stimulation often caused only increased<br />

expression compared with unstimulated cultures<br />

Alpha 9 expression: virus-dependent, associated to<br />

protein release<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Un ruolo di IL-1β ?<br />

IL-1β suina ricombinante può indurre in vitro<br />

tracce di IFN-α.<br />

Colture di PBMC e di sangue in toto<br />

Per quanto concerne i geni IFN-α, IL-1β si<br />

comporta come NDV, specie per quanto<br />

concerne il gene α9<br />

La co-presenza di TNF-a modula<br />

l’espressione dei geni IFN-α da parte di IL-<br />

1β<br />

Ruolo di inflammosoma in vivo ?<br />

IZSLER Brescia

A possible explanation of the IFN-α response ?<br />

Weaning<br />

(alarmins)<br />

Intestinal cell damage NLRs<br />

inflammosomes IL-1β<br />

Type I IFN<br />

(Control action)<br />

IL-18<br />

IL-12<br />

Ads. LPS<br />

(Amplification of<br />

antibacterial<br />

immune<br />

response)<br />

(α / β) (control action ?)<br />

IFN-γ: danger ! (Imbalance Th17/Treg in SI?)<br />

Up-regulation of crypt cell response to LPS, downregulation<br />

of repair processes in ECM, increased intestinal<br />

permeability: post-weaning diarrhoea !!<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Response to LPS of intestinal cells<br />

Porcine intestinal epithelial cells: expression<br />

of TLR-4 / MD2 complex (Moue et al., 2008)<br />

Fully competent for a response to LPS (IL-8<br />

for example)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Which circumstantial evidence ?<br />

IL-12 + IL-18 i.p. diarrhoea in mice<br />

Histologically, lesions in SI similar to those of pigs after<br />

weaning. Effects abrogated in IFN-γ KO mice (Chikano<br />

S. et al., 2000, Gut, 47, 779-786)<br />

IFN-γ increases intestinal epithelial permeability<br />

(Beaurepaire C. et al., 2009)<br />

In piglets, IL-1β gene is up-regulated in most parts of<br />

the intestine after weaning (Pié S. et al., 2004)<br />

In piglets, plasma IL-1β is increased after weaning<br />

(McCracken B. et al. 1995)<br />

In vitro, porcine IL-1β induces IFN-α in leukocyte<br />

cultures.<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Conclusions: (1)<br />

An oral, low-dose IFN-α treatment was shown to<br />

modulate the stress of early weaning<br />

No clinical difference, but DMWG was greater<br />

IFN-γ is the main target of the control action in PBMC<br />

This is justified by precise biological properties of IFN-γ<br />

IFN-α: possible amplification loop of the IL-1β response<br />

TNF-α and IL-6 play instead a minor role in the 1st week<br />

after weaning<br />

A tendency to a control action in the 3rd week after<br />

weaning (correlation with WG data in the field trial !)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Conclusions: (2)<br />

Endogenous IFN-α is involved in the pigs’<br />

adaptation strategy to weaning<br />

The requirement is probably lesser in 4 -, compared<br />

with 3-week old piglets.<br />

A transcriptional feed-back control on IFN-α is<br />

exerted at day 6 after weaning.<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Take home message<br />

Type I IFNs can act as important homeostatic<br />

agents in the response to environmental stressors<br />

The immune system displays similar responses to<br />

both infectious and non-infectious stressors<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Use of IFN-α in veterinary medicine<br />

Field trials as immunomodulator: IFN<br />

administration and induction of endogenous IFN<br />

Environment is critical: poor efficacy in the<br />

presence of overwhelming infectious pressure<br />

Protocols to be adopted in “problem” herds<br />

and/or in farms with abnormal values of clinical<br />

immunological parameters.<br />

Evidence of reduced immunological competence<br />

IZSLER Brescia

IFN-α trial 1: anamnestic data<br />

In a farrow-to-finish farm with 520 sows, a respiratory form was<br />

observed in 40-day old piglets (20 days after weaning) :<br />

» High morbility: 60%<br />

» Dry cough<br />

» Mortality: 7-12%<br />

» Low-grade anorexia<br />

15% of piglets experienced progressive wasting<br />

Virological tests on affected animals revealed both PRRSV (Eu and<br />

USA) and PCV2<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Protocol<br />

Trial scheme<br />

Oral administration of freeze-dried IFN-α for 15 days after weaning<br />

Product constantly fed (10 IU/Kg bw) by an automatic device through the<br />

drinkers<br />

A more strict control of good farming practices<br />

Controls: initial and final weights of pigs, number of dead and waste pigs,<br />

mean daily weight gain<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Group Pigs<br />

Mean<br />

weight<br />

at 22 days<br />

(Kg)<br />

Results<br />

Mean weight<br />

at 86 days<br />

(Kg)<br />

Daily weight<br />

gain (Kg)<br />

Dead and<br />

waste pigs<br />

(%)<br />

IFN-α treated 280 5.6 37.1 0.48 1.4*<br />

Controls 280 5.6 33.8 0.44 4.9*<br />


IFN-α trial 2<br />

(Candotti P., Rota Nodari S., 2003)<br />

Aim: to evaluate the<br />

clinical efficacy of oral<br />

IFN-α treatment against<br />

a reproductive<br />

syndrome ( abortion,<br />

agalaxia and<br />

periparturient mortality)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Use of oral IFN-α in an outbreak of reproductive PRRS<br />

In july 2002 a herd of 400 sows was affected<br />

by a typical PRRS outbreak, characterized:<br />

» Early parturition<br />

» Agalaxia<br />

» High mortality of piglets<br />

Oral administration in the farrowing cage,<br />

starting at day 7 before the alleged parturition<br />

date till day 3 after farrowing<br />

IZSLER Brescia

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

Results: sows<br />

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9<br />

Healthy<br />

Diseased<br />

IZSLER Brescia

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Week 1<br />

Week 2<br />

Week 3<br />

Week 4<br />

Results: piglets<br />

Week 5<br />

Week 6<br />

Week 7<br />

Week 8<br />

Week 9<br />

Weaned %<br />

Mortality %<br />

IZSLER Brescia

IFN-α trial 3: reproductive PRRS<br />

(Candotti P., Rota Nodari S., 2003)<br />

In January 2002 a herd of 1100 sows was<br />

affected by reproductive PRRS:<br />

» Enzootic abortion<br />

Oral administration of IFN-α was carried out<br />

on all pregnant sows in the ad libitum food<br />

ration for 15 days in a row<br />

The treatment was repeated 15 days later<br />

IZSLER Brescia

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

June<br />

August<br />

October<br />

Results<br />

December<br />

Abortions<br />

February<br />

April<br />

June<br />

August<br />

October<br />

December<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Dose/response curve of IFN-α<br />

Foundation in the dose/response curve<br />

Immune effector functions: bell-shaped curve<br />

Positive/decrease/even reversion (e.g. Ab response<br />

to sheep RBC in mice)<br />

Concept: low dose priming / high dose suppression<br />

Timing and concentration: crucial roles (subtypes?)<br />

At odds with antiviral / anti-proliferative activities:<br />

it increases with increasing IFN-α concentrations<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Homeostatic role of IFN-α:<br />

truck transportation of calves<br />

Long-distance journeys of calves:<br />

Serious sensory dullness<br />

Dehydration (HCT, serum protein, albumin, Hb)<br />

Adrenal response (glucose, urea)<br />

PO 4 increase e Fe decrease<br />

Detection of IFN-α in serum<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Risposta al trasporto: citochine e risposta APP+<br />

concentrazione<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

in vitelli trasportati dalla Polonia<br />

T-2 T-1 T0 T+4 T+15<br />

tempo<br />

IL-6 (ng/ml)<br />

TNF alfa (ng/ml)<br />

Aptoglobina (mg/dl)<br />

Elevata risposta in IL-6 e TNF-alfa (carattere compensativo) prima e dopo il trasporto<br />

Risposta APP+<br />

Elevata pressione infettante in allevamento di origine<br />

IZSLER Brescia

IFN-alfa IFN alfa e risposta adattativa in vitelli trasportati<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

dalla Polonia<br />

T-2 T-1 T0 T+4 T+15<br />

Tempo<br />

IFN-alfa<br />

Negativi<br />

Positivi<br />

Risposta in IFN-alfa in tutti gli animali nel centro di raccolta e dopo il trasporto<br />

Diminuzione a 4 giorni dall’arrivo in Italia<br />

Conferma del suo ruolo adattativo di tale citochina<br />

picco di citochine infiammatorie risposta IFN-alfa<br />

IZSLER Brescia

La filiera ANAFI:<br />

il trasporto dei bovini di breve durata<br />

5 trasporti controllati di torelli Frisoni di 6-12<br />

mesi al Centro Genetico ANAFI di Cremona<br />

(totale 26)<br />

Dicembre 2008, Gennaio 2009, Aprile 2009,<br />

Giugno 2009, Luglio 2009<br />

200 – 300 Km, 3-6 ore*, Torino-Cuneo/Cremona<br />

Sopralluoghi a T-4 (esame clinico ed etologico),<br />

T0 (carico-scarico), T+4, T+15, T+30<br />

Prelievi ematici nelle stesse date<br />

Riprese filmate da T-4 a T+4<br />

IZSLER Brescia

E’ importante la componente climatica nei<br />

trasporti animali ? Suddivisione dei trasporti di<br />

breve durata su base stagionale<br />

Si possono distinguere:<br />

2 trasporti invernali (range: 5,7-13,7 °C; 2,6-<br />

9,4 °C ). Trasporti 1 e 2<br />

1 trasporto in stagione termo-neutrale (range<br />

11,3-16,1 °C) Trasporto 3<br />

2 trasporti estivi (range 23-33 °C, THI 46-<br />

73,5). Trasporti 4-5. Temp. > superiori a<br />

quelle prospettate nel doc. Commissione UE<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Lesioni muscolari, enzima CK plasmatico<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

T-4 T0 T+4 T+15 T+30<br />

CK<br />

giorni dal trasporto<br />

Andamento differente nel trasporto 1 a causa di forti interazioni<br />

agoniste di 2 torelli, mai tenuti in gruppo prima. Elevata<br />

prevalenza di risposte IFN-alfa sino a T+15 !!<br />

Gruppo 1<br />

Gruppo2<br />

Gruppo3<br />

Gruppo4<br />

Gruppo 5<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Risposta negativa (APP-) e positiva di fase acuta<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Albumina<br />

T-4 T0 T+4 T+15 T+30<br />

giorni dal trasporto<br />

La risposta APP+ nel gruppo 5 è accompagnata da risposta APP-<br />

(ipo-albuminemia) a T+15, come evidenziato nelle bovine da latte<br />

nel periparto. Forte correlazione con la risposta in IFN-alfa !!<br />

Gruppo 1<br />

Gruppo2<br />

Gruppo3<br />

Gruppo4<br />

Gruppo 5<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Citochina IL-6 e risposta di fase acuta<br />

10000<br />

1000<br />

100<br />

10<br />

1<br />

T-4 T0 T+4<br />

giorni dal trasporto<br />

T+15 T+30<br />

Andamento atteso per i trasporti 2 e 5: come atteso, in assenza<br />

di lesioni, RFA dipende da incremento ad alto titolo di IL-6<br />

plasmatica.<br />

IL 6<br />

Gruppo 1<br />

Gruppo2<br />

Gruppo3<br />

Gruppo4<br />

Gruppo 5<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Trasporto breve: conclusioni<br />

Non è possibile considerare l’impatto del trasporto<br />

avulso dal contesto ambientale (origine +<br />

destinazione): strategia adattativa globale.<br />

L’esito finale in termini di sanità e benessere animale<br />

dipende dal complesso di condizioni pre e post<br />

trasporto, oltre che dal trasporto stesso.<br />

2 strategie di adattamento:<br />

A basso impatto infiammatorio (gr. 3): incremento e/o<br />

allungamento delle alterazioni da stress acuto<br />

(cortisolo, NEFA, glucosio, lattato)<br />

Ad alto impatto infiammatorio (gr. 1): da traumi nel<br />

trasporto (CK, APP+, IFN-alfa, NEFA)<br />

<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The “hinge” role of IFN-α<br />

A “hinge” role of IFN-α between innate and<br />

adaptive immunity is widely recognized<br />

PDC IFN-α type and extent of the<br />

adaptive immune response<br />

The concept should now be widened<br />

IFN-α would also promote a balance between<br />

danger and response<br />

A homeostatic control action: the “spring”<br />

mechanism<br />

IZSLER Brescia

The “spring” mechanism of IFN-α<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Flow chart of actions<br />

Start of innate immunity: IFN-α released at<br />

moderate/high concentrations after TLR<br />

recognition of microbes<br />

Later on clearance of microbes decrease<br />

of IFN-α release<br />

Shift to an inflammatory control action based<br />

on the transcriptional control of inflammatory<br />

cytokine genes and PAMP receptors (CD14)<br />

Major tissue damage is avoided<br />

The system gets at a “stand-by” status<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Tuning of the IFN-α response<br />

Tuning of the response of paramount<br />

importance<br />

Detrimental effects because of high therapy<br />

dosage, overexpression in transgenic mice,<br />

genetic defects of regulation even without<br />

infection<br />

This confirms the induction of IFN-α under<br />

health conditions and the need for a strict<br />

control of this response<br />

Excessive concentrations of IFN-α checked by<br />

Ab responses in the host (self /not self ??)<br />

IZSLER Brescia

A note of caution<br />

Several features need to be investigated<br />

4 issues:<br />

which effector cell populations ?<br />

how are they activated ?<br />

how can they sense different<br />

concentrations of IFN-α ?<br />

how do they propagate the signal ?<br />

As many issues for future research !!<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Acknowledgements<br />

Dr. Paolo Candotti, IZSLER, Brescia<br />

Dr. Ivonne Laura Archetti, IZSLER, Brescia<br />

Dr. Barbara Begni, IZSLER, Brescia<br />

Antonio Cristiano<br />

Cinzia Mantovani<br />

Lab technicians, IZSLER<br />

IZSLER Brescia

Thank you for<br />

the attention !<br />

IZSLER Brescia

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